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时间 17:45:05
  In April 2014, he led the US delegation to China, for the Western Pacific Naval Symposium. The Chinese, US, and other navies have approved the Code for Unexpected Encounters at Sea.。”
Though compromise is hard, both acknowledge that direct dialogue is crucial to crisis management. And high-level exchanges represent mutual interest in resolving conflicts through dialogue.
Security is tight in the Philippine capital, in preparation for tomorrow's APEC Leaders' meeting.
The meeting is jointly chaired by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Thai Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai. 10 topics are on the agenda. Wang Yi says the meeting signifies the official launching of the Lancang-Mekong River dialogue and cooperation mechanism. He says these comply with the wish of the countries involved to strengthen cooperation. The river is named Lancang in China, and Mekong in Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. Senior officials and work groups produced the agreements on mechanism design, development goals, and key cooperation fields.
Russian media have also been reporting Turkish involvement for some time, saying that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's son is practically controlling the country's oil industry. Russian reports say he has been buying from terrorists on the black market and transporting the oil to several ports he owns.
The move follows decisions by Britain, Ireland and other European countries to suspend flights to and from Sharm al-Sheikh- the Egyptian resort where the downed Russian airliner took off from.A Kremlin spokesperson says Putin has tasked the government with working out a mechanism to ensure the return of Russian citizens.
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