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"Perverse, genuinely frightening, and uncompromising in its horrific scenarios, an indie horror game that isn't just YouTube bait."
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“Easily one of the scariest games I've ever played”
9.5/10 –
“&...what (Outlast) can definitely claim to be is a great game... It’ll also intrigue, terrify and surprise you.
Outlast is not an experiment in how games can be scary, it’s an exemplification...”
“Outlast is the perfect nightmare.'s absolutely petrifying. I love it”
4.5/5 –
About This Game
Hell is an experiment you can't survive in Outlast, a first-person survival horror game developed by veterans of some of the biggest game franchises in history. As investigative journalist Miles Upshur, explore Mount Massive Asylum and try to survive long enough to discover its terrible secret... if you dare.
In the remote mountains of Colorado, horrors wait inside Mount Massive Asylum. A long-abandoned home for the mentally ill, recently re-opened by the “research and charity” branch of the transnational Murkoff Corporation, the asylum has been operating in strict secrecy… until now.
Acting on a tip from an anonymous source, independent journalist Miles Upshur breaks into the facility, and what he discovers walks a terrifying line between science and religion, nature and something else entirely. Once inside, his only hope of escape lies with the terrible truth at the heart of Mount Massive.
Outlast is a true survival horror experience which aims to show that the most terrifying monsters of all come from the human mind.
True Survival Horror Experience: You are no fighter - if you want to survive the horrors of the asylum, your only chance is to run... or hide
Immersive Graphics: AAA-quality graphics give players a detailed, terrifying world to explore
Hide and Sneak: Stealth-based gameplay, with parkour-inspired platforming elements
Unpredictable Enemies: Players cannot know when - and from where - one of the asylum’s terrifying inhabitants will finally catch up to them
Real Horror: Outlast’s setting and characters are inspired by real asylums and cases of criminal insanity
Outlast contains intense violence, gore, graphic sexual content, and strong language. Please enjoy.
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 - 64 bits *
Processor: 2.2 GHz Dual Core CPU
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 512 MB NVIDIA GeForce 9800GTX / ATI Radeon HD 3xxx series
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 5 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
Additional Notes: * 32 bits systems are not officially supported, but should work if configured to provide 3Gb of user-mode address space. See /en-us/windows/bb613473 or /sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=
OS: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 - 64 bits
Processor: 2.8 GHz Quad Core CPU
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Graphics: 1GB NVIDIA GTX 460 / ATI Radeon HD 6850 or better
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 5 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
(C) 2013 Red Barrels Inc. Published by Red Barrels Inc.
Outlast and the Outlast logo are trademarks Red Barrels Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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6.3 hrs on record
Let's get one thing straight: I am not a fan of horror. I'm a giant wuss, a man baby that screams at every jump scare and closes his eyes when things get too gruesome. It's a genre that is quite frankly too much for me and one I tend to avoid for the betterment of my own sanity.All the same horror fascinates me. I'm intrigued by why anyone would voluntarily choose to experience something designed to terrify them, compelled by the different ways horror can be effective, and find myself continuously drawn to horror games especially it's the most difficult to do well and as a result the most interesting and impressive when it's done right.Outlast might not be the absolute pinnacle of interactive horror, but it's certainly close and an impressive bar for other developers to shoot for. It knows how to not only startle you, but to petrify you in fear from the force of the terrors within it. It's vile and grotesque beyond question, perhaps the most disturbing game I've ever witnessed that is still making me cringe as I recall some of its most horrific moments. It does all this however in a way that's oddly, even scarily compelling, almost as if some dark part of you wants to see how far the developers are willing to take it or if there is ever any light at the end of a perpetually dark tunnel.Outlast achieves much of this through an incredibly dense and oppressive atmosphere, and a deep understanding of its own mechanics. Your helpless in Outlast, forced to sneak and hide from enemies that can often see and hear you much better than you can them, but the game never becomes frustrating or tedious do to an almost constant supply of hiding places, or the ability to outrun your pursuers should you be spotted. This doesn't mean it's an easy game, or one you can casually run through without worrying over enemies, but it places you into situations you can't handle and never feels punishing the way too many horror games have a tendency to when they rely so heavily on trial and error.This is thanks in part also to how well Outlast cements you into its world. There's never a moment where you feel like anything more than a helpless journalist with a camera, and this vulnerability and immersion is one of the most important factors in why this is such a terrifying game. Every stumble, heavy breathe, cut and bruise, and nervous peek of your character is presented in a way that makes you really feel as if you're inhabiting your character. He might be a blank slate in every other respect, but when you step into his shoes the real world seems to melt away as you traverse an almost literal hell on earth.Everything in Outlast becomes secondary to scaring the living daylights out of you almost the second you grab your camera and step out of your car unprepared for what awaits you inside Mount Massive Asylum, and it's because it's so effective at this goal that it's easier to