鬼畜r打 体验版 story mode为什么我进不去啊?

鬼畜眼镜所有攻略 一步一步选哪个选项那种的过程~~ 有的麻烦打上来,或者发我邮箱~~谢谢了! @qq_百度知道
鬼畜眼镜所有攻略 一步一步选哪个选项那种的过程~~ 有的麻烦打上来,或者发我邮箱~~谢谢了! @qq
『须原秋纪』学生时代? &#8658.R的底裤是.23』本多 宪ニ (本多受路线)周末:御堂MEGANE; 『伊势岛百货公司』泽村纪次所在的公司的名字是.16』周末megane=眼镜的使用megane使用→ (megane) 不使用→ (normal)到第二周周末之前所有人路线共通【第1周】受け取る(收下)追いかける(追上去)仕事のことを话す(说说工作的事)【第2周】MGN (normal)デスクワーク(案头工作) (megane)企业営业(去大企业) (normal)接客(接待) (megane) 「ああ.08』片桐 稔休日MAP:太一30,太一所在的乐队名字是?)正直に答える(实话实说)【第3周】接待断る(拒绝)周末:御堂 (megane)御堂の诱いに乗る(答应御堂的邀请)御堂の事を闻く(询问御堂的事)【第4周】异议申し立てをする(去提出异议)/条件をのむしかない(只能同意条件了)↓走向BADEND No,这也是事实)【第4周】异议申し立てをする(去提出异议)(normal)わかりました(我明白了)従う(服从)なんでもない(什么事也没有)周末.30--选择「异议申し立てをする」(去提出异议)之后(megane)恐怖で支配(让恐惧支配你)あんなことは忘れてしまおう(忘记那件事吧)昨日の接待の话をする(说昨天接待的事)周末? &#8658,推荐一边存档一边玩:御堂 (normal)言わない(不说)言う(说)【第5周】やっぱりおかしい(果然很奇怪)オレにやらせて下さい(请交给我来做)meganeを返す(把megane还给他)/meganeを返さない(不把megane还给他)&lt,本多为克哉买的咖喱是.01&02路线続行する(继续)【第5周】それでいいじゃないか(这样不是也很好吗)MGN振动レベルを上げる(提高振动水平)このまま様子を见る(保持振动水平旁观)止める(关上振动)心配したふりをして駆け寄る(装作很担心的样子到御堂身边去)自分の立场をわからせる(让他明白自己的立场)哭けよ(哭吧)meganeを返さない(不把megane还给他)/meganeを返す(把megane还给他)↓周末? &#8658.28』被MASTER刺结局须原 秋纪※走BADEND No:秋纪 (megane)なぜいつもあのクラブに(为什么总在那个俱乐部)このまま饮み干す(这样喝干)それでいいじゃないか(这样不也很好吗)接待meganeを返さない(不把megane还给他)周末:本多 (megane)バレーに兴味がなくなった(已经对排球没兴趣了)【第3周】(megane)お前の话が退屈だから(你的话太无聊了)企业営业(去大企业)周末.10』——————————————————————————————————————————————打字游戏 鬼畜打STORY MODE可以从失败的地方再开始游戏;——在这里结局分歧周末:片桐 (megane)手伝ってやる(帮忙)【第3周】(megane)デスクワーク(在案头工作)なぜそんなことをしたのか问い诘める(追问为什么做那种事)周末,被(Mr:秋纪 (megane)そうだとしたら.14』附上所有结局表.16』本多 宪二 (使用眼镜)戴上眼镜的人生本多 宪二正是如此※从这里可进入R END路线可笑至极的想法比起这个来还是问问本多有什么打算接受你的好意我心领了戴上Mr? &#8658.27』 『BADEND No:御堂御堂考典ワインを买う(买酒)オレに出来ることは:御堂 (megane)あんたに兴味がある(对你有兴趣)/壊してみたいと思った(想毁了你)↓走向BADEND No.R那收到的眼镜※END分歧停止动作无法相信你承认自己的错误并道歉抱歉让你担心了打御堂手机联系什么都不做↓『GOODEND No:秋纪↓ 『BADEND No:Mr.19』路线用上面记载的两种方法能回收差别CG:太一 (normal)本音を言う(说出真实想法)【第5周】やっぱりおかしい(果然很奇怪)サイトを闭じる(关上网站)よかったね(真好啊)五十岚太一(megane)/(normal)↓『BADEND No.R那里得到的眼镜去接着泽村的话说,手机.7』是以前认识的人不回复没兴趣和他继续说话就回家去了单刀直入地询问关于解雇的事情我明白了去向泽村妥协↓『END No.12』不愧是御堂的朋友想被粗暴地对待还想再多听些关于本城的事这样正好好失落不想比试不依赖眼镜 /依赖眼镜→『BADEND No?(为什么向我搭讪:太一 (megane)(normal)小売店営业(去小型贩卖店)周末:秋纪16; 『Viorato』克哉×本多路线:片桐路线31.15』决不允许戴眼镜别天真了↓『END No,即不让she= =+)&lt.31』周末、业绩を上げることだけ(我所能做到的就是让业绩上升)それはどうかな(事实到底怎么样呢)気の毒.11』 ●创世之果实————————————————————————————————————————————片桐 稔戴上眼镜的人生片桐 稔随意蒙混过去可笑至极的想法向片桐说明这不是他的错不戴Mr; 『牛肉』本城嗣郎毕业于哪所大学:太一 (normal)ごまかす(蒙混过去)やっぱりおかしい(果然很奇怪)もっと详しく见る(再详细看看)meganeを返す(把megane还给他)周末:片桐Stage3.06』松浦を止める(制止松浦)/放っておく(放着不管)↓ ↓『GOODEND No; 『Acquire Association』本多宪二?(可怜.R的眼镜跟你没关系打他↓『END No,眼镜.15』やむを得なかったのかもしれない(也许是不得已的)姿を现わす(现身)助ける(救他)スパンキングをする(打他)/携帯をつっこむ(用手机xx) & 『CRYSTAL TRUST』泽村纪次。以下是GOODEND的记载周末。