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Top 160 Complaints and Reviews about Payday-114网址导航大学英语写作主题讨论与范文精选(1) - 福建师范大学外国语学院
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Admission 入学﹥﹥相关问题:Rumors are that graduate schools favor people applying from their own college. Is this your impression? Is it fair? Why?﹥﹥参考观点:1.&This unfair phenomenon does exist on campus. The postgraduate entrance exam includes two parts: the written exam and the interview. The unfairness often shows up in the interview process. If two students get the same marks, the one from the university being applied to is more likely to be accepted. The reason is that professors tend to think students from their own schools are able to adapt to their teaching styles easily, which is important for setting up mutual understanding to work and study together.2.&I don't think tutors prefer students from their own colleges. They only want to choose people who are familiar. When we go shopping, we are likely to buy brands that are familiar to us for we know their quality and service better. When it comes to postgraduate enrollment, it's the same. So if you want to be a postgraduate, first make yourself known to your tutor!3.&I myself may serve as proof against those rumors. As a student in Dalian, I have been accepted by Nankai University as a postgraduate student. What's worth mentioning is that I had neither guidance from any professor at Nankai nor special materials from former schoolmates. Rumor is rumor. It'll never affect those with a strong motivation who work hard.4.&I don't think it's unfair. I firmly believe that excellent students will be accepted by other schools. The only reason that applicants are refused is that they are not outstanding enough. Therefore, the most important thing that applicants should emphasize is effort rather than complaint.5.&As an applicant for next year's postgraduate entrance exam, I believe the exam is just and fair. Nevertheless, due to the rumors, some examinees spend lots of time to get to know their potential professors. The phenomenon also causes a serious social problem — people would rather believe in so-called personal relationships than in actual ability.6.&Frankly speaking, it's not fair. But colleges that don't engage in "fair play" will eventually suffer from student homogeneity and low performance of the whole school. In this sense, transparency is needed to encourage undergrads to go to other schools so as to improve the competitiveness of the educational institutions.7.&As a postgraduate, I had the experience of being discriminated against. But there is no absolute fairness at all in the world. The only way to make your wish come true is to work harder to make you more "attractive."
Adventure 冒险﹥﹥主题链接:student 学生; study 学习﹥﹥相关问题:Should students risk their lives for adventures?﹥﹥参考观点:1.&I appreciate the courage of the five mountain climbers from Peking University. If I had a chance, I would risk my life in such an adventure. I think the meaning of life is passion.2.&Life is more important than anything else. So I give priority to safety rather than adventure. Without 100 per cent confidence in safety, no adventure should be carried out. 3.&I take great pride in their brave action. In fact, danger exits everywhere. Last week a female student was killed by a bus when she was riding a bicycle on a Chengdu street. So can we say we should give up riding after her death? I support them to continue their adventures, but they must be more cautious.4.&It is unnecessary to sacrifice one's precious life for the risk-taking spirit. Judging from the surface, these students are brave. However, they are able to make even greater contributions to society if they are alive.5.&Physical adventure, such as climbing mountains, is a part of human life. Without it, I can't imagine how people can clearly know our world. Therefore, taking risks is a part of culture as well as a good way to find our potential. However I think the university administration and government must pay more attention to organization and equipment to make sure the danger will be held to a minimum.6.&Most college students are over 18. We are adults so we have the right and the ability to choose adventure or safety. As soon as I make a decision, I do it even though it is dangerous.7.&The tragedy tells us that we must distinguish between "adventure" and "exploration." It's well known that summer is the rainy season in Tibet and the climate is not fit for climbing. Moreover, their communications equipment was not advanced, so when the avalanche hit, they couldn't notify anyone. In my opinion, safety is the most important thing. After all, life is the most important treasure. We must cherish it!