forgive some of its less polished aspects. A general lack of direction and inability to recall your objectives means it's easy to get lost running in circles, even more so with the nearly impenetrable darkness around you that often hides doors and pathways, and without any map to speak of even just retracing your own steps to try and rule out where you haven't been becomes a challenge that at times removed me from the experience as I was forced to resort to a guide just to progress.The narrative as well, for as interesting is it is when you can see it cohesively laid out on paper, is told in such a way as to be all to often jumbled and convoluted past the point of anything intelligible if you aren't paying incredibly close attention to every line of dialogue and document picked up. Even then, it switches gears often enough as to seem almost intentionally written in such a way as to keep you constantly in the dark, guessing at the few threads that are thrown at you what it all might mean. There's a reluctance to commit traced throughout the entirety of Outlast, as if it's concerned about spending too much time on one character of story moment lest you begin to assume it's the main focus of the game. The end result is something that's consistently intriguing but rarely satisfying.The most disappointing part of the experience though is the final chapter, which jumps the shark not only in terms of narrative, but also its setting which loses almost all of the terror of the areas that preceded it and closes the game out on a rather odd note. I didn't dislike it because of the ending, so much as I did what it did to the game as a whole, which up until that point had been nothing but consistently excellent.But it should be taken as rather large praise that despite Outlast's very present issues, they rarely become more than a minor disappointment or anything you have time to think about with how intense and stressful just surviving in this asylum is. Developer Red Barrel doesn't know how to craft a narrative or direct the player particularly well, but they understand acutely how to do first person survival horror to a degree that deserves commendation. If you have any interest in horror of the most unsettling and macabre nature, Outlast deserves your time. As someone that appreciates horror for what it is more than what it does to me, Outlast succeeded in ways that truly surprised me, and now has me hesitantly interested in discovering more of the genre I've tried so hard to stay away from.
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13.7 hrs on record
Outlast is a true horror game.
This game scared me more often than many horror films to date.
If you want to experience the fear and adrenaline of running through dark hallways with an injured leg while being chased by men that can only be described as nightmares incarnate, then you must play this game.
There are plenty of horrific characters you meet along the way and a false sense of hope around every corner and at each door.
Please, do yourself a favor and play this EXPERIENCE.
As a sidenote i just finished the dlc Whistleblower and it was well executed too.
I give this game a 10/10.
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1.0 hrs on record
VERY CLOSE TO NEEDING A NEW SPHINTCER.If you like jumpscares then this is for you 100%.
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1.6 hrs on record
Played 10minutes. Screamed and woke both dogs up. Turned it off. 10/10.
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14.8 hrs on record
Truly best horror game by far on Steam right now in my opinion. Definitely worth the money. Spooky, Scary and lots of tension builds up in this game and i'm not the type to get scared to easily. But Outlast succeeded and surpassed the cheap jump scares that the horror genre is riddled with tese days. For this game gets a Holy ????! A!
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2.0 hrs on record
I do not scare easily, for my heart is filled with darkness and I probably have no soul.
I marathon horror films in the middle of the night, solo.
I went to Great America's Halloween Haunt and annoyed the employees by trying to scare them instead.
I also jumped off a building one time.
I'm kind of like Will Smith in that crappy After Earth movie, but without the scientology and a bad actor known as Jaden Smith.This game, however, changed things for me.
It put fear back into my heart.
Its tendrils, so tenderly burrowed its way into my amygdala, from the very bottom of my bunghole.I started out in a car.
When I got out, there was a building.
I realized I was very tall.
This pleased me, because in reality, I am not that tall.
I got through a gate door and fiddled around with the controls to learn the game.
Walking to the building, I discovered the door was locked, so I had to find another path.
To the left, there was a small opening that I had to crawl through like a dog.
Dog is the preferred meat source of my people.
Getting through that hole, I saw an open window a few stories up.
I had to climb like Assassin's Creed.
Once I got inside, the lights turned off.
I got scared and jumped back out the window.
Then I decided to kill myself because I did not want to go any further, so I jumped over the edge.
I plummeted to my death, only to be ressurected by the stupid game.
I knew I had to continue, so I walked around.
I went into another room across a hallway.
The TV turns on, but that doesn't scare me.
I keep moving.
I see vending machines and a vent.
I don't want to go into the vent, but I guess I have to.
Going through the vent, I see some guy running around.
I'm scared so I stay there for a while. After a while, I decide to jump down.
There is a door, I open it.
Something jumps out at me.
I scream at the top of my lungs.
I hide back in the vent for a while.
I finally am brave enough to leave the vent and continue through the dark room filled with corpses.
I come across a guy dying.
He tells me random things.
I don't really care.
I'm scared.I find batteries in a bathroom.
There is a hand sticking out of the toilet.
I wonder if It will wipe me.I leave the bathroom and continue on.
There is no way to go except for this tiny passageway I have to squeeze through.
I decide to squeeze through.
