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& 允许多选PMI China Congress 2010
主论坛演讲 | General Session
PMI(项目管理协会)董事会主席白尤今(Eugene C. Bounds)先生,PMP | Eugene C. Bounds, Chair of the PMI (Project Management Institute) Board of Directors, PMP
白尤今先生在项目集、项目管理,以及大规模系统开发领域拥有三十多年的经验。他曾任美国空军军官,并担任过卡耐基梅隆大学软件工程学院系主任、格隆公司(Robbins-Gioia, LLC)执行副总裁及首席运营官。他现任博思艾伦公司(Booz Allen Hamilton)高级副总裁。
Mr. Bounds has more than 30 years experience in program and project management in addition to large-scale systems development. He is a retired U.S. Air Force officer, and has served as a sector director at Carnegie Mellon University's Software Engineering Institute, executive vice president and chief operating officer at Robbins-Gioia, LLC and is currently a senior vice president at Booz Allen Hamilton.
A PMI member since 1989 and PMP? (#977) credential holder since 1991, Mr. Bounds has been active in three U.S. PMI chapters: Mile-Hi Chapter (Denver, Colorado); Pittsburgh Chapter (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania); and with his current affiliation with the Washington, DC Chapter.
Additionally, Mr. Bounds was an active participant in the initial Organisational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3?) working group.
In 1995, Mr. Bounds received an award for being a founder of the PMI Information Systems Specific Interest Group (SIG).
Mr. Bounds was elected to the PMI Board in 2007. In 2009 he was vice chair/chair of the Strategic Planning and Program Alignment Committee. He also served as chair of the Performance Oversight Committee in 2008. Other honors and awards include:
Elected to the board of directors for the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, Washington, D.C. Chapter, serving a three year term
Recipient of the Federal Computer Week Federal 100 Award—one of 100 executives having the greatest impact on the U.S. government information systems community
Recognized speaker and author in project management, IT management and risk management
Mr. Bounds' education and military service include:
M.S. Information Systems, University of Southern California
B.B.A., Information Systems, Texas Tech University
U.S. Air Force, 1968 – 1989
PMI(项目管理协会)总裁兼首席执行官贝格雷 (Gregory Balestrero) 先生 | Gregory Balestrero, President and Chief Executive Officer, Project Management Institute
作为促进项目管理专业发展的首席使者,贝格雷先生每年有200多天代表PMI在世界各地访问。他曾经在许多首席执行官国际会议上担任特邀演讲人,例如《经济学人》、《商业周刊》和《福布斯》论坛以及博鳌经济论坛,贝格雷先生发表重要演说,阐述在当今全球商业环境中项目管理对取得成功的重要性。贝格雷先生在全球30多个国家代表PMI出席了许多重大活动。他的谈话经常被各国和国际媒体引用,他本人也多次作为嘉宾出席新闻和商业电视节目,其中包括CNBC、BBC World和Sky News。
贝格雷先生享有世界生产率科学家学院授予的会员资格,工业工程荣誉协会Alpha Pi Mu的名誉会员。他在位于佐治亚州亚特兰大市的佐治亚理工学院获得工业工程学学士学位,并曾在美国陆军服役。
Gregory Balestrero spends more than 200 days a year traveling around the world as the chief ambassador for advancing the profession of project management on behalf of PMI. A featured speaker at international CEO events such as Economist, Business Week and Forbes forums and the Bo'Ao economic summit, Mr. Balestrero delivers powerful messages about the importance of project management in achieving success in today's global business environment. Mr. Balestrero has represented PMI at special events in more than 30 countries throughout the world. He is quoted frequently in national and international media and has appeared as a guest on news and business television, including CNBC, BBC World and Sky News.
Mr. Balestrero joined PMI in 2002 with nearly 30 years experience in executive-level association management. An industrial engineer by training, Mr. Balestrero has extensive experience overseeing administrative, financial and internal affairs for and more professional associations. Under his leadership, PMI membership has tripled, and holders of project management credentials has increased from 50,000 to more than 400,000.
From , he served as executive director of the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI), an organisation or construction professionals in non-residential building construction, based in Alexandria, Virginia, USA. He previously held the position of executive director at the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Mr. Balestrero served as the
Board Chairman of the Greater Washington (District of Columbia, USA) Society of Association Executives (GWSAE) and an active member and former president of the Council of Engineering and Scientific Society Executives (CESSE). Mr. Balestrero also is a member of the Committee of 100 of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. He is a current member of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE), where he served on the Board of Directors for ASAE's Center for Association Leadership (CAL) through 2006; the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE); and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). He is also a member of The Thought Leadership Advisory Council for the CAL.
Mr. Balestrero was honored with a fellowship in the World Academy of Productivity Scientists and was inducted into Alpha Pi Mu, an industrial engineering honor society, as an honorary member. He earned a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia, and he is a U. S. Army veteran.
His recreational interests include sailing, motorcycling and backpacking. Mr. Balestrero has been married to his wife, Frances Higgins, for 30 years.
