android 5.1java jar signapk.jarr 在哪

android - Unable to access jarfile SignApk - Stack Overflow
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I'm trying to sign an APK with , but I keep getting this error:
Error: Unable to access jarfile signapk.jar
I have appended my JDK directory as well as my SignAPK directory to my system path variable. The java command works fine through the command-line, but I can't seem to get the -jar option to work correctly for signing APKs.
My SignApk folder is located on my C:\ drive, so it looks like this:
Here is what I am trying to do through the command-line:
Please ignore the blank space in between the variables as I was trying to cover up my details. The syntax that I am using is:
java -jar signapk.jar certificate.pem key.pk8 myapk.apk myapk-signed.apk
I have tried the commands from the SignApk directory as well as the bin directory inside of that directory. Can anyone help me troubleshoot how to resolve this issue? Thanks
As you might notice, there is no signapk.jar file there, there is only signapk without extension.
Download different SignApk from here:
Password: SanketN8
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& 综合 & 正文
用Android自带的signapk.jar + .x509.pem + .pk8签名应用程序
文件位置:可以在platform/build/target/product/security/中找到platform.pk8 platform.x509.pem等签名文件,对应不同的权限。signapk.jar:由/platform/build/tools/signapk/编译产出,可以在/out/host/linux-x86/framework/中找到。签名:java -jar signapk.jar platform.x509.pem platform.pk8 MyDemo.apk MyDemo_signed.apk 得到具有对应权限的APK优化APK:zipalign -v 4 MyDemo_signed.apk MyDemo_new.apk查循APK是否优化过:zipalign -c -v 4 MyDemo.apk
大小:7.2 KB


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