有哪些 python blog大牛的 blog 推荐?

Python 的练手项目有哪些值得推荐?
更新:兄弟们如此给力,小弟受宠若惊,好东西就是用来分享的。 500 line or less只是某个系列丛书中第四本,其他三本链接:可以在线看哦前两本每章介绍出名开源软件的架构,你说的上名字的开源基本上都能找到,短小精悍的介绍框架第三本介绍开源软件中实际遇到的一些performance的问题以及解决方案,同样浓缩啊!! 每章的作者大多就是此开软软件的开发者啊!!!不用多说,点开你就知道啊不想看英文的怒点 前两卷的中文版,不知道翻译的怎么样----------------------------------------割了你--------------------------------------------------------------和楼主一样在学习python, 最近找到一本python神书 500 line or less. 有兄弟提到了git的源码,这里不只是源码,而是这么一本书,目前还没出版,但是在网上有已经看到了 review版本。强烈推荐!!!强烈推荐!!!强力推荐!!!这本书共16个章节,每章均是由该领域的大牛完成,用不到500行的代码实现一个特(装)定(逼)功能。本书链接 目录页:以下是章节目录,每一章都让你热血澎湃,看完介绍你就向往下读。1. A Template Engine ()
MVC模型中的view层如何解析html中的静态变量和简单的语句,如下:&p&Welcome, {name}!&/p&
web中的view层不只是html代码,还有支持其他的代码。比如 {products}是一个变量。 同时view层还支持{if} , {for}, {foreach}等等。django,velocity等是如何解析他们的?大牛用不到500行代码告诉你,是如何实现的? (不是替换,替换需要每次请求都需要解析)2. Web Spreadsheet ()
web的电子表格如何实现的? 好像比较简单,但是介绍了 web storage 和 web worker,还是很值得一看的3. A Web Crawler
不多说,几百行代码实现高效的网络爬虫, 高效!4. Static Analysis
成熟的IDE都有代码检查和代码提示,怎么做的? 看这章5. Clustering by Consensus
分布式系统 paxos原理与实现。不知道paxos说明你没接触过分布式体统,接触过分布式还不懂,说明你只会用分布式系统6. A Simple Object Modle
Python是面向对象语言,对象,继承,多态,怎么用代码实现的,不到500行代码,实际不到400 行, 666.。。7. An Archaeology-Inspired Database
如何用python实现一个数据库,支持 query,index, transaction, 2,3百行代码和对每个函数的讲解。看完你就知道知道数据库原理,太值了8. Dog Bed Database
类似上一章,不过这次实现的是key-value的非关系型数据库,详细的讲解和2,3百行代码9. A 3D Modeller
用python实现一个3D设计,显示到屏幕,可以交互。不是很懂,但不明觉厉10. A Python Interpreter Written in Python
手把手教你如何实现python解析器。11. A Pedometer in the Real World
你用过手机应用记录你每天走的步数,然后发送到朋友圈吗? (没有? 没关系。)这章告诉你如何实现步数记录,怎么算走一步。手机中有加速记,很容易获得你某一时刻在x,y,z三个方向的加速度,用这些参数,如何计算你走了多少步? 知道吗? 不知道,看这章,讲解加实现12. A Continuous Intergration System
CI System是一个专门用来测试新代码的系统,根据代码提交记录,拿到新的代码,测试,生成报告。这不是关键,关键是 如果test失败,它还会 恢复,然后从失败的那个点在跑,相当于把出错环境重现了。。。13 A Rejection Sampler
不是很懂,和机器学习相关,如何 计算你赢得象棋比赛的概率,天气对飞机的影响等类似的问题14 A visual programming toolkit
A Flow Shop Scheduler
Optical Character Recognition
目前是28个Python项目,会继续保持更新。更新:更新:更新:………………………………………………分隔线………………………………………………最近几天刚好在整理Python项目,21个项目由易到难,代码量从几十行到几千行,在实验环境里保证可以全部完成。找到你认为有趣的去实现它,把项目做出来,知识才能变成自己的:)(建议PC端访问,边看教程边在环境里动手实践,手机上仅可查看教程,入门、进阶均为免费项目)入门篇1.50 行 Python 代码完成图片转字符画小工具。2.2.仅用200行的python代码完成2048小游戏的编写。3.4.看图闯关:根据图片改变url地址、转换字符串、字符识别5.看图闯关:根据图片找出满足条件字母等6.看图闯关:找到通往下一个网址的链接、找到消失的链接等7.使用pygame和PIL模块渲染字体生成字库。8.Python 做个简单的备份脚本程序,可以备份主目录和系统文件等。9.Kaggle是一个线上数据科学竞赛类网站。本课程将使用python科学计算工具对Kaggle提供的泰坦尼克号上的人员数据进行分析建模。10. 介绍如何用Scrapy(用python开发)爬虫采集新浪天气信息。11.11.使用Python来解析纯文本生成一个HTML页面的小程序。12.几百张图片拼接成一张图片,这张图片再与另外一张图片层叠在一块。13.通过一个简单的例子来讲解破解验证码的原理。14.通过GUI来体验编程的乐趣。15.使用 Python 语言开发服务器端口扫描器,用来检测目标服务器上有哪些端口开放。16.使用 Python 语言实现一个 Web 服务器,探索 HTTP 协议和 Web 服务的基本原理。17.使用Python快速开发一款PC端玩耍的微信打飞机游戏,基于pygame实现。 进阶篇18.本课程将基于OpenGL实现一般CAD软件都会具备的基础功能:渲染显示3D空间的画面并可以操作3D空间中物体。19.19.探讨几种实现爬虫的方法,从传统的线程池到使用协程,每节课实现一个小爬虫。另外学习协程的时候,我们会从原理入手,以ayncio协程库为原型,实现一个简单的异步编程模型。