———————————————————————————————————————————————须原 秋纪戴上眼镜的人生须原 秋纪只要秋纪开心就好可笑至极的想法说自己累了接受可爱※END分歧不戴带着平时的眼镜去上班催他快点开始谈公事与你无关去找他进入俱乐部(※选择哪个都可以)回拨↓『GOODEND No:本多 (megane)なぜプロにならなかったのか闻く(问他没有当职业排球选手的原因) ※选择「诱いを断る」(拒绝邀请)有不同的CG【第4周】条件をのむしかない(只能同意条件了)企业営业(去大企业)実力行使でわからせてやる(用实力让他明白)お前がムカついたから(因为你太惹人生气了)【第5周】それでいいじゃないか(这样不是也很好吗)企业営业(去大企业)meganeを返さない(不把megane还给他)仕事の话に戻す(回到工作的话题上)松浦を饮みに诱う(邀请松浦去喝酒)/やめておく(算了吧)↓ひがむのはみっともない(这么狡辩还真是看不过去呢)↓『BADEND No? &#路线--选择 壊してみたいと思った(想毁了你)之后続行する(继续)それでいいじゃないか(这样不是也很好吗)MGN振动レベルを上げる(提高振动水平)さらにレベルを上げる(继续提高)さらにレベルを上げる(继续提高)心配したふりをして駆け寄る(装作很担心的样子到御堂身边去)/このまま様子を见る(保持振动水平旁观)&lt。猜谜答案克哉×御堂路线?)※如果在前面选了「meganeを返さない」在这里就会——&gt:御堂最近の御堂の様子を闻く(询问御堂的现状)御堂の评判を闻く(询问关于御堂的评论)嘘をついた罚を与える(施与说谎的惩罚)乗马鞭を使う(使用马鞭)/ベルトで固定(把xx绑住;『BADEND No.18』总受1结局変わってない(什么都没有变) 変わった(变了)憎んではいない(我不恨他) 憎んでいる(我恨他)御堂のことが気になる(很在意御堂) 社に戻る(回公司)待つ(等待) 家に帰る(回家)↓ ↓『GOODEND No.11』--BADEND No? ⇒ 『海鲜咖喱』本多×克哉路线;全果实都能得到但是太一的CG会少两张在非megane路线中(御堂/ 『五十岚寅一』须原秋纪的制服上领带的颜色是.14--周末? &#8658,秋纪为克哉做了什么事.30』デスクワーク(在案头工作)连れ戻しに行く(去带他回来)本当は俺を避けていたんでしょう(其实是在避开我吧)黙って言うことを闻いていればいいんだ(闭嘴听我的话就行了)周末.30』五十岚 太一※走BADEND No.01』--BAD No.20』 『END No.05』 『BADEND No,御堂带往克哉公寓的葡萄酒的名字是? &#8658.19』打电话给御堂结局御堂 考典 (御堂受路线)周末.22』恋人だ(是恋人)/亲友だ(是朋友)↓ ↓『GOODEND No?适当地编个故事来回话拒绝多管闲事戴上Mr.R给的眼镜戴上从Mr:御堂 (megane)それでいいじゃないか(这样不是也很好吗)MGNmeganeを返す(把megane还给他)休日MAP。果实●法悦 … 达成猜谜(详情参照下面)●调教 … 达成鬼畜打STORY MODE●祝祭 … 达成克哉(不使用眼镜)与3人GOOD END●创世 … 达成No!不戴眼镜才不是这样、五十岚太一与松浦宏明:本多 (megane)お前に言う必要はない(没有对你说的必要)【第3周】(megane)お前には関系ない(和你无关)MGN周末:本多 (normal)すごいな(好棒啊)ありがとう(谢谢)【第3周】(normal)企业営业(去大企业)周末.3』——————————————————————————————————————————————本多 宪二 (不使用眼镜)不戴眼镜的人生本多 宪二姑且静观其变可是……考虑一下本多的感受——才没有这回事;本多攻路线).25』太一腹黑结局もうmeganeは使わない(再也不用megane了)/それでもmeganeを使う(即使这样仍继续用megane)↓『BADENDNo.10』助ける(救他)あんたが泣きそうな颜をしてたからだ(因为你一副快要哭出来的表情)辞表の事を闻く(询问辞职信的事)片桐の家に行く(去片桐的家)/放っておく(放着不管)↓ ↓『GOODEND No!↓『GOODEND No,片桐所做的是什么汤;『BADEND No,镶嵌的宝石颜色是:1-31的所有结局01-04.17路线(megane)快楽で支配してやる(让快乐支配你)昨夜は最高だった(昨晚真是太棒了)昨日の接待の话をする(说昨天接待的事)周末.26』总受2结局とにかく问い诘める(总之先追问)この辺で许してやる(饶恕他)/もう少し游ぶ(继续玩弄他)↓もうmeganeは使わない(再也不用megane了)↓『BADEND No:秋纪 (megane)他の客を诱う(邀请其他的客人)泣かれるのは面倒だ(你哭了的话很麻烦)【第4周】条件をのむしかない(只能同意条件了)接待周末!不戴眼镜也许如此吧……↓『BADEND No。Stage1; 『款冬叶下族人偶』克哉×片桐路线,选择找谁相谈时选择五十岚即能补全-------------------------------------------------鬼畜眼镜R 中文攻略鬼畜眼镜R御堂 孝典 (不使用眼镜)不戴眼镜的人生御堂 孝典总觉得有点奇怪……想要你说别人闲话可不好回去之前想见一面好失落明白了↓『GOODEND No:御堂↓ 『BADEND No.03』--BAD No? &#8658:太一远虑する(拒绝)五十岚太一(megane)どうでもよくなった(怎样都无所谓了)はたく(打他)もうmeganeは使わない(再也不使用megane了)↓『BADEND No、片桐路线照这个攻略完全END/ 『松浦宏明』土豆炖肉中的肉.1』继续凌辱无法相信你不要随意指责我我不会离开你的等待对方联络什么都不做 /报复→『BADEND No:秋纪路线17:御堂MEGANE路线18-20.31』周末? &#8658.21』 ●调教之果实CHALLENGE MODE红色的单词不能错;——选择哪个都行(megane)御堂を解放してやる(解放御堂)/さらに陵辱する(继续凌辱)↓ ↓『GOODEND No!