Advertisement广告﹥﹥主题链接:Television 电视﹥﹥相关问题:Do Advertisements Play a Positive or Negative Role in Our Society?﹥﹥参考观点:1.&Advertisement can be a service to people. First, it is informative, and can help people buy and sell goods. Second, it can widen people's knowledge, and make people more experienced. Lastly, people can enjoy themselves through those programs which advertisements have been put into.2.&Some advertisements, however, are not very useful to people, sometimes even harmful. An advertisement like this, for example, may put thousands of women and girls into trouble. Disillusioned with life, love, marriage? You need help. Phone me." And the Savior gives his phone number to his sheep.3.&In modern times, many advertisements are subjective rather than objective, persuasive rather than informative. The only purpose of these advertisements is to persuade people to buy their poorly made products. Therefore, it is wise for people to make sure the advertisements are telling the truth."4.&Advertisements are getting their way into people's lives. People depend on advertisers in their daily lives because they are consumers. The advertisers are always manufacturers. Sometimes they are salesmen. Their merchandise needs advertising. Thus nearly every product is advertised. To some extent, good advertising means success while bad advertising can means failure.5.&There are many ways to advertise and 'ads' come in different forms. Newspaper carry advertisements. Some products are announced on TV and radio which have a wide& audience. Billboards also carry advertising. Advertising is a big industry now and many agencies are set up to furnish a variety of services for it. 6.&However, advertising is not always truthful. A product is often misrepresented. The advertiser exaggerates the benefits of the merchandise he wants to sell. Thus, he misrepresents the&&truth. The consumer falls victim to such advertising. Millions of people have bought advertised products and they haven't always been satisfied.7.&Whether you like it or not, advertisements are pouring into your life nowadays, and among them, some are misleading and even harmful. Advertisements are found everywhere when you are walking along the streets. You can see large billboards with pretty girls smiling at you. You turn on the TV set and you see commercial advertising again. Advertisement, good or bad, almost spread into every corner of this world. 8.&In order to promote sales, advertisers will sometimes go to extremes. They will adopt every possible simulation in producing their announcements. The resulting advertisements are misleading and harmful. These ads distort the fact, exaggerate the real effects of the products and trick consumers into buying something that not really worth, and thus deprive the consumers of their legitimate rights. Most important of all, some advertisements of their legitimate rights. Most important of all, some advertisements contain some contests of violence and pornography, which may corrupt the mind of young people, especially those teenagers.9.&No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements, so we must take critical attitude toward advertisements, especially those misleading and harmful ones. At the same time, we must use our mind in order not to be totally dominated by those advertisements.﹥﹥经典范文:Advertisement on TVToday more and more advertisements are seen on the TV screen and TV advertisement industry is developing at a rapid rate in many countries, especially in China.Why has this industry grown fast? The following are the main reasons. First, TV has a large audience, and most people like to spend evening in front of TV. So any information on TV can be spread around fast. For this reason, manufacturers and businessmen like to put their advertisements on TV. Second, advertisements on TV are rather vivid, which can give the audience a deep impression of the advertised new products. This impression is more effective than that of newspapers or radios. So it is more likely that these people would believe the advertisements and buy the new products.But some advertisements would mislead the customers. For example, some products are not as good as what the advertisements describe. Toothpaste cannot make your teeth that clean, and some medicine cannot help you reduce your weight. So I think that there should be a law to ban faulty advertisements and at the same time excellent advertisements should be encouraged.
Animal 动物﹥﹥主题链接:World(世界), Nature(自然)﹥﹥参考观点:1.&I was shocked when I saw the news of the awfulness of some people towards innocent animals. They're not feeling sorry for their actions simply because they don't find anything wrong! Humans and other living beings are all a part of nature, so there's no reason to mistreat our brothers and sisters just because our race is now a little stronger! Remember, we're equal!2.&I firmly hold the belief that the economy is the foundation of everything. If we want more care and ethical treatment in China the first thing to do is to make our country richer, so more financial support and manpower can be used to take care of animals.3.&How could we spend so much money on pets with many people in China suffering from terrible poverty? Of course, cruelty to animals is completely wrong and what we should do now, if sensible, is just to treat them fairly and avoid abuse.4.&We often hear that animals are our best friends and we should protect them. But why? The most popular reason is that if we damage the food chain, human beings will suffer a lot.5.&So many people protect animals just for themselves — for medical research, for instance. However, if a person doesn't believe an animal may save his life, he will be cruel to animals if he doesn't love them at all. So I think the best way to protect animals is to let people really develop love for animals.6.&A person will feel lonely living in a house without anyone else. Likewise, humans will feel lonely living on the Earth without any other living things.7.&Unfortunately, many people are driven by commercial benefit and selfish ideas. Many people treat animals badly because they don't understand that loving animals is also loving human beings themselves. World Animal Day gives us a good chance to re-establish relations between animals and humans.8.&I think that protecting animals is the government's work and not citizens'. A great many children grow up without seeing animals as anything other than pets or domestic animals. Perhaps they will not see them their whole lives. They can do nothing to protect animals. Pets don't need protecting.9.&But at the same time, a lot of wildlife is being destroyed for various reasons. For example, their habitats are destroyed or they are killed for economic benefits. So our government should have regulations to prevent these things from happening again and should do something to channel people's actions in a different direction.
