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网站法律顾问:& [翻译]《帝国步兵入门读本》截选(Chapter Three)2.26更 ...
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帖子精华1积分719金钱1017 荣誉11 人气0 评议0
Section 1& & General Introductions
The Imperial Guard is a venerable and glorious army, steeped high in history and honour. The armies of the Imperium span the galaxy, and have done so for millennia. Imperial Guard methods in the art of war are fixed, the dogmas of strategy and battlefield policy have secured the Imperium and stemmed the brutish tides of the foul and heretical. This book will outline what every soldier in the teeming mass needs to know to ensure man’s place in the galaxy remains unopposed. The most important thing to maintain is the security of the Emperor’s war machine.
Battlefield security during a war campaign is a matter of paramount importance. Every infantryman will take sufficient precautionary measures, whether he is resting, marching or fighting, to prevent the enemy from taking him by surprise. Any man found lacking will feel the wrath of the Emperor, through the actions of His most just commissars.
Always remember, no matter how stupid and inferior your enemy is, it can never be assumed that they are not capable of taking you by surprise. The foul ork, although nothing more than a savage beast, does possess low, animalistic cunning. The ignoble eldar will use cowardly spring attacks and hit-and-run tactics. The base tyranids are so bestial and degraded an enemy that we cannot precisely predict what they may do. The dark force that warp the minds of men and prove the previously pure of mind to be unclean, will sink to any level in order to douse the Immortal Emperor’s holy light. And other enemies exist on the fringes of our domains that may yet prove to be threats in their own right.
It is imperative that measures are taken to protect yourself and your comrades as much as prssible. There are two ways of doing this. The first -having adequate knowledge of arms and equipments, and the necessary skills to use them-has already been covered(see chapter 2). This chapter covers the second. It explains the structure and working of the Imperial Guard, and all who fill its glorious ranks. It will ensure you have a strong understanding of your place in its vastness. It will teach you how to conduct yourself on the battlefield.
This chapter is the most important one in this book. Read it carefully.
Section 2& & Command structure of the Imperial Guard(sector level)
*Lord General Militant(or equivalent)
*General staff(Lord Marshal, Captain General, Lord Castellan and Staff Officers of Ranks from General to Lieutenant)
*Regimental Commanders
*Company Commanders
Section 3& & Ranks& Insignia
Given the immense size and complexity of the command structure of the Imperial Guard, and the fact that it is spread throughout the entire Imperium on many different worlds and amongst many different cultures, only the most prevalent ranks are listed below. In fact there are a lot more. The most important thing to remember is your place on the list, and the fact that an order given to you by anyone above your rank is to be obeyed without question or delay.
*Warmaster& && && && && && && && &&&*Lieutenant Colonel
*Lord General& && && && && && && && &*Major
*General& && && && && && && && && & *Captain
*Marshal& && && && && && && && && & *Lieutenant
Warmaster 战帅& && && &&&Lieutenant Colonel中校
Lord General 总司令& && & Major 少校
General 将军& && && && & Captain 上尉
Marshal元帅& && && && & Lieutenant 中尉
Lieutenant General 中将& & Sergeant 中士
major General 少将& && & Corporal 下士
Colonel 上校& && && && &Trooper 列兵
Section 4& & Other Ranks, Specialists& Abhumans
Imperial Commissars
1. 帝国督军(政委)
The commissar is the living embodiment of the Immortal Emperor’s own will. He is charged with maintaining morale and discipline in the ranks in any way he sees fit. A commissar retains the absolute right to administer justice both on and off the battlefield. For you, as a trooper, they are the highest example of faith, and to be a full adherent to the Imperial Creed you should follow their peerless lead. They will stimulate zeal and enthusiasm in you as you prepare to enter the fray, and will be fighting with you at the very front of the battle. How else can they judge your mettle and courage?
You may find your squad being led by a commissar. If so, count yourself lucky! No enemy can stand to look a commissar in the eye! For in them they see the light of the Immortal Emperor and the righteousness of humanity which burns within his soul.
When the battle is at its hardest and thoughts of retreat enter your mind, think of the commissar, and let them be an inspiration to you. Be assured, if that doesn’t work and you try to flee from the battle, a justice-seeking bolt from the commissar’s gun will pass judgement upon you. A commissar shall judge you fairly, but any sign of cowardice or weakness shall be purged from his sight. A commissar is the bearer of the Emperor’s Law, and holds the irrefutable right to mete out judgement, sentence and punishment.
Whether you obey the commissar through fear or respect, you must remember that they are an imperative part of the Imperial Guard, whose job it si to look after the well-being of the Imperium, and thus, the well-being of every soldier in the army.