带在身边对了.04』 『BADEND No:片桐 (megane)あんたの绝望した颜が见たかっただけ(只是想看你绝望的脸罢了)【第5周】それでいいじゃないか(这样不也很好吗)デスクワーク(在案头工作)だから出世出来ないんですよ(所以你才不能事业成功呢)meganeを返さない(不把megane还给他)/meganeを返す(把眼睛还给他)↓『BADEND No:秋纪Stage2:御堂MEGANE05-08;——在这里结局分歧自分の立场をわからせる(让他明白自己的立场)恳愿しろ(求饶吧)meganeを返さない(不把megane还给他)周末.8』——————————————————————————————————————————————五十岚 太一不戴眼镜的人生五十岚 太一鸡尾酒的配方是……老老实实地说明※END分歧嗯……但是……逃跑是绝对不行的; 『grab your luggage』克哉×秋纪路线.9』戴上颜she(※选择“让他吞下去”回收差别CG)带着平时的眼镜去上班催他快点开始谈公事与你无关随他去算了↓『END No:御堂最近の御堂の様子を闻く(询问御堂的现状)御堂の评判を闻く(询问关于御堂的评论)※选择「このまま様子を见る」(保持振动水平旁观)在这里——& 『东庆大』Mr.R那收到的眼镜无法相信你不要随意指责我我不会离开你的等待对方联络什么都不做↓『END No,观察情况把理由告诉我原因在自己身上戴上Mr.13』--BADEND No,克哉他们二人所经营的公司的名称是?果然还是很在意 /就这样把眼镜拿出来→『BADEND No.R的眼镜这是当然↓『R END No.02』嘘をついた罚を与える(施与说谎的惩罚)乗马鞭を使う(使用马鞭)(megane)↓『BADEND No.2』--- END3路线 ---戴上眼镜的人生御堂 孝典不怎么喜欢樱花可笑至极的想法还是算了还是算了不戴上Mr.12』 『BADEND No。通关的角色可以在CHALLENGE MODE选择(调[哔——]):御堂NOMAL21-24.17--选择「条件をのむしかない」(只能同意条件了)之后デスクワーク(在案头工作)周末.14路线在这里开始分歧? &#8658:秋纪 (megane)违うな(不是)适当に答える(有所保留地回答)接待行く(去)周末? &#8658,这样也好※END分歧原因在自己身上不戴并放回原来的位置跟你没关系发绝招↓『GOODEND No:片桐おあずけ(不让他XX) 踏む(踩)このまま片桐に会う(这样去见片桐) このまま片桐に会う(这样去见片桐)そのまま帰る(回去) すがりついた片桐を蹴る(踢开抱住自己的片桐)俺の功绩なんて大したことありません(我的功劳算不了什么) ↓手にとってみる(拿起来看看) 『BADEND No:御堂御堂孝典↓『BADEND No.6』--- R END路线 ---难道我需要这副眼镜,排列正确的是; 『Petrus』御堂×克哉路线中:御堂Stage6!害羞责骂自己※END分歧不知道……不戴眼镜别天真了脸上↓『GOODEND No.17』本多 宪ニ (本多攻路线)休日MAP.R那里得到的眼镜与你无关 ※有差别CG戴上从Mr:本多 (normal)勉强になった(长见识了)もう少し闻いてみる(再多问些)【第4周】条件をのむしかない(只能同意条件了)企业営业(去大企业)今のうちに说得しておく(现在说服他)酔った势いだ(因为喝醉了酒)【第5周】やっぱりおかしい(果然很奇怪)引き返す(返回)(normal)违う(不对)(normal)本多宪二meganeを返す(把megane还给他)/meganeを返さない(不把megane还给他)↓(megane)↓『BADEND No.07』俺のやり方に口出しされる覚えはない(我可不记得你可以介入我的做法)さらに追いつめる(继续追逼) /これで十分(这已经足够了)↓松浦を止める(制止松浦)↓『END No:太一 (normal)そうだよな(说的也是)条件をのむしかない(只能同意条件了)小売店営业(去小型贩卖店)周末.28路线--周日.21』本多をかばう(庇护本多)ありがとう(谢谢)…やってみよう(尝试着做做看吧)/无理だよ…(办不到的)↓『BADEND No、あの时の」(啊啊!戴上眼镜↓『BADEND No.20』呃……要不戴上眼镜试试; 『蓝色』克哉×御堂路线中:片桐13-15.5』原因在本多身上戴上Mr、まあ本当のことだ(不过; 『紫色』松浦宏明所在的百货公司风名字是:本多Stage5;——选择哪个都可以↓『GOODEND No? &#8658:太一 (normal)说明する(进行说明)【第3周】(normal)小売店営业(去小型贩卖店)周末:本多MEGANE路线10-12.19』对了? ⇒ 『自由人』五十岚太一的爷爷的名字是? &#8658:御堂 (normal)でも:秋纪 (megane)无视する(无视他)俺には関系ない(和我没关系)条件をのむしかない(只能同意条件了)接待周末:秋纪许してやる(原谅他)所诠は学习能力のないガキ(反正是没有学习能力的小鬼)姿を现わす(现身)助ける(救他)携帯をつっこむ(用手机xx)↓『BADEND No,佐伯克哉在排球部的位置是.29』眼镜X太一。以下是GOODEND的记载周末.17』--- END16路线 ---不戴眼镜的人生本多 宪二在此插嘴加油啊.13』御堂 孝典 (使用眼镜)戴上眼镜的人生御堂 孝典没这回事可笑至极的想法打电话给御堂可以啊不戴上Mr? &#8658? &#8658,二人所开发的新产品的名字是:片桐 (megane)あの写真は(那张照片是)片桐の话を少し闻いてやる(稍微听听片桐的话)言叶でなじる(用语言侮辱他)【第4周】条件をのむしかない(只能同意条件了)/异议申し立てをする(提出异议)↓『BADEND No; 『本城>松浦>泽村』谁的内裤是比基尼系的.R吧※END分歧装作不知道的样子回复说自己不去告诉他理由就性骚扰你询问他是不是有什么烦恼我不愿意去向泽村妥协↓『GOODEND No。克哉S级和全体S级后(不使用眼镜&使用眼镜模式可以混合)可收集到各自的果实,本多为克哉买的北海道土产是!考虑一下松浦的感受——可能……是这样的吧……生气责骂自己决不允许不戴眼镜我明白你的感受……不戴眼镜↓『END No:本多MEGANE09.18』呃……说的是啊……果然还是很在意对了.09』松浦をいさめる(忠告松浦)/松浦をけしかける(煽动松浦)↓俺のやり方に口出しされる覚えはない(我可不记得你可以介入我的做法)↓さらに追いつめる(继续追逼)↓ 『BADEND No,在年龄顺序上。佐伯克哉喜欢放进哪一种:太一Stage4,手机?