Out of nowhere, some giant fat dude with no skin grabs me and says something.
I scream at the top of my lungs as he throws me through the tinted window.
I continue screaming for a while at the top of my lungs.
I see some guy going through my things.
I can't do this anymore.
This game is too scary.
Save and Exit.
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7.1 hrs on record
The first time I played this game, I decided that leaning back in my chair was a good idea.It wasnt a good idea.Constipated? Have a seat on the toilet while playing this game and watch all of your problems &go right down the crapper&.10/10 would ???? myself and fall backwards in my chair again.
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15.7 hrs on record
I did my first play-through of Outlast on Nightmare difficulty, where you get a max of 2 batteries and get insta-killed by certain enemies. It lasted about 10 hours and rates as THE top horror gaming experience in my 20 years of gaming. I walked away feeling very satisfied.Pros:-Not just about the cheap jump scares-Very strong, dark atmosphere-Interesting story and ending-Tons of gore and creepy stuff-Great music and sound effects-Effective use of light and shadow-Constant tension from being hunted and almost running out of batteries-No weaponsCons:-Would have liked more unique inmates and variety in inmate animationsWhoever finishes this game in 2 hours is completely ignoring the story, the dialogue, the documents, the atmosphere, and probably just playing on normal difficulty. Turn off the lights, ramp up the difficulty, let yourself be immersed and take your time. That's how Outlast is meant to be played.
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27.6 hrs on record
Possibly the scariest game I've EVER played. Outlast, which is a journey through an insane asylum that has become a true hell on earth, is Red Barrels' pride and joy, if you want my opinion on it. If you haven't played the game, allow me to explain how its scare factor is significantly high. Similar to games like Amnesia and SCP: Containment Breach, Outlast is a survival-horror game where you only have three options, which (as stated in the intro of the game) are as follows: run, hide, or die. While this may make Outlast seem like a sort of ripoff, there are a few major differences, the greatest being the camcorder and how it is implemented into the gameplay. Not only is the camcorder your only means of navigating the dark via infrared vision, it also gives you the ability to get info on what happened in the story by recording certain events as they happen before you. This, to me, makes Outlast stand out to the other horror games I have played.While the game does tend to get rather repetitive at some points, what with a find a few things while avoiding homicidal enemies in the process, this is only a minor flaw that can be overlooked if you try hard enough. Story, setting, ambience, and quite a few other things make this game feel like what a found footage film should aspire to be.What really sells this game to me are the enemies themselves. Known as the &Variants,& the enemies of this game come in all shapes and sizes, quite literally. The unique Variants are the most effective means of terrifying the player, and their backstories (explained via documents found as you go through the asylum) make them even more monstrous.If you're into scaring the pants off of yourself this Halloween (or any time of the year, really), I suggest you get Outlast. And if you have a little extra coin, put it into the Whistleblower DLC, which adds in a completely new story that ties in to the main game almost perfectly! This game is the scariest I've ever played, and I'm certain it will scare the pants off of you as well.
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0.2 hrs on record
10th minute - I ???? MY PANTS. If you want to die from a heart attack and scare the crap out of your neighbours screaming like a man,who is being tortured by the Necromorph - this game is certainly for you.
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10.0 hrs on record
*starts new game**gets out of car and looks at asylum**quits game and erases my hard drive*10/10 would erase my hard drive again
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4.8 hrs on record
The jumpscares aren't the only thing that makes you ???? in your pants. It's your heartbeat, your every breath, your missing fingers, the air you breath, the smell of your wet pants. Everything about this game will make you call for your mom.
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3.8 hrs on record
This game is the best horror game that I have played seriously enough to get the story. Although I haven't finished it yet, it is still one of the best games I've played this year.
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15.5 hrs on record
???? physics on point.10/10
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8.1 hrs on record
My fav game from 2013, its the start of a new trend of survival horrors games that are so nervy and jumpy you struggle to play them. Even though the jump scares are scripted it still had me screaming like a little girl.The the whistler blower dlc even managers to surpass the original game as well.
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1.4 hrs on record
I played for six minutes. Got too scared and peed.
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7.9 hrs on record
Played this at night with my roommates one weekend.Got five noise complaints.11/10
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0.9 hrs on record
As soon as I get out of here I am going to write a poor review for this hospital on Yelp.
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29.2 hrs on record
Outlast gives the player the feeling that they're in constant danger of death throughout the entire game. Enemies do massive amounts of damage on anything other than Normal difficulty and on Insane difficulty, they instantly kill you. My heart rate didn't go down for over 3 hours while I playing this game on Insane difficulty and I'm walking away from this game shaking. I would absolutely recommend this game if you don't any have heart problems and are interested in an extremely stressful experience.
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5.4 hrs on record
Saw a guy in a wheelchair in T-Pose.
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Includes 14 Steam Achievements
Title: Outlast
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Release Date: 4 Sep, 2013
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