PMI (中国) 董事总经理陈永涛先生 | Bob (Yong Tao) Chen, Managing Director of PMI (China)
陈永涛先生现担任PMI(中国)董事总经理,全面负责PMI在华业务。陈永涛先生于2009年初加入PMI。此前,他曾任甲骨文公司(Oracle)大中华区政府,教育和医疗(GEH)业务发展总经理,负责甲骨文GEH业务在中国大陆、香港和台湾的发展。在任职甲骨文之前,陈永涛先生曾分别在富士施乐公司(Fuji Xerox)和摩托罗拉公司(Motorola)任职7年和9年,担任公司多个高级领导职务。陈永涛先生的职业生涯始于在铁道部担任工程师/项目经理。在职业生涯中,他通过与包括教育部和人事部在内的各个中央政府部门及行业的合作,积累了丰富的项目管理和团队领导工作经验,取得了卓越的成就。
Bob (Yong Tao) Chen, Managing Director of PMI (China), leads PMI overall of business in China. Bob joined PMI in early of 2009. Immediately prior to joining PMI, Bob worked for Oracle – Greater China where he was the General Manager, Business Development (Greater China) in the Government, Education and Healthcare.
In this role, Bob was responsible for developing Oracles GEH business in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.
Prior to Oracle, Bob worked in Fuji Xerox (7 Years) and Motorola (9 Years) in several senior Leadership positions.
Bob began his career with the Ministry of Railways as an Engineer / Project Manager. Throughout his career, Bob has developed extensive project management and team leadership working experiences and excellent results in working with the various Central Government Ministries and industries including Ministry of Education and Ministry of Personnel.
Bob holds a BA in Electrical Engineering from Beijing Communications University and an MBA in Marketing from City University in USA.
国家外国专家局培训中心主任白继迅先生 | Bai Jixun, General Director of the Training Center of State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA)
Mr. Bai Jixun is director of the training center of State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA). Mr. Bai was the general representative of China Association for International Exchange of Personnel (CAIEP) in Canada, deputy director of the training center of SAFEA, deputy director of China International Talent Exchange Foundation, deputy director of the laws, regulation and liaison department of SAFEA, general representative of CAIEP on Atlanta, USA.
Mr. Bai got B.A. of Technology from the Optics engineering department of Changchun Optics Precision Mechanical School. Mr. Bai Jixun got M.B.A. from the Economic Management School of Tsinghua University.
海洋石油工程股份有限公司董事、总裁兼党委书记姜锡肇先生,PMP | Mr. Jiang Xizhao, Board member, President, Secretary of the Party Committee of Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd, PMP
姜锡肇先生现任海洋石油工程股份有限公司(股票名称: COOEC 股票代码: 600583)董事、总裁兼党委书记。海洋石油工程(青岛)有限公司和海工英派尔工程有限公司、中海油山东化学工程有限责任公司、海工国际工程有限责任公司、海油工程(香港)有限公司、海油工程(尼日利亚)有限公司、海油工程(印尼)有限公司董事长、中国近海石油服务(香港)有限公司、中海石油财务有限责任公司董事、天津蓝海工程检测技术服务有限公司执行董事。姜先生在担任项目/项目集管理的高级领导方面拥有十七年的丰富经验,并且成效卓著。姜先生曾在美国德克萨斯大学阿灵顿商学院学习并获高级工商管理硕士(EMBA)学位。
Mr. Jiang Xizhao is Director, President and Secretary of the Party Committee of Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd (Stock Name: COOEC Stock Code: 600583). Mr. Jinag is also Board Chairman of COOEC (Qing Dao) Co., Ltd.; COOEC-Enpal Engineering Co., Ltd., CNOOC Shandong Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd., COOEC International Engineering Co., Ltd., COOEC(Hong Kong) Limited.; COOEC (Nigeria) Limited and COOEC (Indonesia) L Director of China Ocean Oilfields Services (H.K.) Ltd. And CNOOC Finance Corporation L executive Director of Bluocean Technology Inspection Co., Ltd. Mr. Jiang has 17 years of rich experience on being the senior executive of project/program management with outstanding achievement. Mr. Jiang Studied at University ofTexas at Arlington (UTA) in USA and obtained a degree of EMBA.
分论坛A:组织与项目管理 | Organisation and Project Management
分论坛Breakout Session A1: 项目管理办公室 (PMO)- 提高企业核心竞争力的有效途径 | Project Management Office (PMO) – A Competitive Advantage for Business
演讲嘉宾 Presenter: IIL资深项目管理专家葛拓(Thomas Grisham)博士,PMP | IIL Senior Project Management Expert, Dr. Thomas Grisham, PMP
Thomas Grisham 博士拥有 37 年以上的项目管理经验,其中包括参与领导在电力、基础设施建设、交通、制造业、电讯及其它领域累计至30亿美金的项目。Thomas Grisham 博士参与了55个国家不同行业的重大项目管理从而积累了丰富的经验,其中包括土耳其、沙特阿拉伯、泰国、日本、韩国、中国、香港,印度,西班牙,英国、美国等国家。Thomas Grisham 博士拥有MBA 学位及PMP 证书并出版发行了项目管理及领导力方面的书籍。其最近发行的书籍为"Project Management: Leadership in Complex Environments" 讲述了项目管理办公室 (Project Management Office)的相关问题。
Thomas Grisham 博士在项目群及项目管理办公室领域拥有丰富的经验,其中包括为美国、欧洲及亚洲的公司建立实施项目管理办公室(PMO)及指导项目群的管理。Thomas Grisham 在不同行业实施项目管理办公室(PMO)、项目群管理及相关流程优化方面拥有丰富的经验。
Dr. Thomas Grisham has over 37 years of experience on domestic and international programs and projects in global organizations and governmental agencies, with programs and projects up to US$3 billion in the power, infrastructure, transportation, education, commercial, communications, manufacturing, business development, and dispute resolution sectors.