Birth Control 计划生育﹥﹥主题链接:Population 人口﹥﹥相关问题:Is it a Good Idea to Control Population Growth in World?﹥﹥经典范文:Birth Control&&& Since the Chinese Government singled out family planning as one of the basic state policies in 1978,the country has adopted various measures and achieved great success in birth control. The total birth rate has been decreasing gradually.&&& However, at present China's population is still growing very rapidly. It is reported that every year the population of this country increases by an extra 15 million and China is encountering a birth peak during the 1990s.It is obvious that China's economic development and improvement of people's living standards have been and will be greatly affected by the population.Therefore, to control population growth more strictly is clearly essential to the country's reforms and economic development. We should stress the importance of birth control and call on the whole nation to make more effective actions.
Career 职业﹥﹥相关问题:American grads aren't interested in a career in government. What about you? Why do you think this way? What do you value in an employer?﹥﹥参考观点:1.&I think working for the government is not so good. Being an administrator is almost equal to low efficiency, low pay, and a lack of freedom and responsibility. The strict hierarchy in the government can make even the best people depressed. Personally, I am interested in business. Its fair play is appealing to me.2.&I want a white-collar job that will make an energetic girl like me feel full, efficient and interesting. I cannot imagine myself sitting in the office, reading a newspaper, and sipping tea leisurely. This is a typical working scene in the government. Furthermore, other things like bureaucracy and the sophistication in handling relationship make me scared. I'm a junior in college, and I'll never begin my career in government.3.&Working in the government means a relatively stable and good salary, good health insurance, less pressure, more security and regular holidays. And one can have enough spare time to enjoy and build oneself. Nowadays, finding a job is getting tougher. Whatever your job is, just go for it, hold it, then jump away.4.&I prefer a career in government. First, it can offer a stable, though not very high-paying job which can ensure a comfortable life! Second, it will give me higher social status. People all over the country respect civil servants. Third, if I can come to power or be a leader in a department, I can benefit from it.5.&Seniors' reluctance to go into government reflects their dissatisfaction with the government. So, effective measures are required to improve it. But, if we all avoid going there to do something about it, the situation will become worse. Besides, I believe that government work is more powerful and a better way to serve the public. And, if you do want to help the public, bureaucratic delays and waste won't be a stumbling block.6.&We all accept the idea of studying hard to find a good job. It's realistic but too utilitarian. As a young person, you should find the job in which you can utilize your ability to reach your goals in life.7.&I believe that a sense of helping others is important when searching for a job. As a governmental employee, one can fulfill one's desires and serve society. So I believe that college graduates should consider what they can do for others by doing their job rather than asking which place they would like to work.8.&A successful man can do everything well, no matter where he works. Many people envy the man who works in government. But I think work in government will make one lazy. A man should try his best to create his own career!﹥﹥经典范文:Choosing CareerThe career you choose will affect the future course of your life, such of your range of friends, your choice of husband or wife, where you live, your recreational activities, and other important aspects. To make a good choice, you must have a clear knowledge of your abilities, interests and aims. Second, you have to weigh carefully the immediate advantages against the long-term prospect offered by the job you are considering. Be sure to ask your parents, teachers, and career adviser for useful suggestions as to how you might take full advantage of your personal qualities and qualification.Having a clear idea about the work that suits you best, you should make a real study of jobs available. Obtain written materials or other such information as much as possible and examine them from every angle before you make the final decision.﹥﹥经典范文:Choose My Career AgainIf I were given a chance to choose my career again, I would not hesitate to take a job as a designer in a toy company, although this new job is very different from my present one, teaching mathematics in a middle school. The first difference is that every day I have to be with the pupils, teaching, and correcting exercises while the new job is just to sit in the office and try to work out new designs for toys. The second difference, I think, is that teaching in a middle school is not as challenging as designing new toys. In the middle school, I can manage to teacher well, wh I must work out new designs continuously. Otherwise I would not be able to keep the job.I would like to choose this new career because I love children and I like to make them happy by offering various kinds toys. I also like something more challenging so that I could make full use of my intelligence.
