
我心中的的一首诗 刚听完汶川地震英模报告,不知怎么,虽然,我一直在告诫自己不要哭,但双眼就一直噙着没有淌下的泪水,感觉到一种强大的力量,正猛烈地撞击着内心.我知道,此刻,写什么都将是苍白无力、不足以表达这种感受的.我的手长久地僵持在键盘上,我很清楚,我不大会写诗,但我心中涌起一阵阵强烈的冲动,在这寂静的小屋中,我想要大喊一声:“你们,是我心中最美的诗!” 北川中学的年轻女教师向倩在那山摇地动、教室即将垮塌的危急时刻,拉着学生往外跑,她已经跑到门口了,房屋轰然倒塌,她被埋在了废墟中,但她用身体护住了三个学生,学生得救了,她却永远离开了她深爱的学生,她保护学生的姿势永远定格在我们的心中.100多名救援官兵向她敬礼!谭千秋老师在剧烈摇晃时,用他那血肉之躯死死的抵住教室门,30多名学生跑出去了,房屋塌下了,他和最后三名学生压在了废墟中,当救援官兵将他挖出来时,只见他用手紧紧的抠住讲台,里面三个学生还活着,他把生的希望留给了学生,把死亡留给了自己,用行动诠释了教师的神圣职责和生命的尊严.北川中学的校长张家春的爱人和唯一的儿子走了,他永远记住了两句话,爱人留给他的最后一句话:“别着急,看淡些.”和儿子留给他的最后一句话:“爸,我走了.”他说:“学校垮了,但我们的信念不会垮,我们记住总理的话:昂起不屈得头颅,挺起坚强的脊梁,向前,向着光明的未来前进!”在这寂静的小屋中,我想要对大地呐喊:“你们,是我心中最美的诗!” 第一时间,武警政委王毅率队伍行进在山崩地裂,乱石飞滚,险象环生道路上,由马耳康坚决向汶川挺进,一个战士被滚石砸伤了脚,但他不肯停下前进的步伐,他说:“爬,我也要爬到汶川.”“就是我倒下,死了,头也要朝着汶川的方向!”广东军区一名医生,走时写下了遗书:“万一我回不来,你一定要好好的活下去,别告诉女儿,就说爸爸到很远很远的地方去了.”成都武警一名战士紧紧的拉住废墟中一个孩子的手,说:“孩子,别怕,叔叔来救你来了,.”但孩子身上压着两块沉重的砼板,此时,天空又下起了大雨,大型机械又没运到,两天两夜,战士就这样紧紧的握住孩子的手,他说:“我答应过孩子,一定要把他救出来.”他用行动,实现了一个军人庄严的承诺,直到孩子被救出.成都军区的直升飞机机长邱光华,是一个羌族军人,他说,这一带大山我熟悉,他决心要把死亡航线变成生命通道.他知道,直升飞机没有救生设备,从起飞那一刻起,他就把自己的生命和飞机捆在一起了,他没有犹豫,和机组人员坚决起飞了,由于山狭雾重,飞机失事了,他在对讲通话中留下最后的话是:“不要动,看清航线.”他们把自己的忠诚永远埋在了这片土地,他们的形象,在高山峡谷中定格为永恒、升华为不朽.请记住他们的名字:邱光华、陈林、王怀远、李月、张鸿.在他们遇难的山崖后,是五座大山,它们虽没有了往日的层峦叠翠,地震已使它们满目创痍,但它们并排矗立,仍然显得巍峨雄伟、高大挺拔,在我的眼中,它们就应是光华峰、陈林峰、怀远峰、李月峰、张鸿峰,他们不求同日生,但能同日归!在这寂静的小屋中,我想要对苍天呐喊:“你们,是我心中最美的诗!”翻译高手进来帮个忙吧~小女子谢谢了.谢谢了、_百度作业帮
翻译高手进来帮个忙吧~小女子谢谢了.谢谢了、网上关于web3.0的定义的说法有十多种,被引用最多的是“网站内的信息可以直接和其它网站相关信息进行交 互,能通过第三方信息平台同时对多家网站的信息进行整合使用;用户在互联网上拥有自己的数据,并能在不同网站 上使用;完全基于web,用浏览器可以实现复杂的系统程序才具有的功能。”web3.0最大的特点在于信息的聚合以及提供个性化的信息服务,真正的web3.0时代不仅仅是按照用户需求提供综合化服务,创建综合化服务平台,更关键的是,提供基于用户偏好的个性化局和服务。比如,互联网可以根据一个用户的习惯,自动的聚合用户的信息,类似个人的门户,每个人的IE首页都完全是按照这个人关注的资讯偏好、行为习惯来进行组合的,体现高度的个性化。Web3.0的价值在于,不是提供信息,而是提供基于不同需求的过滤器,每一种过滤器都是基于一个市场需求。
There are more than ten kinds of statements about the definition of web3.0 on net,that is quoted most is that " the information inside the station of the network can be carried on with the relevant information of other websites mutually directly,can combine using to the information of many websites at the same time through third party's i Users have one's own data on Internet,and can use on Totally because