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游戏类型:&SLG 策略游戏制作发行:&语言:&
上海隐志网络科技有限公司Casual, Strategy - Released: 16 Aug, 2012
Commanders, assemble your armies! BATTLE vs. CHESS calls for an interactive feather duster, chartering the successful chess game principle into the present day multimedia world. Animated fantasy figurines assemble in magical worlds and await your command!
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Title: Battle vs Chess
Release Date: 16 Aug, 2012
PEGI Online
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"Probably the most extensive chess game out there. Tons of modes and very nice animations of the fighting chess pieces makes it to a must have!"
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22 December, 2014
Dark Desert Map and RuneRunner Mode
Again the armies of the Kings meet! Between the dusty graves of long forgotten giants and the burning sands the battle rages in the Dark Desert. Lead your men to victory.
Beside a total new battlefield the DLC contains a new Battleground-Mode called &Rune Runner&. Bomb your way to victory and let your enemies run into your explosive traps, while defending your positions. Attack and defense it's all in your hands! The Rune Runner mode can be played on all battlefields.
“Battle VS Chess has to be the best Chess game I have seen on any console, it is both stunning visually and challenging. It is suitable for any level of player skill.”
93 –
“Probably the best chess game that ever graced our systems. Battle vs Chess is full of superb modes that give the classic game a &twist&, and an A.I. based on the Fritz engine that will give a good challenge to new and experienced gamers alike.”
90 –
“Simply triumphal! An imaginative, challenging trip into the vibrant chess game ever!”
96 –
About This Game
Commanders, assemble your armies! BATTLE vs. CHESS calls for an interactive feather duster, chartering the successful chess game principle into the present day multimedia world. Animated fantasy figurines assemble in magical worlds and await your command! As a Commander, execute skillful maneuvers on the game board and catapult yourself directly into the battle with devastating attacks, chessman vs. chessman.
Chess – the unrivalled champion of strategy games has been attracting players of all ages for countless centuries. BATTLE vs. CHESS is based on the simple yet ingenious concept of creating a fusion between professional chess software and upbeat, combat oriented game mechanics, complete with richly animated game pieces. At the outset of a match things seem quite basic: a 3D game board pits two opponents against each other in a seemingly ordinary game of chess. The game board itself is set in one of six available environments, each with its own unique landscape and presentation features. Traditionally recognized game pieces have been given a facelift as hulking stone golems and beastly chimaeras take the place of the typical rook and knight pieces respectively.
Multiple richly crafted army sets combined with 6 different gameboard environments introduce an unheard of visual complexity
Two gripping strategy campaigns with 30 missions and 30 different mission goals
Interactive 3rd person action mode
Beat'em up fights in six unique arenas with each of the twelve characters
Challenging PvP duels together on one PC over LAN and Internet
Utilizing the famous Fritz! chess algorithm, equipped with 10 distinct levels of difficulty, as well as an extensive opening library, participants of all skill levels are provided with an appropriate degree of challenge
The state of the art 3D graphics engine powers the breath taking visuals through the incorporation of HDR and particle effects
Cinematic quality animated sequences pull players into the action of the game
The innovative fusion of professional chess software and action oriented fight-ing simulations result in a strategic action experience unlike anything before
System Requirements
OS:Windows XP SP3 / Vista / 7 / 8
Processor:2.0 GHz Single Core CPU
Memory:1 GB RAM
Graphics:Graphics card with Shader 3.0 support and 128 MB RAM
Hard Drive:1 GB HD space
Sound:Soundcard with 5.1 Support
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
OS:Windows XP SP3 / Vista / 7 / 8
Processor:Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64x2
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:Graphics card with Shader 3.0 support and 256 MB RAM
Hard Drive:2 GB HD space
Sound:Soundcard with 5.1 Support
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
OS:Snow Leopard
Processor:Intel Mac 2.GHz
Memory:512 MB RAM
Graphics:Per Pixel Shader 2.0
Hard Drive:1 GB HD space
Sound:Soundcard with 5.1 Support
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
OS:Snow Leopard
Processor:Multicore CPU
Memory:1 GB RAM
Graphics:ATI/AMD Radeon X
Hard Drive:1 GB HD space
Sound:Soundcard with 5.1 Support
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
(C) 2007 - 2013 TopWare Interactive AG. All rights reserved. Developed by Targem Games.