This experience has been gained in 55 countries across a variety of business models, with expat assignments in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, and part-time in India, Spain, and the UK.
Credentials include BE, MBA, Doctor of Project Management, PMP, PE, and he is a practicing arbitrator for AAA & ICDR.
He has published two books, with the first book Cross-cultural Leadership Intelligence (XLQ) addressing the leadership aspects of global enterprises, and his most recent book International Project Management:
Leadership in Complex Environments addressing the issue of external PMO's.
Dr. Grisham's experience with managing multiple projects in a consistent fashion, what is now known as PMO, began in the 1980's.
It includes PMO as we know it today and PMO as it has developed over the years.
His experience includes the design of a PMO implementation for a global EMEA organization, the design and implementation of programs for two North American and one Asian government agency, and participation in optimization programs for a number of North American global organizations.
His experience includes external and internal PMO's in a variety of international programs and projects.
演讲标题 Description:项目管理办公室 (PMO)- 提高企业核心竞争力的有效途径 | Project Management Office (PMO) – A Competitive Advantage for Business
此专题演讲将介绍项目管理办公室 (PMO)的相关核心概念及当今全球的企业及政府部门如何通过建立项目管理办公室来提高生产及竞争力。此演讲将阐述PMO 的流程、影响PMO 成功运作的相关因素,如领导力及其它所涉及的管理方面。此演讲将就如何实施 PMO 提供建议并与参与者就提出的相关问题及需求共同进行探讨。
The session will introduce the core concepts related to PMO, and how global organizations and government organizations can merge PMO into their operations to improve their productivity, and their competitive advantage.
The session will explore the leadership and management aspects of PMO, which are critical to success, as well as the process considerations.
The conclusion of the session will provide ideas for implementing PMO, and will also include Q&A so that participants can discuss questions specific to their individual needs.
分论坛Breakout Session A2: 项目管理在为企业客户提供服务时的价值 | The Project Management Value on Delivering Services for Enterprise Customers
演讲嘉宾 Presenter: 微软(中国)企业服务部中国区实施总监蔡巍先生,PMP | Victor (Wei) Cai, Premier Services Director, Enterprise Services, Microsoft China Co., Ltd.
蔡巍,PMP,现任微软中国企业服务部中国区实施总监。蔡巍自2006年加入微软曾担任过中国区咨询服务部总监和商务管控部北亚总监。1997年至2006年在加拿大服务于FNIS(NYSE:FIS)旗下的eFunds Canada, 曾任职系统支持部经理和美国地区银行信用卡系统实施经理管理跨国团队。1994年至1997年在IBM任项目经理和咨询专业人员。蔡巍于2006年在微软服务大学(MSSU)获项目管理和商务管理讲师认证并在西雅图,悉尼,首尔和台北等地对项目经理做专业培训。蔡巍在2002年获PMP认证。1994年在国内获计算机专业硕士学位。
Victor (Wei) Cai is currently working for Microsoft China as Premier Director at Enterprise Services group, who has extensive multinational IT services management and quality assurance experiences in the IT field. Victor joined Microsoft in 2006 and worked for Enterprise Services group as the North Asia Services Quality Assurance lead and Microsoft PRC Consulting Services Director since then. Before joining Microsoft, Victor worked in Canada for ten years from 1997 to 2006 as Solution Deployment Department manager and Customer Support Group manager with eFunds Canada (now FNIS). Prior to that, Victor worked as project manager and architect in IBM Global Services in China for three years since 1994. Victor received PMP and CISA designations and he is the certified Engage/Achieve trainer of Microsoft Services University (MSSU). Victor received his computer science master degree from China in 1994.
演讲标题 Description:企业级用户服务对项目管理的特殊要求 | The Value of Project Management for Enterprise Customer
针对日新月异的企业级用户的IT服务和实施, 服务提供商对项目管理提出了进一步的要求。例如针对任务关键(Mission Critical) 业务的应用和支持, 云计算和企业项目管理(EPM)应用,项目管理本身也在不断完善丰富并适应商业模式的改进。在项目管理流程中,针对商务流程和项目启动的衔接,以及项目风险控制,现代企业对项目管理提出了更高的需求。
To deliver high quality IT services to high profile enterprise customers through project management, the services provider needs to focus on specific business requirements. E.g. Mission Critical application implementation and operation support, Cloud computing system, EPM etc. From the process perspective, other than the standard project management process, the project managers need to pay more attentions on deal transition and project delivery preparation, risk management and mitigation, acceptance process management etc.
