
  好贴。LZ不会取名字啊,名字不好,人就少。  LZ请继续
回复日期: 22:14:39       我恨英语啊   ————————————————————————————  我也恨,四级生死未卜的人mark
  受过高等教育的女孩,是最好的避孕手段    --------------------------------------------    真理啊。。。    如果要提高生育率,只需要反过来就行了,哈哈。。。
  在这帖子里混第二页应该是比较有面子的事    ^_^
  08-27日新闻头条原文:  What Obama Should Say in New Orleans This Weekend  Harry Shearer  Just a guy  Posted: August 25,
PM   NEW ORLEANS -- President Obama comes here this weekend to deliver a speech on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the citys near-destruction. Since hes got a big Iraq speech coming up as well, and since nobody wants a repeat of the ghostly, ghastly, floodlit Jackson Square performance by his predecessor, Ive taken the initiative to write a short version of the speech I hope he delivers to New Orleans and the nation:   My fellow Americans, we cant move ahead successfully until we recognize the true nature of what happened here. Five years ago, while the Mississippi Gulf Coast was savaged by a hurricane, New Orleans was savaged by the mistakes and misjudgments of a federal agency mandated by Congress to protect this city.   Our federal taxes ended up killing nearly two thousand people here in the Crescent City. Acknowledging those facts, which are there for all to see in two painstakingly investigated independent reports, helps people here deal with the pain and the disappointment. Thats why theres now a state historical marker at the site of the worst of the more than 50 failure points, the breach of the floodwall at the 17th Street Canal.   But thats just the first step. Its easy to pledge that such a horrible event, born in the good intentions of Congress to protect this area, wont happen again. So far, its just been words. The same agency that failed you, and us, is using the same low factor of safety, much lower than they use for rural dams, for a system meant to protect a large urban area. And were still making our water policy, in a century of rising sea levels, the old-fashioned way: one pork-barrel project at a time. Other cities, supposedly protected by federal levees, face the possibility of the same horror New Orleans experienced.  Thats not good enough for America. Thats not good enough for the 21st century. So today, Im announcing a new initiative -- a national water policy to deal with situations where, because of hurricanes or flooding, theres too much water, or with situations where, because of drought, theres too little. Well assemble a group of scientists and engineers from across the spectrum of studies -- from geography to hydrology -- and well invite our friends from the Netherlands, who have seven centuries of history in learning how to live with water, to join in drafting a policy that can adapt with the changes that we know lie ahead.   If we have to, well create a new agency to execute this policy, to work with state and local partners in a constructive and cooperative way. Not because we want to add a new agency to the federal government, but because the old one clearly hasnt worked. When you kill the people youre pledged to protect, thats reason enough to change.  