20.模版引擎使得用户界面能够与业务数据分离,前端与后端分离,它通常用于渲染页面文件。本课程将使用Python实现一个具备基础功能的模板引擎。21.使用 Python 3 来编写一系列的实用脚本,实验的过程中能熟悉 Python 3 的使用,学习使用各种功能强大的模块。22.从实现一个玩具解释器开始学习解释器基本知识,然后考察Python字节码进一步学习理解Python解释器的内部机制,最终实现一个500行以内的Python解释器。23.使用 RethinkDB,Flask 与 Backbone.js 制作一个简单的 todo list。24.使用Python Flask Web框架开发一个具备基本功能的轻博客平台,在其中学习Python的Web开发。25.本教程介绍如何一步步使用 Django 开发一个简单的博客 Web应用,涉及 Django Web开发,MVC,Template等知识点,适用于有 Python 和 Django 基础的同学。综合篇26.多种常见的设计模式的原理以及如何应用实践,涵盖工程模式,命令模式,外观模式,适配器模式,装饰模式,代理模式等。27.使用Python语言开发一套类似OpenStack的云计算管理平台LouCloud,具备基本的用户,服务器,镜像与虚拟机管理功能。28.使用Python Flask Web开发框架实现一套类似StackOverflow的在线问答平台LouQA,具备提问,回答,评论点赞等功能。
推荐一下我的Ideabook,不仅仅有各种练手项目,还有实战指南:GitHub: 上点图:Django + ElasticSearch + Ionic制作移动O2O应用Python + SVGWrite制作专属BadgePython生成LogoPython获取照片信息显示到地图上Flask + Solr 制作多连形搜索
A library for web scraping built on Requests and BeautifulSoup. Like Mechanize, but with tests, docs, and a Pythonic interface.
Wagtail is a Django content management system with a fresh take.
Beautifully designed so if you are looking for an alternative to Django
CMS here is your shot.
A multi-threaded task queue for Python.
Love Django REST Framework? You can now enjoy the same beautiful APIs within Flask.
Recreating the first level in Mario using PyGame. Awesome for anyone interested in build a 2D platformer.
A collection of Data Structures and Algorithms in Python.
Ridiculously Uncomplicated Mac OSX Python Status Bar Apps! Got a little app you want to write you can do it Python now!
Nice looking web dashboard written in Flask that can display data about your system and its processes as returned by .
Awesome repository of how things work with computers and software. I am
sure we have shared this before but its definitely worth another look.
Awesome theme customization for IPython Notebooks!
An attempt to create a -like personal assistant with Python.
A series of Python practice projects to help your hone your craft with deliberate practice.
A foundation leveraging best practices that you can use to start building your flask applications with.
Fast database snapshots for development. It’s like Git for databases.
Nice. Percol is an interactive grep tool in your terminal. Check out the README for a demo and more information.
Git-Backed Evernote Replacement.
The Explore Flask book is now freely available online. Time to upgrade your Flask knowledge.
Cool! A Fantasy RPG built with Python and PyGame.
A collection of tools to get you focused on what you building rather
than the usual nitty gritty, tons of of cool little functionality to
speed things up!
Cool little hack to make you look like a superstar during presentations
and screencasts. It allows you to write code before hand, and replays
the commands in a fake terminal session as you type random characters.
