
就是包装纸上面,当然不是印在外面,是和瓶子本身贴在一起的那面空白包装纸sfsaaa 先把外面的皮撕下来在畅饮营养快线玩转梦幻西游的背面剑侠客人物
He doesn't go out with the lads so much these days. Michelle keeps him on a tight leash. On a leash的意思是牵着狗,on a tight leash就是溜狗时紧紧抓住绳索。D这些日子他不再跟见其他女孩子了,米薛看他可看得紧了。‖
Just sit tight while I go and phone for help. 我去打电话求救,你坐好不要动。
Sit tight and don't move that leg. 你安静地坐好,不要老动那条腿。
Tight spot 困境: If there is a shortage of fuel, everyone who drives to work will be in a tight spot. 如果汽油供应再跟不上,开车上班族就麻烦了。
Bob's in a tight spot right now because he has fallen behind in his work. 巴伯完不成任务,麻烦大了。
You need to get your story down tight. The time for interview is limited. 你得把经历讲得短而精,因为你面试的时间十分有限。
I want to argue with him but his logic is way too tight. 我想跟他辩,但他的逻辑是滴水不漏。
288. He ran for five miles, and he even didn‘t break a sweat. 他跑了五英里,连汗都不出,小菜一碟。
289. What is that all about? 到底发生了什么事?这究竟是怎么回事?
290. I am racking my brain, but I can‘t imagine why you‘ll make this up. 我绞尽脑汁,也想不出你为什么要编这样一个故事来哄我?
291. Pay 与payoff 意思不一样。Pay是工资,是进帐;payoff是付款,是支出。
This is my pay day. 今天我发薪水。Is that your payoff to the debt? 这笔钱是用来还款的吗?
Efforts and perseverance will finally pay off for democracy. 只有坚持、努力,民主必将成正果。
Patience has a future payoff, but impulse pays off now. 耐心的收成在日后,性急的收成在眼前。
Being a government stooge doesn't always pay off 做政府的哈巴狗并不是次次都会得意。
Payoff 也作D贿赂‖解释,Payoff to the government officials is a common practice in this country. 在这个国家贿赂政府官员是种例行公事。
292. I have a little situation here. 这里的Situation意思是problem。285例句中的situation实际上也是这个意思。
293. Hats off to Andy, who teaches English for free here. 美国人唱国歌时,要脱帽。所以脱帽就是D致敬‖的意思。向Andy致敬,他在这里免费教英语。如果你没有帽子,觉得说这话不妥,也可以直接说salute,Salute to Andy.
294. fired up: I am really fired up for the race. Fired up 情绪高昂,斗志高昂
295. Soup up 原指把普通车改装成赛车,现在也指改进设备。He souped up his old car. 他自己把就车改装成了赛车。The company spend billions on souped-up broadband services. 公司投资数十亿用来提高宽带网的服务质量。Souped-Up Student Housing 豪华学生公寓(指里面设施齐全)
296. coffeed up 有人早晨非得喝杯咖啡来提神才能开始一天的生活,这就叫coffee up, He needs to be coffeed up before starting his work.
297. Beef up 吃牛肉就会有力,You need to be beefed up a little more.
298. A tomboy attitude 女孩子学男孩样,假小子, As soon as she entered middle school, Xiaoli developed a tomboy attitude and got in fights. 小莉一进中学,就野得像男孩一样,常常打架。
299. I will go full out for it. 我会全力以赴的。
300. Nice job. 干的不错。 Nice efforts. 用了不少功,努力可嘉。相当于中文的D精神可嘉‖,注意,这是多半在一个人失败时,或取得的成绩不理想时说的话,属于安慰语。Interesting.说这个词时,多半是委婉语,表示不太相信别人说的话,或不太赞同一件事。初学者不要随便用这个词,最好不要对别人说:Your story is very interesting. 你的故事很有趣呀。这句话听起来是说,我并不相信你的故事。
301.I wish there could be a course on surviving the office jungle. 我真希望有个课程教我们在办公室丛林中如何生存。Office jungle, 指办公室里复杂的人事关系,流言蜚语。
302.I have to attend an off-site meeting. 我要外出开会。I will be off-site and unreachable for the rest of the afternoon. 我要出去一下,下午就不要找我了。
303.Let me give you some broadstroke ideas and you can fill in the rest.如果你是老板,你就可以这么对下属说:我给你一些基本的想法,其余细节的由你去补充。D补充细节‖还一个说法:I will let you iron out the details. 请你把细节弄妥。Can you iron that out? 你能把那件事摆平吗?
