Java里面出现这个Selection does not contain和include a main type怎

运行Java程序时 点击run 出现launch error 提示 说selection does not contain a main type
运行Java程序时 点击run 出现launch error 提示 说selection does not contain a main type
;初始化str[0][0]=&str[1][2]=&;c&&quot,String数组默认为 &a&str[1][0]=&str[0][1]=&;b&quot,不填的话;;f&初始化不必自己填满;少了main函数 定义二维数组String str[][]=new String [2][3];e&str[1][1]=&;d&str[0][2]=&
没有程序的执行入口点 staitc void main(){}
嗯嗯,程序没有入口,要写main(){}函数定义字符串二维数组city(1)100个城市名char cityEl00][16];/*假定城市名不超过16个字符*/数组在初始化时候不一定要写满,看你自己的具体情况自己决定初始化填写多少个数据,没有填写的元素,系统自动赋值为0例如一个数组 int a[2][2]初始化 a[2][2]={1,1,2};那么数组a的最后一个元素a[1][1]的值为0。
出门在外也不愁Java中运行时出现selection dose not contain a main type?_百度知道
Java中运行时出现selection dose not contain a main type?
helloworld, * this program display helloworld on the screen *&#47,75)).*,请大虾指明是怎么回事;;public class helloworld extends graphicsprogram{ public void run(){
add(new Glabel(&quot.*;import acm,运行时出现selection dose notimport,world&quot.program,应该怎么改才可以运行,在eclipse中输入这段代码后(
}}本人是JAVA菜鸟;* * File&#47.java已经添加在工程中)
意思是当前选择不是主类型..这个类不是主类selection dose not contain a main type..,没有main方法..,直接在它上面运行当然会出错了
可以在这个类里添加一个main方法,main方法声明为:public static void main(String[] args) ;或者新建一个类,类接口下面有三个可选项,其中有一个是main方法声明的,勾上就是一个主类了
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Just going through the sample Scala code on Scala website, but encountered an annoying error when trying to run it.
Here's the code: . On running it on Eclipse, I got this message 'Editor does not contain a main type' that prevents it from running.
Is there anything I need to do...i.e break that file into multiple files, or what?
I have this prolbem a lot with Eclipse and Scala. It helps if you clean your workspace and rebuild your Project.
Some times Eclipse doesn't recognize correctly which files it has to recompile :(
The Code runs fine in Eclipse
In Eclipse, make sure you add your source folder in the project properties -> java build path -> source.
Otherwise, the main() function may not be included in your project.
You have to make sure that your .java files are in the .src folder in eclipse. I had the same exact problem until I got it figured out.
A simplier way is to close your project and reopen it !
Just make sure that the folder you work in is added to the built path:
right-click your folder, --> build Path --> Use as source Folder
and it should now find main therein
hope this helps
I had the same problem. I tried all sorts of things. And I came to know that
1.My .java files were not linked and they were not placed in the 'src' folder.
Things I did
1.Project properties >> Java Build Path >> Source
Deleted the original 'src' folder which was empty using 'Remove' option
Added the source that contained my source .java files using the 'Add Folder' option
This solved the error.
That code is valid. Have you tried to compile it by hand using scalac? Also, have you called your file "addressbook", all lowercase, like the name of the object?
Also, I found that Eclipse, for some reason, set the main class to be ".addressbook" instead of "addressbook".
What you should do is, create a Java Project, but make sure you put this file in the package file of that project, otherwise you'll encounter same error.
you should create your file by
selecting on right side you will find your file name,
under that will find src folder their you right click select -->class option
their your file should be created
I just had this problem too. The solution is to make sure eclipse created the project as Java project. Just create a new Java project and copy your class into the src folder (and import the eventual dependencies). This should fix the problem.
A quick solution:
First, exclude the package:
Right click on the source package >> Build Path >> Exclude
Then include it back:
Right click on the source package >> Build Path >> Include
The correct answer is: the Scala library needs to before the JRE library in the buildpath.
Go to Java Buildpath > Order and Export and move Scala library to the top
I had this problem with a Java project that I imported from the file system (under Eclipse Helios).
Here's a hint: the src code didn't seem to be compiled at all, as no "bin" directory showed up.
I had to create a Java project from scratch (using the wizard), then compare the .project files of the non-working and working projects.
The project giving "Editor does not contain a main type" had this as the "buildSpec" in the .project file:
But the working project had this as the "buildSpec":
I copied this in, and the imported project worked.
I know my answer is for Java, but the same might be the issue for your Scala project.
May be the file you have created is outside the src(source) folder. Trying to call the class object(from the file located in the src folder) from the .java file outside the source folder results in the same error. Copy .java file to the source folder, then build it. The error will be gone.
For me, in Eclipse 3.6,
this problem occurs when my main method is not public.
I caused the problem by having a main method like this:
static void main(String[] args)
The dubugger was unable to detect this by itself.
I am pretty suprised Eclipse overlooked this.
In the worst case - create the project once again with all the imports from the beginning. In my case none of the other options worked. This type of error hints that there is an error in the project settings. I once managed to solve it, but once further developments were done, the error came back. Recreating everything from the beginning helped me understand and optimize some links, and now I am confident it works correctly.
Follow the below steps:
Backup all your .java files to some other location
delete entire java project
Create new java project by right click on root & click new
restore all the files to new location !!
File >> Import >> Existing Projects into Workspace >> Select Archive Filed >> Browse and locate file >> Finish. If its already imported some other way delete it and try it that way. I was having the same problem until i tried that.
One more thing to check: make sure that your source file contains the correct package declaration corresponding to the subdirectory it's in.
The error mentioned by the OP can be seen when trying to run a "main type" declared in a file in a subdirectory but missing the package statement.
Make sure that your .java file is present either in the str package, or in some other package. If the java file with the main function is outside all packages, this error is thrown.
I have this problem too after I changed the source folder. The solution that worked for is just editing the file and save it.
You can try to run the main function from the outline side bar of eclipse.
You need locate file .java in folder src (in Project Explorer of Eclipse) and then it run.
I have just add a file .java into project and it isn't in folder src, so I have a same error.
I put again it into src, then it was build.
eclipse shortcut keys... as I knew systemout + shift-space will automatically generate a System.out.println(), I have seen people doing this, I couldn't, what's wrong?
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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabledPosted by Zen on 9 August 2011 & 45,457 visits
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Thank you. In Eclipse I had copied some old files into a new project, but until I read your explanation, I had not realized that I had not copied the .java files INTO the src folder. They were under it, but not in it.
Thanks for a very clear explanation of what I was doing wrong.
But still i am getting the same error. Can u pls help me to fix this error.
That worked for me. It was driving me buts because I copied a small program that worked in order to play around with some changes.
Ye effings gods, I have NO problem with hideously complex programs but I freaking HATE bureocracy. Why in the effing ell con&#8217;t someone design an environment with simple to understand bureocracy? Why the effing ell would someone create an environment so that when you created a project from scratch you would have to change file locations manually.
Effing ell.
I am in tears of joy. Nowhere could I find the solution. Thousands of shit posts on forums and no joy. Thank you so much. I love you.
Great! Step 2 rly worked 4 me. Thanks!
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检查自己主函数&& main 有没有,写得是否正确、
eclipse selection does not contain a main type
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