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中文翻译英英解释通讯中用以代表字母 P 的词。n.1.〔儿语〕爸爸。2.〔美俚〕丈夫;情人。
例句与用法1.She acquiesced in the decision of her papa .她服从了她父亲的决定。2.Papa left directions for everything .爸爸对一切事情都作了交代。3.Papa made a brandy-and-soda and sipped it .爸爸倒了杯白兰地苏打水喝起来。4.He is so idle, and makes papa so angry .他那么不求上进,害得爸爸大发脾气。5.I wish i didn't worry so much though, papa .爸,我真希望我没那么多发愁的事就好了。6.Papa knows how to spear salmon .爸爸知道怎样叉鲑鱼。7.Is he the gentleman who frequently contradicted papa ?他是那个老和爸爸抬扛的绅士吗?8.Papa had been quietly simmering over the situation for years .爸爸对这种状况早有不满。9.Papa charged me nothing .爸爸并没有嘱咐我什么。10.Papa won't do you any harm .爸爸不会难为你的。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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2. 帕帕加屋风
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简明英汉词典hot[hCt]adj.热的, 热情的, 辣的, 激动的, 紧迫的, 节奏强的adv.热, 热切的, 紧迫地美国传统词典[双解]hothotAHD:[h?t] D.J.[h%t]K.K.[h$t]adj.(形容词)hot.ter, hot.test(1)Having or giving off heat capable of burning.热的:具有或散发能燃烧的热量的(2)Being at a high temperature.温度高的(3)Being at or exhibiting a temperature that is higher than normal or desirable:发烫的:处于或显示比正常或需要的温度要高的温度:a hot forehead.发烫的前额(4)Causing a burning sensation, spicy:辛辣的:引起火辣辣的感觉的,如在嘴里;辛辣刺激的: a hot curry.辛辣的胡椒粉;辛辣的咖喱粉(5)Charged or energized with electricity:充电的,有电能的:a hot wire.高压电线(6)Radioactive, especially to a dangerous degree.高放射性的:放射性的,特别是达危险程度的(7)Marked by
ardent or fiery:火热的,热烈的;激烈的或暴躁的:a hot temper.火爆的脾气(8)Having or display eager:热烈的,热切的:具有或显示强烈感情的;热切的:hot for travel.热衷于旅行(9)Informal Arousing intense interest, excitement, or controversy:【非正式用语】 引起强烈兴趣的,令人激动的,有争议的: a hot topic.一本畅销的新书;有争议的话题(10)Informal Marked by excited activity or energy:【非正式用语】 激烈的,热络的:充满激动人心的活动或能量的:a hot week on the stock market.股票市场激烈的一周(11)V raging:猛烈的,激烈的:a hot battle.激烈的战斗(12)Slang Sexually excited or exciting.【俚语】 性冲动的,令性冲动的(13)Slang 【俚语】 (14)Recently stolen:刚失窃的:a hot car.刚失窃的汽车(15)Wanted by the police:被通缉的:a hot suspect.被通缉的嫌疑犯(16)Close to a successful solution or conclusion:接近的:接近正确的解答或结论的:hot on the trail.即将找到失去的线索(17)Informal 【非正式用语】 (18)M new or fresh:最近的;新的或新鲜的: the hot fashions for fall.最新消息;秋天的流行时装(19)Currently very popular or successful:炙手可热的:正值流行的或成功的:one of the hottest young talents around.近来炙手可热的年轻才俊之一(20)Requiring immediate action or attention:抢手的:需立即采取行动的或立即注意的:a hot opportunity.抢手的机会(21)Slang Very good or impressive. Often used in the negative:【俚语】 很好的或予以深刻印象的。常用于否定句:I'm not so hot at math.