304.I'll be out of the office for a couple hours withsenior management,but you can reach me on my mobile. 我要出去一两个小时,陪高层管理人员,要找我的话,你可以打我的手机。
305. Great job on the report. It's good to see you take such boldinitiative! 报告写的不错,你能这样积极主动实在不错。
306. I'll think about it. 让我考虑考虑。这话实际上是拒绝的委婉语。
307. Let's push the boundaries on this project. We need something reallyinnovative! Throw out the conventions, I want something edgy! 这个项目需要一些更加大胆的想法,我们得找些真正的创新意念。不要管那些老黄历,我要的是创新。
308. Think up ways of solving these problems. 动动脑,想些法子解决这些问题。
309. I hate my dead-end, crappy job. 我恨死了这个没有任何前途、烦人的工作。I am a greeter at this five star hotel, it is a dead-end job. 我是这个五星级酒店的迎宾员,毫无晋升的机会。But you canlook at this issue this way: A dead-end job is there to provide a steppingstone for upward-bound employees. 但你可以这样来看这个问题:这种死工作是为那种有上进心员工预备的一块跳板。
310. We're often pulling some long hours but without extra pay. 我们常常超常加班,可是没有加班工资。
311. To make people like you in the office: Start a friendly chitchat with your colleagues. Chitchat 很随意的聊天,交谈;
312. Make your cubicle neat, tidy and make it a homey charm. 把你的办公桌弄得干净整洁,像家一样温馨。
313. Pay for gas if you carpool with your colleagues. 如果你搭顺风车,记得给车主加油。
314. Are you a consumer-friendly person? 你对顾客体贴入微吗?
315. It is a foul play not to tell the customers upfront what the cost is. 你在一开始就告诉客人费用是多少,否则的话是很不公平的。
316. In the best of all worlds, you will get 80% of what you have been offered for your salary. Oftentimes you won‘t even get that. 在世界上最好的公司,你的工资能达到公司所承诺的80%就很不错了,常常你连这个数都得不到。
317. Don‘t apply for credit cards willy-nilly, don‘t use the credit cards willy-nilly. 不要随意地去申请信用卡,也不要随意地去使用信用卡。
318. You need be always ready for a ballpark idea of the cost to your clients. Give me a ballpark figure.告诉我大致数额是多少。ballpark大致,一定范围内的,
319. You will get crunched if you have a poor credit history. 如果你信用记录差的话,你做事就不会那么容易了。在口语里,crunch又作俯卧撑解:I need to do 200 crunches everyday to get rid of my spare tire. 我每天得做两百次俯卧撑来消除我的肚腩。
320. You must greet new clients with polite professionalism. 凡有新顾客,你都得做到敬业周到。
321. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. 得由我来宣布坏消息真烦。
322. run on the coat-tails of 沾别人的光,
Al Gore did no original science. To reach his conclusions, he has merely run on the coat-tails of others. 戈尔根本就没有什么原创科学,他的结论不过是贪他人之功为己有。
Those members of Crown Prince Party have risen to fame on the coat-tails of their fathers. 太子党成员之所以得势不过是靠父亲而已。
323. I said that to say this. 我说了上面一段话是为了说这句话。这句口语很适用,你最后要做结论时可以用得上这句话。
324. There is a puny amount of it. Puny 很少。
325. We need money badly, but there's the rub: no one will lend us any. 我们急需要钱,但偏偏谁也不会借钱给我们。Rub 的一般意思是D擦、磨‖,这里做D困难‖解释。
