
Jodi Picoult & novels about family, relationships, love, & more
Jodi Picoult
leaving time!
A mother's love.
A daughter's search for truth.
A mystery that will not rest…
Throughout her blockbuster career, #1 New York Times bestselling author Jodi Picoult has seamlessly blended nuanced characters, riveting plots, and rich prose, brilliantly creating stories that &not only provoke the mind but touch the flawed souls in all of us& (The Boston Globe). Now, in her highly anticipated new novel, she&s delivered her most affecting work yet &a book unlike anything she&s written before.
#1 LEAVING TIME debuts as #1 NYT bestseller!
Jodi’s new novel, , was released in the US, Canada, and Australia October 14, 2014, and in the UK on 4th November. 13-year-old Jenna Metcalf is searching for her mother, Alice, an elephant researcher, who disappeared 10 years earlier after a tragic accident at their sanctuary for former circus/zoo elephants. Leaving Time explores the mother-daughter relationship and the idea that those we can't forget are never truly gone.
Best-selling, reliably entertaining, and thought-provoking Picoult's newest multifaceted novel is redolent with elephant lore that explores the animals' behavior when faced with death and grief, and combines a poignant tale of human loss with a perplexing crime story that delivers a powerhouse ending.
  (October 17, 2014)
Readers can usually count on blockbuster novelist Jodi Picoult for two things. First is a smart, accessible yarn with a suspenseful puzzle at its core that will keep readers enthusiastically turning the page. Second is impressive insight into any number of topical issues. From donor children and terminal illness to teen suicide and social issues like class and race, Picoult does her homework, and her main themes are thoroughly researched and engrossingly presented. With this new novel, “,” her fans will not be disappointed.
Boston Globe
new eShorts and Novellas
leaving time
I LOVE to meet my fans!
Please join me at one of my LEAVING TIME tour events.
  xoxo &Jodi
who come out to my Leaving Time tour this fall!
Larger Than Life
Set in the wilds of Africa,
eShort introduces Alice, the unforgettable character at the center of . A researcher studying memory in elephants, Alice is fascinated by the bonds between mother and calf—the mother’s powerful protective instincts and her newborn’s unwavering loyalty.
Where There's Smoke
introduces Serenity Jones, one of the three narrators in . Even as a child, Serenity knew she possessed unusual psychic gifts. Now, decades later, she&s an acclaimed medium and host of her own widely viewed TV show, where she delivers messages to the living from loved ones who have passed.
The Color War
&a moving short story about the summer that changed a boy&s life forever. This coming of age story reveals an America where the lines between black and white, rich and poor, and insider and outsider too often divide minds and hearts and separate a child from his own sense of promise.
What’s next?
Following the success of , Jodi Picoult and her daughter and co-writer, Samantha van Leer, have teamed up for their second young-adult (YA) novel, . It's a tender and appealing romantic novel filled with humor, adventure, and magical relationships. Sixteen-year-old Delilah is finally united with Oliver—a prince literally taken from the pages of a fairy tale. There are, however, complications now that Oliver has been able to enter the real world. To exist in Delilah’s world, Oliver must take the place of a regular boy.
Ruth, an African-American nurse, has worked at a CT hospital for nearly twenty years as a labor and delivery nurse. So when a young couple, Turk and Brittany, come into the hospital to have their baby, it is business as usual — until Turk calls in Ruth’s white supervisor after the birth.
Catch up with Jodi…
It is estimated that there are 40 million
in print &in 35 countries. Wondering what makes Jodi such a prolific, bestselling author? Learn more
and read her latest
to frequently asked questions.
Meet Jodi in person this fall at her Leaving Time ! See new
and listen to
on Jodi's new media page. And… always get the latest news:
to receive her monthly newsletter “From the Desk of Jodi Picoult”
&My IQ score makes me a genius & yet I still forget what goes in the recycle bin&
Flip through Jodi's 7 most recent books
Use your arrow keys
to flip through Jodi's 7 most recent published works. Click on a jacket to vist that book's page. Learn about my new eShorts and Novellas, ,
Published novels: 1992-present
and the YA novel
(2012) co-written with my daughter Samantha van Leer,
(2013) My new novel, ,
was released in the US, Canada, and Australia October 14, 2014; it will be released in the UK on 4th November.
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