分论坛Breakout Session A3: 项目管理办公室(PMO)-国际标准的实践 | Project Management Office (PMO) – International Standard Practices
演讲嘉宾 Presenter: 金色千年咨询公司总经理韩树梓先生,PMP | Jesus Hernandez, General Manager of Gold Millennium Consulting Co., Ltd., PMP
在过去的几年里,韩树梓先生充分利用了他出色的演讲才能和培训技巧及与不同阶层深资历者沟通交流能力,通过在亚洲举办培训和研讨会, 把他丰富的经验付诸于实践。这些经验使他获得了波士顿大学项目管理的终身讲师资格。
Mr. Hernandez, General Manager of Gold Millennium Consulting Co., Ltd., PMP, got his Industrial Engineering master degree at the University of Miami.
Mr. Hernandez has over 12 years of experience in managing multimillion US$ projects in the USA, Latin America, Europe and Asia. His vast experience in international projects, has given him a clear understanding of the challenges of managing multi-language and multi-cultural virtual teams and stakeholders.
In the last few years he has put his experience into practice by developing and conducting trainings and seminars in Asia by taking advantage of his excellent presentation and training skills and a remarkable ability to interact at different levels of seniority, which he developed in his tenure as a Boston University Project Management Instructor.
Having conducted project management consulting engagements in different industries such as Banking, Manufacturing, F&B, Automotive, Telecommunications, Construction, and IT, Mr. Hernandez is currently supporting some large multinationals in China with the implementation or expansion of their PMOs.
Aspects of Mr. Hernandez's work have been published in several magazines and journals, including some Chinese ones like "Tsinghua Enterprise Business School" and "Network HR".
演讲标题 Description:项目管理办公室(PMO)-国际标准的实践 | Project Management Office (PMO) – International Standard Practices
The session will present the different PMO Models and Services, going into the different types of PMOs and the different functions that they can play in an organisation.
There will be an introduction the common roles that the key stakeholders should perform in a PMO and a typical PMO Lifecycle.
分论坛Breakout Session A3: 待定 To Be Confirmed
分论坛B:项目与项目集管理 | Project and Program Management
分论坛Breakout Session B1:
多维度视角下的项目管理理念与实践―构建项目导向型的现代组织治理环境 | Principle and Practice of Project Management on Multi-Vision—Creating Project-Oriented Governance in Modern Organisations
演讲嘉宾 Presenter: 清华大学项目管理与建设技术研究所强茂山教授、博士生导师,PMP | Qiang Maoshan, Professor, PhD Student Mentor of Institute of Project Management and Construction Technology, Tsinghua University, PMP
Qiang Maoshan is professor of Institute of Project Management and Construction Technology, Deputy Director, Institute of International Engineering Project Management, Deputy Head, Department of Construction Management, Tsinghua University and Chairman, mainland Committee, Greater China Project Management Advancement Committee (GPAC). Prof. Maoshan Qiang's field of specialization is Partnering-based Project/Enterprise Resources Integration study, the Project-based Management methods and BPR Study, Management and Construction Process Analysis for Engineering Construction, Integral management of Project Schedule, Cost and Resources, the Framework and related policies for developing infrastructures in China Using BOT mechanism, Fast Estimate method and software for Civil Engineering and Investment Risk in Hydraulic Engineering Project.
演讲标题 Description:多维度视角下的项目管理理念与实践―构建项目导向型的现代组织治理环境 | Principle and Practice of Project Management on Multi-Vision—Creating Project-Oriented Governance in Modern Organisations
This report is based on years of consulting and research practice in the area of project management, after giving a brief explanation of basic principles of project management, we summarized five dimensions integrated innovation patterns of project management from life cycle, knowledge, resources integration, and management objectives' perspectives. The patterns do help cultivate project-oriented organisations' governance, which can be used as reference for research and practice in the area of project management.
分论坛Breakout Session B2:
国际业主与承包商工程项目协同平台案例分享 |
分论坛Breakout Session B3:
项目集管理理念、介绍及在中国的运用研讨 | Research on the Program Management Theory, Introduction and the Adoption in China
演讲嘉宾 Presenter: 天津天城工程项目管理公司技术总监杨侃先生 | Yang Kan, Technician Director,Tiancheng Construction Project Management Company
杨侃先生于2000年赴美留学,取得美国明尼苏达州圣玛利亚大学项目管理理学硕士学位。 他于2004年在加拿大魁北克大学与天津理工大学合作的 MPM项目中任教。讲授《项目计划与控制》及《组织化项目管理》。他于2006担任《项目管理知识体系指南(PMBOK?指南)(第三版)》中文版翻译专家委员会委员。他于2009年担任《项目集管理标准》第二版的审校。他于2007担任《项目集管理标准》第一版的翻译。他从2004年起负责多个大型建设项目的项目\项目集管理体系咨询及课题研究工作。他在2006年出版专著《项目设计与范围管理》。他于2007年被评为电子工业出版社优秀作者。
Yang Kan was studied in USA on 2000 and holds the Master of Science in Project Management from the Saint Mary University of Minnesota. On 2004, he was the Lecturing professor in the MPM Program jointed venture by University of Quebec& Tianjin University of Technology. Teaching course: Project Planning and Operational Control and Organisational Project Management. He was a member of Chinese translation board for PMBOK? Guide, 3rd Edition on 2006. On 2009, he was responsible for Chinese translation check for Standard for Program Management, 2th Edition. He was translator of Standard for Program management, First Edition on2007 He has experience in construction project management and real estate program development. He published Project Design and Scope Management on 2006. He is the Best writer of Publishing House of Electronics Industry on 2007.