我对数学没有如此擅长(22)Slang Funny or absurd:【俚语】 有趣的,荒谬的:told a hot one about the neighbors' dog.讲一个有关邻居家的狗的有趣故事(23)Slang 【俚语】 (24)Performing with great skill and daring:技艺精湛的,有胆识的:a hot drummer.技艺精湛的鼓手(25)Fast and responsive:快速的,反应快的:a hot sports car.开得飞快的赛车(26)Unusually lucky:异乎寻常的幸运的:hot at craps.赌运极佳的(27)Music Of, relating to, or being an emotionally charged style of performance marked by strong rhythms and improvisation:【音乐】 节奏强烈的:与一种充满感情的,拍子强烈而又即兴的演奏方式有关的:hot jazz.强烈而又即兴的爵士乐(28)Color Bold and bright.【色彩】 浓重明亮的n.(名词)hotsSlang Strong sexual attraction or desire. Used with the. 【俚语】 强烈的性吸引或性欲。与the 连用 adv.(副词)(1)I hotly.激烈地;热心地(2)While hot:趁热地:foods that are best eaten hot.需趁热吃的食物及物动词)hot.ted, hot.ting, hotsInformal To cause to increase in intensity or excitement. Often used with up : 【非正式用语】 使兴奋,使激动:使提高激烈或兴奋程度。常与up 连用: “His book is an exercise in the fashionable art of instant history, in which every episode is hotted up with an anecdote”(Harper's)“他的书是对当今流行艺术的实践,其中每一个插曲都用一件故事来使之更令人兴奋”(哈珀)习惯用语hot and bothered【非正式用语】In a state of flustered:激动的,兴奋的;急躁的:all hot and bothered before the opening performance.开幕式开始前,所有的人都激动不已hot to trot【俚语】(1)S lascivious.性欲旺盛的;淫欲的(2)R eager.主动的,愿意的;热切的hot under the collar【非正式用语】Angry.愤怒的make it hot for【俚语】To make things uncomfortable or dangerous for:把事情变得令人不快的或危险的:Don't make it hot for yourself by needlessly finding fault.不要吹毛求疵而使自己不快语源(1)Middle English 中古英语 (2)from Old English h3t * see kai- 源自 古英语 h3t *参见 kai- 继承用法hot“nessn.(名词)现代英汉词典hot[hRt,hBt]adj.-tt-(1)热的,炎热的,灼热的The sun is very hot.太阳炎热。Here is some hot tea for you.请喝点热茶。How hot is the water?这水有多热?(2)辣的Pepper is hot.胡椒是辣的。Pepper makes food hot.胡椒使食品味辣。I don' it's too hot."我不爱吃芥末,这东西太辣了。"(3)最新的(新闻)(4)激动的;急躁的a hot temper暴躁的脾气A hot-blooded person is one who easily shows strong feelings.一个易激动的人常常会表现出强烈的感情。Hot words were exchanged between the two young mem.两个年青人相互激烈争吵起来。(5)好色的;性感强的;淫秽的(6)难以脱手的(偷窃来的物品)(7)兴趣浓厚的;见闻广博的,博识的He is hot in mathematics and chemistry.他数学和化学极好。Young people are very hot on pop music.年青人热衷于流行音乐。习惯用语get hot(猜谜游戏中)几乎猜中get hot under the collar生气,想争论not so hot不太突出;不如预期的好词性变化hotvi.(1)(常与up连用)(2)白热化(3)增强,加强"There're I can hot them up in a minute, if you're hungry.""还有一些团子剩着,如果你饿的活,我马上就可以热好。"现代英汉综合大辞典hot[hCt]adj.