
银行从业_世界上最小的电脑 居然跟硬币差不多_沪江英语
世界上最小的电脑 居然跟硬币差不多
Computers used to consume whole rooms, but now one computer can fit on the edge of a nickel. At just one millimeter cubed, the Michigan Micro Mote (M^3) is the smallest
computer in the world.最初的计算机要占用整个房间的空间,现在最小的电脑和硬币厚度一样。只有一立方毫米,M^3是世界上最小的电脑。
For over a decade, the faculty and students at the University of Michigan's computer science department have been working on the M^3. As the Internet of Things (IoT) gets bigger, the Michigan team is pushing to make computers ever smaller.十多年来,密歇根大学的计算机科学系的教师和学生致力于研发M^3。随着物联网的规模越来越大,密歇根这个研究团队把电脑设计得更加轻巧。
Despite its tiny size, the M^3 has the ability to take pictures, read temperatures and record pressure readings. Researchers hope to implement the microcomputer into a variety of applications ranging from medical to industrial purposes.尽管M^3的尺寸微小,但它能拍照,能测温度和压力。研究人员希望从医疗到工业实现微机用到各种应用程序中。
Due to its micro-size, the M^3 can actually be injected into the body, where it can then perform ECGs and also take pressure and temperature readings. The oil industry is also interested in inserting the Micro Mote into oil wells to help detect pockets of oil that can still be
before moving on to new sources.因其尺度微小,其实,M^3可以注植入体内,还可以做心电图,测量压力和温度。石油行业也对未来能将M^3插入油井而很感兴趣,在开采新能源之前,它可以帮助检测石油的剩余储量。
The Michigan faculty sees the Micro Mote as a way to never lose anything again. The vision is that people would buy a couple of M^3s and stick the computers to their keys, wallet, and anything else they don't want to lose. And using a central system, people would be able to locate their belongings within the
of their home.密歇根大学的教师认为有了这款微机,就再也不用担心物品弄丢了,买一对系在钥匙上,或放在钱包里,或安置在不易丢失的地方即可。还可以使用中央处理系统把它定位在可寻范围内。
As the tech industry pursues the IoT movement, size and power are everything. In order to make the micro mote as
as possible, the scientists had to find a way to scale down the computer's battery size.随着科技行业所追求的物联网运动,机身大小和电池电量就是战胜一切的法宝。为了让它尽量不引人注目,科学家们必须想方法减少电脑电池的大小。
&What people don't realize is a very large part of the volume of a computer for instance in a cellphone is actually consumed by the battery,& said David Blaauw, professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of Michigan. &So by bringing down the power, we can bring down the battery size, and we can bring down the whole system down in size.&据密歇根大学电气工程和计算机科学教授大卫&布劳所说,&人们没有意识到电脑自身体积大则耗很一大部分的电量,例如,手机电池的电量实际上是被手机自身所消耗掉。&&通过降低耗电量的方式,我们可以设计小电池来降低整个设备系统的尺寸。&
With no space for a keyboard, mouse or display, the faculty and students had to invent a different way to communicate with the micro mote. The M^3 is programmed and charged via light. By
light at a high frequency, the operator is able to send information to the computer. Once the Micro Mote processes the data, it is able to send the information to a central computer via conventional radio frequencies.没有设计键盘、鼠标或显示器的空间,教师和学生发明了一种与M^3交流的方式。把M^3编程通过光来充电。通过高频率的频闪光,操作员可以将信息发送到计算机。M^3处理数据时,它可以通过传统的无线电频率发送信息到中央计算机。华硕推“最小”迷你台式电脑(图)
日10:45  来源:
  本报讯(记者焦集)继2007年推出事先不被人看好的“易PC”产品,取得每6秒钟卖出一台的销售奇迹之后,昨日,华硕公司为“E”家族再添新成员,推出全球最小的迷你台式电脑,只有1公斤重的Eeebox。  华硕台式电脑几年前曾经因为利润下滑退出过中国市场,此次推出的“E”家族系列产品将成为近期主打,华硕希望借其复制一年前易PC创造的业绩。昨日率先问世的“世界最小的迷你网络电脑Eeebox”,外观酷似小型笔记本,配件高度集成在不到1升的体积内,不过该款产品未搭配显示器。昨日记者了解到,有消费者对其散热能力持怀疑态度。
06/10 11:3805/20 15:1905/06 11:0104/30 17:1704/25 09:5904/08 13:1103/25 11:2503/25 06:15
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