演讲标题 Description:项目集管理理念、介绍及在中国的运用研讨 | Research on the Program Management Theory, Introduction and the Adoption in China
The purpose、methodology and application area of Program Management(PGM)and its difference with Project Management(PM). Nine knowledge areas and five phases for Program Management. Application experiences and lesson learn from on-site practice of Program Management knowledge. The value of Program Management to individual professional development and capability improvement for organisation.
分论坛Breakout Session B4: 管理外包风险 | Managing Outsourcing Risks
演讲嘉宾 Presenter: ESI亚洲客户咨询服务总监萨熠恒(Ravi Sahi)先生,PMP | Ravi Sahi, ESI Client Solutions Director, PMP
萨熠恒先生具有20年项目和项目集管理经验的业内资深人士. 是负责ESI亚洲客户咨询服务总监。由于多年在不同国家以及不同行业的经验积累,使得他对于项目管理实践形成了自己深刻独到的见解。萨熠恒先生为几乎所有不同类型的机构进行过咨询和项目管理培训。他经常在PMI的活动中作讲演,话题涵盖管理全球化项目、战略优势的风险评估、项目管理经理人的成功要素、项目管理专业人才所应具备的能力、如何快速和高效的规划项目以及管理整合项目等。在2009年,他受邀作为外国专家局<PMP引入中国十周年交流研讨会>演讲嘉宾. 萨熠恒先生拥有斯坦福大学认证项目管理经理SCPM证书以及PMI颁发的项目管理专业人士(PMP)证书。
Ravi Sahi, ESI Client Solutions Director, has 20 years of project management experience in physical infrastructure development, strategy-based consulting, and information technology in the financial services sector. With widespread, cross-industry experience on many cross-border engagements, Ravi has a keen understanding and appreciation of the criticality of focused, disciplined, and effective project management. Along with his MBA (Strategy & Finance) he is also certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP?) by the Project Management Institute (PMI?), and is also a Stanford Certified Project Manager (SCPM). Ravi has delivered project and program management training and has consulted at all organisational levels which have significantly benefited clients worldwide.
演讲标题 Description:管理外包风险 | Managing Outsourcing Risks
通过更好的风险管理获得更佳的业绩、效率和竞争优势。 接近95%的组织采购或提供外包服务和职能。 此项越来越重要的活动也带来了潜在风险和无法预知的挑战。 对于组织成功来说,浓郁的风险管理文化至关重要。本次演讲将讲述如何降低外包风险的五个具体步骤——可让项目获得更大成功并能节约组织成本的方案.
Greater performance, productivity and competitive advantages through better risk management. Nearly 95 percent of organisations buy and/or provide outsourced services and functions. This increasingly vital activity thus opens them up to inherent risks and unforeseen challenges. For organisational success, a strong risk management culture is vital.
Five concrete steps are introduced to reducing risk in outsourcing – steps that can lead to greater project success and cost savings for your organisation.
分论坛C:项目经理职业发展 | Career Development
分论坛Breakout Session C1: 项目管理职业社区的特点与价值 | The Features and Value of the Project Management Professional Community
演讲嘉宾 Presenter: 云南大学教授汪小金博士,PMP | Wang Xiaojin, PMP, Professor, Yunan University
汪小金,澳大利亚维多利亚大学哲学博士(项目管理方向),皇家墨尔本理工大学工程项目管理硕士,江西财经学院经济学学士,云南大学教授,PMP?证书持有者,PMI会员。他有27年的项目管理实践、研究与教学经验。他是《项目管理知识体系指南(PMBOK?指南)(第四版)》中文翻译审校委员会主任。他已出版7本项目管理著作,发表20多篇项目管理论文,其中5篇发表于国际著名的项目管理学术期刊,如PMI的《项目管理期刊》(Project Management Journal)。在攻读项目管理硕士课程之前,他就在世界银行资助的两个大型工程上从事了13年的项目管理工作。
Dr. Wang Xiaojin holds a PhD in project management from Victoria University, Australia, a Master of Engineering in project management from RMIT University, Australia, and a Bachelor of Economics from Jiangxi Institute of Finance and Economics. He is a professor of Yunnan University, a PMP? certification holder and a PMI member. He has 27-year experiences in project management practice, research and lecturing. He was the chair of the Simplified Chinese Translation Verification Committee of the PMBOK? Guide Fourth Edition. He has published 7 books and more than 20 papers in project management, of which 5 papers were published in internationally recognized academic journal, such as PMI's Project Management Journal. Before he studied the master degree course in project management, he had worked as a project management practitioner for 13 years at two large civil engineering projects both financed by the World Bank.
