
如何对进行 缺陷管理 那? 一般来说,明显的错误(如程序不能继续运行,出现明显的错误提示框,数据存储错误等)大家都知道肯定是 bug ,经常有疑问的是对于期望结果模糊,GUI(界面,操作模式等)不友好,对比其他的软件的问题。 由于工作的原因,参与了项
一般来说,明显的错误(如程序不能继续运行,出现明显的错误提示框,数据存储错误等)大家都知道肯定是,经常有疑问的是对于期望结果模糊,GUI(界面,操作模式等)不友好,对比其他的软件的问题。&&&&&&& 由于工作的原因,参与了项目的一些过程,发现其实如果从开发的角度看看问题,就更容易下定提交bug的决心的。根据bug的来源,以下是我的一些总结:1。由于代码引起的bug&&&&&&& 所有的程序都会有bug,而且所有的都会制造bug.这个道理如同bug是不可能被完全消灭一样.对于一般的开发人员,经常出现的问题是由于没有良好的编程习惯和技术能力。每个人从新手到高手都是有个阶段的,成长的过程总是充满错误的。开发人员多少会在修改bug的过程中成长。有些可能他们认为无法实现的操作是有可能实现的。所以这种情况要提交bug,即使不能修复,开发人员也会在bug里填写理由,这样对和开发人员都是有利的。&&&&&&& 那么对于高级的开发人员,低级错误的发生概率相对来说少很多,大多的bug是由于功能定义不清晰,完善或是架构,语言的局限引起的。有些严重的问题大家可以一起商量解决的.
2。项目时间紧迫造成的bug&&&&&&& 基本上每个项目都有加班的时候,开发人员在紧迫的时间里能做的就是尽可能的完成功能需要要求的功能,主要的功能。然后有时间再去通过修复bug来完善代码。所以测试人员也不要诧异为什么会有那么多的bug,要作的就是尽可能的提交你所发现的bug。&&&&&&& 在我参与的开发中,项目经理经常会询问开发人员的进度,如果他发现你已经实现了某一个模块功能的功能后不是马上开始下一个模块的开发,而在花时间在竭力地凭着自己的猜想去完善模块时,项目经理一定会要求你把模块提交给测试人员测试,并马上开始下一个模块的开发
3。项目定义模糊造成的问题&&&&&&& 有些项目在开始编码时可能只是一个大概的项目定义,甚至连具体功能的定义都不是很清楚.有时客户对产品的最终结果都不清晰,需要一个有形的东西让自己不断的开发出自己的需求。那么这时开发人员大多都是根据自己的经验或常识来实现代码。&&&&&&& 还有就是大多数地需求和设计文档不是面面俱到,只是描述了主要的业务定义.对于一些非主流或异常的处理并没有详细的定义.很多情况下程序在负面的操作时就会出现错误.&&&&&&& 测试人员可能就会发现很多不合理或和其他软件不同造成的用户界面的问题,或者有时更会发现负责代码实现的开发人员误解了需求定义人员对功能的解释,甚至从从源头上需求定义人员对功能就存在误解。
&&&&&&& 虽然有很多原因会引发bug,但是不管什么原因测试人员都要提交自己认为是问题的问题,即使后来发现bug是由于某种局限造成的,但对于自己乃至整个项目组都是一个财富。&&&&&&& 只是在bug提交的时候要切记中立客观,对事不对人.即便开发人员拒绝修改bug,都应该不卑不亢的询问原因.如果还有问题就让你们的上级决定,他们会本着对项目考虑的原则从大局上把握好问题的.[Page]
&&&&&&& 以上的我在开发过程中的一些总结。工作这么长时间,角色也不断在转变,发现自己刚进测试这一行业的有些想法是错误的。而且体会最深的就是在从别人的角度多去思考问题,这样有些问题根本就不是问题。&&&&&&&& 开发和测试的关系永远都应该是水乳交融的,互相促进的。建议大家在出现问题的时候多想想为什么会出现从这样的问题,问题最终是如何解决的,这样才不失为经验积累的好方法。
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出门在外也不愁Understanding app submission errors - Windows app development
Understanding app submission errors
App submission has a lot of moving parts. If something goes wrong in the process, we always try to make our messages as informative as possible, so you can correct the error and resubmit your app. The information here gives you some additional context to help you understand what’s happened and what you can do to fix it. The easiest way to find what you’re looking for here is to search on this page using the error id of the error you are seeing. If you’re still stuck, visit
for more help options.
This topic contains the following sections.
