
查看: 9087|回复: 8
(13.38 KB, 下载次数: 8)
11:58 上传
把公式中对单元格的引用变成绝对引用就行了,如a1& 变成:$a$1
(6.03 KB, 下载次数: 5)
21:32 上传
我也遇到同样的情况了, 好像是一个excel表内有几个工作表, 然后就无法正常关闭, 也不能像楼主那样对表格进行复试或者移动。。。不知道楼主这个问题是否已解决,请赐教
Powered by问题对人有帮助,内容完整,我也想知道答案
npm debug:
0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ 'D:\\reactSpace\\nodeJs\\node.exe',
1 verbose cli
1 verbose cli
1 verbose cli
2 info using npm@3.5.3
3 info using node@v4.2.4
4 verbose stack Error: missing script: start
4 verbose stack
at run (C:\Users\wf\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\lib\run-script.js:147:19)
4 verbose stack
at C:\Users\wf\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\lib\run-script.js:57:5
4 verbose stack
at C:\Users\wf\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\read-package-json\read-json.js:345:5
4 verbose stack
at checkBinReferences_ (C:\Users\wf\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\read-package-json\read-json.js:309:45)
4 verbose stack
at final (C:\Users\wf\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\read-package-json\read-json.js:343:3)
4 verbose stack
at then (C:\Users\wf\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\read-package-json\read-json.js:113:5)
4 verbose stack
at ReadFileContext.&anonymous& (C:\Users\wf\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\read-package-json\read-json.js:284:20)
4 verbose stack
at ReadFileContext.callback (C:\Users\wf\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\node_modules\graceful-fs\graceful-fs.js:76:16)
4 verbose stack
at FSReqWrap.readFileAfterOpen [as oncomplete] (fs.js:303:13)
5 verbose cwd D:\jiajian_gitlab\tob-boston\bsc-obor
6 error Windows_NT 6.3.9600
7 error argv "D:\\reactSpace\\nodeJs\\node.exe" "C:\\Users\\wf\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "run" "start"
8 error node v4.2.4
9 error npm
10 error missing script: start
11 error If you need help, you may report this error at:
12 verbose exit [ 1, true ]
"scripts": {
"start": "webpack-dev-server --hot --progress --colors",
"build": "webpack --progress --colors",
"prd": "webpack -p",
"watch": "webpack --watch"
0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ 'D:\\reactSpace\\nodeJs\\node.exe',
1 verbose cli
1 verbose cli
1 verbose cli
2 info using npm@3.5.3
3 info using node@v4.2.4
4 verbose run-script [ 'prestart', 'start', 'poststart' ]
5 info lifecycle hehehehe@1.0.0~prestart: hehehehe@1.0.0
6 silly lifecycle hehehehe@1.0.0~prestart: no script for prestart, continuing
7 info lifecycle hehehehe@1.0.0~start: hehehehe@1.0.0
8 verbose lifecycle hehehehe@1.0.0~start: unsafe-perm in lifecycle true
9 verbose lifecycle hehehehe@1.0.0~start: PATH: C:\Users\wf\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\bin\node-gyp-D:\jiajian_gitlab\tob-boston\bsc-obor\node_modules\.C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\FusionEC:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\CC:\windows\system32;C:\C:\windows\System32\WC:\windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\;C:\Program Files (x86)\iFLYTEK\VoiceAssistant\SpeechPlusRC:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\Voice SDK;C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\Lenovo Home\;C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\;D:\reactSpace\nodeJs\;C:\Users\wf\AppData\Roaming\D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code\bin
10 verbose lifecycle hehehehe@1.0.0~start: CWD: D:\jiajian_gitlab\tob-boston\bsc-obor
11 silly lifecycle hehehehe@1.0.0~start: Args: [ '/d /s /c', 'webpack-dev-server --hot --progress --colors' ]
12 silly lifecycle hehehehe@1.0.0~start: Returned: code: 1
signal: null
13 info lifecycle hehehehe@1.0.0~start: Failed to exec start script
14 verbose stack Error: hehehehe@1.0.0 start: `webpack-dev-server --hot --progress --colors`
14 verbose stack Exit status 1
14 verbose stack
at EventEmitter.&anonymous& (C:\Users\wf\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\lib\utils\lifecycle.js:232:16)
14 verbose stack
at emitTwo (events.js:87:13)
14 verbose stack
at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:172:7)
14 verbose stack
at ChildProcess.&anonymous& (C:\Users\wf\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\npm\lib\utils\spawn.js:24:14)
14 verbose stack
at emitTwo (events.js:87:13)
14 verbose stack
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:172:7)
14 verbose stack
at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:818:16)
14 verbose stack
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:211:5)
15 verbose pkgid hehehehe@1.0.0
16 verbose cwd D:\jiajian_gitlab\tob-boston\bsc-obor
17 error Windows_NT 6.3.9600
18 error argv "D:\\reactSpace\\nodeJs\\node.exe" "C:\\Users\\wf\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "run" "start"
19 error node v4.2.4
20 error npm
21 error code ELIFECYCLE
22 error hehehehe@1.0.0 start: `webpack-dev-server --hot --progress --colors`
22 error Exit status 1
23 error Failed at the hehehehe@1.0.0 start script 'webpack-dev-server --hot --progress --colors'.
