ios9.0为什么打不开ios9 safari 打开app

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成为中关村在线微信好友苹果推送iOS 9.0.1更新 修复部分BUG|苹果|iOS 9|BUG_电信_新浪科技_新浪网
苹果推送iOS 9.0.1更新 修复部分BUG
  新浪科技讯 北京时间9月24日凌晨消息,周三凌晨向用户OTA推送iOS 9.0.1更新,对闹钟、计时器、Safari、蜂窝移动数据等几项bug进行了修复。
  iOS 9系统于9月17日凌晨正式发布,仅用5天时间iOS 9普及率就达到了50%以上,成为历史上普及速度最快的iOS平台。
  虽然官方表示iOS 9是被彻底重新设计的系统,从整个系统的最底层开始进行了全面提升。
  但有大量用户反应,在升级iOS 9时出现了系统崩溃等问题,升级后也出现不少手机卡顿、应用现bug等情况,并且iOS 9被曝出一个大的系统漏洞,那就是可绕过锁屏密码访问联系人、照片等程序。而此次iOS 9.0.1的升级补丁仅35MB大小,并未提及这个漏洞是否修复。此前有消息称新系统允许删除苹果自带应用程序的问题,也没有在此次更新里提及。
  在放出iOS 9.0.1系统更新的同时,苹果也开始向开发人员提供了第二版的iOS 9.1测试版系统。通常情况下,这意味着iOS 9.1的公共测试版已经近在咫尺。(峰子)
您可通过新浪首页顶部 “”, 查看所有收藏过的文章。iOS9的Safari广告屏蔽功能都支持哪些设备文章概要:虽然iOS9的Safari提供了广告等内容屏蔽功能,但并不是所有可以安装iOS9的设备都支持。
转载请注明 《iOS9的Safari广告屏蔽功能都支持哪些...》转自同步推资讯
? 未完、待续ㄟ
oh no ???????只能在pad上用了
都是眼泪。 左面多了个 搜索 两个搜索了
同步助手是最安全易用的苹果手机助手,是iPhone、iPad、iTouch的管理工具,可以下载游戏、软件、壁纸、铃声资源,玩苹果就用同步助手!Safari 9.0The following new features have been added in Safari 9.0.Secure Extension DistributionSecure Extensions Distribution introduces improved security for Safari on OS X. All extensions in the Safari Extensions Gallery are now hosted and signed by Apple. Users can trust that the Safari Extension they install is the one you submitted.Only Safari Extensions installed from the Safari Extensions Gallery can be updated automatically. Add the following two lines to each extension's dictionary entry within your Update Manifest to allow existing users to update automatically to the latest version.&key&Update From Gallery&/key&&true/&You may still sign your Safari Extensions with your developer certificate for distribution outside of the Safari Extensions Gallery, but it will not be a candidate for automatic updating.Important:&You must resubmit your Extension to Apple before it will be displayed in the Extension Gallery. Online submission is available at .Force Touch Trackpad Mouse EventsSafari’s new mouse event property, webkitForce, provides events and force information from Force Touch Trackpads. See
for an introduction to Force Touch Operations.Use event.webkitForce to create interactivity with the following events and constants. webkitmouseforcewillbeginwebkitmouseforcedownwebkitmouseforceupwebkitmouseforcechangedConstants:MouseEvent.WEBKIT_FORCE_AT_MOUSE_DOWNMouseEvent.WEBKIT_FORCE_AT_FORCE_MOUSE_DOWNViewport ChangesViewport meta tags using "width=device-width" cause the page to scale down to fit content that overflows the viewport bounds. You can override this behavior by adding "shrink-to-fit=no" to your meta tag as shown below. The added value will prevent the page from scaling to fit the viewport.&meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, shrink-to-fit=no“&Content Blocking Safari ExtensionsiOSThe new Safari release brings Content Blocking Safari Extensions to iOS. Content Blocking gives your extensions a fast and efficient way to block cookies, images, resources, pop-ups, and other content.Your app extension is responsible for supplying a JSON file to Safari. The JSON consists of an array of rules (triggers and actions) for blocking specified content. Safari converts the JSON to bytecode, which it applies efficiently to all resource loads without leaking information about the user’s browsing back to the app extension.Xcode includes a Content Blocker App Extension template that contains code to send your JSON file to Safari. Just edit the JSON file in the template to provide your own triggers and actions. The sample JSON file below contains triggers and actions that block images on containing content blocking extensions for Safari on iOS are available only on 64-bit devices, due to performance limitations of 32-bit devices.Listing 1&&Actions and triggers example[
"action": {
"type": "block"
"trigger": {
"url-filter": ""
"action": {
"selector": "a[href^=\"\"]",
"type": "css-display-none"
"trigger": {
"url-filter": ".*"
}]OS XContent Blocking is now available on OS X through Safari. Add your JSON file in the new Content Blocker section of the Safari Extensions Builder, shown in Figure 1, or use the new setContentBlocker API available on the Safari Extension object.Figure 1&&Safari Extension BuilderNote:&The onbeforeload event and canLoad message for content blocking have been deprecated.Shared LinksSafari on both iOS and OS X now allow App Extensions that send items to Safari's Shared Links sidebar. Xcode offers templates for both iOS and OS X Shared Links app extensions. The sample in Listing 2 uses the template for OS X.Listing 2&&Creating Shared Links in OS X- (void)beginRequestWithExtensionContext:(NSExtensionContext *)context {
NSExtensionItem *extensionItem = [[NSExtensionItem alloc] init];
// The keys of the user info dictionary match what data Safari expects for each Shared Links item.