Given that Jackie Chan is one of the Chinese government's biggest supporters, I find it a little more than ironic that one of his films would get rubbed out by government censors. 你想想看,成龙最铁心支持中国政府,所以连他拍的电影都被政府所禁,我觉得有点讽刺意味了。
326. It is your call. It is your shot. 这两句话的意思基本一样:这是你的任务,这是你的使命,由你做决定。
327. high-strung, over-strung, strung是string的分词,这两个复合词意思都是D神经绷得紧紧地、脆弱‖,也就是D神经质‖的意思。He is clumsy, irritable and high-strung. 他笨手笨脚、不惹人爱,总是神经兮兮的。High-strung也可以是highly strung。Edgy也是这个意思。
328. vibe 感觉,气氛There was a really good vibe at that party lastnight. 昨晚的聚会气氛不错。 He is dumb, he cannot pick up on my very subtle vibes. 他是个木头人,他不懂我表情下面的感情。
329. The boy said to her that he liked her. That has swept her off her feet. 那个男孩告诉她他很中意她,这让她有点神魂颠倒了。330. loaded 直译是D装满了的‖,也转义为D附带含义很深的‖,例如:a loaded question(a loaded word)意思是一个表面问题后还有很多其他意味的问题:Patriotism is a loaded question in China. It actually means that you have to love the Communist Party. 爱国在中国是个带有圈套的问题,实际上的意思是,你必须爱共产党。(注意第36例中loaded的不同含义). There‘s no such thing as simple
it‘s always a loaded subject, it is about power sharing. 谈论民主决不是一个轻松的话题,这是一个深沉的题目,它涉及到权力的分配。
331. You need to do something about your abs now. abs是abdomen的简写,意为腹部,肚子。D你得为你那个肚腩想想办法了吧。‖ Everyday I do hundreds of crunches to flatten my abs. 我每天做仰卧起坐数百次,就是想打平我的肚腩。
332. Six-pack abs: 腹部六块肌肉。健美的腹肌有六块肌肉(甚至八块,但一般为六块),而一般人都是圆圆的肚子。Everyone dreams of six-pack abs, but it is not easy to get it. 人人都想要有健美的腹肌,但谈何容易。Do you have any suggestion how to reduce the belly flab?
333. 大肚腩的几种说法:belly flab, belly fat, spare tire, a big tummy, a potbelly, abdominal muscle 腹肌,a taut midsection 健壮的腹肌
334. flabby muscle 松垮垮的肌肉,taut muscle 绷紧的肌肉
335. I wish I could get rid of this layer of fat here. 我真希望去掉这一层脂肪。The first step to losing body fat is changing your diet. 要去掉身体脂肪的第一步是改变你的饮食。
336. To reduce your weight, make sure you eat less than you are burning. Burn 的本意是燃烧,这里做D烧掉你的脂肪‖解,D如果要想减肥,你一定要做到吃的要比消耗的少。‖
337. Eating several small meals throughout the day will boost your metabolism and help you burn more calories. 每天少吃多餐能帮助提高新陈代谢,从而达到减肥的目的。Calorie卡[热量的单位]
338. Sometimes hunger pangs are actually your body's plea for water. So drink lot of water when you feel hungry. 有时候难熬的饥饿感不过是你身体需要水分,所以你感到饥饿时,多喝点水。
339. Almost everyone reaches a weight loss plateau at some point in their fitness lives. Weight loss plateau 有人翻译为D减肥高原‖,不知所云。这个词组的意思是D减肥停滞‖,就是减到一定程度后,就减不下去了。这是一个常用的词组。
340. Don‘t waste your money on expensive &fat burner& pills or other bogus supplements. To reduce calorie intake and to workout are both essential to a good health.
341.Play hooky 逃学 Student: My grandpa is sick. I cannot go to school. Teacher: I have met him not long ago. You are just playing hooky.
