
视频: 《幕府将军2:全面战争-武士之殇》独立资料片预告
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Total War:Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai Trailer (PC)
《幕府将军2:全面战争-武士之殇 Total War:Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai》游戏独立资料片预告片
药品服务许可证(京)-经营-& 幕府2.新资料片即将发布Total War: Shogun 2 – Fall of ...
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UID557817主题阅读权限40帖子精华1积分946金钱4609 荣誉2 人气5 在线时间1396 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 946, 距离下一级还需 54 积分
帖子精华1积分946金钱4609 荣誉2 人气5 评议0
本帖最后由 star2808 于
00:10 编辑
The Creative Assembly have just announced that they'll be releasing a huge standalone expansion for Total War: Shogun 2 called Fall of the Samurai. It will be set in the period leading up to the Boshin War, in which European and American forces introduce a new wave of military technology that threatens to wipe out the Samurai.
Fall of the Samurai will add six new factions. Some, like the Nagaoka, sill support the might of the Shogun. Others, like the Satsuma clan, want to embrace Imperial power. Externally, British, French and American forces are vying for influence in the Land of the Rising Sun. Over the course of the campaign, you'll get to decide Japan's fate.
New tech trees will reflect the evolving technology of a country adapting to the influx of devastating new weaponry from the west. That technology includes new naval units like &steamers, torpedo boats and mighty Ironclad battleships.& For the first time in Total War, these will be able to launch artillery attack on land units from the safety of the sea. Coastal defences will also be able to launch ranged attacks on incoming fleets, and the fight for influence will rage across a new campaign map that will incorporate the Northern Ezo territories and railways. Railways can be used to move troops incredibly fast, and can be sabotaged by the enemy.
On the battlefield, 39 new units will be available, including Gatling guns, US Marines and British Royal Marines. There will be three new agent types, Foreign Veteran, the Ishin Shishi and the Shinshengumi. These campaign map agents will have all new progression trees, and the Geisha and Ninja skills will be updated.
The six new factions are divided into pro-Shogunate and pro-Imperial groups. The Aizu, Nagaoka, and Jozai clans fight for traditional Japan, while the Choshu, Satsuma and Tosa factions fight for the Empire.
A number of improvements will be made to siege battles. New tower defences can be upgraded and specialised to become archery, matchlock or gatling gun towers. A new &port siege& battle will let armadas brave coastal defences to take control of coastal towns by occupying their harbours.
Shogun 2's multiplayer features will also be expanded. You'll be able to create a separate Fall of the Samurai avatar with access to 40 new retainers, 30 new armour pieces and a new tech tree. There will be a new 19th century conquest map and you'll be able to create multiple avatars to try out different tech tree builds.
Fall of the Samurai is shaping up to be a huge update. It's standalone, too, so you won't need Shogun 2 to play it. It's due out in March.
Earlier this year The Creative Assembly took
Total War: Shogun 2
players into the past with the
Rise of the Samurai
downloadable content. In March the company heads in the opposite direction with the standalone
Fall of the Samurai
expansion pack.
Set in the 19th century some 400 years after the events in the original
Shogungame, exploring the seemingly never-ending battle between the Imperial throne and the last Shogunate. America, Britain, and France are hanging about feudal Japan this time around, influencing events and technology and just generally launching the country into a bloody civil war that can only be ended by hours of strategic mouse clicking. It's just the effect our countries have on people.
Four centuries brings plenty of technological advancement to the game's six new warring factions, including railways to enhance trade, ironclad warships to destroy the coastline, and coastal gun embankments to protect the coastline from destruction.
Along with a bevy of single-player enhancements, Fall of the Samurai also ushers in the age of multiplayer 2.0, a vast overhaul of the existing multiplayer system, complete with a new 19th century avatar eager to show the oldies how it's done in the far future.
Hit up the link below for more details, and keep an eye on the Total War blog for the latest information on
Fall of the Samurai.