45 minute Ipython notebook presentations for getting starting with basic
programming, statistics and machine learning techniques.
This is neat. Set up your development environment using
in a similar way you would set up your machine with something like .
A curated list of awesome Python resources, frameworks, libraries and software.
Inbox platform launched earlier this week, with tons of SDKs and
libraries! This is the one in Python. Great premise and should enable
people to do some great stuff!
A great collection of must watch Python videos. Great resource to start levelling up your Python knowledge.
A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software.
Writing container classes often requires the writing of significant
amounts of boilerplate. Avoid all of that with the fields module which
offers a way to avoid it.
Over the last few issues there have been other “awesome” collections. If you are into Django, this is the one for you!
A Python native, OS native GUI toolkit. Very cool project for building Native GUI apps with Python.
Keeps your secrets, secret. Allows you to put the keys, passwords and
things you want to keep secret in a config file and then hide and show
your secrets.
A simple website that helps you bootstrap your .vimrc for your preferred language.
A collection of common Python design patterns and idioms.
Interesting. A best practices approach to creating large web apps, with the goal of making flask feel more like django.
A weekly series of Screencasts covering an introduction to Flask.
Lots of really awesome SQLAlchemy resources.
Lenscap is a static site generator for creating beautiful photo narratives
A Python library to combine types into structures, validate them, and transform your data based on simple descriptions.
Home automation with Python.
Awesome repository of how things work with computers and software. I am
sure we have shared this before but its definitely worth another look.
Very cool project for consuming APIs made easy. Give it a look if you are tried of writing API wrappers.
A collection of tools for working with iterators.
You might have heard all the talk about the wonderful IPython notebooks,
here are some reasons why you should check out the IPython interactive
I like to see this type of writing when is comes to software and how it
is laid out. This covers various options and solving problems and
proposes a few solutions. Favourite is in the comments.
Awesome find, everyone hosting anything on S3 will want to read this.
A great guide of dealing with the full stack required with creating a
Python web application. Topics cover the entire stack from servers, web
frameworks, security and source control.
Have an idea for your next, or first, Python project? Well check out
this article to make sure you are getting started the right way!
Want to try a lighter web framework then Django? Check out these minimal Python web frameworks.
Amazing article and growth and the real strength of the Python community.
Nice tutorial about how one would go about starting to create a task queue in Python.
Nice overview of how Pinterest used gevent to increase throughput of
site and speed up requests. They also cover the challenges they faced
during the switch over.
How do you test your SQLAlchemy apps? Check out this post and its predecessor for the low down.
In depth tutorial on how to create a python library and package it.
Great introduction to tools like numpy, pandas and matplotlab for doing statistical learning work in Python.
This discusses the various options of building realtime applications in
python and various technologies and techniques used and their
limitations. Good read.
Glyph of Twisted fame talks has written a great article about concurrency in Python.
Great tutorial here. If you are looking to jump headfirst into Python
threading and concurrency, this is as good a place as any to start.
Nice well written introduction to Python properties.
In a follow up to his last post about “Building decision trees” the
author gives a nice explanation of how to generate machine learning
models with scikit-learn.
If you are looking to learn a little more about Test Driven Development
or are wondering about applying your TDD knowledge to your Django work,
this is a great place to start.
Nice article on the few steps you could take to make your code run
faster without too much effort. Few great tips on profiling and taking
advantage of things like pypy and cython!
Cool article showing you how to build a faster screen scraper by downloading pages asynchronously with asyncio.
Meta programming basics and as well introduces metaclass hooks.
Increase your Python knowledge by breaking it. The author goes though a guided tour of poking and prodding CPythons internals.
Interesting thought experiment about completely knocking out database
from stack, this obviously has some issues but interesting to see how it
comes together.
Have you ever considered what it takes to write excellent and consistent
log messages? This article and its predecessors helps you define that.
2048 has been all the rage lately with projects cropping up everywhere.
This is a cool examination of implementing an AI to solve the game.
Another one of these lists that just keep coming up. Likely last one we will link to so enjoy!
A great place to get started to turn your Python script into a Python
project. Great guide that brings you from creating a repository to
testing your code, all the way to packaging and releasing your code.
Get up and running with your first Flask app in no time!
Nice post about writing good unit tests to help you write better code,
prevent regressions and allow you to assert the correctness of your
Cool little article on OOP way of thinking and Python.
Introduction to Pylint for beginners.
Article covers new venv features and usecases in Python 3.4
Nice article touching the finer points of gunicorn’s concurrency models.