Battle vs. Chess, Check vs. Mate, TopWare Interactive and the related logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of TopWare Interactive AG. All rights reserved.
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0.8 hrs on record
The game is rather simple... after a few moves you understand the way it takes decisions and can find a way to fool the AI to do what you want... Minigames are fun at first, but get tiresome fast...Decent game to have in your library for a dull day, but otherwise, I'd recommend quite a few other games...There are problems starting the game if you have 2 graphic cards (in my case HD4000 + GT 565M), you have to go to where you have installed the game (&steam_game_collection&\steamapps\common\Battle vs Chess) and use NVidia's contextual menu (if you don't have it, enable it in NVidia's Control Panel) and choose for both battlevschess.exe and Activation.exe to run using the dedicated card (NVidia).
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1.0 hrs on record
what sort of game is this it advertises multiplayer yet multiplayer does not work even after spending 15 minutes setting the game up, seems a tad wrong if you ask me
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0.7 hrs on record
no online mode.
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0.8 hrs on record
advertises &multiplayer& and &cross platform multiplayer& that suggested to me has online mp it seems however this is not the case bought it for me and gifted to a friend thinking we could have a chess night online mp options are local or lan/wan and no servers found maybe could be good ai chess game not tried that yet but if only offline mp which it seems i'd rather just set a board up! don't waste money this should go online!!!!
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0.9 hrs on record
every time i played so far the computer got stuck thinking about what to do next ... very annoying.the game just isnt working
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1.1 hrs on record
No Multiplayer
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0.3 hrs on record
No multiplayer...
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2.2 hrs on record
y the ???? the game is not registering even after buying it on steam the game is not launching and not getting registered i will strongly not recommend you peopple to buy this game and waste your money
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8.2 hrs on record
The game looks really awesome. I wanted it for all the wrong reasons though. I expected the multiplayer to be Online multiplayer. It's local lan/wan or same pc only, with options for X-Box controller or Keyboard use.That aside, the game is great, except that the AI takes ages to move when they are losing. I mean ages. Hour per turn isn't really exciting, and being a steam game means you can't play something else in the mean time if you're running it through steam. There is no setting to play classic as a speed match that I saw.AI needs a boost, online play would be awesome. Pretty good game... but the key parts are missing for me.5/10 - 8/10 if you want to play with someone at your residence.
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0.6 hrs on record
The battles are determined by DDR-style &press the arrow key when it gets to the end& sequences, and whoever fails first loses a bit of health. Pawns do less damage to pieces in battles than other pieces, so if you're fighting, say, a knight vs a pawn, the knight only has to win 2 or 3 times vs the pawn's 4 times. If the captor wins, he captures the piece, otherwise they &retreat& and both pieces sustain some damage. Basically unless your skill levels in the duel battles are even, and you enjoy that kind of thing, the whole chess game doesn't work. Online multiplayer does work, you just have to make sure both sides f it worked for us on the first try. Go to &LAN/WAN& to play online multiplayer. I paid for this at an 85% off sale, for which I'm very glad I didn't pay more. There are a lot of other game modes, but that seemed to be the most interesting, and it wasn't much fun. Single player might have been better, I guess?
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0.3 hrs on record
If you're trying to purchase this game.Then dont!This game is not recommended for chess player, it disapoints me when I played it, eating other units but still losed?And a arrow keys for combats.Maybe if they're change the gameplay I play this game.
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0.1 hrs on record
Game doesn't start up at all after trying out all those alt method in forum. gg game.
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2.2 hrs on record
A chess game that offers a choice in ways to play chess based games, from 2d top down classic chess through to detailed and fluid animated 3d fantasy figures bashing each other in duels which you control through the use of QT button presses.From the perspective of a casual chess player BvC is a good chess game which offers so much more in ways to play a game of chess with modes that inlcude chess themed mini games, like chess mixed with bejewelled or chess duels where, your piece batttles ( through the use of QT button pressing ) an opponent piece attacking and defending their health until one wins.There are two single player campaigns with games that start with various starting content and format, these require the achievement of certain objectives, such as converting one pawn to a queen, in order progress on through the story.There is also stand alone single games, which can be played with animated battling pieces or the classic 3d chess peices like Staunton, these can be played against ai or onther player sharing the PC.BvC also includes a tutorial section that covers each piece on the board. In the mini games section there are games which encourage learning e.g. you are given a board with a piece for you to use to take the one undefended piece amongst several laid out, this has to be done in one move, after completion further scenarios are presented continuing until a timer runs out.I took a small chance buying this as I was unsettled by the mixed reviews and this won't run posts on the forum, well for me it installed and ran fine first time I use the xbox360 controller which is fully supported and I have not experienced any of the issues or problems that have popped up in the forum and I am enjoying playing the varied modes this title offers.