  好贴~希望楼主坚持~    mark
本周末奥巴马会在新奥尔良说什么  Harry Shearer  时间:日
8:55PM    来自新奥尔良的报道:    
    有鉴于在他的前任在杰克逊广场上做了可怕的、苍白的演讲之后,我主动的为他写了一份简短的演讲稿,希望他能够传达给新奥尔良和美国人民:    ---------------    一个美国左派在意淫,呵呵    
大家全部都在用排比句打酱油,吐口水。然而站在演讲台上的终究还是这些人,几千年以来都没有变过。    ——————————————————————————————————  大家提了好多意见,带俺明天整理整理啊!    谢谢大家的回帖!  还是希望多一些翻译质量讨论的回帖,和新闻讨论的回帖。
  谢谢yrhfhfghfhf  筒子啊!内牛满面!  翻译这类新闻搞太他娘的费脑子了。大量的口语话的东西,大量的俚语,大量的不之情时间的简写,大量的未经介绍的主人公。    我的神啊!    不过我会坚持的。呵呵!    ————————————————  作者:afei0519
回复日期: 23:39:35       问楼主一个问题:为什么国内媒体采集国外新闻必须经某机构那获取?你这个贴子严格来说是违规的。一曰他的受众面达到一般媒体程度,就会有人掐死你了。       1,我是以学习交流为目的的,我个人也并不是媒体。我是个人,这个是大前提。   2,我会倾向于挑选大家喜欢看的中国的新闻,但是会有度的把握。不管是不是和中国有关的新闻,我不会挑选太偏激的东西,我也不喜欢,论坛也不容许。   3,希望大家留言的时候注意一下。   4,大多数被过于关注的原因是口水太多,而且口水喷的太厉害,发撒的喷。我相信这个帖子应该不会有太多口水。
  yrhfhfghfhf佩服        作者:houzhi1984 回复日期: 23:25:05      08-27日新闻头条原文:      What Obama Should Say in New Orleans This Weekend        -------------------        或许这个标题可以译为:        本周末奥巴马应该在新奥尔良说的话    ——————————————————————  
回复日期: 23:30:15           有鉴于在他的前任在杰克逊广场上做了可怕的、苍白的演讲之后,我主动的为他写了一份简短的演讲稿,希望他能够传达给新奥尔良和美国人民:        ---------------        一个美国左派在意淫,呵呵    ----------  看来自由派都不入您眼
  小布什式的美国右派更令人同情他们的智商。  里根和老布什才值得尊重
回复日期: 00:30:45           作者:过客不语 回复日期: 00:23:33      小布什式的美国右派更令人同情他们的智商。      里根和老布什才值得尊重        -----------------        小布什令人同情?        噗。。        现在小布什是退休总统,拿高薪,世界各地旅游,出书,讲演,与朋友们谈笑风声        你老主子萨达姆在地狱泪流满面      --------  看,搓哥在地狱里和萨达姆互对泪目。  顺便一提,萨达姆可是你老兄的爹,没他你怎么喷人呐。  搓哥还是继续和你那个与撒旦搞基的萨老爹交换G心得吧,加油。
  看到搓哥和手机党员a某人在跟兰州套近乎,就知道他们的目的。  装作尊敬兰州的劳动成果,然后迅速歪楼,首先使用粪嘴攻击他人,然后再装作哈巴狗一样跟兰州卖乖。  仅此而已
  哦,对了,克林顿是美国民主党员,智商没搓哥高,因为搓哥说了  从智商上,他看不起自由派。  为何?因为搓哥就会百度来翻译英文嘛
回复日期: 00:34:46    看到搓哥和手机党员a某人在跟兰州套近乎,就知道他们的目的。    装作尊敬兰州的劳动成果,然后迅速歪楼,首先使用粪嘴攻击他人,然后再装作哈巴狗一样跟兰州卖乖。    仅此而已    -----------------    我没有和任何人套近乎。    我只是觉得楼主翻译辛苦而已。    楼主与我素不相识,楼主的政治立场我一无所知。    以你的人品才识    怎么可能理解我搓哥的想法    噗。。    就这样吧    不歪楼          
回复日期: 00:37:54       作者:过客不语 回复日期: 00:34:46      看到搓哥和手机党员a某人在跟兰州套近乎,就知道他们的目的。      装作尊敬兰州的劳动成果,然后迅速歪楼,首先使用粪嘴攻击他人,然后再装作哈巴狗一样跟兰州卖乖。      仅此而已        -----------------        我没有和任何人套近乎。        我只是觉得楼主翻译辛苦而已。        楼主与我素不相识,楼主的政治立场我一无所知。        以你的人品才识        怎么可能理解我搓哥的想法        噗。。        就这样吧        不歪楼  ----------  兰州的政治立场都不知道,你又如何知道你大爷我的想法和人品学识?  噗...  就继续zhuangbility吧您呐  也罢,您这样的也就欺软怕硬。  敢再来歪楼就是萨达姆的孙子如何?反正您天天见他。  白白了您呐,继续和您的萨爷爷撒旦叔一起3P吧
    当一个人可以看英语像看汉语,看汉语像看英语    彻底明白语言之时    会是什么状态?      
