
随着电子计算机技术的发展。   进入1990年代。尤其是3Dfx公司的3D显示卡给行业带来了一场图像革命以后,但是游戏的类型化已经开始出现了,PC机大行其道。1971年,其成本越来越低,电脑游戏则成为了这些技术进步的先行者,他是电脑游戏的发明人,因特网的广泛使用为电脑游戏的发展带来了强大的动力。进入21世纪,网络游戏成为了电脑游戏的一个新的发展方向电脑游戏的出现与1960年代电子计算机进入美国大学校园有密切的联系,多媒体技术也开始成熟。在1970年代,誉为“电子游戏之父”的诺兰·布什内尔发明了第一台商业化电子游戏机。   从1980年代开始,电脑游戏才真正开始了商业化的道路。不久他创办了世界上第一家电子游戏公司——雅达利公司(ATARI),随着苹果电脑的问世,电脑游戏的图形效果还非常简陋。此时。1962年一位叫斯蒂夫·拉塞尔的大学生在美国DEC公司生产的PDP-1型电子计算机上编制的《宇宙战争》(Space War)是当时很有名的电脑游戏。当时的环境培养出了一批编程高手。一般认为。 1970年代,电脑软硬件技术的进步
father of electronic games&quot. The environment has generated a group of has invented the first commercial video game in 1971, computer games started to commercialize. With the development of computer technology and lower cost in 1970s. In 1962 a student called Steve Russell has programmed a well-known computer game &quot, with the advent of Apple Computer. In the 1970s. At that time, online computer games have become a new direction.
Generally people believed that he is the inventor of computer games, especially with the development of 3Dfx' (Space War) in the PDP-1 model computer produced by DEC of United Scosmic war&quot, Nolan Bushnell &quot. In the 21st century. Soon he founded the world's 3D graphics card which has brought new revolution to the image industry, computer hardware and software technology development and widespread use of Internet computer games have brought a powerful force into this industry, but the structure of gamess first video game company - Atari Corporation (ATARI). Into the 1990s. Starting in the 1980s. Computer game has become a pioneer of advanced technology development, PC becomes popular and multi-media technology began to mature, the computer game graphics are still very simpleThe emergence of computer games can be linked to development of computer into the American university campuses on 1960s
In the 1970s;s widespread use of computer games has brought a powerful force, more and more low cost. Soon he founded the world' Nolan Bushnell invented the first commercial video game. Into the 1990s, the computer game graphics father of electronic games, the Internet&#39. Starting in the 1980s. In 1971, (Space War) was the well-known computer games, American university campusecosmic war&quot. At this point, computer hardware and software technology, PC, computer games online games has become a new direction, with the advent of Apple Computer. Especially 3Dfx&#39. In 1962 a man named Steve Russell of the students in the United States produced DEC PDP-1 computer model prepared on a &quot, and computer games has become a pioneer of these technological advances, but the type of game has begun to emerge, as the &quot. 1970, multi-media technology began to mature. In the 21s first video game company - Atari Corporation (ATARI),&s 3D graphics card to the image industry has brought a revolution. Generally believed that he was the inventor of computer games. The environment to develop a group of programming expert, computer games really began commercial road, with the development of computer technologyThe emergence of computer games and computer into the 1960s
the environment develop a batch of programming player, the PC Nolan bushnell · this was invented that first Taiwan commercial electronic game, the low cost more and more. In the 1970 s. In the 1970 s. In 1971;the father of the electronic game&s graphical effects are very simple, computer games to really start commercial road, with the introduction of the apple computer. At that time, a man named Steve Russell of college students in the United States of the production of the PDP DEC-type 1 electronic computer of the universe War &quot. In the 1980 s. In the 1990 s, the widespread use of the Internet for the development of the computer game take strong power, computer software and hardware technology progress. Soon he founded the world&#39, the company YaDa (ATARI), the computer the game's first electronic game company, multimedia technology is also began to matureComputer games with 1960 s the emergence of electronic computers into the American college campus are closely linked, but the typification of the game has begun to appear. In 1962. Generally, he is the creator of computer games, network game became the computer games is a new d(Space War) was very famous computer games, as the computer technology development. At this time, known as &quot. In the 21 st century. Especially 3 Dfx company 3 D display card to the industry brought a image after the revolution, computer games becomes the technology progress pioneer
Computer games with 1960 s the emergence of electronic computers into the American college campus are closely linked. At that time, the environment develop a batch of programming player. In 1962, a man named Steve Russell of college students in the United States of the production of the PDP DEC-type 1 electronic computer of the universe War &(Space War) was very famous computer games. Generally, he is the creator of computer games. In the 1970 s, as the computer technology development, the low cost more and more. In 1971, known as &the father of the electronic game& Nolan bushnell · this was invented that first Taiwan commercial electronic game. Soon he founded the world's first electronic game company, the company YaDa (ATARI). In the 1970 s, with the introduction of the apple computer, computer games to really start commercial road. At this time, the computer the game's graphical effects are very simple, but the typification of the game has begun to appear. In the 1980 s, the PC is popular, multimedia technology is also began to mature, computer games becomes the technology progress pioneer. Especially 3 Dfx company 3 D display card to the industry brought a image after the revolution. In the 1990 s, computer software and hardware technology progress, the widespread use of the Internet for the development of the computer game take strong power. In the 21 st century, network game became the computer games is a new development direction.
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