Cartoon 卡通﹥﹥相关问题:Why are cartoons so popular among adults?﹥﹥参考观点:1.&Those who hold that cartoons are childish must have a strong prejudice against cartoons and their lovers. Cartoons can be profound, ironic and relaxing. Some cartoons require intelligence in the viewer and keen observation. Cartoons may challenge even adults and be a lot of fun. In each adult, there is a child. That's why adults can become devoted cartoon fans.2.&Cartoons were my favourites when I was a child. But after entering college, I gave them up because I found I couldn't trace their plots any more. I think this is because the logic of cartoon characters is closer to that of children, than adults. No doubt, cartoons belong to children.3.&I think it very reasonable that cartoons are becoming more popular with adults. Cartoons are very imaginative. The characters in them seem to be able to tackle all hardship and difficulties. Whenever I'm in trouble, I always imagine that I am a certain cartoon character, which helps me a lot in troubled times.4.&I don't like cartoons. But I sympathize with cartoon fans. Cartoons can help release the pressure and anxiety of fierce competition.5.&As a mother, I always watch cartoons with my child. I believe this is a good way to communicate with him. Our favourites include "Tom and Jerry," "Big-Head Son and Little-head Dad" and "Blue Cat and the Naughty 3,000 Questions."6.&In my opinion, cartoons today need improvement. Too much content is aimed at adults, such as violence and love scenes. I hope cartoons can maintain their purity.7.&I can't imagine what an adult who immerses himself in the cartoon world would be like. Certainly, cartoons are a good escape. But adults must leave them and create their own mature world.8.&I am 19, but I still wear clothes with Mickey Mouse on them. I believe no matter how old I am, I will love Mickey and regard him as my good friend. The cartoon characters often remind me of my pleasant childhood.
Children 儿童﹥﹥经典范文:Children’s Education: Top Family PriorityIt is a well-known fact that Chinese families have traditionally regarded the education of their children as their most important duty. In today’s China, even more emphasis is being put on giving children the best education possible. It seems to me that there are three reasons for this, all connected with the demands of modern life.First, the nuclear family is emerging as the dominant kinship structure, and parents place all their hopes on, and sacrifice everything for, the one child which most couples have. Second, as the world becomes more competitive, parents realize that only a sound education can guarantee their children a decent standard of living in the future. And third, many parents invest blindly in their children’s education simply to show off in front of their neighbors and “keep up with the Joneses.”While recognizing the importance of a good education, at the same time we must not lose sight of the goal of learning. Not all useful skil practical knowledge is just as vital to ensure that society functions efficiently. Therefore, parents should carefully consider what their child’s aptitudes are before recklessly spending money on an expensive education.
City 城市﹥﹥相关问题:Is It Good to Live in a Large Modern City?﹥﹥参考观点:1.&In some cities, people have not given the first place to the fact that cities need to be made green. People just want to develop their cities, but often ignore how to make the cities green. So it is very common that much land in big cities are bare and people cannot easily find the shadow of a tree in summer.2.&To make our cities green can bring us a lot of advantages. For example, trees and flowers will help clean the air, make the cities more beautiful and improve the weather.3.&I think there are several ways to make our cities green. First, the government should lay down a law that every year one day should be set aside for all the people to plant trees. Second, every community has the duty to make its environment green by planting trees and flowers. Finally, city residents should donate a part of their income to the government for planting trees and flowers. By taking these steps, our cities will become green very quickly.﹥﹥经典范文:Where to Live —in the City or the Country?A modern city has many conveniences make the city people’s life comfortable and easy. If one wants to see a movie he may go and just see it without any trouble. All kinds of entertainments are available in big cities. But in big cities, there are crimes, air pollution, and crowdedness, which often bother residents.The countryside has its own attractions, such as clean air, water, and quiet environment. In addition to these, one can enjoy a peaceful life and a beautiful natural scenery. There is no noise, no crowdedness and no crime. But some modern facilities are not available. For example, it may not be very convenient for a person to go to a middle school.I prefer to live in a city because I was born and grew up here. The problems a city has can be solved by modern science and technology. I also prefer to live in the countryside for a short period of time. In this way I can enjoy what the nature can provide.
