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& roombreak:escape now!!!
马上逃脱Roombreak:Escape Now是一款非常出色的密室逃脫解密游戏,游戏有着极其优秀的美术制作,无论场景或是人物造型都令人印象深刻。而且游戏以五位主角的故事为主轴,拉出了五段耐人寻味的逃脱故事,让玩家非常有投入感,是近年来少见的密室逃脱类游戏佳作。
roombreak:escape now!!!
roombreak:escape now!!!
我来创建游戏条目...Origin Room Break
Grand Opening: Oct. 18th 2014
COME: 9737 Yonge St, Richmond Hill, ON (Unit 102)
CALL: 647-793-6318 / 416-729-6720
Want to do more than just mindlessly opening boxes for a key room after room?
Are you tired of the same boring and confusing room designs & themes?
Playing just to beat the timer instead of enjoying the scenario with your friends?
Here at Origin, we are committed to provide our players an immersive and story-telling room break experience. Each of our uniquely designed rooms are themed with grand origin stories where you and your friends will determine how it ends. Play as a vampire, a master thief or a genius child, your fast-thinking, wits and teamwork will see you solving the puzzle, breaking the room, and write the final chapter to these epic tales.
Go beyond the clues. Go beyond the key. Go beyond the room. It’s time, to go to Origin!
Why choose Origin?
We are proud to offer the most intriguing and coherent story-line in each of our rooms. We go beyond finding clues and opening locks. Every escaping experience is uniquely challenging. We intentionally challenge and push our players to work together in order to escape. We take pride in our meticulously designed rooms. No two rooms are the same. We promise that your logic skills will be well tested and challenged. We boast a 2000 sq ft location so you and your friends can freely explore the room you’re trying to escape.
What is Room Break?
Room break, also known as room escape. Real-life room breaks are a game in which you are locked in a room with other participants and have to use elements of the room to solve a series of puzzles, find clues, and escape the room within a set time limit. These games are based off online video games such as Crimson Room created by TAKAGISM Inc. by Toshimitsu Takagi in 2005.
Are you ready to dive into the immersive world of Origin Room Break?
After a brutal battle with other vampires, Brad put himself in a temporary hypnosis (lasting 1 hour) to heal his wound in the castle. Your vampire hunter team has been requested by a mystery man to kill this most dangerous vampire who is the last child of the Brujah family. However, some of your brothers/sisters are trapped in his cell. Other ones are lurking in the living room. Can you rescue your companions and kill Brad before he wakes up?
Difficulty: ★★★★
Recommend Number of Players: 4 to 8
Key Word: scary, laser, hi-tech
(require over 4 people)
You have fallen in love with your “colleague” – Victoria. “If you can get into the vault of Bank X, I may think about it”. That is the answer from her. Yes, she is the world’s famous thief master but you are just a novice. Now you have managed to sneak into the office near the vault. The security system will be offline for an hour. Can you succeed in fulfilling the requirement and win Victoria’s heart?
Difficulty: ★★★
Recommend Number of Players: 4 to 8
Key Word: dark, flexible, laser array
You – the greatest detective in town are kidnapped by the phantom thief – White Rose to a hotel room with a locked room mystery beside you. A bomb that you will never find will explode in 90 minutes! The only way to get out is to solve the puzzles White Rose set.
Difficulty: ★★★★★★
Recommend Number of Players: 4 to 8
Key Word: bright, Super-Hi IQ, experienced
Solving crime is not essential to escape the room. However, if you can
solve the crime while escaping the room, you can win mystery prize!
Attention: The rule for the new room has changed! Please read following rules before you make the appointment!
1. “Case Book” has 90 minutes instead of the regular 60 minutes because of the difficulties. Thus, The price for the “Case Book” is $30 instead of $25 each person.
2. “Case Book” only accept two promotions for now: ①Facebook like & check-in for $5 ②FREE play if escape in half an hour for the first time.
3. If these conditions are in conflict with the conditions in other places, the conditions here shall prevail. Making reservation for this room shall be deemed to agree the conditions here.
Grand Opening Promotion!
Like us on
and get $5 off each!
Vampire & Thief Master: 60 minutes. $25/person
Case Book: 90 minutes. $30/person
Monday to Thursday: 2pm to 10pm
Friday to Sunday: 12pm to 12am
Unit 102, 9737 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill L4C 8S7 (free parking available)
Two hints available per room
No food allowed
No pets allowed
No vandalism inside the rooms (violators will be prosecuted)
Participants must be at least 10 years old
Origin Room Break is not responsible for player’s own belongings and/or health conditions
Any damage of properties during game-play will be charged and acts of vandalism will be reported
Participants are expected to arrive on time as scheduled, no extended hours will be permitted1.skyview——夜空中最亮的星#iOS如果你曾经好奇过自己遥望夜空时看到的是什么,那么这款应用程序就是你完美的观星家伴侣。SkyView让每个人都能观测天象。只要将你的iPhone、iPad或iPod对准天空,就能辨别出星星、星座、星球、卫星等各种天体。内容灰常丰富,还有太阳系八大行星的轨迹,美哭。2.Base——一直美下去#iOS/AndroidBase是一款摄影应用,为您的iPhone的摄像头提供14個模拟胶片的外观。通过使用這些看起來像一个相机拍摄照片,這些旧的模拟照片更改与时间的流逝。當您拍摄照片,它被保存到相机胶卷中年。也可以导出照片到您喜欢的照片编辑工具或社交网络上。Base是相机工作流程的開始。3.MAKA——不免生动与有趣#iOSMAKA是一个H5页面制作应用,比较偏向企业服务,适合新媒体营销工作者或者大学社团纳新活动的制作宣传。即使你
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