演讲标题 Description:项目管理职业社区的特点与价值 | The Features and Value of the Project Management Professional Community
What's project management professional community? The main features of the project management professional community. How to build sustainable project management professional community in China? The value of the project management professional community to individual and organisation.
分论坛Breakout Session C2: 从项目管理人才培养到组织级项目管理体系的建设 | From the Project Management Talents Development to the Organisational Project Management System Building
演讲嘉宾 Presenter: 资深项目管理培训讲师和咨询顾问张斌博士,PMP | Dr. Zhang Bin, PMP, Senior Project Management Consultant and Expert Trainer
张斌博士是资深的项目管理培训讲师和咨询顾问。浙江大学工学学士、管理学硕士、经济学博士。PMI会员,PMP。项目管理成熟度模型(OPM3)专业人士。 国家外国专家局培训中心特聘项目管理专家。清华大学、北京大学、浙江大学、华为大学客座讲师。出版的译著包括《项目管理知识体系指南(PMBOK第四版)》、《挣值管理实践标准》、《挣值项目管理(第三版)》、《挣值项目管理实践指南》。他长期为中石油、中石化、中海油、国家电网、中国移动、中国电信、中国核工业建设集团、华为技术有限公司、中信集团、东方电气、攀钢集团、红塔集团、中国电子科技集团提供企业内训和咨询。
Dr. Zhang Bin, senior project management consultant and expert trainer, with a bachelor's degree in science, a master's degree in management and a doctoral degree in economics, all obtained at Zhejiang University. He is also a PMI member, PMP, certified OPM3 Professional, special-term PM expert in collaboration with State Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs, guest Professor at Tsinghua University, Peking University, Zhejiang University. His translation works include PMBOK? guide, the Fourth Edition, Practice Standard for Earned Value Management, Project Earned Value Management, the Third Edition, A Practical Guide to Earned Value Project Management,Dr. Zhang provides long-term training and consulting service for companies that include CNPC (China National Petroleum Corp.),CPCC (China Petroleum Chemical Corporation),CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Corp.), , State Grid, China Mobile, China Telecom, China Nuclear Construction Corp, Huawei, China Citic Bank, Dongfang Electric, Pangzhihua Iron and Steel Corp., Hongta Group and China Electronics Technology Corp. etc.
演讲标题 Description:从项目管理人才培养到组织级项目管理体系的建设 | From the Project Management Talents Development to the Organisational Project Management System Building
How the PMI's certification system (including PMP certification) is helpful to develop different levels of the project management talents in various profession, how to transfer the achievement of project management talents' work into the process assets of organisation, how to build organisational project management system to provide the development platform for project management talents. It will provide reliable assurance for the success of project。
分论坛Breakout Session C3: 项目经理 — 企业管理者的摇篮 | Project Manager—Cradle of Entrepreneurs
演讲嘉宾 Presenter: 联想公司高级项目经理于军先生 | John Yu, Senior Project Manager, Lenovo
于军先生曾在多家跨国公司从事项目管理,业务管理,咨询顾问等工作。这些公司包括IBM, HP, 联想。从业经验19年。他曾主持的项目有:上海世博会IT试运营阶段工作,中粮集团IT桌面外包项目,北京银行资金系统实施项目,韩国友利银行资金系统实施项目,宏源证券交易系统集成项目,网通IDC建设项目,家乐福新店IT系统总包项目等。他是中国惠普项目管理讲师。他还是电子工业出版社出版的《可视化项目管理》合作译者。于军先生在北京科技大学获得自动化控制学士学位。
John Yu has been working within IT, especially IT Services for more than 19 years holding various positions for project manager, management and consultant. John worked as senior project manager for HP, IBM and Lenovo group where he played leading roles including Shanghai Expo 2010 IT integration project, COFCO IT Outsourcing project, Bank Of Beijing fund management system implementation project, Woori Bank derivatives system implementation project, Hongyuan Securities dealing system integration project, Netcom IDC implementation project and Carrefour IT deployment projects. John is HP certified Project Management course instructor. He is also the Co-translator of Visualized Project Management', Publishing House of Electronics Industry.
John has a Bachelor degree in Automatic Control from Beijing Institute of Technology.
演讲标题 Description:项目经理 — 企业管理者的摇篮 | Project Manager—Cradle of Entrepreneurs
When a person was assigned as a project manager, it doesn't only mean a startup of a project, but it also means this person choose the management as his lifelong career. As a project manager, besides the field experience, this person also needs to demonstrate his/her strong ability on leadership, team management, resource balance, crisis handling and more. The continuing practice of those abilities in various projects is unconsciously leading PM to a more brilliant career future.