23 error Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
23 error If you do, this is most likely a problem with the hehehehe package,
23 error not with npm itself.
23 error Tell the author that this fails on your system:
webpack-dev-server --hot --progress --colors
23 error You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
npm bugs hehehehe
23 error Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
npm owner ls hehehehe
23 error There is likely additional logging output above.
24 verbose exit [ 1, true ]
"scripts": {
"start": "webpack-dev-server --hot --progress --colors",
"build": "webpack --progress --colors",
"prd": "webpack -p",
"watch": "webpack --watch"
npm uninstall webpack
npm uninstall webpack-dev-middleware
npm uninstall webpack-dev-server
npm install webpack --save
npm install webpack-dev-middleware --save
npm install webpack-dev-server --save
看看你 package.json 的 scripts 里有没有 start。
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我要该,理由是:查看: 3944|回复: 12
这种说法是要把/dev/rdsk下设备文件属主改成oracleinstall,但我发现只能改后面链接到的设备属主,无法改链接的属主,改不报错,但不生效,比如c1t -& ../../devices/pci@2,600000/SUNW,qlc@0/fp@0,0/ssd@w2727,0:a,raw,只能改后面的属主,改不了前面的;
3、我在11g安装grid时,每次在create asm disk group 一步时,要花十到几十分钟才会完成搜索,显示出能识别的设备(比如上面mknod出的文件),【问题】有没有办法让我第一次安装就直接指定路径?
三个问题都用【问题】 指示,烦请大家解答,感谢。
比如c1t -& ../../devices/pci@2,600000/SUNW,qlc@0/fp@0,0/ssd@w2727,0:a,raw这个,我chown oracle:install c1..不报错,但ls -l看属主仍是root!,只能改后面../../devi..的属主,这样就可以了?
最重要是:我在安装grid到create asm一步时,根本识别不到这些设备,我设置“change disk discovery path&为/dev/rdsk也没用。
ASMLib 做了没? solaris应该自己自带了
LZ 第一种用的是什么链接方式?ln -s 么?
solaris下没有asmlib的,/dev/rdsk下都是soft link吧?
本帖最后由 newdelete 于
12:23 编辑
不可能啊,chown /dev/rdsk/一定管用的,下面是我刚装的脚本。
for rawdevs in c2t0d0s3 c2t0d0s4 c2t0d0s5 c2t0d0s6 c2t0d0s7 c2t1d0s0 c2t1d0s1 c2t1d0s3 c2t1d0s4 c2t1d0s5 c2t1d0s6 c2t2d0s0 c2t2d0s1 c2t2d0s3 c2t2d0s4 c2t2d0s5 c2t2d0s6
echo $ chown oracle:oinstall /dev/rdsk/$ chmod 660 /dev/rdsk/$rawdevs
ls -l `ls -l /dev/rdsk/$rawdevs | awk -F& & '{ print $11 }'`
root@9k # chown oracleinstall /dev/rdsk/c2t
root@9k # ls -l /dev/rdsk/c2t
lrwxrwxrwx& &1 root& &&&root& && && & 74 Aug 28 09:27 /dev/rdsk/c2t -& ../../devices/pci@6,600000/SUNW,qlc@0/fp@0,0/ssd@w2727,4:c,raw All Right Reserved. 北京皓辰网域网络信息技术有限公司版权所有    
 北京市公安局海淀分局网监中心备案编号: 广播电视节目制作经营许可证:编号(京)字第1149号ROOT version 5.14 Development Notes
ROOT version 5.14 Development Notes
* base/inc/RVersion.h, build/version_number:
Stamp PRO version 5.14/00 (first attempt)
* cint/src/v6_shl.cxx:
remove DOS
* cint/inc/G__ci.h:
and remove DOS
* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, src/v6_newlink.cxx, src/v6_sizeof.cxx:
For Solaris 10 CC5 we need to test also for __SUNPRO_CC (__SUNPRO_C is not
defined anymore). This fixed vararg support in CINT.
* graf/src/.cxx:
- Remove Hoption. I was not needed. It created a problem when
in static mode.
* Makefile, main/
remove unused PROOFLIBS symbol.
* proof/: inc/.h, src/.cxx:
Restore Reset() for backward compatibility.
