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NATO contract to integrate Theater Ballistic Missile Defense Command and Control capability | Atlantic Organization for Security
ThalesRaytheonSystems signed a EUR136 million contract with NATO to produce and deploy a Theater Ballistic Missile Defense capability to be integrated with the NATO Air Command and Control System (ACCS). This is a great example of leveraging previous investments from NATO in ACCS and the integration of contributions from NATO Nations across the Alliance.
The ACCS TMD1 contract (Theatre Missile Defense 1) will bring new capabilities to the ACCS program, including integration of additional radars and satellites, increased data communication capacity and an improved tracking and correlation feature. The award follows on from a previous contract for an Interim Capability also built by ThalesRaytheonSystems and fielded in 2012 in Ramstein.
“This new component of the ACCS program will constitute, once achieved, a real asset for NATO, bringing the organization access to both Air Defense and Ballistic Missile Defense capabilities,” said Koen Gijsbers, NATO Communication and Information Agency General Manager.
“As prime contractor for this theater ballistic missile defense system, ThalesRaytheonSystems has played a central role in the cooperation across the transatlantic industrial base involving 8 nations and 15 industry partners. This cooperation illustrates the ability of our French-U.S. joint venture to deliver advanced technology projects across organizations and cultures,” said Jack Harrington, CEO of ThalesRaytheonSystems.
Source : ThalesRaytheonSystemsEnter your search keyword
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= Technical Management Division 技术管理部. = Tactical Missile Defense 【军】战术导弹防御 3. = Theater Missile Defense 【军】战区导弹防御 21


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