( hottest)(1)炎热的(2)热烈的; 激动的; 猛烈的, 激烈的; 热情的, 紧张的, 急躁的(3)(味道)剌激性的, 辛辣的; 强烈的; 渴望的; 给人热感的(4)淫秽的, 色情的, (动物)正当交尾期的(5)【音】节奏快的; [美俚]吵闹的, 即兴的; 趁热的; (公债等)刚发行的; 新的; [美俚]危险的(6)杰出的, 极好的; (选手)强有力的; (演技等)优秀的(7)[俚]极走运的; 竞技状态极佳的(8)(游戏)接近目的物的; 差一点就(猜中)的(9)紧随的, 被通缉的(10)[俚]荒诞的, 不可信的, (麦克风)扭开了的; 可以使用的(11)才出炉的(12)(车辆)快的(13)违禁的, 非法的(14)[俚](偷来的珠宝因容易被人认出)难于出手的(15)令人不安到不能忍受的或危险程度的(16)易销售的; (电报、文件)极端重要或急的(17)由热金属浇入铸模制成的(18)通高压电的; 【原】放射性强的like a cat on hot bricks象热锅上的蚂蚁be hot on playing table tennis热衷于打乒乓球be hot for reform迫切要求改革a hot argument激烈辩论hot idea[美]极好的主意hot temper暴躁的脾气be hot from the battle field刚从战场归来hot news[口]最新消息a hot laboratory强放射性物质研究实验室, “热"实验室a hotscent or trail猎物气味强烈或有强烈臭味的路径(打猎用语)in hot pursuit紧追a hot wire高压电线Strike the iron while it is hot.[谚]趁热打铁, 趁机行事。词性变化hot[hCt]vi.[英]变热; 变得激动; 骚动起来(up)The argument had hotted up considerably.辩论变得相当热烈。hot[hCt]vt.[英]使...热(up); 刺激, 使骚动hot it up使热烈起来hot[hCt]adv.(1)热烈地; 猛烈地(2)愤怒地; 趁热地继承用法hot-airn.热风, 热空气hot-alkylationn.热烷基化hotbed[5hRtbed]n.(1)温床(2)有利于迅速生长或发育的地方或环境(3)热床, 轧钢厂的一片空地或一排架子hot-blastn.热风hotblood[`hCtblQd]n.易激怒者; 感情强烈者; 轻举妄动者hot-bloodedadj.(1)易激动的, 热切的(2)(马)英国种的, 阿拉伯种的(3)纯种的hotbox[`hCtbCks]n.(火车的)热轴hot-brittlen., adj.热脆(的)hot-castn.热铸hot-cathodeadj.热阴极的hot-coiningn.热精压, 热压花hot-coldn.混风鼓风(古老高炉上用三分之二冷风及三分之一热风混合冶炼)hot-dien.热压模hot-dipn.(1)热浸(2)浸镀, 热镀hotdogn.[口]小红肠, 热狗, 红肠面包; [美俚]最佳运动员词性变化hot[hCt]vi., vt.(在作冲浪或滑雪运动时)卖弄(花式动作)hot-drawnadj.热拉的hot-fillingn.(1)(啤酒)热灌装(2)(果汁)热装瓶, 热装罐hotfluen.热烟道hotfoot[5hRtfJt]n.(1)暗中将火柴在别人鞋中点燃的恶作剧(2)心灵的刺激, 震惊adv.[俗]飞速地; 急忙地vi.急忙; 匆忙hot-formingn.(1)热成形(2)热加工(3)热冲压(4)热态变形hot-galvanizen.热镀锌hot-gasn.热气, 废气, 排出的气体hot-grindingn.热磨hothead[5hRthed]n.暴躁的人; 性急的人hotheaded[hRt5hEdId]adj.烈性的, 易怒的; 急躁的, 鲁莽的hothouse[5hRthaJs]n.温室, 暖房adj.温室的(植物等); 过分保护的; 人工的; 纤弱的hot-junctionn.热接点hot-metaln.熔融金属hot-mouldedn.热模塑hot-neckn.(轧钢机)滚棒轴头hot-papan.(航空母舰上)枪救失事飞机人员hot-piercingn.热穿孔hot-pilotn.熟练飞行员hot-pressern.热压机操作工hot-press(ing)n.(1)热压, 热冲(2)(用压力机)型锻, 模锻(3)热压合(指配合)(4)高温压块(5)热压烧结(6)热压机hotquenchingn.热淬hot-resistancen.耐热性, 热稳定性hot-rockn.[口]熟练飞行员, 熟练工人; 熟练人员hotroddingn.[俚]赛车; 粗心大意的开快车hot-rolln.热轧hot-rolledadj.热轧的, 热压的; 热碾的hot-seatn.[口]飞机弹射椅hot-setn.热固化; 热变定hot-shortadj.热脆的n.快速货运; 高速飞机[车辆]; 熟练工人hot-shortnessn.热脆性hotshot[`hCt-FCt]n.(1)高速飞机(2)熟练飞行员, 熟练工人(3)向热气流发射试验hot-slawn.热拌菜, 热拌甘蓝色拉hot-smokedadj.热烟熏的hot-spottingn.局部加热; 预先加热hotspur[`hCtsp\:(r)]n.性急的人; 顾前不顾后的人adj.性急的hot-stretchn.热拉伸hot-stripn.(1)热轧带材, 热轧带钢(2)热轧带划伤hot-swagen.【冶】热旋锻hot-targetn.[口]重要打击目标, 首要打击目标hottemperedadj.性急的; 暴躁的hot-tintingn.(1)火色(2)回火花(3)氧化膜色hot-topn.热炉顶, 保温帽, 冒口hot-trimmingn.热修整, 热精整, 热切边hot-wiren.热线, 热电阻线hot-workabilityn.热加工性hot-workingn.热作, 热加工hot-zonen.热带hotly[5hRtlI]adv.hotnessn.