The following table lists app submission error messages, ordered by the error ID. The Error field contains the error message. The words shown in bold in the table will be replaced at run time by specific values relevant to your app. You’ll find more info about each error in the More info field.Error IDErrorMore info1002Silverlight app manifest missingVerify that the AppManifest.xaml file exists and is included in the package that you submitted.1003Silverlight app manifest not validThere's a problem with the AppManifest.xaml file in the package you submitted. You will need to resubmit your app. Try rebuilding your app and then run the automated tests. To view what's inside your package, see . To learn more about using the Windows Phone Store Test Kit on Windows Phone 8.0 and earlier, see . To learn more about using the Windows App Certification Kit on Windows Phone 8.1 and later, see . To rebuild your app, see . If these steps don’t resolve the issue, see .1004App manifest not validRebuild your app and then run the automated tests. To view what's inside your package, see . To learn more about using the Windows Phone Store Test Kit on Windows Phone 8.0 and earlier, see . To learn more about using the Windows App Certification Kit on Windows Phone 8.1 and later, see . To rebuild your app, see . If these steps don’t resolve the issue, see .1005The Windows Phone OS [version number] version you’ve specified isn’t correct. Use a different one and then try again.Verify that the AppPlatformVersion value in WMAppmanifest.xml matches the version of the Windows Phone OS you are targeting.1008There’s an incorrect setting in the manifest. Update it and then try again.Rebuild your app and then run the automated tests. To view what's inside your package, see . To learn more about using the Windows Phone Store Test Kit on Windows Phone 8.0 and earlier, see . To learn more about using the Windows App Certification Kit on Windows Phone 8.1 and later, see . To rebuild your app, see . If these steps don’t resolve the issue, see .1010The publisher name in the manifest is too long: [publisher name]. It must be shorter than [publisher name limit] characters. Use a shorter name and then try again.Change the Publisher field in your WMAppManifest.xml file so it doesn't exceed [publisher name limit] characters.1011A RuntimeType in the manifest isn’t correct: [runtimetype]. Use a different one and then try again.Make sure the RuntimeType attribute in your WMAppManifest.xml is one of the following values: Silverlight, XNA1012A TaskName in the manifest isn’t correct: [taskname]. Use a different one and then try again.Make sure the Taskname field in your WMAppManifest.xml file has the value "_default".1013The title in the manifest is too long: [title]. It must be shorter than [title limit] characters. Use a shorter name and then try again.Change the Title field in your WMAppManifest.xml file so it doesn't exceed [title limit] characters.1014There's an invalid task name being used in the PrimaryToken field in the WMAppManifest.xml file. Make sure the Taskname field in your WMAppManifest.xml file has the value "_default".1015The version specified in the manifest isn’t correct: [version number]. Use a different one and then try again.Verify that the AppPlatformVersion value in WMAppmanifest.xml matches the version of the Windows Phone OS you are targeting.1016A file registered in the Silverlight app manifest is missing: [file name]. Use a different one and then try again.Rebuild your app and then run the automated tests. package, see . To learn more about using the Windows Phone Store Test Kit on Windows Phone 8.0 and earlier, see . To learn more about using the Windows App Certification Kit on Windows Phone 8.1 and later, see . To rebuild your app, see . If these steps don’t resolve the issue, see .1017We found too many DLL files in the package. There are [dll count], but only [dll limit] are allowed. Update your package and then try again.Examine your package and count the number of DLL files in it. If there are more than [dll limit], refactor your app to reduce the number of DLLs.1020We found an assembly file that’s not listed in the manifest: [assembly name]. Update your manifest and then try again.When you build your project, all assemblies, or DLLs, belonging to the project are listed in the AppManifest.xml in your output directory. Somehow, an assembly, or DLL, listed in that file no longer exists in the package. You should rebuild your project. To rebuild your app, see . 1021The photo extras file isn’t correct: [file name]. Update it and then try again.Verify that PhotosExtrasApplication is enabled in Extras.xml. If that doesn't fix the problem, see .1023The deployment file listed in the manifest is missing: [file name]. Update the manifest and then try again.When you build your project, all assemblies belonging to the project are listed in the AppManifest.xml in your output directory. Somehow, an assembly, or DLL, listed in that file no longer exists in the package. You should rebuild your project.1024The file that the image path points to doesn’t exist: [file name]. Update it and then try again.Make sure the path specified by [file name] is correct or update it in WMAppManifest.xml. 1025The file that the Background Image path points to doesn’t exist [path name]. Update it and then try again.Make sure the path defined by the BackgroundImageUri field in your WMAppManifest.xml exists. It is a relative path to the root of your project.1026The package file exceeds the maximum allowed size of [max package size], and the current size is [package size]. Reduce your file size and then try again.Typically, the size of your package increases significantly if it contains a lot of icons, images, or other media files. You can try to reduce the size of individual files, or remove files