// For the date, use the publish date of the content being linked
extensionItem.userInfo = @{
@"uniqueIdentifier": @"uniqueIdentifierForSampleItem",
@"urlString": @"",
@"date": [NSDate date] };
extensionItem.attributedTitle = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"Sample title"];
extensionItem.attributedContentText = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"Sample description text"];
// You can use the NSExtensionItem's attachments property to supply a custom image for your link.
// extensionItem.attachments = @[ [[NSItemProvider alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"customLinkImage" withExtension:@"png"]] ];
[context completeRequestReturningItems:@[ extensionItem ] completionHandler:nil];}HTML5 MediaAirPlaySafari 9.0 allows you to create custom controls for HTML5 media with JavaScript AirPlay support. Use Safari's WebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEvent to detect Airplay availability and then add your own controls for streaming audio and video to AirPlay devices. For more on custom controls, see .The JavaScript sample below shows an implementation of custom player controls for HTML5 sites.Listing 3&&Custom controls for Airplayif (window.WebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEvent) {
function(event) {
switch (event.availability) {
case "available": /* turn stuff on */
case "not-available": /* turn AirPlay button off */
})}Theme-specific Wireless Playback IconSafari 9.0 lets you use CSS to match the wireless playback icon with the theme of your custom HTML5 video controls..normal {
background-image: -webkit-named-image(wireless-playback);
background-size: 100% 100%;
background-repeat: no-}.active {
-webkit-mask-image: -webkit-named-image(wireless-playback);
-webkit-mask-size: 100% 100%;
background-color:}Picture in Picture SupportPicture in Picture (PiP) maintains user engagement, allowing your video to remain in view in a floating video overlay while users interact with other apps. With Safari 9.0, when using the built-in video controls for HTML5 videos, picture-in-picture controls are made available automatically depending on device support.You can use the JavaScript presentation mode API to add customized picture-in-picture controls for HTML5 videos. The presentation mode API for JavaScript allows switching the video playback mode from inline, to fullscreen or the new picture-in-picture mode.Listing 4&&Activating PiP when clickedif (video.webkitSupportsPresentationMode && typeof video.webkitSetPresentationMode === "function") {
// Toggle PiP when the user clicks the button.
