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善用GIMP(Linux下的Photoshop),图像处理轻松又自由 | 善用佳软
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1. GIMP是什么?
  GIMP是什么?最准确的说法: 的简称,一个用 GTK 编写的图像编辑处理程序。
  最容易理解的说法:Linux下的Photoshop,但现在的 Windows 版本同样好用。
  最xbeta风格的说法:免费开源的GIMP,是昂贵的 PhotoShop 的较好替代方案。
  网络介绍:GIMP 是一个免费的、分布式的图片润饰、图象制作和处理软件,内含几乎所有图象处理所需的功能,号称Linux下的PhotoShop。 GIMP在Linux系统推出时就风靡了许多绘图爱好者的喜爱,它的接口相当轻巧,但其功能却不输于专业的绘图软件;它提供了各种的影像处理工具、滤镜, 还有许多的组件模块,对于要制作一个又酷又炫的网页按钮或网站Logo来说是一个非常方便好用的绘图软件,因为它也提供了许多的组件模块,你只要稍加修改一下,便可制作出一个属于你的网页按钮或网站Logo。 如今推出了For Windows版本,还不赶快试试… 注:需要安装GTK+环境包才能正常安装。
2. GIMP 与 Photoshop的对比
2.1 相同之处:功能同样强大
2.2 不同之处
  价格:Photoshop 最新版的售价高达 5000人民币,而 GIMP 完全免费。
  体积:GIMP 比 PhotoShop 更小巧、节省空间和资源。例如,善用佳软目前在用的v2.8.4便携版,安装包50+MB,解压后150+MB。(附:2008年使用的 GIMP 2.2:安装文件7+M;在win下用,要先装GTK环境,3+M;安装后总目录大小19MB);而1998年使用的PhotoShop 4.0 安装后则近 40MB 空间,现在的版本不了解。相信两款软件的最新版差异更加明显。
  跨平台:GIMP 成名于 Linux 平台,目前在windows下也广泛应用,亦支持Mac。PhotoShop 成名于Mac 和 windows。目前推出了 ,当然功能比起软件还有很大距离。
3. GIMP 视频演示
  想更加直观了解 GIMP 的界面、功能?请看下面的 Flash 录屏(579X687,900KB,录屏工具为 )。如果看不到视频,请检查浏览器的 flash 过滤设置,或flash 版本。
4. 下载与安装
– 下载:
    GIMP分稳定版(stable)和开发版。除了名称区分之外,也通过版本号的奇偶区分:小数点后第一位为偶数者,如 v2.8x,是稳定版;为奇数者,如 v2.9x,为开发版。
– 安装:
  两位 Berkeley 大学修读电脑的学生 Peter Mattis 和 Spencer Kimball,在 1995 年有了计划开始编写一个像 PhotoShop 一样,有图像处理和相片编辑功能的软件。四个月后,他们有了初步的成果,并命名为 General Image Manipulation Program,简称 GIMP。这个就是当时 GIMP 的刍形。
  那时的 GIMP 已经有基本的图像编辑功能,也可以透过 plugin 加强其它效果。可是,当时 GIMP 的最大限制是,它需要一些商业软件才可以运行,十分昂贵,很多人都没有钱买;而且当时的 GIMP 很容易会 crash,很不稳定。
  在 1996 年的 0.54 版本推出以后,Spencer 和 Peter 开始希望有多些人参与,世界各地的人同时也对它越来越有兴趣,因此都投入了大量的精力,去重写整套软件。同一时间,有关 GIMP 应用的网站越开越多,各地都有介绍如何使用 GIMP、分享技巧和示范美术创作。
  GIMP 一直继续发展,直至 97 年初的 0.99 版本。Spencer 和 Peter 在年中推出了 0.99.10 后,因为毕业有了工作而不再参与 GIMP 的开发,但这难不倒各位的开发人员,反而令他们更积极要继续开发。如是者,直至 98 之中,1.0 版本终於正式发行。
  之后,不断有 GIMP 的用户要求写一本 GIMP 的手册,经众人的努力 (主要为 Karin & Olof S Kylander),GIMP User Manual 在 99 年完成,可以到 下载。其后更有了第二版,还找了印刷社出版这套整整千页的手册。撇开这本 manual 不谈,坊间也出现了多本教人用 GIMP 的书籍,其中一本是 New Riders 出的 Grokking the GIMP,整本书已经內容開放了,各位可以在 /BOOK/ 处下载。
:使用 GIMP 制作古硬币的教程。
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QuickTime 7.6.2 for multimedia features
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The best image editor with video editing and advanced features
First look at Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud
Adobe Photoshop is the most advanced image editor there is, capable of everything from simple retouching, to complex 3D designs and illustrations. The possibilities are endless as it has many features and tools, and fortunately, there are also
if you want to learn how to use it.
Tthe undisputed leader for its power and versatility
The number of tools in Adobe Photoshop are overwhelming, but with some practice, the results are amazing. Adjusting color levels, alpha channels and masks, artistic filters, textures– the possibilities are only limited by your creativity.
What's more, Adobe Photoshop includes a basic video editor that’s integrated with all the traditional tools. Activate the timeline, drag the clips, and start assembling your masterpiece.
Panels and layers: synonyms of Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is divided in two spaces: the workspace and the panels, where you can choose tools and modify them to your use. With the panels, you can also manage the layers, which are the overlapping levels that make up a photograph and its effects.
The first thing that catches your attention as soon as you open the interface is that it’s now dark gray, which has changed for the first time ever. This is the same color you have in ,
and .
The new color and the way the panels are organized help you focus on the image. If it's not
your style, go to Preferences and change the color back to the original, or to either of the new two shades.
The best in its category
Adobe Photoshop is not a program for everyone, both for its price and for its steep learning curve. It is, however, an indisputably powerful tool, and photo editors wouldn’t be what they are today without the advances that this program introduces version after version.
If you want the best image editor, no matter the price or how difficult it is to use, Adobe Photoshop is with a doubt the best option.
How to: Install a plugin in Photoshop
Plugins are convenient ways to add more functionality to your Photoshop experience. You can add filter options, or even help optimize your image's appearance in other ways.
3 Plugin types to enhance your Photoshop experience
Adobe Photoshop is a professional digital image editing tool that's become the industry standard for graphic designers and ambitious amateurs alike. On top of including more advanced features like support for layers, Photoshop also offers includes an impressive selection of filters and effects that alter or enhance the appearance of your digital images in a variety of different ways.
How to: Create panoramic photos in Adobe Photoshop
Sometimes taking a normal 4:3 aspect ratio photograph just doesn't it cut it when trying to convey the beauty of a particularly breathtaking landscape. That's where panoramic photos come into play. There are plenty of phones and digital cameras that include modes for panoramic shots, but the quality of the shots leave much to be desired. They usually come out grainy or very low resolution as it takes some serious CPU power to stitch photos together.
Also available in Ukranian in addition to the languages listed here. This download takes you to an external site for downloading which requires registration.
Amazing results possible
Semi-professional 3d-object editing
Integrationg with Adobe Bridge in UI
Brushes with realistic physic effects
Requires a powerful computer
Difficult for basic users
&Perfect for all people alike. &
Perfect application for Photoshop. Smooth and easy to use.
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The best image editor with video editing and advanced features
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