Classmate 同学﹥﹥经典范文:My ClassmateMr. Dick is one of my classmates .He is a young man of medium height .He has curly black hair, a round face with a small chin, and a fair complexion. His most outstanding feature is his eyes. They are very dark and alive, with long black lashes, and they seem to be smiling at you al the time .This gives Mr. Dick the appearance of being very good natured or up to some mischief . On the whole, Mr. Dick is a conservative dresser and he usually wears a gray or dark blue suit .His ties, however, are loud. He goes in for vivid colors and abstract prints in his ties, Mr. Dick speaks very quickly but in a soft voice. He has a keen wit and enjoys a good joke. He is a very intelligent student, but he doesn’t always pay attention in class. Sometimes he writes letters in class, and sometimes he clicks his ballpoint pen or taps his pencil on the desk .But he soon settles down to work again . Mr. Dick gets along well with the other students and most of them like him very much.
College Life 大学生活﹥﹥相关问题:Some students at Fudan University get professionals to clean their dorms. Is this a form of efficiency or just an excuse to get out of work? // Should college dormitories be given air conditioners?﹥﹥参考观点:1.&Before pointing the finger at these students, let's look at this system in which dorm sanitation accounts for 4 per cent of the marks in getting a scholarship. If I have a few extra RMB in my pocket, what's wrong with hiring a professional cleaner to do the job — I'm killing two birds with one stone. The school authorities should be more aware of changes in society before implementing a system which has consequences they don't like.2.&The old saying goes: "If someone can't sweep a house by himself, then he can't conquer the world." Any student who wants to achieve something must start with the most fundamental tasks.3.&Personally, I agree with the students at Fudan. As a student, our priority is to study. Hiring professional cleaners is a good way of saving time for that.4.&It is an indication of the socialization of our universities. But I do not think it's good. Although we save time for things we consider more important, in the long run we will lose our basic living skills.5.&This is a modern campus lifestyle. Students are under enormous pressure. Employing a cleaner helps them cope with the sanitation inspection. It also gives workers a chance to earn a living.6.&I'm astonished that students at Fudan hire people to clean their toilets and living rooms. Students should do their own housekeeping. First, loving labour is a traditional virtue in China. Many famous people insisted on doing small things even when they were extremely busy with state affairs. Second, the dorm sanitation system can reflect a student's ability to live independently and harmoniously with roommates. Cleaning the dorm is the easiest and most reasonable thing that a student can do in a short space of time. Housekeeping is the students' responsibility. It's ridiculous that they don't do it.7.&For us students, the division of labour and our fast-paced lifestyle make it possible for us to hire cleaners so we can study more and enjoy clean dorms. The more important thing is that we don't look down on manual labourers.8.&I'm on the college's side. It is too hard for the university's electric system to work with so many air conditioners. Students should be satisfied if they have fans. Ten years ago even they were luxuries.9.&I think air conditioners should be installed in dorms. The schools refuse the installation because the electric power lines are not strong enough. But this can be solved easily. The colleges can install an ammeter for each dorm and put a certain limit on electricity expenses. Students could pay for the extra amount themselves.10.&In my opinion, an air conditioner is a necessary summer appliance, particularly in hotter cities. A friend studying in Wuhan told me a lot of university students there stay up in the net bars just because there are air conditioners. This isn't healthy or safe. So installing air conditioners is not only good for living conditions, but also students' safety.11.&I don't think it is necessary to install air conditioners in dormitories. Not all students could afford the fee. And air conditioners are not good for health — some people cannot adapt to them.12.&The cost of installing and using air conditioners is so high that the majority of students cannot afford it. Universities could provide different dorm conditions enabling students to choose their dorms according to their financial situation.13.&The college should carry out an overall survey about the use of air conditioners on campus. If most students are willing to pay the fees by themselves, the college should sponsor the facility. After all, students are the core of the college.14.&I think we need more thought about air conditioners in dorms. We can install an air conditioner and work out an acceptable fee but what about the next room — unable to turn on the light because of the poor current?15.&Dorms are our home at universities. But the high temperature brings us so many troubles. Why shouldn't we make good use of air-conditioners to provide our students with a better environment? Universities have difficulties. We know it, but it is not an excuse for not improving students' living conditions. I hope this problem can be solved properly and quickly.