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1.1 hrs on record
The game is good and works well but I can't recommend it as it has 3rd party DRM with limited activations. This is totally not mentioned on the store page
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1.6 hrs on record
For chess enthusiasts who only want to try playing the game in a different way this game would be a good buy. However, for chess players everywhere who wants a game to compete in then please stay away from this game, stay farrrrrr away.Newbies in the game will have a fairly challenging time playing against the AI but for veterans in the art the AI will look like the ultimate morron you don't wat to play with. The game will be decepting initially as dozens of openings have been loaded in the program to make it look like the game actually knows how to play. Indeed if chess simply consisted of knowing how to move each piece and a set of opening move lists then it's a good game but sadly chess is not such a simple game. After the opening sequences the AI just fumbles about and you will later realize that the only real good thing in this game is its graphics.No multiplayer in this game. I'm sure someone would defend it and say that there is but let's face the fact that without a lobby and a working matchmaking feature it might as well not have any. For something that's so dependent on multiplayer it's outstanding that the team that created this game greatly neglected the multiplayer interface. The only way you can connect with someone is by knowing their IP which means you can only play with friends and the truth is if you're here on steam playing chess, it pretty much means you're alone in that circle of friends with that same taste in board games. This means for most of the game you will be playing alone and you will get bored... a lot.While playing alone there are mini games you can play. The classic chess, and other challenges like giving a checkmate with only a king and a rook. This is good practice for beginners while a good laugh for seasoned players. However, other than that, the other minigames are just bad. Other than the challenges I suggest you stay far away from the other minigames cause it will not help you get better at the game called chess and instead help you get better at mashing your head with your keyboard.So for who can I recommend this game? If you liked the brutal chess matches shown in Harry Potter Sorcerer's Stone then you might want to try this one. If not, and you're just looking for a program to hook up with friends and strangers and play the game then please do yourself a favor and close this page because this game is not for you.
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1.8 hrs on record
If you are looking at this game for multiplayer: Avoid. No reasonable multiplayer whatsoever. The only way to connect to another player is by direct IP address. There is no lobby, nothing.For singleplayer, it's mediocre at best. Sure it looks great and battlechessy, but it gets boring quickly. Buy it on a 75-90% off sale only.This game won't entertain you for long.
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2.7 hrs on record
As many other have stated no good for multiplayer and this is really the only way you would want to play.I played 6 or so games at a mates on the same pc and decided that I should also get it lo and behold very hard to match up for multiplayer.Quite dissapointed and glad I only paid $5Steam should really remove the multiplayer tag in the options area.