of web ,can realize the function that the complicated systematic procedure has with the browser."Web3.0 greatest characteristic lies in getting together and offering individualized information service of information,real web3.0 era not merely offers totalization service according to the user's needs,establish totalization and serve the platform,the more key one is,offer it on the basis of individualized office and service which users had a partiality for.For example,Internet can follow a user's habit ,the automatic information of getting users together ,this personal door,everybody's IE homepage is totally had a partiality for according to the information that this person pays close attention to,the behavior is used to making up ,reflect the individualization of the height.The value of Web3.0 lies in ,not offer information,but offer the filter based on different demands,every kind of filter is on the basis of a market demand
那翻的能用么 - -
看下正确率有多少。基本上是可以用的。英语翻译When Ben Franklin was only a boy,he always wanted to know about things.He was always asking his father and brothers “What?”,“How?” and “Why?”They couldn't always tell him what he wanted to know.When they couldn't tell him,Ben tried to find out for hinself._百度作业帮
英语翻译When Ben Franklin was only a boy,he always wanted to know about things.He was always asking his father and brothers “What?”,“How?” and “Why?”They couldn't always tell him what he wanted to know.When they couldn't tell him,Ben tried to find out for hinself.Many times Ben did find out things that no one knew before.The other boys would say,“That Ben Franklin!He's always finding out someting new!”Ben lived close to the water.He liked go there to see the boats.He saw how the wind blew them across the water.的意思
本 弗莱克林还是个孩子的时候,就很喜欢问问题.他总是问爸爸和哥哥们“什么”“怎么”和“为什么”他们并不是每次都能满足他的好奇心的当他们不知道答案时,本就会想办法自己找答案很多次他都发现了人们以前不知道的事情.别的孩子会说“那就是本 弗莱克林!他总能发现新鲜的东西!”本的家离河边很近.他喜欢去那看船.他想看看风是如何带动它们航行的.
当Ben Franklin是一个男孩的时候,他经常想了解一些事情.他总是问他的爸爸和哥哥"是什么?""怎么了?""为什么?"他们不是每次都能把他想知道的告诉他.当他们不能告诉他的时候,Ben努力地靠自己去寻找答案.许多次,Ben找到了别人从来没有发现过的东西.别的男孩都说:"那是Ben Franklin!他经常发现一些新的东西!"Ben住在临水的地方.他喜欢...