﹥﹥经典范文:The Main Difference Between My College Life and My Middle School LifeI became a real college student shortly after the college entrance examination. College life is new to me. what impressed me most at the beginning of college life was that there is so much difference between my college life and my middle school life.At the middle school, I spent most of the time studying. It even took up our spare time. Various examinations fell on me, out of breath. All I did was to pass the college entrance examination. After I went to college, things were changed. Homework was seldom assigned and we needn’t study deep into night. We tried our best to find all kinds of ways to entertain ourselves, which seemed to make up for what we had lost in the middle school life.As for social communication, it is totally different between the two. As a middle-school student, we paid little attention to the relationship between classmates and failed to think of how to promote the relationship. Maybe at that time, our pure thought made us ignore it. However, social communication attracts more and more attention from students. Students come to realize the importance of communication with others. It is regarded as a way to better smooth the barrier or hardships on the path to success.As far as I am cornered, these two differences are the main ones I have ever found so far. In a word, to distinguish correctly the college life and the middle school life helps to make our college life more colorful.
Computer 电脑﹥﹥主题链接:Internet 网络﹥﹥相关问题:Should Computers Play an Important Role in English Learning?﹥﹥参考观点:1.&In the effort to create an extra-curriculum quality education for their kids, parents, apart from taking the trouble of accompanying them to all sorts of after school classes, very generously provide “hardware” facilities, including drawing classes, football and expensive items like pianos and personal computers (PCs). However, some parents feel uncertain about the necessity to buy their kids PCs, worrying that the games found on PCs may take too much time and energy out of the kids’ school work. Reasonable as it is, a PC is still a recommendable investment, as the game playing, if under control, is beneficial to kids rather than being harmful. 2.&First of all, computers are playing such an important role in everyday life that no one can afford to be ignorant about it. Secondly, when their peers talk excitedly about their yesterday’s game achievements, a kid who can not join will not feel belonging, and this sense of isolation of being outsmarted, has a negative effect on the kid’s self-confidence. Thirdly, their fascination in games is inner motivation in the real sense. Only when one’s interest is aroused can real learning begin. When learning how to start as computer and how to play a game, a kid is learning how to operate a computer. There is no learning approach easier and more enjoyable than that which combines work and play in one. Finally, the interest in games will, quite probably, lead to further exploration and discovery, or to serious professional work.3.&In a word, PCs should be among parents’ shopping priorities for their kids. Right guidance and necessary discipline will help guarantee constructive results. 4.&There is no denying that computer has brought a lot of convenience to our life. With computer, we can find all informat with computer, we can solve many complex with computer, we can always find solutions to difficult problems. In short, computer has spread into every corner of this world.5.&With all these advantages, computer also brings us some trouble. For example, many employees might be laid off for their positions can be replaced by computer. In addition, computer games are harmful for their studies and health. Computers even bring some crimes, like hacker. We should not become the slave of it. 6.&Today, the computer is very important in our life, and it has brought great changes in the areas such as education, medicine and public traffic. For example, the city’s traffic system is mainly controlled by the computer now, and then the traffic order has become much better. The number of accidents has been reduced. Another example is in education. With the help of computer system, we are able to learn a lot of scientific and technical knowledge without teachers and classrooms. The computer is also a very useful tool in our work and study. By turning to Internet, we can get and e-mail from our friends in foreign countries. So in our daily life, we really cannot without computer now.7.&However, we have also heard a lot about the negative effects of computer. For in stance, computer virus has caused many problems. One of them is the virus can lead to the loss of the useful information. Anyhow, I believe that human must solve the problems caused by computer and make it more useful for our future.