* table/src/: .cxx, .cxx, .cxx,
.cxx, .cxx:
From Valeri Fine:
??Replace the C ??printf?? subroutines with the
method ??Printf??
* Makefile:
rlibmap was not installed when doing "make install".
* base/inc/RVersion.h, build/version_number:
Move to version v5-13-04e.
* etc/
Backport stack trace script of Marraffino.
* cint/iosenum/iosenum.solarisgcc3:
Add file for Solaris gcc 3.
* base/src/.cxx:
fix fatal compile error on Solaris 10 i386 gcc 3.
* tree/src/.cxx:
Implement a suggestion from Sebastien Greder in ::
When an object is already in the list, print a meaningful message including the name of the object already in the list.
cVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* cint7/
explicitely link libCint7 against libR fix link
for explicit linking
* tutorials/gl/glsurfaces.C:
Fix a problem with the name of f2clone
* proof/: inc/.h, src/.cxx:
Added new methods:
*par, const
*wildcard = "PROOF_*")
they allow the easy setting and inspection of the special PROOF control
parameters (and other input parameters) like PROOF_MaxSlaverPerNode, etc.,
instead of:
proof-&AddInput(new TParameter&&("PROOF_MaxSlavesPerNode", 2));
we can now do:
proof-&SetParameter("PROOF_MaxSlavesPerNode", 2);
* gl/: inc/.h, src/.cxx:
From Timur:
Small fix for user interaction in 16 bit mode.
* proof/src/.cxx:
Fix coding conventions
* qt/src/.cxx:
From Valeri F
"An extra protection against an erroneous "Gui.Prompt" value"
the use case was reported via )
* test/stress.cxx:
The test with postscript was failing because of the recent changes
with clipping.
* test/stressGraphics.cxx:
Fix a crash in stressGraphics following the change in the tutorials directory
* proofd/src/XProofProtUtils.cxx:
Fix for Mac OS X 10.3 (hopefully as I've no 10.3 to test it on).
* meta/src/.cxx:
From Peter van Gemmeren:
fix memory leaks discovered by running valgrind on the ATLAS I/O framework.
* tree/inc/.h:
To properly reset the branch address we now need to call ResetAddress instead
of SetAddress, so let's change :: as it shoud have been
when we updated SetAddress
* winnt/src/TWinNTSystem.cxx:
From Bertrand:
fix potential memory leak.
* tree/inc/.h:
To properly reset the branch address we now need to call ResetAddress instead
of SetAddress, so let's change :: as it shoud have been
when we updated SetAddress
* proofd/src/XrdProofdProtocol.cxx:
From Gerri:
two important fixes for the CAF and other systems where xrootd runs as root.
* qt/: inc/.h, src/.cxx, src/.cxx:
From Valeri Fine:
This is to make Qt compiled against of the newest
version of the ??winnt??
* tree/src/.cxx:
From Gerri:
Marian Ivanov has found a problem in ::();
the problem shows up when the parent tree and the friends are in different
files of the same archive.
The filename for the branch is then uncorrectly derived from the parent tree,
resulting in a failure while opening the file.
This patch fixes this problem. Basically if the parent file is an archive
and the branch filename is simple (non absolute, non-URL), it just replaces
the member name.
* roofit/roofit_2.10.src.tgz:
Introduce new tar file with the important fix from Christian Holm to compile under gcc4.1
* roofit/roofit_2.10.src.tgz:
Remove current tar file
* tutorials/math/normalDist.C:
add tutorial for illustrating ::Math statistical functions
in the case of the normal distribution
* vmc/: inc/.h, inc/.h,
inc/.h, src/.cxx,
From Ivana Hrivnacova:
- Added new function ::(const const * mediumName)
- Removed default implementations for the recent functions
and made them pure anstract (=0)
- Removed deprecated function GetMedium() replaced with CurrentMedium()
- Copy constructors and assignment operators moved to private and
their implementation is removed
- Added new function ::(const const * mediumName)
- Removed singleton pattern (now more than one instance may exist)
- Copy constructors and assignment operators moved to private and
their implementation is removed
* cint7/: demo/Win32App/TestApp/TestApp.dsp,
demo/Win32App/graph01/graph01.dsw, lib/wintcldl83/wildc/wildc.dsp,
revert parts of Rene's dos2unix commit, for dsp and dsw (MSVC
project / workspace) files.
