NO$GBA- fatal no such fileL

NO$GBA画面放大工具Nds2xgl for 2.5b发布
NO$gba 上下屏放大工具 Nds2xgl 发布新版,更新内容如下:
1) 1.5x zoom fixed (to fit in ) (fullscreen is TODO) 2) Allow NO$GBA to rotate the screen (支援画面翻转) 3) Can Speed NO$GBA emulator a bit (2%-10%) 4) It uses/requires OpenGL (a faster card more speed-up) 5) It will remeber the last select files for the roms you open using the normal open method
6) It add 2 filter for the Graphics HQ2X and Scale2X 7) Add Right Click in the Touchscreen area
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意,直接运行未破解的rom可能无法正常模拟。之后把ndsbios解压,内含BIOSNDS7.ROM、BIOSNDS9.ROM以及Firmware.BIN,也就是iQue的BIOS文件。之后模拟每次都要从iQue的BIOS来引导进入游戏,这样做虽然麻烦,但也有一个好处,就是触摸屏不用操心,调试好了之后就一劳永逸了。这些准备工作都做好之后,双击NO$GBA.EXE启动,打开一个.nds文件。先不要忙着进入游戏。首先从游戏设置选项这里进行设置。首先在Reset/Startup entrypoint里面选GBA BIOS(Nintendo logo),这样每次都会从iQue的BIOS来引导进入游戏了。之后Emulation speed选<font color="#4bMHz Realtime Auto即可,其它的话速度就不正常了。即使你的模拟速
度很慢,也不要选二倍速,否则很容易崩溃。右侧的声音,如果喜欢听声音不妨设为立体声(Digital stereo)、High 44k。如果声音无关紧要,不妨干脆设为None,这样会模拟速度快一些。Video output一项用24bit ture color。GBA Cartridge Backup Media一项用Auto即可,NDSCartridge Backup Media这一项有关存档类型,需要跟据所模拟rom的存档类型来设置,不同游戏的存档类型可能有差异,类型设置错误的话无法正常存档。控制设置依个人爱好设定键位即可。这一切设置完毕之后一定要点菜单栏&Options&选项下面那个&save options&的按钮,否则刚才的设置就都白费了。设置完毕之后重启模拟器,这时会进入iQue的BIOS引导,它会提示说系统设定丢失,这时只要用鼠标点击触摸屏上的提示点,依次完成触摸设置以及用户名、时间等设置即可。设置完毕后会重启一
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NO$GBA V2.2──版本包含了对一些任天堂DS的仿真支持。
NO$GBA V2.3──包含了几乎全部的任天堂DS仿真支持包括。
NO$GBA V2.3a──还包含了任天堂DS的声音模拟。
NO$GBA V2.3b
NO$GBA V2.3c──一些重要的任天堂DS相关的新增/。
NO$GBA V2.3d──增添支持,三维视频改进,完整的-dpmi compatibilty ,和更多的。
NO$GBA V2.4a──修复 discoverd adpcm 的声音错误。
NO$GBA V2.4b──完美的(英:)模拟功能。
NO$GBA V2.4c──一些细节(主要是和电子阅读器有关)
NO$GBA V2.4d
NO$GBA V2.4e──输入功能。
NO$GBA V2.4f
NO$GBA V2.5──游戏速度大大增加。
NO$GBA V2.5a──调试版本和修正。
NO$GBA V2.5b──三维视频 frameskip 功能,三维视频 vram viewer 功能和
NO$GBA V2.5c
NO$GBA V2.6──(速度比快大约2倍)。
NO$GBA V2.6a──游戏速度更快/更好的三维绘制和。
NO$GBA V2.7a──新增視窗放大功能。
NO$GBA V2.7b──記錄檔儲存容量加大。
NO$GBA V2.7c
自日發佈2.6a版本至今已有相当时间没有放出新版本,但是没有任何官方消息证实该软件已停止开发。最新2.7c版本已於日發布。From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
NO$GBA (pronounced "no cash GBA") is a free
& . It is capable of running commercial and homebrew Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS , many at full speed. It is the first Nintendo DS emulator running commercial ROMs. However, this claim has been disputed by many in the emulation community. NO$GBA was developed by Martin Korth.
Emulator developer Martin Korth first created a Game Boy emulator called NO$GMB for
in 1997. When the
was released in 1998, the emulator was upgraded to support Game Boy Color ROMs. The emulator was made
as for the upgrade, users were charged $10. The Game Boy Color emulation was copied by many other software crackers and released as . Consequently, the emulator became freeware at the last stable release, 2.5.
released the Game Boy Advance. Martin Korth then released No$GBA, for both Windows and DOS operating systems, to emulate commercial Game Boy Advance ROMs. The emulator features Game Boy Advance multiplayer support as it is able to emulate the Game Boy Advance link cable.
Nintendo released the
in November 2004 and development of DS emulation support for NO$GBA began. The first stable release of NO$GBA, with DS emulation support, was version 2.1 and was released on May 17, 2005. However, commercial and
ROMs were unable to be played on the system. On January 22, 2006, version 2.2 was released. This version allowed for emulation of both commercial and homebrew ROMs. However, DS ROM support was still in its early stages and many ROMs would run with low
and graphical glitches if they ran at all.
Version 2.3 was released on August 4, 2006. This version achieved almost full Nintendo DS emulation support and included 3D rendering. This was followed by version 2.3b which was released on November 4, 2006, and included Nintendo DS sound emulation. Version 2.3d was released on February 23, 2007. 3D rendering capabilities were improved and microphone support was added for games such as
On June 5, 2007, NO$GBA version 2.4b was released. This allowed for DS
emulation. However, despite the program being able to send and receive , it was not functional for commercial ROMs. On September 3, 2007, version 2.4c was released. This version included support for
codes for DS games.
Version 2.5 was released on October 4, 2007 and improved the frame rate of many ROMs due to CPU and 3D rendering improvements. This was followed by Version 2.5b, released on November 3, 2007, which allowed for 3D frame skipping.
On December 18, 2007, version 2.6 was released. DS ROMs were able to run at a higher framerate due to the inclusion of 3D rendering software, . Version 2.6a was released on January 23, 2008, and improved the running speed of DS ROMs due to general optimizations of the program.
On May 23, 2013, version 2.7 was released. The NO$GBA project had been presumed dead for a while prior to this release.
On August 17, 2013, version 2.7a was released. The NO$GBA project is currently active, with the author starting his DSi research.
On November 9, 2014, version 2.7d was released. The emulator is also capable of running
The NO$GBA Debugger is development tool for testing and debugging of Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS ROMs, supporting source level debugging. The Debugger is designed for programmers and has been described as "completely useless to gamers" by Martin Korth. It was shareware with a price of $15 for home-use and $750 for a single commercial licence, however, with the 2.7c version released on July 28, 2014, the debug version became free as well.
brownlee (August 15, 2006). . .
Paul Loughrey (August 15, 2006). . .}


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