  Sunita Laxman Jadhav是一名上门推销晚育的女-性工作者。她耐心的向一对新婚夫妇建议:推迟两年怀孕,政府将感谢你们,并且会付给你们现金。  
  yrhfhfghfhf 过客不语     你们说的俺都不懂  不过yrhfhfghfhf 的翻译水平高  至少目前我看到的是这样的    另外:我没有啥政治主张……………………  我感兴趣的是好好的翻译出像中美贸易,和阿富汗战争那样的文章。  偶尔发几句牢骚。
  LZ 辛苦了,只要坚持下去肯定会火。狂楼和忽悠楼都是坚持十几二十页后开始大火的。  
LZ 顺便再翻译一些新闻的网友评论,估计会更好。
  好贴,但按楼主的思路,估计这个贴不会火      说实话,这个贴中的大部分头条,英文的基本没看,汉语的扫了几眼。    挺对不起楼主的      楼主要加油 啊
回复日期: 08:39:49       yrhfhfghfhf 过客不语         你们说的俺都不懂    不过yrhfhfghfhf 的翻译水平高    至少目前我看到的是这样的        另外:我没有啥政治主张……………………    我感兴趣的是好好的翻译出像中美贸易,和阿富汗战争那样的文章。    偶尔发几句牢骚。  -----------  说你有政治主张的就是那位,他的翻译水平高?  他露怯的时候你没看到罢了,至少百度啦翻译器啦用的够熟练。  本周末在新奥尔良奥巴马应当这么说  这样岂不是更顺口
  近日头条,韩国释放了一名美国人权主义战士:  Kim Jong Il watchers will be eager to see television footage or photos of the 68-year-old leader to check his health. In video run by Chinese Central Television in May, Kim appeared thin but vigorous during meetings with Chinas President Hu Jintao and other officials, despite having reportedly suffered a stroke in 2008.    Its widely believed that Kim is preparing to transfer power to his third and youngest son, Kim Jong Un, and many North Korea watchers predict the son will be appointed to a key party position at a rare ruling Workers Party meeting early next month.    &Kim is at a crucial crossroads – whether to hold the partys conference as scheduled or delay it until after theyve recovered from floods,& said Cheong Seong-chang, a senior analyst at the Sejong Institute think tank outside Seoul. &Kim desperately needs Chinese food aid to hold the partys conference as planned.&    The flooding earlier this month damaged or destroyed more than 7,000 homes, and wiped out bridges and railways, the Norths official Korean Central News Agency reported Thursday. China has already offered aid to help North Korea cope, KCNA said.    The North faces chronic food shortages and has relied on outside aid to feed its people. Seeking to improve its meager economy, Pyongyang has experimented with limited market reforms and sought foreign investment, mostly from China and South Korea. But joint projects with South Korea have withered in the face of tensions, heightening Pyongyangs reliance on Beijing.    For its part, China is certain to use Kims visit as an opportunity to prod North Korea toward rejoining international talks aimed at nuclear disarmament.    China has hosted the six-nation talks since 2002 but North Korea walked away from them last year in protest over the international condemnation that followed its testing of a long-range missile. Prospects for restarting negotiations were undermined further after a South Korean warship sank in March, killing 46 sailors. Seoul and Washington accuse North Korea of torpedoing the vessel, while the North denies involvement and has threatened harsh retaliation if punished.    It is not known who Kim was to meet on this trip, although someone of his stature would likely meet a senior leader. The Tokyo Shimbun reported that Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping may meet Kim.    Still, North Korea watchers puzzled over the timing of the visit – so soon after his last trip to China and during Carters visit.    &He should be seeing Carter, but perhaps he has lost all hope in the U.S.& said Cui Yingjiu, a retired professor of Korean language at Peking University in Beijing who was a schoolmate of Kims in the 1960s and retains ties to the North Korean elite.    U.S. officials have stressed that Carters trip is an unofficial, private visit to negotiate the release of Gomes.    However, such visits, like the journey by ex-President Bill Clinton a year ago to secure the release of two American journalists, also offer an opportunity for unofficial diplomacy between the U.S. and North Korea.    ___    Associated Press writer Jean H. Lee and Kwang-tae Kim in Seoul contributed to this report.    