that aren't needed until you're below the [package size] limit.1028The native API [API name] isn’t allowed in assembly [assembly name]. Update it and then try again.You need to remove the reference to native API from the assembly.1029The package is missing the interop manifest. Update it and then try again.Verify that the WPInteropManifest.xml file exists and is included in the package you submitted.1032The icon file format isn’t correct: [format]. Update it and then try again.The icon file specified in the IconPath field in your WMAppManifest.xml points to a file that isn't a png file. 1033We don’t allow embedded EXEs. Remove the [embedded EXE file count] embedded EXEs and then try again.Make sure there are no .exe files in your package. If there are, you need to remove them.1034Invalid entry assemblyMake sure the name of the assembly specified in the EntryPointAssembly field in your AppManifest.xaml is the name of a real assembly that exists in your package. Rebuilding your project should solve this problem.1039Missing embedded resource config from the xbl gameA resource config file is missing from your Xbox Live game package. Check and resubmit the package.1041Too many game config xlast files foundThere were too many config files found. Reduce the number and resubmit the package.1042We couldn’t find the WMAppManifest.xml file. Add it and then try again.Verify that the WMAppManifest.xml file exists and is included in the package that you submitted.1045The Windows Phone OS version [version number] doesn’t support the detected capability: [capability id]. You’ll need to remove it or target a different OS version and then try again.The WMAppManifest.xml file in your project contains a capabilities section, which lists all the capabilities your app wants to use. The file also contains an AppPlatformVersion value. Each version of the platform supports a specific set of capabilities. This error is saying that there's a mismatch and that a capability you defined is not supported for the platform version specified. We recommend running the Store Test Kit to verify what capabilities your app needs. You may also have to adjust or target a different platform version.1046Package's targeted Application Platform Version not permittedYour app has a platform version number that is currently not supported. It is not in the supported list given by [version number]. You will need to rebuild your app targeting one of the supported platform versions and resubmit.1051RpalApiAccess permission is required when RpalManifest.xml file is presentThe appropriate permission is required when the RpalManifest.xml file is present. To request permission, contact .2001Duplicate file detected in Silverlight Appmanifest.xaml or appx manifestIf rebuilding your package doesn't solve this problem, you may have to manually remove any duplicate files from the AppManifest.xaml or appx manifest in your package. To rebuild your app, see .Note:If you see error 2001 during package processing, see the
section for more info.2002Localized title is missing or emptyThe named resource or the named resource's language was not found in the .PRI file.2003The [NeutralResourceLanguage] attribute is missing on the entry assembly. Update the assembly and then try again.Open Project properties for your project in Visual Studio. Click Assembly Information, and in the Assembly Information dialog, choose a value for Neutral Language in the drop-down. 2005There’s an incorrect template type in the manifest. Update it and then try again.The template you are using for Live Tile is not valid. You need to update WMAppManifest.xml with one of the supported values. 2006The WMAppManifest.xml file isn’t correct. Review it for errors and then try again.Rebuild your app and then run the automated tests. To view what's inside your package, see . To learn more about using the Windows Phone Store Test Kit on Windows Phone 8.0 and earlier, see . To learn more about using the Windows App Certification Kit on Windows Phone 8.1 and later, see . To rebuild your app, see . If these steps don’t resolve the issue, see .2007The package must include at least one assembly. Update it and then try again.You can explore your package to verify that it doesn't contain an assembly (DLL). Then rebuild your project and verify that the updated package now contains at least one assembly. To rebuild your app, see .2008Capability [capability id] is not allowedYou specify capabilities in the WMAppManifest.xml file or the appx manifest file. It’s possible that you entered an invalid capability ID into the file, or that you changed the AppPlatformVersion to a version that doesn’t support a particular capability. It is also possible that you have specified a capability that requires special permissions for your developer account. For example, to deploy or submit an app that uses ID_CAP_WALLET_SECUREELEMENT or ID_CAP_WALLET_PAYMENTINSTRUMENTS, you must request special permissions and have that permission applied to your developer account. For more info and assistance, contact .2012Agent [agent name] doesn’t have a valid entry assembly.Verify the assembly name in the EntryPointAssembly field.2013Agent [agent name] doesn’t have a valid entry point type.Verify the value of the EntryPointType field in AppManifest.xaml.2014This image file format isn’t supported: [format].Verify that your app only uses the allowed image format types. For more information, see .2017The maximum number of defined manifest extensions is [extension limit] and you have too many. Reduce the number and try again.In your WMAppManifest.xml, reduce the number of extensions defined so it’s less than or equal to the [extension limit] value.2019You can't define more than [limit] instances of the background agent type [agent type].Reduce the number of background agents of this type in your