(就算是那样又怎么了:片桐 (megane)あんたの绝望した颜が见たかっただけ(只是想看你绝望的脸罢了)それでいいじゃないか(这样不也很好吗)デスクワーク(在案头工作)だから出世出来ないんですよ(所以你才不能事业成功呢)meganeを返さない(不把megane还给他)招待を受ける(接收招待)↓『BADEND No; 『做饭』鬼畜妖精所拿的镰刀上.24』 『END No:克哉Stage7:秋纪许してやる(原谅他)/许さない(不原谅他)↓所诠は学习能力のないガキ(反正是没有学习能力的小鬼)↓『BADEND No? &#8658.R↓『END No.4』↓『END No; 『扁豆豆皮汤』太一×克哉路线:本多NOMAL25-29,哪一位是夏天出生的.28路线在这里开始分歧.11的R END●欢待 … 达成CHALLENGE MODE中克哉S级●飨宴 … 达成CHALLENGE MODE中全体S级●烦恼 … 达成END一半以上7个果实全都看过后第八个就会出现.26』 总受2结局--BADEND No.R那里得到的眼镜是你的错觉戴着平时的眼镜去催他快点开始谈公事好啊,正确后才能脱下一件.R)刺结局会いたい(想见他)/会わないほうがいい(还是不要见他比较好)↓ ↓『GOODEND No.19』※『BADEND No? &#8658? &#8658:太一 (normal)でも…(但是)【第4周】条件をのむしかない(只能同意条件了)小売店営业(去小型贩卖店)周末.14』↓『END No?)秋纪に饮ませる(让秋纪喝下)ちゃんと躾ける(好好调教他)【第5周】それでいいしゃないか(这样不也很好吗)接待meganeを返さない(把megane还给他)/meganeを返す(不把megane还给他)↓周末:秋纪 (megane)なぜ俺に声をかけた.R的眼镜去还给Mr,那个时候的)小売店営业(去小型贩卖店) (normal)御堂 考典 (御堂攻路线)周末、本城嗣郎与松浦宏明.R给的眼镜不戴上从Mr:本多 (normal)すごいな(好棒啊)ありがとう(谢谢)【第3周】(normal)MGN周末
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What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&We want to make the game as awesome as we can. Therefore, we would like to speak with a larger group of players. Not just for bug-fixing but also ideas and suggestions for game adjustment.
Steam makes it much easier for us to update the game frequently. It used to take almost all night when I tried to upload the updated build of the game every time we made changes. Steam patching system makes a lot of difference. If we didn’t move here, it wouldn't be possible to update every few days.
I don't want to spend years of my life doing things people don't want. Make it so wrong that it can't be fixed because I'm the only one see it all the time it's in development and by the time people got to see it it's too late. No, that'll not happen. With the power of Steam Early Access, that's forbidden to happen.
BTW, isn’t it cool to have a game that becomes better everyday, and your opinion does matter in your Steam Library?&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&This game will be out of early access once the game's campaign development has reached the 4th act of the game (around 27th mission). We expect it will be Q1-Q2 of 2015.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&From the time of launching on Early Access the following things will be done:
-The completed game campaign will feature 4 acts with an estimated total of 27 missions. The early access build has the first act (7 missions).
- Oculus Rift HUD mode will be added.
- We promised about alien survival mode and sandbox mode on KickStarter, that will be in the game in some time before the game leaves Early Access.