随后翻译金胖子访问中国的报道,请关注………………    ——————————————————————————————————————  今日译文:    
在朝鲜坐牢的美国人Aijalon Gomes被释放,回到了波士顿    来自波士顿的报告:    
Aijalon 是在美国前总统卡特的陪伴下回来的,是卡特飞到平壤为他的自由进行了谈判。Gomes(一会说名,一会说姓…………)曾经是一位韩国的英语老师,他在1月25号的时候,不知为何从中国非法进入北朝鲜,被朝鲜活捉并且判处了8年劳动改造。    
朝鲜的国家新闻机构上个月报道Gomes自杀未遂,而且他提到了他还有家人并且要求被人道主义释放。(leading his family to ask for his release on humanitarian grounds)朝鲜本周说如果前总统卡特去朝鲜接她,那么他们将会释放他。    
他在拥抱了卡特,然后是他的母亲,然后是他爱着的每一个人,祈祷着并且像空中挥着手。有一个男人紧握一面小型的美国国旗,他身后的人们举着横幅,一起念到:“欢迎回家!上帝的门徒Aijalon Gomes。上帝宽恕你。”    
Gomes的母亲Jacqueline Mccarthy在他离开家里去往机场的时候说:我的儿子能回家,我感到非常高兴。感谢卡特总统能够确认他安全的到家。谢谢上帝,谢谢上帝为我们所作的一切。    
他们家人也感谢了朝鲜政府,在Aijalon最难熬的日子中,他们能够出于人道主义同意释放他。尽管Gomes已经回到了家里,为了 Gomes可以从折磨中恢复健康,声明任然要求保密, “从今天开始进行恢复治疗。”他的家人通过机场的无限广播说到,并没有给我们留下提问的机会。    
“他看其来很好,好极了。”他的叔叔Michael Farrow说。    
他19岁的弟弟Milton McCarthy Jr描述到:当他和Gomes拥抱的时候,心中充满了欢乐和幸福。他说:“像我哥哥所说的,像一个祈祷被主回复了。这真是主给予我们的恩赐。”    
“他只是非常感谢能够回到家里,他只是感谢上帝能让他的人生重新开始。”他的堂兄Ron Odom说。    
目前还不清楚,是什么驱使Gomes进入那个被独裁的国家。与Gomes会面的鼓吹朝鲜人权的Jo Sung-rate说,他可能是在仿效基督徒Robert Park,Robert Park在12月份进入朝鲜后企图曝光那里的人权状况而遭到逮捕。Park在朝鲜的媒体上做了一个道歉申明的40天后被驱逐。    
Gomes的全名发音是EYE-jah-lahn GOHMZ,他是在波士顿的市中心Mattapan长大的,之后他去了缅因州的鲍登大学上学,毕业之后他在韩国做了几年老师。    
联合国秘书长潘基文也对Gomes的释放表示欢迎,而且感谢了卡特。潘基文为在朝鲜的人道主义危机的解决,提供了机会。Martin Nesirky在联合部纽约总部说:“朝鲜最近出现了严重的洪涝灾害。”  
  你是否在为早晨地狱般的堵车烦恼不已?那么你应该庆幸自己没有生在中国。    环球网记者王欣报道,从8月14日开始的京藏高速拥堵至今已经持续了九天,阻塞的车辆排了长达100公里的长队,引起外国媒体的高度关注,有媒体甚至将其称为“人类史上最大的拥堵事件”。        “你是否在为早晨地狱般的堵车烦恼不已?那么你应该庆幸自己没有生在中国。”美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)在8月23日发表的报道中说。报道称,北京周边的交通拥堵本来就很严重,而京藏高速的施工使得拥堵变本加厉。为了消磨拥堵时的无聊时光,很多京藏高路上的司机纷纷跳下车来打牌,路边贩卖零食的小摊因此生意红火。然而,位于队尾的司机们离终点还远得很。        英国《卫报》则在8月23日发表题为《欢迎来到人类史上最大的拥堵现场》的报道,称京藏公路上已经堆积了成千上万的司机,酿成人类史上最长、最大的拥堵之一。有超过400名警察到现场维持秩序,顺便防止那些贩卖食物和水的商贩趁机提价。有的司机甚至提出希望邀请乐队过来在路边开一次演唱会,以缓解大家紧张的情绪。报道猜测称,这样的拥堵完全解决可能还需要一个月的时间。        澳大利亚《先驱太阳报》则分析称,京藏高速的拥堵可能是因为北京的110国道正处于保养中所导致,大量大型货车因为别无选择而涌入了这条本来就不堪重负的高速公路。而在拥堵过程中,车队里还不时发生追尾等小型交通事故,更加剧了100公里长队的拥堵程度。曾经是世界最大自行车消费国的中国,现在每年平均购入1360万辆机动车。仅仅是在北京,每年就有65万辆新车上路。
  看楼主这么在意是否有人顶帖,我就顶一下吧。  不过楼主,我一直在关注这个帖子,可能是懒,前几天一直没回复。但是少回复不代表少人看,像我一样的人一定还有很多。毕竟,帖子发出来,能让人看到就有存在的意义。如果只追求回复,你发个什么FF,JY的口水帖就可以了,可惜这样的帖子除了个热闹,什么营养也没有。
  受过高等教育的女孩,是最好的避孕手段        --------------------------------------------  王道!