[Sega Blogs]
总评分:&金钱 + 20&
UID557817主题阅读权限40帖子精华1积分946金钱4609 荣誉2 人气5 在线时间1396 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 946, 距离下一级还需 54 积分
帖子精华1积分946金钱4609 荣誉2 人气5 评议0
Total War: Shogun 2 'Fall of the Samurai' expansion announced
by Steve Watts, Nov 28, pm PST
Related Topics – Total War: Shogun 2, Sega, PC, The Creative Assembly, Total War Series
What goes up must come down. And now that we've had the Rise of the Samurai expansion for Total War: Shogun 2, it's only natural that we get the newly announced &Fall of the Samurai& expansion as well. It will focus on the clash between the Imperial throne and the last Shogunate in the 19th century, when samurai culture met modern weaponry. As the name implies, it didn't end well.
The announcement on the Sega Blog calls it &significantly larger& than anything else produced for the game. It will bring in America, Britain, and France as new threats in a civil war, along with six playable clans.
New features include railway networks, ironclad warships, improved siege battle mechanics, new land and sea unit interactions, the ability to call offshore artillery, and coastal gun emplacements. You can also access three new agent types: Foreign Veteran, Ishin Shishi, and Shinsengumi.
Multiplayer will introduce a new Conquest map, with a new avatar that includes 40 retainers, 30 armor pieces, and a 19th century skill tree. Players can also use multiple avatars now, to create multiple careers across the game and its expansion.
The standalone expansion is due in March of 2012.
UID1579771主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分36金钱715 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间73 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 36, 距离下一级还需 164 积分
帖子精华0积分36金钱715 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID2032587主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分195金钱2542 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间919 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 195, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
帖子精华0积分195金钱2542 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
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【游戏介绍】的这部独立资料片估计是我见过有史以来最大的一部资料片了,接近30G的容量,不得不让你惊奇其中到底加入了多少庞大的内容,喜欢幕府将军的玩家想必这次在《武家之殇》中也定会有更棒的游戏体验。《幕府将军2》的独立资料片《武家之殇(Fall of Samurai)》即将在2012年3月正式发行。本资料片内容远超过其他任何扩展包。在关原之战四百年后,19世纪的日本再次陷入动乱,引进西洋兵器军制的尊皇派与代表守旧武士传统的江户幕府剑拔弩张,大战一触即发——Fall of Samurai闪亮登场!!西洋列强三国英法美将在游戏中出场,坚船利炮轰开国门,激起了一场改变日本国运的血腥内战。玩家将从6个重要强藩中选择一家,为幕府或天皇而战。在“武家之殇”中引入了铁路运输网,铁甲舰和新式笼城模式(包括可升级的炮塔,允许自定功能)外加革命性的海陆协同作战,陆军可以呼叫沿海舰队炮击,同样岸防炮也能够对海上战舰造成重创。玩家甚至可以在战略界面直接呼叫舰炮轰击,在大地图上对沿海的敌军部队和城市进行直接炮轰 -- 诸位,是时候革新战略了。三种新从事官闪亮登场:外籍教官,维新志士和新选组。联机模式也进行了重大革新,多人游戏2.0时代即将到来。新征图和全新的“武家之殇”近代化身,和40+新随从;30+新甲胄;19世纪近代化身技能树。资料片还引入了双重化身模式,允许玩家在战国日本和近代日本两个背景中独立作战。毫无疑问,东西方文化间的激烈冲突将带来全新的游戏体验。准备大干一场吧!
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出门在外也不愁幕府将军2 全面战争 最新更新到多少版本了?现版本稳定么?显示错乱或者BUG多么?有没有资料片_百度知道
幕府将军2 全面战争 最新更新到多少版本了?现版本稳定么?显示错乱或者BUG多么?有没有资料片
还经常显示花屏贴图错乱或者视角错乱,4G内存。 想问下这个游戏现在发展的怎么样了去年过年那阵子下过一个幕府将军2的游戏,不知道现在优化后的幕府能不能跑起来) 唉。(电脑还是当年I3系列的CPU和 9600GT的显卡,第一是BUG还多么其实次显示错乱有没有较好的解决最后就是吃系统资源这方面有木有优化,先问问,当然,感觉BUG很多,口碑如何,下下来还是个残次品伤不起啊,但是不知道是偷跑还是测试,一下载就是将近20个G啊,狂吃资源,由于是32位系统4G利用不全


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