pipButtonElement.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
video.webkitSetPresentationMode(video.webkitPresentationMode === "picture-in-picture" ? "inline" : "picture-in-picture");
});} else {
pipButtonElement.disabled =}For more information on PiP, see Picture in Picture Quick Start in .SFSafariViewController for iOSYou can use SFSafariViewController to display web content within your app. The Safari View Controller shares cookies and other website data with Safari, and has many of Safari's features, like Safari AutoFill and Safari Reader. Unlike Safari itself, the Safari View Controller UI is tailored for displaying a single page, featuring a Done button that'll take users right back where they were in your app.Consider replacing your WKWebView or UIWebView-based browsers with SFSafariViewController if your app displays web content but does not customize that content.Icons for Pinned TabsPinned sites allow your users to keep their favorite websites open, running, and easily accessible.You can set the pinned tab icon for your site by providing a vector image. Use an SVG image with a transparent background and 100% black for all vectors. Add the following markup to all your pinnable webpages, replacing "website_icon" with your own file's name:&link rel="mask-icon" href="website_icon.svg" color="red"&In the example, the color attribute sets the display color of the image. That attribute can specify a single color with a hexadecimal value (#990000), an RGB value (rgb(153, 0, 0)), or a recognized color-keyword, such as: red, lime, or navy.Note:&Adjust your artwork as needed for the best presentation in the color you’ve specified. The pinned tab icon will not accept additional colors. You can improve the visibility of your icon by avoiding a light color, such as white, bright yellow, or light gray.CSS Scroll SnappingSafari’s WebKit now provides CSS scroll snapping to keep the focal point of your content in view when scrolling momentum stops. The following properties are available to customize your page.-webkit-scroll-snap-type:The viewport comes to rest on a snap point at the end of a scroll operation.-webkit-scroll-snap-points-y:-webkit-scroll-snap-points-x: snap to the elementrepeat( Nunits ); every N-units (pixels, view height/width, percentage, calculated value)-webkit-scroll-snap-destination:50%50%;defaults to 0 (left or top depending on scroll orientation)use 50%50% for center coordinate of an element-webkit-scroll-snap-coordinate:0%0%;for example: 50%50%; aligns snap to center of the elementBackdrop FiltersBackdrop filters allow you to add advanced image filters to the backdrops of your elements. Achieve modern iOS and OS X material effects in your web content layouts using these filters. Figure 2 shows a backdrop filter with a blur effect applied to the overlay.Safari provides for the following functions for the backdrop-filter property:
blur()brightness()contrast()drop-shadow()grayscale()hue-rotate()invert()opacity()saturate()sepia()Figure 2&&Overlay with a backdrop-filterW3C offers more information on filter effects at .Responsive Design ModeThe Responsive Design Mode provides a fast-switching layout preview of your webpage across a spectrum of viewport sizes. This viewport quick-look tool helps you quickly spot layout issues on a webpage across many screen sizes. It includes several preset sizes for Apple devices, shown in Figure 3, and allows custom viewport sizes to be defined.Figure 3&&A Responsive Design Mode windowWeb Inspector RedesignThe new Web Inspector design provides a more intuitive user experience. The use of tabbed view panels keeps the user oriented and provides quick navigate between development tasks.A new frame rendering timeline, shown in Figure 4, makes it easy to see performance with respect to the frames painted to the page.Figure 4&&Web Inspector displaying rendering framesECMAScript 6 EnhancementsThe following ECMAScript 6 content is now supported by Safari:ClassesComputed PropertiesWeak SetNumber ObjectOctal and Binary LiteralsSymbol ObjectsTemplate LiteralsSystem Font SupportApple operating systems automatically switch between two optical, size-specific font families to accommodate the new system font, "San Francisco". You can use the following CSS rule to intelligently switch web fonts to match the operating system’s typeface.font-family: -apple-system, sans-In addition to the font, iOS lets you specify the size and weight of the system text styles. Use the CSS font property with the newly supported text-style keywords below.
font: -apple-system-font: -apple-system-font: -apple-system-font: -apple-system-caption1;font: -apple-system-caption2;font: -apple-system-font: -apple-system-short-font: -apple-system-short-font: -apple-system-short-font: -apple-system-short-caption1;font: -apple-system-short-font: -apple-system-tall-Initial Letter SupportYou can create a drop cap—including dropped, raised, or sunken initial letter effects—using Safari 9.0's support of the initial-letter CSS property:initial-letter: 3 3;The first number defines number of text lines the letter will span. The second number defines the number of lines the letter should sink.For more on the initial-letter property, see .CSS EnhancementsCSS3 Feature QueriesThe CSS3 enhancement, Feature Queries, use the @supports rule. See . CSS4 SelectorsThe following CSS4 selectors are now fully supported by Safari.Case-insensitive attribute selectors, :any-link, :lang, :matches, :not, :nth-child, :placeholder-shown, Unprefixed CSS PropertiesThe following properties are now fully supported by Safari, without the -webkit- prefix.transitiontransition-delaytransition-durationtransition-propertytransition-timing-functionanimationcursor: zoom-incursor: zoom-outperspectiveperspective-origintransformtransform-origintransform-style@keyframesanimation-nameanimation-durationanimation-timing-functionanimation-iteration-countanimation-directionanimation-play-stateanimation-delayanimation-fill-modeorderalign-contentalign-itemsalign-selfjustify-contentflexflex-basisflex-directionflex-flowflex-growflex-shrinkflex-wrapbreak-afterbreak-beforebreak-insidecolumnscolumn-countcolumn-fillcolumn-gapcolumn-rulecolumn-rule-colorcolumn-rule-stylecolumn-rule-widthcolumn-spancolumn-widthalt
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