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Class Diagram Online - Draw Class Diagram Online
Class Diagram Online
Create Class Diagram Online
Create class diagrams in seconds with GenMyModel, a free uml online tool to draw UML diagrams.
Class diagram examples to get started quickly
No install, web-based application
Export (UML,PDF,SVG,JPG) and generate Java, SQL
or login instantly with
Draw UML Class Diagram Online
Easy and fast
GenMyModel is an UML editor with powerful features for creating UML class diagrams, in the web browser. GenMyModel
helps you create class diagrams right away, there's no install, no setup and no learning curve to get started.
Classes, operations, attributes, relationships are created within a click from a user-friendly toolbar and shortcuts.
You can draw class diagrams online in seconds and the intuitive GUI makes it very easy.
Supports content-assist
At anytime, GenMyModel assists you draw a valid UML class diagram by highlighting the UML elements that match an UML-compliant architecture. It saves time when creating UML elements such as attribute's type, inheritance, realization (interface) or dependency.
Easy design
Browse UML model
Edit attributes and methods
UML Class Diagram
The class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system.
It contains the system's classes, their attributes, operations and the relationships among the classes. The class diagram is the main building block of object oriented modeling. It's the most common starting point for software architects and developers when designing a system.
Within GenMyModel, you can create your class diagram online and generate Java code. Everything is handled in your web-browser with an intuitive user interface. The class diagrams conform the UML standard. You get both a visual representation, called the diagram, and the internal structure of your model in a tree-based representation. It works on Windows, Mac, Linux and the supported browsers are IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.
Class diagram examples
GenMyModel comes with many free examples, clonable within a click. Shown above are some UML diagram templates available to our users. You can access this professionally designed templates from the dashboard area. The examples contain class diagrams but also use case diagrams and activity diagrams.Diagram Designer使用小技巧总结 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET
1、用 鼠标 选中任意一个 flowchart 控件,按 F2 键,便能编辑 其中的内容。按 Ctrl+Enter快捷键 能保存所输入的内容,按 Esc键 能退出 输入内容。
2、按住 Ctrl键,再用 鼠标左键 拖拽某个控件,相当于 复制该控件。Ctrl+C、Ctrl+V、Ctrl+X、Ctrl+Z在此依旧适用。
3、当箭头 &某一端变绿 的时候,说明该箭头已经被 &稳稳地固定在 &另一图形上了。另一个图形移动,他也会 跟着移动。
4、选择 &顶部的工具栏 & 绘制图形,比拖拽 右侧的工具栏 方便多了。


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