  楼主翻译辛苦 不过还是希望选取一些大家感兴趣的话题……
  金胖子访问朝鲜原文:  Kim Jong Il China Trip: North Korea Leader Visits Ally  DAVID WIVELL | 08/26/10 11:02 PM |    CHANGCHUN, China — Mystery surrounded North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il on his strangely timed visit to China while former U.S. President Jimmy Carter was in North Korea winning the release of an imprisoned American.  Kims Thursday trip to China was his second in three months – unusual for a man who never flies and travels only by armored train. It has not been announced by either country.  That has led to speculation by South Korean media and regional analysts that he may be seeking Chinese aid following flooding in his impoverished countrys northwest – and could be laying the diplomatic ground work for the succession of his son, who is thought to be traveling with him.  A convoy of 30 cars left the northeastern city of Jilin on Friday morning where Kim apparently spent the night, South Koreas Yonhap news agency reported, and was seen entering a government guesthouse in Changchun, an hours drive away. The highway between the cities was blocked briefly and an increase in security was seen around the guesthouse.  Meanwhile, Carter left North Korea on Friday, according to Carter Center spokeswoman Deanna Congileo. She said the elder statesman secured the release of 31-year-old Aijalon Gomes, an American sentenced to eight years of hard labor in a North Korean prison and fined some $700,000 for entering the country illegally.  Carter, who is well-regarded in North Korea despite the two countries longtime animosity, met with Kims father, late President Kim Il Sung, on his last trip to Pyongyang in 1994 – a warm meeting that led to a landmark nuclear disarmament deal.  Kims travels typically are not publicized by North Korea until after his return, although his stop in Jilin city was confirmed by two teachers at the Yuwen Middle School, a school Kims father once attended that carries historic and patriotic significance for North Koreans.  Kim Il Sung attended the school from 1927 to 1930 after his family fled the Japanese occupation of Korea. Kim biographies say he began absorbing communist ideology while at Yuwen, making it pilgrimage site for North Koreans seeking to pay homage to the one-time anti-Japanese guerrilla fighter-turned-president.  Such a visit just days before the 100th anniversary of Japans colonization of Korea carries symbolic weight as well. North Korea tends to play up the Kim familys patriotism during succession campaigns.  Kim Jong Il watchers will be eager to see television footage or photos of the 68-year-old leader to check his health. In video run by Chinese Central Television in May, Kim appeared thin but vigorous during meetings with Chinas President Hu Jintao and other officials, despite having reportedly suffered a stroke in 2008.  Its widely believed that Kim is preparing to transfer power to his third and youngest son, Kim Jong Un, and many North Korea watchers predict the son will be appointed to a key party position at a rare ruling Workers Party meeting early next month.  &Kim is at a crucial crossroads – whether to hold the partys conference as scheduled or delay it until after theyve recovered from floods,& said Cheong Seong-chang, a senior analyst at the Sejong Institute think tank outside Seoul. &Kim desperately needs Chinese food aid to hold the partys conference as planned.&  The flooding earlier this month damaged or destroyed more than 7,000 homes, and wiped out bridges and railways, the Norths official Korean Central News Agency reported Thursday. China has already offered aid to help North Korea cope, KCNA said.  The North faces chronic food shortages and has relied on outside aid to feed its people. Seeking to improve its meager economy, Pyongyang has experimented with limited market reforms and sought foreign investment, mostly from China and South Korea. But joint projects with South Korea have withered in the face of tensions, heightening Pyongyangs reliance on Beijing.  