342. 男老师上课时最尴尬的事莫过于裤拉链没有拉好。英语的说法是:Your barn door is open. 或者 Your fly is open.
343. What is the difference between man and woman? Man thinks but woman feels. 男人与女人的区别是什么?男人用脑,女人用情。
344. He is hitched. 他结婚了。
345. the white picket fence 白色围栏,一栋房子由白色围栏围着,代表一种很普通但很满足的生活。中文里有俗话说:老婆孩子热炕头,用英文讲就是:the wife, kids and the white picket fence. You know, i am an ordinary guy. My dream is a wife, two kids, and the white picket fence. 又可称为:the white picket fence dream
346. I am in my late 20. I feel like there is so much pressure from my parents that I should get married, but it personally gives me a sour and depressing feeling that I give up my freedom into a boring life.
347. 现在很多时髦女性喜欢涂指甲,这叫manicure(手指甲), 或pedicure(脚指甲), 两者合在一起,叫mani-pedi:My friend gets mani-pedis all the time.
348. He will come around. 他会想通的,他会明白的
349. My boss went nuclear on me today.今天我的老板对我大吼大叫。
350. oops, 表示惊讶,也有写成ooops,Oops, I did it again.糟糕,我又犯了。This is an oops child.这个孩子是意外怀上的。
351. I am not getting into this with you right now. 我现在不想和你仔细谈这件事。
352. He is just a small-time actor. 他不过是个跑龙套的演员。He is a small-time ganster. 他是个小混混。Small-time, 微不足道的,不重要的。另一个说法是 Da nickle and dime‖, a nickel-and-dime business run out of a single rented room, 在一间出租房内经营的业务,像皮包公司之类的。a small-time crime 轻罪,小偷小摸,He used just to be a small-time mayor, but now he is a polibureau guy. 他以前不过是位名不经传的市长而已,但现在他成了政治局成员。
353. Why don‘t you download that into your brain? 为什么不长记性好好记住这件事?
354. Keep your feet on the ground while you dream a promising future. 你可一边脚踏实地,一边展望未来。
355. 如果小孩在那里吵闹,你可以说:Cut it out.不要吵了。
356. 现在超市流行D营养快线‖,英文是eggnog,也可以说是Denergy drink‖
357. dork, nerd, geek, 这几个词的意思很相近,都是D呆头呆脑,书呆子,老气‖。I cannot take my mom with me to the party, or I would look like a big dork. 我不能带妈妈参加这项活动,否则我会看起来像个十足的老土。
358. I am going to have a long afternoon today.今天下午我会忙得不可开交。这里的long做Dbusy‖解。
359. Have a blast. 祝你玩得痛快。相当于DEnjoy yourself as much as possible.‖I had a blast on New Year‘s Eve.除夕我玩的尽兴极了。blast意为D爆炸,冲击波‖,Eggnog can add a blast of energy into your life.营养快线可以让你活力四射。(申明:我从来没有喝过营养快线,编这句话纯是为了学习英文。)
360. You only paid 20 Yuan for this T-shirt? It is a real steal. 这件T衫只花了20元?那真是白捡来的。
361. Listen up, guys, for some advice. 伙计们,认真听听一下这些好的主意。Listen up 意思是D仔细听听‖,与listen to 不同,后者是听D谁、或事。‖
362. first off, 相当于first of all, First off, you need to clean the room. 你先把房间打扫一下。
363. If things seem like a go, you can make the second move. 如果一切顺利,你再做下一步的行动。Look like a go, or seem like a go, 行得通,还行。