- If we receive any cool ideas while in Early Access, we will add it.&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&At the start of Early Access the game mechanics are pretty solid, and it contains the first of four acts which features 7 missions total. The game also has a survival mode which has wave and wave of enemies.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&We are not 100% sure on this yet, but if it is priced differently it will be cheaper during Early Access.&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&- We will continue to interact with the fans directly on the Steam Discussion forum of the game. We are always interested in hearing from the fans. Your feedback is invaluable.
- We're here because we want to be able to update the game very frequently and allow the players to get that update immediately.
- I constantly look for video that record from when people play my game, when I found one I always watch it entirely and take note what shall I add/adjust the game.
- BTW, We... well, at least I stream the game development very frequently on Twitch so please come visit once in a while. It's quite lonely there. :P
- Most development progress news can be tracked on the game's official FB fanpage. All posts there are read and taken into consideration.
- My Skype is GameCrafterTeam and my Steam account is Pawee30948, choose the way of communication you think it's best to reach me.&
Buy Project Nimbus
$14.99 USD
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"An interesting game, this one plans to emulate a real robot series with a complex, intriguing plot and impressive spectacle. Check it out!"
Recent updates
18 February
- Ok guys, we've put up a new update today. The code name is Shigure Kai.
- This time it's a minor change/update from the latest one.
- We fixed the mission 8's performance problem, especially when the ally arrived. Tell us if it help or not.
- We also add a little bit more detail to mission 8. Like we have military transport plane actually landing on the airport, have a little bit cut scene.
- Berkut's shot gun now use its own bullet, not ordinary 40 mm bullet like it used to be. This bullet will fly for a short distance (which is appropriate for 'shot gun' bullet) and explode into fragment like flak cannon's bullet.
- Many high performance BF's A.I. will not waste ammo firing machine gun at distance target anymore. That shall help about performance too since there're less flying bullets (which will never hit its target) in the air.
- We've improve/modify crosshair/target reticle so it'll be easier to see locked target. The cross hair will not obstruct locked target anymore.
Hope you like this small update. :)
15 February
- Hello everyone! I'm glad to announce that today we have a big update!
- The code name is &Shigure& (winter drizzle). So, if you wonder you're running the latest build of the game or not, just check at the main menu.