For its part, China is certain to use Kims visit as an opportunity to prod North Korea toward rejoining international talks aimed at nuclear disarmament.  China has hosted the six-nation talks since 2002 but North Korea walked away from them last year in protest over the international condemnation that followed its testing of a long-range missile. Prospects for restarting negotiations were undermined further after a South Korean warship sank in March, killing 46 sailors. Seoul and Washington accuse North Korea of torpedoing the vessel, while the North denies involvement and has threatened harsh retaliation if punished.  It is not known who Kim was to meet on this trip, although someone of his stature would likely meet a senior leader. The Tokyo Shimbun reported that Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping may meet Kim.  Still, North Korea watchers puzzled over the timing of the visit – so soon after his last trip to China and during Carters visit.  &He should be seeing Carter, but perhaps he has lost all hope in the U.S.& said Cui Yingjiu, a retired professor of Korean language at Peking University in Beijing who was a schoolmate of Kims in the 1960s and retains ties to the North Korean elite.  U.S. officials have stressed that Carters trip is an unofficial, private visit to negotiate the release of Gomes.  However, such visits, like the journey by ex-President Bill Clinton a year ago to secure the release of two American journalists, also offer an opportunity for unofficial diplomacy between the U.S. and North Korea.  ___  Associated Press writer Jean H. Lee and Kwang-tae Kim in Seoul contributed to this report.  
金正日的中国行:朝鲜领导人访问盟友    DAVID WIVELL 08/26/10 晚上11点    来自中国长春的报道:    
同时,根据卡特中心一位女发言人Deanna Congileo所说,周五卡特也离开了朝鲜。他说长辈们已经保释了31岁的Aijalon Gomes,Aijalon Gomes被朝鲜由非法入境罪判处了8年的劳改并且罚款70万美金。    
世宗研究员的高级研究员(非韩国政府智囊)Cheong Seong-chang说:“金正日正在处于一个关键的十字路口,在洪灾对朝鲜的影响恢复后,他们会决定劳动党大会是否如期进行。金正日拼命的寻求中国的食物援助,以保证劳动党大会的如期举行。”    
金正日1960年代的同学,目前还与朝鲜名流有联络的,北京大学退休的韩语教授Cui Yingjiu说:“他应该见了(seeing)卡特,但是估计他对美国已经彻底不抱希望了。”    
  我的百  你倒是挺敏锐的,第二篇翻译就有说这个。
  楼主辛苦,多翻译一些和中国有关的新闻,大家喜欢看。      估计这贴很快会火。
  更多的是我们会知道美国媒体人眼中的世界,美国媒体是如何说服普通人证明他的观点。另外我是想把原原本本的把美国人的观点放到这里,毕竟就算是美国媒体也是为美国整体观点服务的,我们要想了解世界。我们必须知道美国整体观点的走向,并且去接受这个走向,去想想在美国这个走向上,我们该如何去对应。    楼主你要坚持你的风格,这个坛子里太多的口水了,正真需要的是有实质内容的翻译,而不是那些JY或者FF的评论
  马丁路德金的粉丝Jim Wallis写的文章纪念马丁路德金,同时攻击保守派的马丁路德金Beck。原文如下:    Martin Luther King, Jr. Was a Social Justice Christian  Jim Wallis  Christian leader for social change  Posted: August 26,
PM   This coming Saturday, Aug. 28, will mark the 47th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, where King delivered his famous &I Have a Dream Speech.& Glenn Beck has chosen this day to deliver his own speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.  On that same morning I will be speaking at the dedication ceremony of a work of public art that commemorates the words and legacy of King. It is not a protest. Rather, it is an opportunity to reflect on what this great American had to say and is still saying to our country today. Whenever we take the time to collectively consider what that dream was, we all benefit.  My picture has graced the Glenn Beck blackboard a number of times over the past year. I am quite sure that if the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were alive today, he would have been on Glenn Beck’s blackboard long before I would have ever been considered. That is because Martin Luther King Jr. was clearly a Social Justice Christian -- the term and people that Beck constantly derides. If the Christians of King’s era had listened to Beck, they would have been forced to walk out on King’s &I Have a Dream& speech. If they were to heed his advice to turn in social justice pastors to the church authorities, they all would have had to turn in Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  On December 18, 1963, at Western Michigan University, King gave a speech whose topic was &social justice and the emerging new age.