Priests of the Ecclesiarchy
2. 教会牧师
Where the Imperial Guard regiments fight for the glory of the Imperial Guard and the Immortal Emperor, it is common sense to take with them members of the Ecclesiarchy. A priest accompanying your regiment into the fray is indeed a boon. He will use his fire and fervour to motivate and cajole the troops into a pugnacious frenzy. How better to fight for the Imperial Creed than with the flames of purity buring strong within your breast?
Priests are so adept at converting their righteous fury into bloodlust on the battlefield that they make superb warriors, hacking left and right with their chainswords. Truly are they a great example of faith embodying action. Take stock of the zealous priests, and follow them into the fields of glory.
Techpriest Enginseers
The Imperial Gurad makes much use of mechanised armour and motorised transport. This ensures that deployment is rapid, and backed up with hard hitting artillery and tanks. The techpriests ensure the well being of the precious war machine. These solitary men are privy to the secrets and sacred workings of the great war engines and their accompanying spirits that do smite our foes with deadly steel and blessed explosives.
Techpriests are invaluable as they can administer repairs during a conflict, risking their lives to reach a stricken machine, and braving the bolt shells and las blasts in their endeavour through its steely throat.
Techpriests must be protected, for they are men steeped in lore, who have spent many years training in order to keep the war machines of the Guard rumbling ever forward. Watch out for them as they tend to their holy duties, and be sure to give them the maximum possible protection.
Sanctioned Psykers
4. 灵能者(须通过帝国审核)
Sanctioned Psykers are used in some regiment of the Imperial Guard. These individuals have been touched by the mutating powers, but have been brought under strict control. They can be a great aid on the battlefield, but as a trooper you should have nothing to do with them. They are tools of the commanders, to do with as they will.
Do not attempt communication with them if you see them. They will be under constant guard by at least three armed troopers, for your protection as well as the psyker’s. You must overcome your natural disgust for such unnatural men and remember that the machinations of the enemy must be met with whatever weapons we can gather about ourselves.
However, it si everyone’s best interests to watch these men! If they begin to behave strangely(outside of their usual strange habits)or you see them without a full guard compliment it is your duty to shoot them down, as it is likely they have succumbed to dark power.
The use of sanctioned psykers within the Imperial Guard is a necessary evil, but one all can benefit from. Treat them with equal tolerance and suspicion. Either way, your life could depend on it.
5. 欧根蛮人
Ogryns(Homo Sapiens Giganticus) are endorsed in some regiments of the Imperial Guard because they are loyal, very strong and make extremely effective shock troops. They are a perfect combination: sheer brute force married to a completely obedient mind. Ogryns are in no way a match for a man in terms of intellect or foresight(for example, they will not have been issued woth a copy of this hand book, because they undoubtedly would not understand a single word) but they can smash any enemy foolish to stand in the way with their bare hands. And that alone, according to some, is reason enough to include these lesser creatures into the ranks.
If ogryns are a part of your regiment you will not see them on all of your training courses. There is little point in teaching those incapable of learning. They do, however, make effective use of the famous ripper gun, and they already comprehend how to tear a body limb from limb, and that is all they really need to know. Those ogryns who show slight signs of initiative are given augmetic surgery to boost their brain power. If successful, these individuals will become ogryn squad commanders.
It is tempting to treat ogryns as little more that walking slabs of meat and muscle. And such they are. But their great strength, durability and ferocity in combat make them a valuable asset to the guard regiments in which they fight. It is also fair to say that their unpretentious faith in the Immortak Emperor is, in its way, an example for you to follow. Your faith should mirror theirs in its blindness and its simplicity.
Ogryns, although not famous for their cleanliness and hygiene, carry no diseases or infections. The strong smell that presides around is entirely natural and should be no cause for alarm.
6. 莱特林鼠人
Ratlings are tolerated in some regiments because, despite their obvious short fallings as soldiers, they make excellent shot(and cook). Ratlings are natural snipers, providing covering fire for advancing column, or making use of the torn up battlezone landscape in attrition wars, often going to ground for days at time, waiting for a kill.
It is also worth nothing that petty crime rates tend to rise when ratling squads are attached to regiments. Remain vigilant and report any infractions of the Immortal Emperor’s law to your squads commander.
Section 5& & Company Structure
Section 6& & Heavy weapon squads
(i)General Introduction:
Men who demonstrate a certain affinity with specialized weapons are gathered together into smaller squads and given training to turn them into effective support fire teams. These teams are tasked with providing sustained and accurate fire from the most powerful hand held weapons used in the Imperial Guard, to lighter platoons as they advance. Being part of a heavy weapon squad demands skill, strength and a stout heart. They are primary targets for the enemy’s own heavy weapons and marksmen, so can expect their fair share of incoming fire.