Article on consuming data from the twitter stream using RabbitMQ and Python. Then finally visualizing the data using D3.js
Nice article that some of you may find illuminating, with respect where
certain speed ups and loses may actually occur in Python data
Awesome read for beginners looking to start a small flask project. This
one covers the process of creating s simple note taking application in
Nice explanation of how to add a @property to a Python module.
Pretty cool dive into python name binding! Tons of mind cool stuff to take advantage of for good and/or evil!
Nice round up of really common Python gotcha’s that can trip up Python developers.
If you have been wondering about how to get started with Partials this
is a great place to start. With a good explanation of what they are and
an easy to follow example to see the flexibility and power of partials.
Really nice detailed article of the steps you the author followed to
speed up a Django application through profiling and optimization with
tips on how you can apply these to your applications.
A walk through the Dynamic Programming strategy with a fun Python example
Great article about why an engineering professor would make a push to teach Python to undergraduates.
Docker has been all the buzz lately and this post shows you how to turn
your Python web app into an application that can be deployed using
docker containers on AWS.
Nice article with some good tips of how to organize your Python code next time you are writing a Python application.
Nice tips on Inheritance and Method overriding in Python.
Really nice extensive tutorial on Gevent. Provides plenty of background
information, its pros and cons and how it all works by showing how to
create a simple web crawler.
Extensive introduction to mock library in Python with tons of examples.
If you are looking to learn a few things about mock this article is a
good resource.
Awesome presentation on why you should seriously consider Python 3 and what you are missing out on!
Crossbar is an application router that implements . Nice post where the author talks about Crossbar and wonders if Crossbar could be the future of Python web applications.
Nick Coghlan discusses the far future transition to Python 4.0, as well
as touches on how it might not be exactly like the transition between
Python 2.0 and 3.0
If you switched from Python to Go what would be the features you would
miss from Python in Go? This is the question the author addresses in
this post.
A very complete introduction to parallel programming in Python using
Python’s multiprocessing module. This introduction takes you from the
specifics about the multiprocessing module to its application.
Everything you wanted to know about Object Oriented Programming in Python. Great introduction.
Interesting article about the funcy library and how it is analogous to
the Underscore.js library. Its purpose is to make your life easier when
writing code and give you a series of functional tools to write cleaner,
more understandable code.
Very opinionated article on the hype of blocks in other languages and why they are no better than functions.
Docker is all the new hotness, check out this post detailing how to use Docker for your Python development environment.
A look at some common Python programming anti-patterns and how to correct those common mistakes.
How can Python’s decorators help us thing in a functional way? Great
information about Python decorators and how how they can teach us to
think about functional concepts like higher order functions and
I love this article, if you always felt dirty creating variable to keep track of conditionals, else clause reprise y’all.
Get the lowdown on using Regular expressions in Python.
Decorators is probably the most popular topic for Python programming
blogs. We can probably take this as a sign that not everyone understands
them yet so check out this post on method decorators.
Python core developer Brett Cannon gives you some ammunition next time
someone asks you “Why use Python?”. Nice contrast of the reasons why Go
is a good language and why you might still want to use Python.
Reading source code is one of the most useful skills to learn for any
programmer. In this post the author gives some nice tips to step up your
code reading game.
Nice tutorial of how to easily parallelize tasks in Python with the languagesmultiprocessing library without getting bogged down learning other parallization frameworks.
Very simple tutorial to create Matplotlib graphs and ship them as part of email reports and web dashboards.
Nice guide to get you ready to jump in and start working with Python internals.
Fantastic guide to help you get up and running with Sublime Text for your next Python project.
A nice collection of all the things you probably wanted to know when you started writing python programs.
Nice little example on how to refactor your monolithic if/else clauses
for filtering data. Provides a small albeit contrived example to
illustrate the issue.
Very nice guide about changing your ways from using ‘%’ to format Strings in Python and use string.format instead.
Great tutorial. Guides you step by step to parsing and cleaning up the
resulting text from text files with Python regular expressions.
Awesome small little way to make your python shell so much more convenient.
Awesome run down of bad practice Python, with concrete examples!
Nice introduction to list comprehensions here for the new Python programmer.
The Python creator and Dropbox engineer reflects on his early days in programming.
Beginners tutorial on how to use AJAX and Django!
How Caktus Group uses Celery in production!
Awesome article for understanding asyncio! For the beginner to async programming but adequately experienced python developers.
Comparing the big 3 Python web frameworks!
New to Python programming? Here are five projects to help get you started.