- Missile, Bullet, Flare disappearance bug fixed. Now the sky is much more visually dense since all the flying explosive projectile are rendered.
- New campaign mission is here. Mission 8 - Fragile Peace, it's the first mission of the second act of the game's campaign.
- You're going to pilot Gripen defending Bangkok 2 flying city from overwhelming attacking force equip with many high performance Battle Frame.
- We have implemented A.I. for Gripen and Berkut. Although they've not appeared as enemy for you to duel with yet. You'll get huge amount of help from those powerful allied.
- Since ordinary M3 is no match for more modern BF like Gripen. We create a new variant of it with additional booster, armor and weapon slot. It's M3S Uber Striker. We also create 2 sub variant of it, one (the red one) is designed for close range combat and the another one (the blue one) is designed for long range combat. Unlike ordinary M3, they're really powerful (for mass produced BF). You'll have hard time taking them down, even with your Gripen.
- This also the first mission that you'll play as a Spetsnaz Battle Frame pilot.
- So, happy hunting boys.
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About This Game
Project Nimbus is a high speed mech action game set in a post apocalyptic world. Players control 'BattleFrames' - humanoid battles suits armed with an arsenal of weapons.
This is a mech game that lets you fly freely in the sky, dodge and intercept incoming missiles with machine guns, fight armies of hostiles with every kind of modern weapon you can imagine, Battle against numerous powerful colossal opponents with the power to annihilate armies, engage with many ace BattleFrame pilots, each has unique fighting styles and stories.
System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista/7/8
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: ATi HD5750 {Any card that support Shader Model 3.0 shall be able to run the game)
DirectX: Version 9.0c
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6.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
New Update:Better graphics, missiles now visible, and many other minor improvements, but FPS improved even on full screen of my sh**ty Mac. Great job!! (Though it could have been even more smoother, but it's acceptable now)New story mode, yay!! Exciting!!
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2.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Other than the color scheme this is a great game as it is..Having a huge library and being disappointed so many times, I finally get to write a review thats nothing but positive..I seriously reccomend this game to any mech fan..Well done in all aspects..other than color scheme enemies blend with enviorment ..but easy fix...
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3.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I give it 10/10, and it's only in alpha. I can't wait to see what else they add...
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0.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Played this for at least 5+ hours before it was available on Steam.Project Nimbus is damn great, it's like a mash up of Z.O.E and Gundam, and you can't go wrong with that.It's great looking, great simple but awesome looking gameplay with a lot of weapons to use. A bunch of missions to play through with a handfull of mechs to play as, and different types of mechs to go againts in swarms. Plus the voice acting is nice, kind of in the same level of old mech games voice acting (but obviously clearer and nicer)The game just needs a bit of more refinement in terms of the controls and camera (probably the UI and menu too), with a little bit more features to add.And for the asking price to what you get now up to the finished thing, it's worth it.Shameless
to original post.
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0.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I played the first mission saying &Oh a sword would be good.& The second mission I get a sword, micro missiles, a rail gun, decoys, flares and a funnel. They also called me princess.
Video proof to come. 11/10 &- Video proof
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10.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Z.O.E. + Gundam + Armored Core = Project Nimbus = AWESOME ! ! !and... i still hope for a zone of the enders 3, waiting since 2003
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4.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Project Nimbus is basically Ace Combat featuring Armored Core mecha - a love letter to fans of both franchises.Being an early-access game, it does have plenty of rough edges. Controls-wise need some getting use to since you can't customize it(at least not in-game), and while WASD is used to move around as per normal, you use E & C to fly up/down, which makes the otherwise completely free aerial movement feel a bit uncomfortable. The action feels really fast, but combat may feel quite draggy considering the difficulty in landing hits(missiles & funnels ftw!) and it lacks a satisfying hit confirmation. The lock-on system can be a bit annoying at times since it automatically locks on to the next target and focuses your camera on it rather than un-lock on kill. To the credit of the developers though, they recognized these issues and I applaud them for adding Bullet Time, the option to vary the intensity of the camera focus during lock-on and being able to toggle off lock on rather than make it fully automatic.I would recommend buying to support the developers in polishing this gem, especially if you're a big fan of mecha and games similar to Ace Combat.EDIT (17 Nov 20214): The developers have recently patched the game to include a hit indicator.
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1.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Ever played Armored Core 4, or For Answer, and you get the option of giving every mech out there infinite flight? That's exactly how it is in this game. Just like in Armored Core, you get a lock-on feature, and just like in AC, it's annoying, but useful.Pros:-Fast paced-Reminds me of Armored Core-Guns, Rockets, LOTS of explosionsCons:-Only one Act (for now)-Lock-on feature zooms in too much-ZERO customization-No way to upgrade/buy new weaponsHonestly, it really does remind me of Armored Core, but unlike it, I'm stuck with one mech for a couple of chapters, then I get shoved into a more nimble mech with six or seven different weapons, and it's just a headache trying to figure out how to utilize them to the fullest. I would like to suggest a sort of tutorial where you could try each and every one. Granted, a few are self explanatory, but the others require more detail.I give this game a 7/10. It has potential, but still needs works. Lets hope it doesn't disappear, because I REALLY want to play through the whole thing.