﹥﹥经典范文:Home ComputerNow, computers have entered millions of ordinary families. Just a few years ago, to have a computer in one’s home was only a dream for most Chinese. With the improvement of people’s living standard, more Chinese can afford to buy computers.There is no doubt that computer benefits people hugely. With computer, the home becomes a library, a school, and office and an entertainment center. All transactions, from banking to shopping, will be performed electronically, and all information, from train schedules to discount price goods, will be as close as the press of a key. In addition, the computer will even let us communicate directly with others all over the world at a rather low price. Computers’ benefits are just the reasons for their popularity.Computers also cause trouble. For example, as nearly all activities could be conducted in the comfort of our homes, we could all become hermitlike, never feeling any need to leave the house. Besides, children will become so addicted to computers that they might never be exposed to social interaction. How to avoid these disadvantages is an urgent problem.﹥﹥经典范文:Students Use of ComputersWith computers becoming more and more easily accessible on the campus, college students are spending more time than ever doing their routine tasks electronically in the last decade. In 1990,for example, the average number of hours a student spent on the computer per week was less than 2 hours. Up to 2000, however, time spent to the computer increased suddenly 20 hours a week.Many reasons account for this growing trend. The last decade has witnessed an astonishing development in IT industry: the uses of computers are more diversified, their costs significantly cut down, and the software is becoming more and more user-friendly. On the campus, students may study many courses on computers, surf online for the latest information in their fields, and contact the outside world through web more frequently and conveniently.The easy access to computers on the campus may also bring about some problems. The research-and-education-based use accounts for smaller portion of the whole use, either because the development of subject-related software lag behind, or because students are more caught up in computer entertainment such as playing video games, and chatting online. Therefore, more attention should be called to the wise and academic use of computers on the campus.
Cooperation 合作﹥﹥经典范文:The CooperationCooperation means that people should work together smoothly for the purpose of mutual benefit. In the work they should help each other and learn from each other. They should have mutual respect, too.Cooperation is important in our work. Without it , we will fail. For example, two years ago, our institute managed to get a joint research project with a university in the south of China. At first everything went on all right. Then there was a misunderstanding and argument. Finally, the cooperation could not continue and the project failed. This example can show the importance of cooperation. I believe there are more examples.I think people should start to cultivate their sense of cooperation when they are very young. For example, in primary school be taught how to play with others, and how to study together. At university, students should be told frequently that in today’s world, individual is impossible to make big achievements, and they have to work or conduct research with others. Besides, they should be given a chance for team work. Then I think that people will be able to cooperate well with others.
Corruption 腐败﹥﹥经典范文:Fighting against CorruptionChinese officials have made greater efforts to combat corruption which continues to spread seriously. And the Chinese people have gained much more awareness of supervising the corruption. There are some major cases in the battle against corrupt behavior. One case is the random collection of fees by some departments, which has been one of the major complaints made by citizens. Another case is that illegal acts in the banking sector and finance departments are also severely targeted. And the most frequently stressed case is to prevent officials from abusing their power and trading power for personal gain. Through the battle, mechanisms for strict supervision, severe punishment and anti-corruption controls over corrupt behavior have been reinforced.Clearly, the campaign is of great significance to the development of the national economy and the improvement of the moral of society. As is known to all, a clean and honest government is essential of consolidating state power and for the nation's continuing modernization drive.
Courtyard 庭院﹥﹥经典范文:On Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a Courtyard&& At present, there are still many people in a city living in a courtyard. The advantages are easily seen. First, people in the courtyard live together just like a big family. They can help each other and get some advices from each other. As these people are in more personal contracts, even the elderly people will not feel lonely. They can talk to each other at any time, since their houses are so open in the some yard.& There are also some disadvantages. One of them is that these courtyards are rather old and the houses there cannot fit the modern electric devices such as air-conditioner, electric oven, electric stove and so on. As a result these people can not enjoy the modern life well. Another disadvantage is that the courtyard may be very crowded as several generations of many families live there. The last disadvantage may be that people are likely to have some quarrels, since they live too closely together.& In my opinion, on one hand we can improve the conditions in the old courtyard so as to let the people live comfortably. On the other hand, we can move some families to new apartment buildings if possible. In this way, the courtyard will not be too crowded.