当富兰克林还是一个小男孩的时候,他总是想知道所有的事情,他总是问他的爸爸和哥哥,:“什么,怎么样,为什么”。但是他的爸爸和哥哥没有能力总是回答出他所问的一切,当他的爸爸和哥哥没有能力回答出他问的问题时,他就自己找答案,他很多次发现了许多以前人们所不知道的东西,一个男孩说:那个富兰克林,总是发现一些新东西!富兰克林的家跟水很近,他喜欢看船,看风怎样吹过。谢谢...英文高手进来写一篇关于节日的文章 最好节日的由来啊 一些习俗啊什么的 最好一些节日的典故也写下 最好用英文完成 大概能讲上2到3分钟就可以了_百度作业帮
英文高手进来写一篇关于节日的文章 最好节日的由来啊 一些习俗啊什么的 最好一些节日的典故也写下 最好用英文完成 大概能讲上2到3分钟就可以了
Spring FestivalThe Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together,just like Christmas in the West.All people living away from home go back,becoming the busiest time for transportation systems of about half a month from the Spring Festival.Airports,railway stations and long-distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees.The Spring Festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month,often one month later than the Gregorian calendar.It originated in the Shang Dynasty (c.1600 BC-c.1100 BC) from the people's sacrifice to gods and ancestors at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one.Strictly speaking,the Spring Festival starts every year in the early days of the 12th lunar month and will last till the mid 1st lunar month of the next year.Of them,the most important days are Spring Festival Eve and the first three days.The Chinese government now stipulates people have seven days off for the Chinese Lunar New Year.Many customs accompany the Spring Festival.Some are still followed today,but others have weakened.On the 8th day of the 12th lunar month,many families make laba porridge,a delicious kind of porridge made with glutinous rice,millet,seeds of Job's tears,jujube berries,lotus seeds,beans,longan and gingko.The 23rd day of the 12th lunar month is called Preliminary Eve.At this time,people offer sacrifice to the kitchen god.Now however,most families make delicious food to enjoy themselves.After the Preliminary Eve,people begin preparing for the coming New Year.This is called "Seeing the New Year in".Store owners are busy then as everybody goes out to purchase necessities for the New Year.Materials not only include edible oil,rice,flour,chicken,duck,fish and meat,but also fruit,candies and kinds of nuts.What's more,various decorations,new clothes and shoes for the children as well as gifts for the elderly,friends and relatives,are all on the list of purchasing.Before the New Year comes,the people completely clean the indoors and outdoors of their homes as well as their clothes,bedclothes and all their utensils.Then people begin decorating their clean rooms featuring an atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity.All the door panels will be pasted with Spring Festival couplets,highlighting Chinese calligraphy with black characters on red paper.The content varies from house owners' wishes for a bright future to good luck for the New Year.Also,pictures of the god of doors and wealth will be posted on front doors to ward off evil spirits and welcome peace and abundance.The Chinese character "fu" (meaning blessing or happiness) is a must.The character put on paper can be pasted normally or upside down,for in Chinese the "reversed fu" is homophonic with "fu comes",both being pronounced as "fudaole." What's more,two big red lanterns can be raised on both sides of the front door.Red paper-cuttings can be seen on window glass and brightly colored New Year paintings with auspicious meanings may be put on the wall.People attach great importance to Spring Festival Eve.At that time,all family members eat dinner together.The meal is more luxurious than usual.Dishes such as chicken,fish and bean curd cannot be excluded,for in Chinese,their pronunciations,respectively "ji","yu" and "doufu," mean auspiciousness,abundance and richness.After the dinner,the whole family will sit together,chatting and watching TV.In recent years,the Spring Festival party broadcast on China Central Television Station (CCTV) is essential entertainment for the Chinese both at home and abroad.According to custom,each family will stay up to see the New Year in.Waking up on New Year,everybody dresses up.First they extend greetings to their parents.Then each child will get money as a New Year gift,wrapped up in red paper.People in northern China will eat jiaozi,or dumplings,for breakfast,as they think "jiaozi" in sound means "bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new".Also,the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot from ancient China.So people eat them and wish for money and treasure.Southern Chinese eat niangao (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour) on this occasion,because as a homophone,niangao means "higher and higher,one year after another." The first five days after the Spring Festival are a good time for relatives,friends,and classmates as well as colleagues to exchange greetings,gifts and chat leisurely.Burning fireworks was once the most typical custom on the Spring Festival.People thought the spluttering sound could help drive away evil spirits.However,such an activity was completely or partially forbidden in big cities once the government took security,noise and pollution factors into consideration.As a replacement,some buy tapes with firecracker sounds to listen to,some break little balloons to get the sound too,while others buy firecracker handicrafts to hang in the living room.The lively atmosphere not only fills every household,but permeates to streets and lanes.A series of activities such as lion dancing,dragon lantern dancing,lantern festivals and temple fairs will be held for days.The Spring Festival then comes to an end when the Lantern Festival is finished.China has 56 ethnic groups.Minorities celebrate their Spring Festival almost the same day as the Han people,and they have different customs.繁鎸戠偣灏卞彲浠ヤ簡
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