364. I‘m just zoned out for some reason. 不知道为什么我有点走神。Zone out 走神,漫不经心,When I'm singing I zone out and feel like I'm the only one in the room. 我放声高唱时,就觉得旁若无人,觉得房间就我一个人。 I just arrived by train this morning, so don't get upset if I just zone out in the middle of the meeting. 我是今早坐火车刚到,所以如果会议中我走神的话,请不要不高兴。Zone 区域,现在很多城市有D英语角‖,一般翻译为DEnglish Corner‖,但更好的翻译应为:English Zone,或者译为:English Bay。 In the zone:进入状态,a goalie who was in the zone throughout the playoffs 比赛至始至终都精力旺盛的守门员。Comfort zone 原意为不冷不热,最适合人的体温的区域;每个人都有自己感到舒适的范围:You need to get out of your comfort zone and work for one year as volunteer in a village. 你应该走出自己狭小的舒适环境,到一个村庄去一年做义工。
365. I have learned this lesson the hard way. 这个教训是付了高昂学费才学来的。the hard way 付出一定代价得来的。
365. 如果the white picket fence (白色围栏)象征一种普通市民或曰小康生活的话(见345条),那么the yellow brick road 则是小资的生活了。He is able to provide me the yellow-brick road, so I will marry him. 他能够给我提供富裕的生活,所以我愿意嫁给他。
366. Many things can sink an interview, such as making a
a tendency to ramble, and so on. Sink 这里作D搞砸‖解释。D很多事都可能把面试搞砸,例如,第一印象不佳,说话吞吞吐吐等等。‖
367. Candidates should always error on the side of a suit and tie, even if they've been told that the hiring company has a casual dress policy. 这里的error on the side of 是什么意思呢? (在几方面可能犯错时)宁可在这方面犯错。D见工候选人哪怕得知要雇用的公司在衣着上有穿便装的规矩,但还是要穿西装打领带为妙,哪怕这可能不合规矩。‖dress up, 穿正装,穿礼服。dress down 衣着十分随便。
368. There should be no limp or cold fish handshakes. Look the interviewer in the eye and give a firm handshake, that's part of first impressions. 握手时不能有气无力,目无表情,一定要看着面试官的眼睛,有力地握下手,这是第一印象。Cold fish 就是死鱼,表示冷漠,生疏。Limp为D跛行‖,也是说D一个人要死不死的样子。‖
369. Before the interview, you need to learn what the company‘s hot bottons are. Hot bottons 重要的事项,禁忌。Gender issues have become something of a hot button of late. 性别问题最近成为热门话题。
370. I am sorry I cannot remember his name, my mind has gone blank. 对不起,我一时想不起他的名字,我头脑是一片空白。
361. Listen up, guys, for some advice. 伙计们,认真听听一下这些好的主意。Listen up 意思是D仔细听听‖,与listen to 不同,后者是听D谁、或事。‖
362. first off, 相当于first of all, First off, you need to clean the room. 你先把房间打扫一下。
363. If things seem like a go, you can make the second move. 如果一切顺利,你再做下一步的行动。Look like a go, or seem like a go, 行得通,还行。
364. I‘m just zoned out for some reason. 不知道为什么我有点走神。Zone out 走神,漫不经心,When I'm singing I zone out and feel like I'm the only one in the room. 我放声高唱时,就觉得旁若无人,觉得房间就我一个人。 I just arrived by train this morning, so don't get upset if I just zone out in the middle of the meeting. 我是今早坐火车刚到,所以如果会议中我走神的话,请不要不高兴。Zone 区域,现在很多城市有D英语角‖,一般翻译为DEnglish Corner‖,但更好的翻译应为:English Zone,或者译为:English Bay。 In the zone:进入状态,a goalie who was in the zone throughout the playoffs 比赛至始至终都精力旺盛的守门员。Comfort zone 原意为不冷不热,最适合人的体温的区域;每个人都有自己感到舒适的范围:You need to get out of your comfort zone and work for one year as volunteer in a village. 你应该走出自己狭小的舒适环境,到一个村庄去一年做义工。
365. I have learned this lesson the hard way. 这个教训是付了高昂学费才学来的。the hard way 付出一定代价得来的。