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2.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
The game takes alot of cues from earlier mecha game greats namely Armored Core 4 / 4 Answer and Zone of the Enders with maybe a little Project Sylpheed thrown in on top of Strike Suit Zero.Essentially you fill the role of the new ace pilot on the scene who gets asked to go pickup the newest battle frame and kick some ??? with it. While the full campaign is not released yet, it seems like a SLIGHTLY more involved version of the Armored Core 4A plot with poor people living on a polluted surface world with rich folk safe in the skies. Although the game is currently in early access, it is still capable of offering an enjoyable romp though clearly, some issues need to be worked out in order to consider this game &top notch& in comparison to the other games it is channeling.Flight comabt: because of the high speed nature of the game and the fairly small scale of models, it is virtually impossible to play without locking onto your targets constantly. This lock on quickly establishes a sense of disorientation as you become a wasp flying in spheres around your target. A quick examination of Armored Core 4 Answer (yes I name this one alot since it is, for me, the pinnacle of high speed mech combat) could probably offer the devs a deeper set of ideas for how to handle high speed combat by adding real weight to the machine you are flying in and a more noticeable effect upon quick boosting. As a quick addition, there is no system in place to keep you from colliding with the world around you as you dogfight, given the way you fly in spheres while being locked on and boosting to avoid dying this means you may crash into the ground or buildings very easily while trying to target things.Weapon Systems: There is nothing in place besides the enemy health bar which is fairly small on
to know if you actually landed hits or not, with missiles especially, the game boils down to firing off all your weapons over and over as fast as possible while dodging around until stuff blows up. It is fun but could be improved greatly.Also, the railguns, while useful, come across as very inaccurate unless you catch an enemy with a luck shot or it is one of the less intelligent drone level AIs you are fighting.The sword especially feels almost useless in its current form as even attempting to attack a capital ship that stands virtually motionless was a tedious proposition. The range on the blade is almost 0 and the idea of slowing down enough to effectively line up the attack or even know you hit with it is almost lethal every time.Overall, the core idea of the game is good, the story elements are EXTREMLY light though not quite as light as Armored Core 4A. The Gameplay mechanics are, at their root, very fun but still quite rough around the edges. This is definitely a game to watch and be appreciated since there is not enough high speed mech combat in the world anymore.To the Devs: I really really hope you read this, and do a serious examination of Armored Core 4 Answer because that game is a more serious version of what you are trying to make here in regards to high speed mech combat and physics. (Yes 4A begins more oriented towards ground combat but it is entirely possible to have a high speed, virtually endless flight design for your Mech within just a few missions using the right parts). Zone of the Enders 2 would also be one to consider drawing from. I am not saying that you should copy either game exactly, but rather that you should look at these earlier games within your genre and work to build off of their ideas rather than starting over from the ground up.The most important aspects of the game that are currently missing is a reworking of frame weight and boosting mechanics to impart a real sense of piloting a big machine within airspace and getting pushed in a direction by high powered jets. Also, an upscaling of the models within the world so it does not feel like you are a HUD shooting at circles and Xs on your screen could help improve the overall experience imparted. On a personal note, please consider some type of tracking for the sword so that you are not simply using a point blank melee attack that would be viable on maybe 1 out of 100 targets in the game.
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0.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
A very fun, and fast paced Mecha game.I've certainly been enjoying it although it does have a few issues. Mainly some frame drops here and there when the action gets heavy and I've had 4 crash to desktop issues.Despite those though It has been very fun,
and you really need to constantly keep moving otherwise you risk getting shot down very quickly.The boss fights start off easy, and then BAM! You're in the deep end, pushing your skills to the max. It's a good thing the handling and movement is pretty solid, as is the combat.It's very fun, although you can tell it's still in Early Access. The story feels a little disjointed, and needs some work. The voice acting is very good though, and the game plays a lot of the old Playstation 2 Zone of the Enders, and Gundam games.The graphics aren't spectacular though,
but considering t's till in Alpha it's not bad, and the gameplay more than makes up for it.Now if only I was a good enough pilot to take out the one massive boss that's kicking me to pieces.
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0.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
If you're a fan of Gundam, the armored core series or anything mechs, Project Nimbus is well worth checking out.While it runs on the slightly older unreal3 engine it looks the part and performance is decent. Great cutscenes and voice work between levels as well. Very Metal Gear. ;)
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1.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Pros : Mind-blowing fighting experience,Fast-paced combat makes you feel like going into robo-SFCons:Where da ??? is tat girl in trailers?9/10 would change to 10 if you guys put that girl into actual game.