Simple article for the simple basics of python interactivity and the
awesomeness that is IPython so if you haven’t tried it out yet. Great
place to start!
Very detailed post about attributes in Python. Good read!
Got the basics of Python decorators and Metaclasses down? If so time to step up your Python game with more advanced techniques.
This post presents a nice comparison to help you choose the between the Django, Flask and Pyramid web frameworks.
Now this is a very detailed guide to building web apps with Django and Angular.js. Definitely worth checking out.
Nice comprehensive tutorial of Comprehension and Generator syntax in Python.
Some neat tricks for working with Virtualenv inside your docker containers.
Nice post, but I dont agree with his tempered advice for newbies not to take a look at numpy and matplotlib! Good read though!
Multiprocessing in Python doesn’t get much HYPE. Here is a cool little post how it can be effective in a ton of spots.
Unsure on how to setup your Django project?
A nice collection of Python idioms that are very nice to know! Check out
the discussion section for further discussion of this post on reddit.
Real nice overview of common design patterns of the past and a look at the emergent patterns in Asynchronous IO in the future.
Awesome article on diving into python internals and CPython.
Nice dive into one of the advanced features of the requests library,
retries. Nice example to get you started here if this is something you
need in your next project.
Nice little article on OOP for beginners.
Get up and running with your favorite django applications on Dokku. Very cool!
Cool talk, on when to use which framework and when to switch!
Nice breakdown of myths from PayPal Engineering.
Nice breakdown of 14 great(and possibly best) Panda’s features. Discover what you might be missing out on.
Nice breakdown of common mistakes that developers often make when working with Python for big data analytics.
Very detailed rundown with benchmarks of the differences between common python JSON parsing libraries. SPOILER:
is the fastest by a considerable margin.
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好吧,三十多个人关注我,没几个点赞的,。---邪恶的分隔符---你试试关注我 :) 你会收到一条来自 Python 脚本发送的私信哦~没用到啥难的东西,很适合练手:不过,。。首先你得懂点反编译:
楼主要有挑战有意思的,建议1.websocket 协议解析
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不妨尝试做一个社交网站的终端版。主流的(Facebook Twitter tumblr )之类的网站既有完善的api文档,又有各种现成的库,实现基本功能真的只要399……行的代码,还能增进你对http,oauth,restful api等乱七八糟的概念的认识,值了。
因为平时会用python做一些实用的小项目,所以定期会更新。*****************日更新*******************获取每天破新高的股票(可以设定破30天,60天,x天的)(对股票筛选很有用处,每天会保存到数据库 ,这样每天都会有一个记录。准备把数据放入网站供需要人士下载)(对股票筛选很有用处,每天会保存到数据库 ,这样每天都会有一个记录。准备把数据放入网站供需要人士下载)保存tushare数据到sqlite数据库*****************日更新*********************代码解释: github: **************日更新******************(中国证券网: 这个网站的公告会比同花顺东方财富的早一点,而且还出现过早上中国证券网已经发了公告,而东财却拿去做午间公告,以至于可以提前获取公告提前埋伏。生成的公告保存在stock/文件夹下,以日期命名。 下面脚本是循坏检测,如果有新的公告就会继续生成。默认保存前3页的公告。(一次过太多页会被网站暂时屏蔽几分钟)。 代码以及使用了切换header来躲避网站的封杀。)**************日更新******************************那马上来一个实用点的,把自己喜欢的知乎问题自动推送到kindle电子书。当你有需求的时候,你的创造力就会出来啦~ 而且用python比使用C++打印什么水仙花数什么的都有趣多了呢~~代码:github: 只要使用python+urllib库,就可以循环枚举出用户的密码。github:github:
上面的回答,作为入门练手项目实在是太高大上了,我看了好惭愧。python 哪里有这么不亲民。请大家和我一起高呼:知呼不装B,从我做起!我刚学python时,做了以下几个工具类,都是为了方便自己:起点上自动下载txt小说的程序公司考勤网站自动填写工时(一开始还做登录,后来发现他压根没用户校验,只管往对应url提交form就能接收,国内公司的安全真是..)结合flex做了个知识库,记录自己的一些小心得另外运维工作,比如ssh自动登录、自动导入数据、迁移数据、格式化数据、自动设置编译等等小工具实在太多了。满足自己才是第一的。当时的感觉,就像我自己掌握了门独门绝技,看着其他人努力的写java/c++ ,我用python轻松几行代码搞定,那叫一个酸爽。这时不会满足当小工具用了,可以参与做一些开源项目了


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