Crime犯罪﹥﹥主题链接:criminal(罪犯)﹥﹥相关问题:Colleges are not crime-free. So, should college students be treated differently from other people who break the law? Why? How can we prevent crime among college students?﹥﹥参考观点:1.&I'm a college student majoring in law. I don't agree with the crime prevention centre. Everyone should be treated equally under the law, including college students. In my opinion, these kinds of crime prevention centres could become ways to shelter student criminals.2.&I don't think college students should be treated differently from other criminals. College students are adults who are able to take responsibility for their actions. Some highly-educated students commit crimes as a result of not having received sufficient moral education.3.&It all depends. In my opinion, it is better to give university students another chance if the crime they commit is not severe and they just got lost one time. It is regrettable to see those who commit a petty crime punished or even put in jail. After all, university students may have a splendid future and could be more likely to make a contribution to the country.4.&I'm a sophomore at a Public Security Academy and we've got a course on criminal laws and crime prevention. I think the most important thing we should emphasize is prevention rather than punishment. The college should set up ways to teach students about the tough consequences of committing a crime. And schools should provide access to psychologists to help solve students' problems.5.&As the saying goes, "It is not too late to mend the fold even after some sheep have been lost." If some college students have done wrong, I believe that both the university and society should give them a chance to make a fresh start. Sometimes, they may make an error or even commit a crime on the spur of the moment. But, I don't think college students have enough education on the law. So I suggest that there be more activities about the law on campus.6.&A girl who used to live next door was kicked out of my college last summer because of stealing. I know clearly that it is not because of poverty but out of vanity that she stole. Though it is the girl's fault, I still disagree with the college's decision. What will she be? Teaching is better than harsh punishment in this matter.7.&I think college students should be treated differently from other criminals. In some cases, it's psychological problems that cause college students to commit crimes. Teachers and other students should help the students with such problems by building confidence and encourage them to join more activities.﹥﹥经典范文:High Crime Rate in a Big CityRecently, there has been a high crime rate in a big city in the south of China. According to the explanation by the police, the high crime rate is closely related to the flowing population, lack of the policy force and poor education among the youth. The flowing population is rather big in recent years, about
people a year. Some of them stay in the city and commit crimes such as stealing and robbing. As the city doesn’t have enough policemen, it is hard to keep the society in a good order. After a careful analysis is made, it is found that some crimes are associated with the young people in this city.The following are my suggestions. First police force should be intensified in order to maintain social security. Second, the flowing population should be controlled, and they need to obtain a residence card, without which they will be sent back home immediately. The young people in this city should be watched and educated by their parents, teachers or their employers. If the above-mentioned steps are taken, the city will reduce the crime rate.
Criminal 罪犯﹥﹥经典范文:Fighting CriminalsToday the crime rate in some cities of our country is rising. Many citizens often complain about the thefts and robberies that have taken place in the areas they live in and appeal to the governments at all levels to take effective measures to reduce the crime rate.Faced with criminals, some people are so frightened that they shamelessly give up the fight and other people turn a blind eye to them. However, some people are brave enough, to risk their lives to fight the criminals. Their fearless actions prevented the criminals from doing evils, saved the victims, and protected the public properties.To reduce the crime rate, we all the people should first receive a law education. Criminals must be severely punished. Meanwhile we should set up a foundation to reward those who fight criminals. It is also important to call on people to learn from those heroes and encourage more people to stand up to crime.
Culture 文化﹥﹥相关问题:Is It Necessary to Preserve the Traditional Look and Feel of the City?﹥﹥经典范文:Traditional and InternationalI once saw a picture, which is an American girl who is ebullient with appreciation of the richly-decoration Chinese national costumes. Obliviously, she has accepted what is part and parcel of a foreign tradition as international. Truly as she feels, for cultures that are subject to the impact of stronger ones, to remain national is the way to survive and thrive as an integral ingredient of the international community.Much of the secret of the glamour of traditional Chinese costumes, one pearl in the crown of our national culture, lies in its uniqueness. Cultures, like other constituents of the world of feelings, are where the principle “Opposites attract” apply, it is not hard to imagine the disappointment of the same American girl when she goes to Yunnan or Tibet only to find jeans in a so-called traditional Chinese clothe arcade or McDonald’s hamburgers in a restaurant of the same kind. There are sufficient cases of failures that happen as a result of plagiarism in the development of national cultures.We by no means indicate that national cultures should remain isolated. Quite on the contrary, cultural exchanges will facilitate the growth of a culture as an internationally-accepted one. But the crucial factor of the development of global reorganization of a culture lies in the enrichment of its value of independence. That means every national culture can become international only by attaining strong differentiators.
(外国语学院 林明金整理)
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