(ii) Fire support squads are equiped with heavy bolters, flamers and autocannons. These groups will advance with the rest of the column, laying down devastating arcs of fire in order to suppress enemy infantry formations that might otherwise harass the vanguard. They are also trained to spot and neutralise light scout vehicles.
(iii)Antitank support squads are a trooper’s best friend in the face of incoming enemy armour. They are equipped with lascannons and missile launchers. These squads will stay back from the advance, using incoming targeting information to pinpoint and neutralize enemy tanks. They play a crucial role within the army, as a well dug-in tank can completely stymie a column’s advance.
(iv) Mortar support squads stay well behind the font lines. Their priority is to hurl down a hail of suppressive fire and pin enemy troop formations in place while the rest of the column moves in for the kill. Mortar teams rely on accurate targeting information relayed back from the scouts and forwardmost squads. They can also fire indirectly, lobbing shells over woods, hills or friendly positions to bring down explosive death on the heads of foes skulking in hiding holes.
P.S. 图中文字:
&&Although you may never fire a heavy weapon, it is useful to be able to recognise them and learn the basics of their operation. Note their effect, and see that the Emperor speaks his vengeance with many voices.
&&Note that these weapons are usually equipped with a tripod stand and armour shield.
& & 虽然你可能永远也不会用上一把重武器,但能够成功识别出它并了解它的基本原理仍然对你有好处。注意这些武器对敌人的效果,看看帝皇是如何以各种方式向敌人倾泻他的盛怒。
[ 本帖最后由 kobe2me 于
11:04 编辑 ]
总评分:&金钱 + 120&
Hope is the first step on road to disappointment
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Section 7& & Map Reading
(i) General Introduction
The ability to read a map and use a compass quickly and accurately is of great importance. It is imperative to be able to coordinate your position in unknown territory. Map and compass reading is not arduous, it is no more than getting a clear idea of what the ground looks like from the map, and a clear idea of which direction to advance.
(ii) Use of the Guard Issue Compass
a) You must be thoroughly familiar with the compass and know how to use it during day or night.
b) The compass is an instrument that will tell you where the polar north lies. It must be recalibrated for each planet as soon as planetfall is achieved. The dial is graduated into 360 equal subdivisions called degrees. “0” indicates polar north and readings go clockwise around the dial. 90 degrees is east, 180 degrees is south, 270 degrees is west.
c) Using the compass you can determine which direction you are facing, and using the map, determine where you are going. At night the compass emits a luminescent glow. Ensure this does not give away your position!
(iii) Use of maps
a) Maps represent part if a planet’s surface on paper. They are drawn to scale(1cm=1km,for example), and on Imperial maps this is represented in the bottom left of the map, next to the key.
b) On Imperial maps north is at the top. This is also represented by an arrow. Your map shoul it is just as awkward to use an un-oriented map as it is to read this manual upside-down. There are two ways to orient your map:
(1)Draw a line on your map between two points you can locate: point ‘X’ and point ‘Y’. Stand at point X, sight along the X-Y on the map and turn the map until the line of sight point at Y on the ground. Your map is now oriented.
(2)You may orient your map by a compass(ensure your compass has been calibrated to show polar north for the planet you are on). Place the hair-line along the north-south line on the map. Turn map and compass until the compass needle points in exactly the same direction as both lines. Your map is now oriented.
c) You are oriented when you know your position on a map and the directions on the ground. If you lose your location on the map, first orient it. Select a feature of terrain(a hill), and from that draw a line on the map towards yourself. Do the same with reference to another terrain feature. The point where these lines cross will be your location on the map.
d) The map is split up into a grid system. They are parallel lines, running north-south, and east-west. Beginning at the lower left(south-west) the lines are numbered, running south to north, and west to east. Using these numbers you can designate any square on the map by giving the numbers of the lines which intersect at its lower left hand corner.
e) If you need to designate a map position more closely(for pinpoint artillery attacks, for example) divide the sides of the square into ten equal parts. These points can be used to etablish a more accruate grid reference. Then a point becomes more accruately shown.
f) Imperial maps are full of information, detailing cities, roads, rivers, gun emplacement and hills. The map also shows from lines, called contours, which represent the variations in elevation of the planet surface. This sort of information is invaluable to a soldier.