习惯用语a bit hot[俚]有点不讲理be getting hot快猜中了, 快找到了blow hot and cold动摇不定; 拿不定主意, 反复无常get hot(1)(脸)发热[红]; 激动起来(2)[俚]使劲儿干(3)接近(猜到, 找到)get it hot[口]大受申斥, 挨一顿臭骂get too hot for sb.叫某人呆不下去; 对某人太危险give it hot to sb.[口]痛打某人一顿, 狠狠训(某人)一顿go hot and cold感到身上一阵冷一阵热in the hot test最激烈的时候make it hot for sb.[口]刁难某人, 使某人受不了not so hot(1)普普通通(2)并不怎么高明或不怎么成功piping hot[口]滚热的; 非常新鲜的squat hot[美俚]被电刑处死hot and bothered[口]焦虑不安hot and cold(旅馆等的)冷热水hot and heavy激烈的[地]; 猛烈的[地]hot and hot[古](饭菜等)热腾腾地(端上来); 才出锅(就端上来)hot and strong[口]猛烈的[地]; 激烈的[地]hot on(1)对...非常严厉, 非常苛刻(2)对...穷追不舍(3)热衷于...(4)精通hot one[俚]非凡的人; 荒唐的事; 有趣的新闻特殊用法bearing running hot轴承过热forge hot热锻mixed hot热搅拌quench hot高温淬火rivet hot热铆run hot运转用热; 热行用法词典hot来自古英语 hat 热英文相关词典hotboiling&&&&burning&&&&fiery&&&&fresh&&&&new&&&&nippy&&&&peppery&&&&sharp&&&&spicy&&&&tangy&&&&torrid&&&&cold&&&&cool&&&&[七国语言]英汉电子工程大词典hot热的[七国语言]英汉公共大词典hot锐利的;炎热的[七国语言]英汉机械工程大词典hot热的[七国语言]英汉原子能大词典hot高放射性的美国传统词典hothotAHD:[h?t] D.J.[h%t]K.K.[h$t], hot.test(1)Having or giving off heat capable of burning.(2)Being at a high temperature.(3)Being at or exhibiting a temperature that is higher than normal or desirable:a hot forehead.(4)Causing a burning sensation, spicy: a hot curry.(5)Charged or energized with electricity:a hot wire.(6)Radioactive, especially to a dangerous degree.(7)Marked by
ardent or fiery:a hot temper.(8)Having or display eager:hot for travel.(9)Informal Arousing intense interest, excitement, or controversy: a hot topic.(10)Informal Marked by excited activity or energy:a hot week on the stock market.(11)V raging:a hot battle.(12)Slang Sexually excited or exciting.(13)Slang (14)Recently stolen:a hot car.(15)Wanted by the police:a hot suspect.(16)Close to a successful solution or conclusion:hot on the trail.(17)Informal (18)M new or fresh: the hot fashions for fall.(19)Currently very popular or successful:one of the hottest young talents around.(20)Requiring immediate action or attention:a hot opportunity.(21)Slang Very good or impressive. Often used in the negative:I'm not so hot at math.(22)Slang Funny or absurd:told a hot one about the neighbors' dog.(23)Slang (24)Performing with great skill and daring:a hot drummer.(25)Fast and responsive:a hot sports car.(26)Unusually lucky:hot at craps.(27)Music Of, relating to, or being an emotionally charged style of performance marked by strong rhythms and improvisation:hot jazz.(28)Color Bold and bright.n.hotsSlang Strong sexual attraction or desire. Used with the. adv.(1)I hotly.