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这次的Humble Origin Bundle包你们买了吗 战地3只要五刀即可拥有收藏
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1楼 17:56&|
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eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. ,iOS 问题:CABasicAnimation没有效果,帮我看看是否用法有错。
CABasicAnimation *animation1 = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"move"];
animation1.duration = 0.2;
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animation1.repeatCount = 5;
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NSRect nextFrame = NSMakeRect(textUpperLimit.frame.origin.x+10, textUpperLimit.frame.origin.y, textUpperLimit.frame.size.width, textUpperLimit.frame.size.height);
animation1.toValue = [NSValue valueWithRect:nextFrame];
[textUpperLimit.layer addAnimation:animation1 forKey:@""];
加了 textUpperLimit.wantsLayer = YES;也没用。
NSView* layerView = (NSView*)self.window.contentV
[layerView.layer addAnimation:animation1 forKey:@""];
CABasicAnimation *animation1 = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"move"];
animation1.duration = 0.2;
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animation1.repeatCount = 5;
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animation1.toValue = [NSValue valueWithRect:nextFrame];
[textUpperLimit.layer addAnimation:animation1 forKey:@""];
加了 textUpperLimit.wantsLayer = YES;也没用。
NSView* layerView = (NSView*)self.window.contentV
[layerView.layer addAnimation:animation1 forKey:@""];
耗时 0.0672 秒}


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