Section 8& & Security of the Column
图中:Advance Guard:侦察尖兵&&Flank Guard侧翼保护&&Main Body纵队主体&&Rear Guard垫后部队&&Direction of March行军方向
(i) General Introduction
Information regarding the enemy’s whereabouts is imperative if a commander is to use his troops properly. If he does not know where they are, he cannot reach out and mortify them. For this reason he must ensure the security of the column, whether at rest, on the march or in combat.
(ii) The Role of the Scout
a) You may be appointed as a scout, either independently or in a detachment. Your principle role is to prevent the main body of the column from being surprised. You become the eyes and ears and you must prepare yourself to watch out, report on, and engage the enemy if necessary, all in the greater interest of the troop column.
b) As a scout you must be able to see and hear things others would miss. You must pick up indistinct and motionless objects, as well as moving ones. Long periods of painstaking search are often needed before a hostile is located.
c) You may be sent out to the advance, flank or rear, and a great amount of flexibility and independent thinking will be required.
d) When the column moves forward to attack, it is a scout’s job to precede it and ensure it follows the correct path, you must investigate danger areas, neutralise enemy scouts and select areas where it may be protected from enemy fire. You must also ensure against counterattack and surprise fire, and select firing positions and spot targets. As a scout you take on enormous responsibility, and the safety of the column and success of an action may rest on your shoulders. Failure to carry out your duty will have severe consequences.
e) As a listener, spotter or sniper you may enter the enemy lines to get information on them. It is also your responsibility to neutralise enemy scouts attempting the same thing. If you see an enemy scout, assess the situation immediately. Is he alone? Has he spooted you? Can you kill him silently? The last question depends on a number of factors: his position in relation to yours, terrain, light conditions and so on.. If you decide to kill him, try to do so silently so as not to warn the enemy and give away your position. Remember, the safety of the column is top priority. Try to manoeuvre around behind him, using cover as explained in section 9. Recite the Litany of Stealth(refer to Emperor’s Benedictions) to decrease your chance of being heard. Creep up behind him, pull his head up sharply to expose his neck then thrust your knife deeply into the side of his throat. This should ensure he does not cry out and betray your position. Try and hide the body by covering it with leaves or debris.
f) You may be ordered to advance ahead of the column, keeping visible and perhaps shouting or firing your weapon to draw fire from hidden enemy gun emplacements. This forces the enemy to play his hand, negating any plans he had of surprising the column.
g) A great deal depends on the scout. Always remember your commander’s orders. Courage and faith will be required in the carrying out of your duties. Often you will find yourself in situations you could not have anticipated in advance. Remember your mission, consult relevant prayers in the final chapter of this book, and keep faith in the Immortal Emperor, and you will succeed.
[ 本帖最后由 kobe2me 于
01:15 编辑 ]
Hope is the first step on road to disappointment
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For the living!
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原帖由 wawawe 于
14:01 发表
LZ如何把PDF文件中的文字如何变成文本?该不会是自己一个一个抄下来的? -_-
这本书内容非常多,而且详细,足可见战锤40k 的世界观体系发展的有夠...
Hope is the first step on road to disappointment
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15:16 发表
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15:33 发表
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Note that these weapons are usually equipped with a tripod stand and armour shield.
tripod,三脚架;armour shield,防盾。
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原帖由 CZ75 于
19:14 发表
Note that these weapons are usually equipped with a tripod stand and armour shield.
tripod,三脚架;armour shield,防盾。
Hope is the first step on road to disappointment
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By my command,everyone but me,charge!!
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今天上午刚刚拿了ALLSTAR的MVP 就接着翻译这么冗长的东西
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marksmen 这个不是标靶部队,是精确射手或者说神射手,在步兵班组中利用精确的射击来支援作战的。不同于狙击手
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20:17 发表
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原帖由 兔子半妖 于
16:57 发表
marksmen 这个不是标靶部队,是精确射手或者说神射手,在步兵班组中利用精确的射击来支援作战的。不同于狙击手
原帖由 CZ75 于
17:46 发表
Hope is the first step on road to disappointment
UID419548主题阅读权限40帖子精华1积分611金钱2400 荣誉11 人气0 在线时间320 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 611, 距离下一级还需 389 积分
帖子精华1积分611金钱2400 荣誉11 人气0 评议0
UID1217717主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分192金钱1072 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间143 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 192, 距离下一级还需 8 积分
帖子精华0积分192金钱1072 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
原帖由 暴走天使 于
20:01 发表
UID1495722主题阅读权限40帖子精华1积分719金钱1017 荣誉11 人气0 在线时间0 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 719, 距离下一级还需 281 积分
帖子精华1积分719金钱1017 荣誉11 人气0 评议0
原帖由 暴走天使 于
20:01 发表
P.S.& & LS 的勿恶念..........
Hope is the first step on road to disappointment
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