& If Beck had been there, I don’t doubt that he would have gotten up and walked out as he has told his viewers to do if they hear &social justice& from their pastors. It might be foolish, but I hope that as Beck prepares for his rally on Saturday, he takes the time to read this speech and think about what it says. In it King explained why for justice to be just it can not only be individual, but must also be social:  All I’m saying is simply this, that all life is interrelated, that somehow we’re caught in an inescapable network of mutuality tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. For some strange reason, I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. You can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.  This is why in the Old Testament, God commands his people to be charitable but also to work for justice. The people of God are to give offerings of their own free will, but there are also laws that show the government has a legitimate role to play. As a Christian, I believe that Jesus changes people’s hearts and lives, and that is something that government policy can never compete with. But, I also believe that personal charity does not do the work of justice. Here is how King put it in that same speech:  Now the other myth that gets around is the idea that legislation cannot really solve the problem and that it has no great role to play in this period of social change because you’ve got to change the heart and you can’t change the heart through legislation. You can’t legislate morals. The job must be done through education and religion. Well, there’s half-truth involved here. Certainly, if the problem is to be solved then in the final sense, hearts must be changed. Religion and education must play a great role in changing the heart. But we must go on to say that while it may be true that morality cannot be legislated, behavior can be regulated. It may be true that the law cannot change the heart but it can restrain the heartless. It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me but it can keep him from lynching me and I think that is pretty important, also. So there is a need for executive orders. There is a need for judicial decrees. There is a need for civil rights legislation on the local scale within states and on the national scale from the federal government.  King recognized misunderstandings like this as obstacles to social justice. But, ultimately he was hopeful:  I think with all of these challenges being met and with all of the work, and determination going on, we will be able to go this additional distance and achieve the ideal, the goal of the new age, the age of social justice.  Yes, King named social justice as the goal of the new age. This is why so many Christians were willing to turn themselves in to Beck as Social Justice Christians. It was not difficult for them to choose between King’s interpretation of the gospel and Beck’s interpretation that I know some in his own Mormon church are not comfortable with.  Did King believe that the role of government was only to eliminate discrimination? No. As he wrote in &Showdown for Nonviolence& in 1968, it played a role in ending poverty too:  We will place the problems of the poor at the seat of government of the wealthiest nation in the history of mankind. If that power refuses to acknowledge its debt to the poor, it would have failed to live up to its promise to insure &life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to its citizens. (From A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King Jr.)  Now, Beck and I do have one area of significant agreement. When he spoke about the civil rights movement in context of the debate around health care, he said, &Who were the civil rights marchers? They were people with profound belief in God.