project.2025You can't use extension [extension name] with this account. Contact our support team if you'd like to request permissions to use this extension.You've specified an extension that isn't allowed based on the type of developer account you have. 2030DeviceID [device id] is not allowedApps with the ability to communicate with device [device ID] isn't allowed. Verify the specified device ID or confirm with your OEM or Microsoft that the specified hardware is registered correctly with the Windows Phone Store.3003ISV does not have permission to submit Xbox Live appsThe particular ISV does not have permission to submit Xbox Live apps. Contact Dev Center support to get the necessary permission.3006Background agents aren't allowed in apps with runtime type as "Modern Native".For more information on background agents and the types of projects that support them, see .3008The DefaultLanguage element specified in the manifest isn't correct. It must be one of the values supported by the Windows Phone Store.Check the DefaultLanguage setting in the WMAppManifest.xml file and make sure it's one of the supported languages. 3016Your account doesn't have permissions to submit framework packages.Login with an account that has framework package submission permissions and resubmit.3017The appxbundle manifest is not validThe bundle manifest is not valid. Check to see that it conforms to the bundle manifest schema and then resubmit the package.3018The appx manifest is not validThe appx manifest is not valid. Check to see that it conforms to the appx manifest schema and then resubmit the package.3019The appxbundle package size is too bigThere is a limitation of 4GB on the appxbundle package size. Reduce the size and then resubmit the package.3110Store manifest is not validThe store manifest file is not valid. Check to see that it conforms to the store manifest schema and then resubmit the package.3111Windows Phone reserved app info manifest not validThe Windows Phone reserved app info manifest file is not valid. Check to see that it conforms to the schema and then resubmit the package.3114The PRI file is missingFor localization, the PRI file needs to be present.3115Extracting localized string data did not complete in timeTry resubmitting the package.3116Dumping contents of the PRI localized resource map failedWe were unable to extract localized string data from the application's PRI file. Check that the identity name in the PRI file matches the identity name in the appx manifest. Try again or submit a different appx file.3117Invalid package fileWe were unable to unpack the appx package. Try again or submit a different one.3118The appxbundle cannot have framework app packageThe appxbundle cannot have a framework package specified. Remove the framework package and resubmit the package.3119The appx bundle must have one app packageThere can only be one application package containing the binaries in an appxbundle.3200The appxbundle multiple publisher display nameEvery localized publisher display name must match. Modify your resources file to ensure that all publisher display names match the display names configured in Dev Center.3201The appx manifest publisher displayname mismatchThe publisher display name in the manifest does not match the publisher display name defined in Dev Center.3202In-process background tasks are not permitted for Windows Phone packagesExtension of category Windows.ApplicationModel.Background task must not have an executable.3204You can't put a background in a custom host.Remove the Background Tasks declaration from the manifest and try uploading the package again.The following table lists more app submission error messages, ordered by the error ID. The Error field contains the error message. The words shown in bold in the table will be replaced at run time by specific values relevant to your app. If you are having trouble determining what the problem is with your app, refer to the support options available at
for more help.Error IDError1000We weren't able to write to your file. Try again.1001We weren't able to unpack the XAP package. Try again or submit a different one.1006The author name in the manifest is too long: [author name]. It must be shorter than [number] characters. Use a shorter name and try again.1007The description for the manifest isn’t correct [description]. Use a different description and try again.1009The ProductID in the manifest isn’t correct: [product id]. Use a different ID and then try again.1018Assembly [assembly name] is [bytes] too long. A package’s assembly size can only be [byte limit] bytes long. Update your package and then try again.1019We don’t allow embedded packages. Remove the [embedded package count] embedded packages and then try again.1022The photo extras file contains incorrect XML: [file name]. Update it and then try again.1030The package is missing a native assembly. Update it and then try again.1035The Xbox xlast file can only have [achievement limit] achievements, and your file has [achievement count]. Reduce the number in your file and try again.1036The Xbox xlast file can only have [credit limit] credits, and your file has [credit count]. Reduce the number in your file and try again.1038This Xbox game is missing an embedded configuration resource. Update it and then try again.1040The config xlast file for this Xbox LIVE game wasn’t found.1043The updated title ID for your Xbox game doesn’t match the original. Update it with the same title and then try again.1044Your package uses native APIs or has WPInteropManifest, but your account doesn’t have permission to use native APIs. Update it and then try again.1047You can’t remove a language from an app update that the original version of the app supported. 1048The locale identified in this app conflicts with a language that an existing app version supports.
