我没有几个朋友多少啊 你没有看见我是个新手

个性网内容精选:我看见,我看见,在我记忆中,只有一个你 我看见,天空下,只有你,只有你.我没有忘记你,永不会忘记你.这是风弄一篇耽美文里的歌词,有没有知道这首歌叫什么的?偶希望只是一首歌并不是作者乱编的._百度作业帮
我看见,我看见,在我记忆中,只有一个你 我看见,天空下,只有你,只有你.我没有忘记你,永不会忘记你.这是风弄一篇耽美文里的歌词,有没有知道这首歌叫什么的?偶希望只是一首歌并不是作者乱编的.
我也想知道 可是查了一会儿 大家都说是作者自己编的
貌似是编的我没有很多分,但是请大家帮我看一下这样的托福独立作文水平大概能拿多少分好吗?让我有个概念.48 People work because they need money to live.What are some other reasons that people work?Discuss one or more of these reasons.Use specific examples _百度作业帮
我没有很多分,但是请大家帮我看一下这样的托福独立作文水平大概能拿多少分好吗?让我有个概念.48 People work because they need money to live.What are some other reasons that people work?Discuss one or more of these reasons.Use specific examples and details to support your answer.According to Marx and other influential economists and sociology scholars,labour is one of the main factors that make up human society and keep it running.Labour simply means people that work.Since ancient times people work,however the reasons why people do the seemingly boring but necessary “work” change as human society progresses.There are varieties of motivations of working in today’s world.Primarily,it is no doubt that people work to make a living.People have to work and exchange his efforts for money which is a necessity for him to live on.Without working one can hardly feed himself and find a place to shelter,as long as his parents are getting old and inability to provide living necessities for him.Working provides a stable flow of income so that a man can live basically well and smoothly.It also ensures a person the ability to support his family,nurture his children and take other social responsibilities.It is certain that working serves far more purposes than make a living.Homo Sapiens,human,is a social species.A person has to work so that he can be engaged to a society,either big or small,well-developed or primitive.A person is incomplete and never lives a acceptable life if he does not work and thus is out of the social circles.Through working people make friends and experience collaboration.This makes up a person’s value hence the person will have a complete personality.In today’s society,though,the most reason why people work is that working is a way to fulfill one’s ambitions,in other words,realize his dreams.The ambitions may be minor,as living a happy life,having a lot of cuisines,or splendid,as traveling around the world,or build up a worldwide company,and working is the only practical way for an individual to realize them.Today most people no longer have to work under harsh conditions where machines and automation have just taken the place of them,so many of them choose to work for ambitions.The reward of work,such as salaries,high social status and senses of accomplishment will go on serving as an incentive for working to fulfill the ambitions.To sum up a bit,reasons why people do all kinds of jobs show variety.These vary from people and the time they are in,but they are usually among making a living,social engagement and personal ambitions.Work means existence to economists and sociologists,though,to most people,work simply means life.有建议的话最好.我马上就要考了:)
我觉得这篇文章存在几个问题:1、结构.整篇文章的结构不够清晰,每段的结构也不够清晰.对于这个类型的题目,最好的结构是5段.第一段介绍背景,然后在第一段的最后一句话给出自己的总论点,你第一段的最后那句话就可以.在首段之后,后三段应该列举出三个理由,你的第二段明显是多余的,注意审题,题目问的是“other reasons”.然后,末段总结.首末段没必要太长,中间三个主体段是最重要的部分.具体到每一个段落,比如说中间三个最重要的主体段,每个段落是有结构要遵循的.具体来说,这种结构要以老外的阅读和写作习惯为标准.应该在每段的首句鲜明的提出自己的观点,然后在后面展开论述,去证明和支持这个观点.千万不要按照我们中国人写作文的习惯,先提供背景,然后在段末归纳出这一段的主题思想.这种结构老外是看不懂的.比如你的第三段,你想说的是“工作让人们有一个健全的人格”,是这样吗?就算是吧,那么,这句话应该在段首说,然后用后面的篇幅论述你的这个观点.你第四段的结构就比较好,至少在首句把段意写出来了,但后面的论证不是很严密.你在后面先解释了一下ambition这个词,然后又扯到什么work condition上去了,对于ambition这个论点的支持不够有力.2、not idiomatic.我不知道该怎么形容你的这个问题,但如果你在托福考场写这篇文章,你的评语里面80%会有这个词.比如:A person is incomplete.这个句子我没看懂,你是想表达“人生不完整”呢?还是想表达“人格不健全”呢?无论你想表达哪一个含义,我敢说老外是一定看不懂的.也许你可以说成是a person lacks valuable experiences if he/she does not work.这样至少在语义上是明白的.再比如:A person has to work so that he can be engaged to a society,either big or small,well-developed or primitive.这句话,首先后面的那两个修饰语就感觉很怪,两个修饰成份,中间没有任何连接,在语法上不知道能不能讲得通.最主要的是,这个be engaged to,我明白你想表达“融入社会”这个含义,但是be engaged to 的含义是“订婚”,engage in的含义是“从事于”,都没有“融入社会”这个含义,这个短语用在这里,一定会让老外感到很费解的.BTW,融入社会可以用integrate into society来表达.最后一段的These vary from people and the time they are in,but they are usually among making a living,social engagement and personal ambitions.这句话的两个代词做主语,容易产生费解,语法上来讲似乎没有错误,指代前面句子的主语,但会让读者阅读不舒服.而且but后面那句话的表达绝对是有问题的,太中国化了.可以改成:reasons include ……,或者直接在前面那句话后面加个including,做整个句子的伴随状语.至于一些语法问题,我就不一一给你挑刺了,比如第一段的第三句,since那句话,一句话里面用两个连接词,你不觉得很怪吗?而且,however在句中,前后都要有逗号.这些问题我就不一一列举了,你自己再检查一下吧.我觉得你现在对大作文的基本结构和写法还不是很清晰,首先应该从这方面着手,先把结构理顺,然后把段落内和段落间的逻辑关系理顺,再把词汇和idiomatic这方面理顺.老外看作文,首先看的是结构,如果你的结构很混乱,上来就给人家一个不好的印象,那么整篇作文的分数区间就落下去了.要按照他们的阅读习惯,先把他想看的东西呈现给他们,然后再润色你的逻辑关系和语言,这样老外就会觉得阅读起来舒服了.中国人在语言修饰上是弱势,但结构分一定要先拿到,这关系到你的作文分数落到哪个区间,因此一定要重视.最后,再罗嗦一句,首末段是可以用模板的,去网上找一个,别照着搬,自己改一下,改成自己的.上考场能省点时间,可以把主要精力用在中间三个主体段上.
Sure. To me it's not important how many 分 you got, just to see if I can help.@@@First give you some some obvious errorsSince ancient times people work
--> People have been working since anc...


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