分论坛D:学术与研究 | Academic and Research
分论坛Breakout Session D1: 项目管理教育 | Project Management Education
演讲嘉宾 Presenter: 清华大学建设管理系暨清华大学国际工程项目管理研究院教授/博士生导师/副院长王守清博士 | Wang Shouqing, Professor, PhD Student Mentor, Dept of Construction Management, Tsinghua University and Deputy Director, Institute of International Engineering Project Management, Tsinghua University
王守清博士是清华大学建设管理系暨清华大学国际工程项目管理研究院教授/博士生导师/副院长,兼全国项目管理领域工程硕士教育协作组(125所大学)组长。《Construction Management and Economics》、《Management Decision》、《Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction》、《Built Environment Project and Asset Management》、《项目管理技术》、《项目管理世界》、《建筑经济》和《国际工程与劳务》等编委,主要从事基础设施项目融资(BT/BOT/PFI/PPP)和项目管理等的教学、研究和咨询工作,至今共发表250多篇论著,个人网页:。
Dr. Wang Shouqing is a Professor at the Dept of Construction Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China and Deputy Director, Institute of International Engineering Project Management, Tsinghua University. His research interest is mainly on Public-Private Partnership and Risk Management. He has produced 200+ publications and is one of the top contributors of journal papers in his research field in last decade. He is Chairman of the China National Collaboration Network for MENG.(PM) Education (125 universities),
Editorial Board Member of the Construction Management and Economics, Management Decision, J. of Financial Management of Property and Construction, Built Environment Project and Asset Management, etc. He is also one of the most popular lecturers in China and has been invited to lecture on PPP, project management, risk management or research methods for 1000+ times since he returned to China in 2003.
演讲标题 Description:项目管理教育 | Project Management Education
With the rapid development and widely acceptance of project management, project management degree education is in the fastest development in the degree education fields in China. The report will introduce the development, trend, challenge and coping ways of the project management education in China, especially the degree education for Master of project management in engineering. The report also includes the past work and the future plan of the education coordination group for the national Master of project management in engineering.
分论坛Breakout Session D2: 无缝隙项目管理 — 基于对上海交通大学在虹桥交通枢纽工程的项目管理实践的研究 | Flawless Project Management, which is based on research practice of Shanghai Jiao Tong University toward Shanghai Hong Qiao Traffic Transmission Hub
演讲嘉宾 Presenter: 上海交通大学机动学院项目管理教研中心主任、教授林少培先生 | Lin Shaopei, Professor, Director, Project Management Teaching & Research Centre of the School of Mechanical Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)
林少培先生是上海交通大学机动学院项目管理教研中心主任,教授,上海交通大学船建学院工程管理研究所技术总监, PMI(项目管理学会)全球学位鉴定理事会GAC理事,英国土木工程师学会上海分会秘书长,英国土木工程师学会资深会员FICE。英国皇家特许工程师CEng英国"Bridge Engineering"杂志编委,英国"Civil Engineering Innovation"杂志编委,英国"Management,Procurement and Laws"杂志编委。
林少培先生是大连理工大学钢结构研究生及工程力学研究生。1992年获国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴。曾任前国家计委、中国国际工程咨询公司咨询专家, 负责大型工程项目的技术和经济评价工作。1985年后在上海交通大学从事教学与科研工作。发表国内外学术论文近150篇,内容涉及工程,管理,计算力学,计算机应用,模糊推理和人工智能等领域。
Mr. Lin is professor, director of Project Management Teaching & Research Centre of the School of Mechanical Engineering of SJTU, Technical Director, Institute of Engineering Management, SJTU, Board Director, PMI-Global Accreditation Center, Director General, ICE Shanghai Branch FICE & CEng. Editorial Board member of British Journals "Bridge Engineering", "Civil Engineering Innovation" and "Management,Procurement and Laws". He engaged in graduate program and research in the Dalian University of Science and Technology. Professor Lin has had a long-term experience in teaching, research and consultation works in engineering and management. He awarded since 1992 the Government Special Allowance for outstanding contributions to the cause of education of high learning, issued by the State Council of PRC. He has been the consulting expert of former China State Commission of Planning responsible for economic and technical appraisal for mega projects. Professor Lin returned from industry to University and worked for Shanghai Jiao Tong University since 1985, devoting himself in teaching and research works. He had published more than 150 papers in Journals and in domestic and international conference in a variety of disciplines, including engineering, management, computational mechanics, computer application, fuzzy inference and artificial intelligence etc.
演讲标题 Description:无缝隙项目管理 — 基于对上海交通大学在虹桥交通枢纽工程的项目管理实践的研究 | Flawless Project Management, which is based on research practice of Shanghai Jiao Tong University toward Shanghai Hong Qiao Traffic Transmission Hub
The presentation introducing a new concept for mega project management with multiple process parallel interaction. The concept is an extension of lean production in manufacturing and applies it to solve project management problem in an optimum approach of time saving, cost reducing, and quality guaranteeing. Case studies are shown for verifying its efficiency.