1049The languages in this package don’t exactly match the languages in the previously uploaded version of this app. 1050You can’t downgrade the app platform.2000Can’t open resource file: [resource file name].2004Something’s happened, and we’re not quite sure what. We haven’t lost any of your app’s info, so try resubmitting again. If you continue to see this message, try submitting your app at a later time.2009The embedded file [file name] isn’t allowed.2010The embedded file [file name] is too big. The maximum size is [max size], and this file is [file size]. Reduce the file and then try again.2011The background agent can’t use [resource], which assembly [assembly name] is trying to use. Update your file and then try again.2015This extension isn’t supported: [extension].2018You can't define Photo Extras using Extras.xml for apps that target this version of the Windows Phone OS. Instead, use the Extensions element in the WMAppManifest.xml file.2020You can't use APIs from a Windows Phone OS version that's higher than the version in AppPlatformVersion.2021You've specified an incorrect AppConnectKey: [key]. It must be no more than [number] characters and can include only ASCII characters.2022You've specified an incorrect protocol name: [protocol name]. The name must be between 3 and 39 characters and it can include only lowercase ASCII letters, numbers, and hyphens.2023You've specified an incorrect FileType: [file type]. The FileType must begin with a period and be between 1 and 64 characters long.2024You can't define more than one AppConnectKey.2026The file {0} has an incorrect name.
File names can only contain ASCII characters. 2027Assembly names can't contain the '~' character (tilde). Update the name for file [file name] and try again.3000Windows Phone OS 7.0 doesn't support Settings apps.3002Your account doesn't have permissions to submit preinstalled apps.3004Your account doesn't have permissions to submit Settings apps.3005The native resource file [file name] can't contain executable code. Try resubmitting the file without it.3007The language element specified in the manifest is invalid. It must be one of the values supported by the Windows Phone Store.3009The entry point for the application specified in the image path attribute on the default task in the manifest is invalid or missing. It should point to an .exe located at the root.3010The [NeutralResourceLanguage] attribute is invalid on the entry assembly. Update the assembly and then try again.3011The package is missing [file name]. Update it and then try again.3203Windows Phone 8.1 apps can’t have background tasks for location tracking.After app submission is complete, there is a package processing stage. The package processing stage creates pre-JIT (just-in-time) compiled packages for improved start-up and run-time performance. The package must pass this stage to move forward in the app lifecycle. If there are any errors, the app will be rejected.Although this stage applies to all managed apps, the pre-JIT compile packages are only used for phones running Windows Phone 8 and later.The following are some common errors in the package processing stage and suggested solutions:CauseSolutionNotesOne or more assemblies in the package are obfuscated incorrectly.Use a different tool to perform the obfuscation or remove the obfuscation.The pre-JIT compile process optimizes the obfuscated assemblies. However, occasionally some assemblies are obfuscated using a tool that modifies the MSIL in an unsupported way that will cause an error.The size of one or more methods in the app exceeds 256 KB of IL.Refactor the offending method into smaller functions.The size of MSIL for methods in an assembly can be determined by using the ILDASM tool.The strong name signature validation failed for one or more assemblies.Sign with the correct key or remove strong name signing.This error typically occurs when the strong name signing was performed using a key different than the one expected in the assembly metadata.The package contains mixed-mode (with managed and native code) assemblies.Remove the mixed-mode assemblies from the package and resubmit the app.Mixed-mode assemblies are not supported on Windows Phone.One or more assemblies (or the entire package) is already precompiled.Make sure that you upload the package generated by Visual Studio.To rebuild your app, see .A Windows Phone 8.1 XAP or appx/appxbundle assembly is not valid.Make sure your .winmd file has at least one public entry point.You can use any decompiler application to review the code and check for public entry points if needed.If the previous solutions do not resolve your error, contact
for more assistance.The package contains all the files and resources needed to run your app on a phone. It’s just a ZIP file. To browse the contents of the file, add a .zip extension to the filename and then open the file in Windows Explorer. You can also extract the contents of the file, once you’ve renamed it with the .zip extension, by right-clicking the file and selecting Extract All from the menu.When you rebuild a project or solution, you’re cleaning it and then doing a build. Cleaning is the process of removing all intermediary files and output directories. To rebuild your solution in Visual Studio, select the Rebuild command from the Build menu. Alternatively, you can use the ALT + B + R keyboard shortcut.
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