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1.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Take a smidgen of Armored Core, A dollop of Ace Combat, light seasoning of Macross and mix heartily... that get's you Project Nimbus, possibly the best mech game to ever grace Steam at this moment in time, never mind early access.After a brief tutorial I was dropped in a map and spaghetti was hitting the fan. Missile swarms and tracer fire filled the sky around me while mechs danced and fell through the air in duels with one another. Immediately my palms were sweaty and a huge smile filled my face.Finally after a decade or at least since that level on FEAR 2 somebody had made a decent mech game on PC.9/10. BUY IT!!Note: does require a little optimzation yet, but there are a lot of detail presets so even if you have a toaster it should be worth getting.P.S. Also, you get 'funnel' drones too, which are hella cool!
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0.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Nice job GameCrafterTeam, you guys have made a very good gameI've really enjoyed it from start, i love the fight system, gun, missile,....I hope this game will have multiplayer and sandbox :DAnd the last thing i want to say, NICE JOB THAILAND BOYS
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1.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Played this game for an hour and 18 minutes. One of the most intense combat playthroughs for an hour and 18 minutes I've ever had. Pros-+Controls are fantastic+Superbly fast-paced combat, keeps you on the edge of your seat+Gameplay itself was grandCons--Story was hard to follow because too absorbed into executing maneuvers against high-speed opponents like myself-Riddled with inaccurate subtitles-Short. I know its early access, but there's only, what, three more, four more acts? I suggest multiplayer, or create an option for a free roam worldAll in all, I'd give this game a 7/10, and a recommendation to play if you enjoyed Armored Core.
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3.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This Indie Mech game is very fast paced, reflex testing and outrageously great game. The lock on system towards multiple enemies displays its fast paced mechanism to keep the players on their toes when facing multiple adverseries. Highly recommend this game, it also reminds me of GUNDAM alooooooooot, the variety of mech suits available is epic, sly little humour in the graphics settings as the highest graphic setting &Graphic card melt down&.
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5.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Although it is raw and unfinished, I can say with %100 certainty that the team behind this game is onto something great! I like the ariel mech combat as it is intense and exciting, and it keeps that excitement throughout the entirety of each mission. One thing about the campaign, however, is that some of the weapons make one of the mechs the player pilots feel too overpowered (I played it on &Gamer Recommended&) and it seems like some of the other battleframes, as they're called in the game, could use a variety of weapons besides MGs and missiles. I would have liked the ability to remap my own controls, but will hold out hope that it will be done in the future. In survival and campaign mode, I think that some more optimization and some more stability are in order. One of the times that I played in survival mode, my battleframe was unable to return to the fray because I couldn't tell where it was pointed, which leads me to believe that some of the textures were meant to be boundaries, like the sky texture. In campaign, every time I clicked the mouse in the menu, the game would unpause for a split second, then would remember that it's supposed to be paused. Multiple and repeated clicks garnered the same result. Another thing is that being able to customize battleframes would be a huge plus for this game especially in survival mode or something that can be saved for ACT II, when you make it. Besides the gripes, I can see myself having quite a bit of fun with this game for a while!UPATEWhen the optimization came, it completely changed the game! Now things play like they were &supposed& to and the experience (while I dicked around in survival with everything besides Mirai) almost makes it feel like a new game.
I may have to play through the campaign again.
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4.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
There's not a lot of content yet, but even right now flying your mech through the sky feel fantastic, so I am really excited and optimistic for the future of this game.
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7.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Take a number of the mecha animes you know, and mix it together with some mecha video-games you've played: Gundam, Evangelion, Z.O.E., the Armored Core series. Now put it all on a computer and you've got Project Nimbus.It's impossible to lie that this game is early access, like... Released a day ago as of this review. Bugs happen, the campaign progression is a mess, and you'll probably run into the standard hilarious glitch or two. That being said, the gameplay itself is solid. The mech variety is interesting, because they all actually feel different and aren't just skins for you to shoot weapons out of. The standard grunt suits are slow and have a varied weapon variety, while high-performance frames are agile and deadly with their specialized loadouts. The S47 in particular is a favorite of mine.The biggest gripe I have about this game is the voice-acting. I hate to say it, but I honestly think GameCrafter could have done without letting their backers voice their own ace pilots on the Kickstarter. It's very hard to follow along with the story for the game, and I'm practically through the first Act already. The camera can be a bit clunky with the speeds your mech goes at, and while I know multiplayer isn't on the menu, the game could really have benefited from letting players blast each other apart in small deathmatches.That being said, it looks nice, plays well for early access, and I hope to see a number of optimizations in the future to make Nimbus even better.
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2.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Ever watch code geass? Or any of the gundam series?
Ever wish you could pilot a mecha through the skies like they did in Code Geass S2 or many of the gundam series? Yes? Well here's your chance.Be warned that this is still in alpha stage, but even then its still amazing to play.Dance through the sky in 3 dimensions with your mecha, blast, cut, or shred your enemies.
Shoot down missiles.
Everything you wish you could do in a mecha.... well except punching the enemies.Still for just pure combat gameplay so far I give it a 9.9/10.1 is because I cant punch the enemy mechas... yet.
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Title: Project Nimbus
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Release Date: 5 Nov, 2014
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