分论坛Breakout Session D3: 项目全要素配置模型和集成管理方法论 | Project Total Factors Configuration Models and Integrated Management Methodology
演讲嘉宾 Presenter: 南开大学教授、博士生导师和学科带头人,南开大学项目管理硕士中心和现代项目管理研究中心主任戚安邦博士 | Qi Anbang, Professor, PhD Student Mentor and Research Leader, Nankai U Director of Master, Project Management Center and Project Management Research Center, Nankai University
Dr. Qi Anbang is a professor, PhD student mentor and research leader of Nankai University. He is also the director of MPM Center and PMR Center of the University. He is the Expert Advisor for Tianjin Municipal Government and Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress. And he is the Vice Chair of Tianjin Technological Economics Research Institute. He has been working in Project Management since he acquired his Master Degree in 1986. He is a visiting scholar in LEEDS University of UK and UNCC of USA, and takes a refresher course in Harvard University. He is also got many awards like the Special Award form PMI for his Great Contribution for Introduction of PMP into China 10 years and International project management Research Award. His course "Project Management" is horned as the National Excellent Demonstration Course and National Excellent Bilingual Demonstration Course by the Ministry of Education of China. He published more than 20 books, a lot of papers and gives the series lectures of PM on CCTV-1 of China.
演讲标题 Description:项目全要素配置模型和集成管理方法论 | Project Total Factors Configuration Models and Integrated Management Methodology
Mainly discuss the 4 factors, 5 factors, 6 factors and total factors configuration models and integrated management methods as well as the system of all these methods. The configuration models and integrated management methods for factors of project quality, scope, time, cost, resources and risks and so on. It is the research achievement of national funding project and the international project research achievement award winner.
分论坛E:渠道专题 | REP Channels
分论坛Breakout Session E1: 发挥出版资料优势 提供项目管理知识学习全面解决方案 | Providing the Integrated Project Management Knowledge Learning Solution Based on the Advantage of Publication Resource
演讲嘉宾 Presenter: 电子工业出版社副总编/北京世纪波文化发展有限公司总经理付豫波女士 | Fu Yubo, Vice-Chief-Editor of Publishing House of Electronics Industry(PHEI)President, Century Wave Culture Development Co. Ltd
Fu Yubo have served as Editor-in-Chief, VP of Huazhang Graphic and Information Co., Ltd. of China Machine Press。Authorized by PMI, PHEI/CenturyWave has published the Simplified Chinese version of the PMBOK? Guide, the Organisational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3?), the Standard for Program management, The Standard for Portfolio Management, the Practice Standard for Earned Value Management, the Government Extension for the PMBOK? Guide, the Practice Standard for Work Breakdown Structure.
演讲标题 Description:发挥出版资料优势 提供项目管理知识学习全面解决方案 | Providing the Integrated Project Management Knowledge Learning Solution based on the Advantage of Publication Resource
PHEI has advantage of resource and promotion in the publication industry. We wants to be the bridge of information communication, knowledge learning, provider of the learning content for organisation and individual, partner of professional training organisation on resources, the platform to promote the knowledge of professional organisation, the link to connect experts, professionals with the requirement from organisation and individual.
分论坛Breakout Session E2: 建立组织的项目经理分级与认证体系 | Developing Organisational Project managers' Classification and Certification System
演讲嘉宾 Presenter: PMI在华注册教育机构(R.E.P.)砺志咨询首席项目管理顾问梁光华先生 | Liang Guanghua, Chief PM Consultant, Leadge Consulting (R.E.P. of PMI)
梁光华先生曾多年服务于中国惠普公司,任惠普南方区高级咨询经理、高级咨询顾问等职务,为惠普咨询项目管理协会(Project Management Community)核心成员。在惠普期间,曾担任多个IT项目的高级项目经理,由其担任项目经理的COSCAL(总体金额超过1000万美金)的IT服务项目至今被惠普公司作为优秀项目范例。他曾多年服务于联想集团,任联想(深圳)研发中心总经理、软件中心经理等职务,曾主导联想集成金融IT产品线的研发,早在90年代就率先引进
Liang Guanghua was Consultant manager, senior consultant when served in HP Consulting for a long time. He is the core member of Project Management Community of HP Consulting. He was senior project manager in several IT projects of HP. COSCAL project (above 10 million USD). a IT service project lead by him was treated by HP as an excellent project model. He was the general Manager of R & D Center, manager of Software Center (Shenzhen) when served in Lenovo for a long time. During the period in Lenovo, Guanghua Liang had led the development of financial industry application software product line and introduced project management methodology of PMI into Lenovo which fully standardized the implementation of Lenovo's R & D projects in the early 90s.
演讲标题 Description:建立组织的项目经理分级与认证体系 | Developing Organisational Project Managers' Classification and Certification System
By Developing Organisation Project managers' Classification and Certification S it builds an expected professional development path for project managers and sets phrase approval milestone and profess it makes project managers to be active to make continuous improvement and to promote the deep adoption of project manage it sets project manager training plan matching the positio it maximizes the return of investment of training. It will take best use of organisation project manager resources to match project manager of different levels to project of different d it provides reference for the performance review a it reduces the cost of project manager talents outflow.
分论坛Breakout Session A3: 待定 To Be Confirmed}


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