(2)While hot:foods that are best eaten, hot.ting, hotsInformal To cause to increase in intensity or excitement. Often used with up : “His book is an exercise in the fashionable art of instant history, in which every episode is hotted up with an anecdote”(Harper's)习惯用语hot and botheredInformalIn a state of flustered:all hot and bothered before the opening to trotSlang(1)S lascivious.(2)R under the collarInformalAngry.make it hot forSlangTo make things uncomfortable or dangerous for:Don't make it hot for yourself by needlessly finding fault.语源(1)Middle English (2)from Old English h3t * see kai- 继承用法hot“nessn.[名词委审定]英汉药学名词(1999)hot热英汉船舶大词典hot n.热,有电压的,放射性极强的;n.热,热的,热门的 英汉电信大词典hot n.热的,热情的 英汉地质大词典hot n.热的,强放射性物质 英汉法学大词典hot adj.违禁 英汉纺织大词典hot n.热,有电压的,放射性极强的 英汉航海大词典hot n.热门的 英汉航空大词典hot n.热的;n.热的,高速的 英汉化学大词典hot adj.热的,辣的,热烈的,最新的,高放射性的;vt.加热 英汉海运大词典hot a. 热的使热,把……加温热 基本词义hot 热的热烈的 基本词义hot 热的才出炉的,最新的热烈的,强烈的使热,把…加温热 英汉经贸大词典hot n.热门的 英汉计算机大词典hot adj.热的(辣的,热烈的;vt.加热 英汉机械大词典hot n.热,有电压的 英汉建筑大词典hot vt.热,把...加温,使回复 英汉农牧林大词典hot n.热的 英汉汽车大词典hot n.热的,激烈的,强烈的 航空英语缩写词典HOTHot Oil Temperature 热燃油温度基本词义HOTHigh Oil Temperature 高滑油温度英汉消防大词典hot ①热的②有强放射性的 英汉医学大词典hot n.强放射性的,人型旧结核菌素 英汉中医大词典hot n.热的,急燥的,激烈的
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mama and papa是什么意思
中文翻译百科解释妈妈和爸爸:&&&&短语和例子 dance and delight = de ...:&&&&n. 1.〔儿语〕爸爸。 2.〔美俚〕丈夫;情人。
例句与用法1.And he addresses my husband and me as " mama and papa .他称呼我和我先生为妈妈爸爸。 2.Lallta : let ' s call mama and papa咱们给爸爸妈妈打电话吧3.Mama and papa were laying in bed妈妈和爸爸躺在床上! 4.Mama and papa came running 0utside and picked up michelle and left me 0utside妈妈和爸爸都跑出来,抱起了蜜雪儿把我留在了外面5.Bear country is safe when every small cub there learns some special lessons from mama and papa bear每个孩子都应该从爸爸、妈妈那里学会和陌生人打交道。 6.From the kitchen window . mama and papa watched their daughter run down the sunny road toward lizzy ' s house从厨房的窗户里,爸爸和妈妈看到自己的女儿在铺满阳光的小路上蹦蹦跳跳地走向丽子家。 7.My dear baby , mama and papa know that you are growing up day by day . we wish that you may grow up happy and good health亲爱的宝宝,爸爸妈妈知道你现在正在一天天的长大,我们希望你能健康快乐的成长起来。 8.That ' s why mama and papa looked for a house , and that ' s why we moved into the house on mango street , far away , on the other side of town这就是为什么爸妈找房子,然后我们搬进了芒果街的小屋,远远地,从城市的另一边。 9.That ' s why mama and papa looked for a house , and that ' s why we moved into the house on mango street , far away , on the other side of town这就是为什么爸妈要找房子,这就是为什么我们搬进了芒果街上的小屋,远远地,从城市的那一边。
PAPA 聚壬二酐PAPA 爸爸


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