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6.4 hrs on record
Battle vs Chess is a remake of the old game &Battle Chess&, but Battle vs Chess is not just only a remake of this game. It offers a variety of game modes and challenging puzzles, along with various minigames and a campaign mode.Battle vs Chess comes with beautiful graphics, nice animations and good sounds.A multiplayer mode is also available, but does not feature online rooms or servers, so you cannot battle directly against strangers.All in all it is an awesome game for fans of chess and definitly worth to buy.Sound 9/10Graphics 10/10Gameplay 9/10Atmosphere 10/10
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421.1 hrs on record
Introduction The ancient game of chess has many forms. It was one of the first board games in the world and almost everyone is familiar with it's rules. Because of the game's fame, it would come to no surprise that there has been many chessgames since the existence of the game industry. In 1998 the first Battle Chess appeared, a game in which chess pieces were brought to life and fought fiercefully against each other. Now the developer TopWare Interactive brings us Battle vs. Chess, which takes this principle of alive slaughtering pieces to a whole new level by delivering better animations, tons of game modes and online gameplay.StorylineYou might not think it would, but Battle vs. Chess has indeed a storyline. The campagin tells the story of the eternal battle between good and evil. The white pieces are members of 'Order' alias Heaven and the black pieces are members of 'Chaos' alias Hell. Both sides have their own campaign which is explained by means of voice acting and occasionally some animations. Let me also add that you shouldn't expect any thought-through cutscenes.Each mission starts the same. After a brief intro is shown, which for example tells you that your troops are being attacked in the middle of the night, the chess game can begin. Every time you'll get a limited number of pieces to work with, for example, a king and five pawns. With these pieces you will have to defeat the opponent's pieces, which vary as well. The variation of chess pieces and win conditions will challenge even the most insightful. So a warning seems to be in place. The difficulty is in fact pretty high.Learning ChessDespite it's high difficulty newcomers to chess should not worry. There is a surprisingly comprehensive tutorial available that explains all the rules of the game. Through all kinds of diagrams and illustrations you can find out how each chess piece moves on the board. There are also some mini games that will help you with understanding the rules of chess. There is for example a game where you only control one horse and the goal is to get to a certain point on the board in as few moves as possible. After learning how each seperate chess piece behaves it's recommended to start using the whole set of pieces. You will again be faced with certain situations you need to solve in just one or more rounds. This whole setup is ideal beginners to understand the game on a different level. Let me also add that experencied players will surely benefit from this
interactive way of learning, because after a while you will be confronted with some tremendously tricky puzzles. Game Modes In all modes, you will see a brief fight animation between the conflicting chess pieces. The camera will zoom in on the violence that is taking place and it will trigger the start of a short minigame. In this mini game you will see a real battle between the two pieces in question, but how you win it can vary greatly. It all depends on which fighting style you picked.In the beginning of a game of Battleground you get to pick which type of fighting style you prefer. It can either be Duel or Slasher.The Duel fighting style is similar to Guitar Hero, where you'll have to push the buttons that appear on your screen. The course of the fight animation is completely dependent on the number of correct buttons that you press. If you go on the attack and win, the other pieces disappears. If you lose, both pieces remain standing.The Slasher fighting style is without a doubt one of the most elaborate modes. If you or your opponent hits a piece, a war breaks out on your board. For example, if a pawn hits a horse, five pawns and horses appear. All of them will now enter a battle in a hack-and-slash style. In this mode you have a lot of freedom when it comes down to how and who you want to attack. You can pick the heavier attack where you will hit several pieces at once. Every chesspiece has a healthbar, which will force you to think about a strategy. The reason why you need a strategy is quite clear, because after the battle is won and the losing pieces disappear, the winners will continue with a health bar that is narrowed.SettingGraphically there's very little to criticize in Battle vs. Chess. The game is beatiful and it's, especially in the beginning, pretty cool how the fights are animated. There are several options when it comes down to the board itself. There are levels where the skies are cheerfully green and some where everything is ablaze. Sometimes the beautiful animations and scenery takes your attention away from the game. You'll see lava flowing, rocks crumbling beneath the board, skies filled with birds and all of that is being supported by smooth and easy going instrumental music which really compliments the whole setting in itself.ConclusionAll in all, it's a magnificent game. Battle vs. Chess is probably the most comprehensive chess game you'll find anywhere. There are plenty of modes that will entertain you. Either alone or with a friend. The animations of the fighting chess pieces are keeping the whole game alive and interesting. Although I do have to admit that there's one small problem. The camera. It's far away and even when you zoom in you still can not distinguish some pieces quickly. Despite this easily ignorable problem, this is probably the best chess game you will ever play and certainly a must-have for both novice and experienced players chess players.
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14.3 hrs on record
Battle vs. Chess is probably the most extensive chess game out there. It is full of superb modes that give the classic game a &twist&, and an A.I. based on the Fritz engine that will give a good challenge to new and experienced gamers alike.Technically neat, but the problem lies within the nature of 3D chess games: It's confusing at times, and the mini games pretty much alienate the original game. Chess fans, however, will find long lasting appeal and a lot of challenges to take on.Do you want to play chess with action-elements? Then Battle vs. Chess is your game.
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PEGI Online
Title: Battle vs Chess
Release Date: 16 Aug, 2012
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