& This is true. Both Beck and I would probably agree that the most powerful social movements are rooted in deep faith. But he finished that thought saying, &They were trying to set things right. They weren’t crying for social justice, they were crying out for equal justice.&  Beck’s mistake is to somehow think that the two can be separated.  Beck has lied again and again about m it saddens me to hear him now trying to rewrite the legacy of Martin Luther King. When you do the work of social justice there are always criticisms, detractors, and those who will slander and lie. But, in the words of Dr. King in 1961 to the AFL-CIO: &Yes, before the victory is won, some will be misunderstood. Some will be called Reds and Communists merely because they believe in economic justice and the brotherhood of man. But we shall overcome.&  Beck has continually called me, Sojourners, and many others &communists, socialists, and Marxists& because we call for &economic and social justice.& If he were an honest man, he would have to include Dr. King as well.  But King must have been thinking about the Becks of his time when he concluded his speech at Western Michigan University:  In spite of the difficulties of this hour, I am convinced that we have the resources to make the American Dream a reality. I am convinced of this because I believe Carlyle is right: &No lie can live forever.& I am convinced of this because I believe William Cullen Bryant is right: &Truth pressed to earth will rise again.& I am convinced of this because I think James Russell Lowell is right: &Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong f Yet that scaffold sways the future, And behind the dim unknown, Standeth God within the shadow, Keeping watch above His own.& Somehow with this faith, we will be able to adjourn the councils of despair and bring new life into the dark chambers of pessimism. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation to a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. This will be a great day. This will be the day when all of God’s children, black [people] and white [people], Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, ’Free at last! Free at last! Thank God, Almighty, we are free at last!’&  
  文章上来看,马丁路德金的继承者们分派别了……………………  分为社会主义的马丁路德金和非社会主义的马丁路德金  原文如下:  ————————————————————————————————————     
马丁路德金是一位社会主义信徒  Jim Wallis   Posted:日下午2点53    
即将到来的着这个周六,8月28日,是马丁路德金在华盛顿为了自由和工作的著名演讲‘我有一个梦想’ 47年纪念日。Glenn Beck(似乎是美国著名保守派民权人事)已经选择在这一天,在林肯纪念堂的台阶上做一个自己的演讲。    
过去的一年内,我的脑海中数次闪现出Glenn Beck的黑板的画面。如果马丁路德金在今天还活着,我非常确信,我脑海中闪现的肯定是他,而不是Glenn Beck的黑板。这是因为马丁路德金肯定是一位社会主义信徒,而Beck一直在嘲笑这样一群人。如果马丁路德金的信徒们听信了Beck的言论,他们肯定会被洗脑,抛弃马丁路德金的‘我有一个梦想’的演讲。如果他们讲他们要为教堂推举一位社会主义牧师来表达他们的意见,那一定是马丁路德金。    
是的,马丁路德金对新时代定义为社会主义。这就是为什么许多基督教信徒会自愿的转到Beck这一边。在马丁路德金的手稿和Beck的演出中做选择是非常容易的.    那么马丁路德金相信政府的角色只是消除种族歧视么?不是,在他的1968年‘非暴力决战’的文章中,他写到政府也起到了消除贫困的作用:    
我们会将国家的穷人的问题,交给人类历史上最有钱的政府。如果这些当权者拒绝承认他们对贫穷富有责任 ,那么他们违背了他们的承诺‘生存,自由,让我们的城市充满幸福’    
  language: 广告。封一年。
  帮助补充一点背景资料。    Glenn Beck 格林·贝克是福克斯(Fox)电视台的当红主持人,  一度是共和党的“喉舌”级人物,追随者很多。  据说真正的老共和党人并不待见他,  他所能鼓惑的只是一些只知道盲从的民众,如“茶党人”。  他这次与萨拉·佩林联袂讲演,就是来“秀肌肉”的,  让民主党看看他们“茶党人”声势浩大的势力。  福克斯声称今天到场的民众有50万人,虽说有点儿水分,  但从电视里看,现场人确实不少。    至于为什么选择这个日子,就是为了制造话题。  他的政治主张和马丁·路德·金八竿子打不到一块去。    当时在另一个讲台上,一个黑人讲演者指着他怒吼:  “这是我们的纪念日,不是你们的!”  
  另外,楼主选择的这篇文章应该是民主党人写的,  是讽刺格林贝克昨天的讲演。    楼主能提供链接么?
  查了一下,此文作者Jim Wallis是左派(民主党)观点宗教人士,  他的追随者多为自由派(民主党)观点的信徒。    
  一点翻译问题上的探讨,供楼主参考。   Social Justice Christian 似乎应该译作“社会正义基督徒”,  “社会主义”在美国是一个很严重的、令人反感的词,  以马丁路德金在民众中的声望,用在他身上显然不合适。    这件事的起因是格林贝克事先声称他要发表演说,  时间就在马丁路德金当年讲演的日子,  《纽约时报》就这个重合询问他时,  他声称“没注意到这个巧合”,然后又说:  “我站的地方比他高几个台阶,也许矮几个台阶”。  马丁路德金的讲演题目是“我有一个梦想”,  格林贝克的题目是“我有一个谋划”。  被人追问急了,他干脆说:“我就是故意的。”  他透漏说自己的讲演目的就是“重塑美国的道德和荣誉”,  拿什么来重塑呢?就是基督精神。    这可能就惹恼了写这篇文章的人,因为在他这个神职人员眼里,  格林贝克的主张与基督精神相去甚远。  或许这就是这篇文章出笼的背景。  从内容看,好像是写在贝克讲演之前。  


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