365. 如果the white picket fence (白色围栏)象征一种普通市民或曰小康生活的话(见345条),那么the yellow brick road 则是小资的生活了。He is able to provide me the yellow-brick road, so I will marry him. 他能够给我提供富裕的生活,所以我愿意嫁给他。
366. Many things can sink an interview, such as making a
a tendency to ramble, and so on. Sink 这里作D搞砸‖解释。D很多事都可能把面试搞砸,例如,第一印象不佳,说话吞吞吐吐等等。‖
367. Candidates should always error on the side of a suit and tie, even if they've been told that the hiring company has a casual dress policy. 这里的error on the side of 是什么意思呢? (在几方面可能犯错时)宁可在这方面犯错。D见工候选人哪怕得知要雇用的公司在衣着上有穿便装的规矩,但还是要穿西装打领带为妙,哪怕这可能不合规矩。‖dress up, 穿正装,穿礼服。dress down 衣着十分随便。
368. There should be no limp or cold fish handshakes. Look the interviewer in the eye and give a firm handshake, that's part of first impressions. 握手时不能有气无力,目无表情,一定要看着面试官的眼睛,有力地握下手,这是第一印象。Cold fish 就是死鱼,表示冷漠,生疏。Limp为D跛行‖,也是说D一个人要死不死的样子。‖
369. Before the interview, you need to learn what the company‘s hot bottons are. Hot bottons 重要的事项,禁忌。Gender issues have become something of a hot button of late. 性别问题最近成为热门话题。
370. I am sorry I cannot remember his name, my mind has gone blank. 对不起,我一时想不起他的名字,我头脑是一片空白。
371. drum out 逼某人失业 G ao Zh isheng was drummed out of the law business a couple of years ago because he was suspected of being a human rights activist. 因为当局怀疑高是人权活动家,逼着他把律师事务所给关门了。
372. red meat 带血的肉,意思是D投机所好的、能煽动情绪的发言‖,原意是面对一条饿狗,仍一条带血的肉,狗就不会叫了。Her father asked her if she was ever to get married, and she threw him some red meat. 他父亲问她到底要不要结婚,她回答说,他已经有了个不错的男朋友。(她父亲就不再问了。)The Party is good at red-meat rhetoric on nationalism. 它最拿手的好戏就是使用煽动民族主义的宣包含各类专业文献、专业论文、中学教育、应用写作文书、生活休闲娱乐、高等教育、各类资格考试、行业资料、51英语日常用语、习惯语(信天优)等内容。 
 简单的日常用语(英语)_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。...今天是个好天。 103. So far,So good. 目前还...信不信由你! 125. Don&t count on me.别指望...  常用英语趣味习惯用语_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。...(不是“多可耻”) 以下是含有动物或颜色的习语 ...66. silk worm 是“蚕”,既不是“寄生主”,也...  英语会话日常用语_一年级英语_英语_小学教育_教育专区...一、 Greetings 问候语 1. Hello! / Hi! 你好!...I'll be back in 5 days. 我五天之后 回来。 ...  英语的日常交际用语〔日常用语〕_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。英语的日常交际...12. It’s Sunday today. 今天是星期天。 13. Welcome to visit our ...  信不信由你! 125. Don't count on me.别指望...277. I'm not used to drinking. 我不习惯喝酒...这两本书已经过 家庭英语日常用语汇总期 3 天了。...  英语日常用语、习惯语(信天... 97页 1财富值 英语日常口语,习惯用语 7页 1...听力中常出现的日常习惯用语 1) take a rain check 延期 2) lost count 弄...  所以不要相信那些 100 天就可以把英语学好的广告。如果有学生或一位网友 100 ...这是一句棒球语, 但也开始用在日常生活中, 往往意思为: “如果你犯三次,就...  英语日常用语和词汇_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。出境...英语文化中,人们见面谈论天气,既可作寒暄 语,又...需要注意的是,在英语国家, 人们都习惯于拟定好各自...  写封信给我。 Give me a ring. = Call me!来...这里的 fair-weather 的真正含义是借用美好的天 气...英语习惯用语 7页 免费 英语日常用语习惯用语50......}


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