
Ylmf.OS(雨林木风开源系统)下载 V4.0 正式版_免费Linux操作系统 - pc6下载站Security release: A vulnerability with
was found in Luna SR1, please
or download an updated package below.
Downloaded 2,883,092 Times
The essential tools for any Java developer, including a Java IDE, a CVS client, Git client, XML Editor, Mylyn, Maven integration...
Downloaded 1,490,427 Times
Tools for Java developers creating Java EE and Web applications, including a Java IDE, tools for Java EE, JPA, JSF, Mylyn...
Instantly enhance your Eclipse BIRT reports with interactive, real-time analytics that can be seamlessly embedded into web and mobile apps.
Downloaded 415,123 Times
An IDE for C/C++ developers with Mylyn integration.
Downloaded 246,214 Times
The essential tools for any PHP developer, including PHP language support, Git client, Mylyn and editors for JavaScript, HTML, CSS and...
Downloaded 201,679 Times
Package suited for development of Eclipse itself at Eclipse.
Downloaded 115,930 Times
The essential tools for Java and DSL developers, including a Java & Xtend IDE, a DSL Framework (Xtext), a Git client.
Downloaded 87,877 Times
Java EE tools and BIRT reporting tool for Java developers to create Java EE and Web applications that also have reporting...
Downloaded 77,336 Times
A complete set of tools for developers who want to create Eclipse plug-ins, Rich Client Applications or Remote Application Platform (RCP+RAP).
Downloaded 76,078 Times
The Modeling package provides tools and runtimes for building model-based applications.
Downloaded 67,764 Times
Tools for C, C++, Fortran, and UPC, including MPI, OpenMP, OpenACC, a parallel debugger, and remotely building, running and monitoring applications...
Downloaded 65,773 Times
This package contains Eclipse features that support the software development quality assurance process, such as Jubula and Mylyn.
Downloaded 65,736 Times
This package contains frameworks and tools used for the development of embedded automotive software: In addition to Eclipse Platform, Java Development...
Downloaded 61,560 Times
Eclipse Scout is a framework to develop Java/Eclipse based business applications that run on the desktop, in browsers, and on mobile.
You will need a
to use Eclipse (Java SE 7 or greater is recommended). All downloads are provided under the terms and conditions of the
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PCLinuxOS是一个完全开放的linux版本,经过PClinuxOS开发团队的不懈努力,正越来 越受到广大 linux爱好者的关注。秉承“简单易用,安全无忧”的理念,PCLinuxOS逐步成长为一个稳定、成熟的版本。在没有大公司的帮助 下,PCLinuxOS 的开发团队奇迹一般把这样一个平民Linux版本推动到Linux世界的巅峰,也让Linux的开源、自由精神绽放出极致的光彩。
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YLMF OS 现已改名为 StartOS ,请转到 StartOS 页面。
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针对 Raspberry Pi 专门优化、基于 Debian 的 Raspbian OS 这款 OS 对浮点运算有更...
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Ubuntu Mobile 是移动版Ubuntu,为互联网设备而生,基于当下非常流行的Ubuntu Linu...
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