* cint/include/makeit.bat, cint/iosenum/iosenum.win32,
cint/lib/dll_stl/setup.bat, cint/lib/dll_stl/setupbc.bat,
cint/lib/longlong/make.bat, cint/lib/longlong/setup.bat,
cint/lib/longlong/setupbc.bat, cint/lib/posix/setup.bat,
cint/lib/posix/setupbc.bat, cint/lib/posix/setupsc.bat,
cint/lib/socket/setup.bat, cint/lib/socket/setupbc.bat,
cint/lib/stdstrct/setup.bat, cint/lib/stdstrct/setupbc.bat,
cint/lib/win32api/make.bat, cint/lib/win32api/setup.bat,
cint/lib/win32api/setupbc.bat, cint/lib/win32api/setupsc.bat,
cint/src/v6_loadfile.cxx, cint/tool/ifdef/Makefile.bcc5,
cint/tool/ifdef/setup.bat, cint7/demo/Win32App/TestApp/TestApp.dsp,
cint7/demo/exception/setup.bat, cint7/demo/exception/setupbc.bat,
cint7/demo/multilibcint/setup.bat, cint7/demo/qt/test7.bat,
cint7/demo/qt/test8.bat, cint7/demo/qt/test9.bat,
cint7/doc/man1/cint.1, cint7/include/makeit.bat,
cint7/lib/cintocx/CintocxCtl.cpp, cint7/lib/cintocx/CintocxCtl.h,
cint7/lib/cintocx/CintocxPpg.cpp, cint7/lib/cintocx/CintocxPpg.h,
cint7/lib/cintocx/Resource.h, cint7/lib/cintocx/StdAfx.cpp,
cint7/lib/cintocx/StdAfx.h, cint7/lib/cintocx/cintocx.clw,
cint7/lib/cintocx/cintocx.cpp, cint7/lib/cintocx/cintocx.h,
cint7/lib/cintocx/cintocx.mak, cint7/lib/cintocx/cintocx.odl,
cint7/lib/cintocx/cintocx.rc, cint7/lib/cintocx/setup.bat,
cint7/lib/dll_stl/setup.bat, cint7/lib/dll_stl/setupbc.bat,
cint7/lib/longlong/make.bat, cint7/lib/longlong/setup.bat,
cint7/lib/longlong/setupbc.bat, cint7/lib/posix/setup.bat,
cint7/lib/posix/setupbc.bat, cint7/lib/posix/setupsc.bat,
cint7/lib/socket/setup.bat, cint7/lib/socket/setupbc.bat,
cint7/lib/stdstrct/setup.bat, cint7/lib/stdstrct/setupbc.bat,
cint7/lib/win32api/make.bat, cint7/lib/win32api/setup.bat,
cint7/lib/win32api/setupbc.bat, cint7/lib/win32api/setupsc.bat,
cint7/lib/wintcldl/bodediagram.wc, cint7/lib/wintcldl/calc.wc,
cint7/lib/wintcldl/grcalc.wc, cint7/lib/wintcldl/quest.wc,
cint7/lib/wintcldl/question.wc, cint7/lib/wintcldl/setup.bat,
cint7/lib/wintcldl/test1.wc, cint7/lib/wintcldl/test3.wc,
cint7/lib/wintcldl/test5.wc, cint7/lib/wintcldl/wildc.bat,
cint7/lib/wintcldl/wildc.dbk, cint7/lib/wintcldl/wildc.wc,
cint7/lib/wintcldl83/bodediagram.wc, cint7/lib/wintcldl83/calc.wc,
cint7/lib/wintcldl83/gainphas.wc, cint7/lib/wintcldl83/grcalc.wc,
cint7/lib/wintcldl83/quest.wc, cint7/lib/wintcldl83/question.wc,
cint7/lib/wintcldl83/setup.bat, cint7/lib/wintcldl83/test1.wc,
cint7/lib/wintcldl83/test3.wc, cint7/lib/wintcldl83/test5.wc,
cint7/lib/wintcldl83/try.bat, cint7/lib/wintcldl83/wildc.bat,
cint7/lib/wintcldl83/wildc.dbk, cint7/lib/wintcldl83/wildc.wc,
cint7/lib/wintcldl83/wildc/wildc.mak, cint7/src/Makebcdict,
cint7/src/v6_loadfile.cxx, cint7/tool/ifdef/Makefile.bcc5,
Fix DOS format
From Christian Holm Christensen
There's a serious bug in `cint/src/v6_loadfile.cxx' and
In both files there are lines like
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG)
# include "config.h"
which should be
#if defined(R__HAVE_CONFIG)
# include "RConfigure.h"
otherwise `RConfigure.h' will never be included, and CINTNCDIR will not be
this causes rootcint to insist on the environment variable ROOTSYS
being set, which it should not be when
is configured with `--prefix'.
* qt/src/.cxx:
Christian Holm Christensen:
There's a missing `#include &cassert&' in the Qt code.
CVe: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* xrootd/src/xrootd-0.src.tgz:
fix silly fatal typo.
* xrootd/src/xrootd-0.src.tgz:
Fix a fatal compile error on Solaris i386. Diff submitted to xrootd team.
* proofd/: inc/XrdProofdTrace.h, src/XrdProofServProxy.cxx,
Change the TRACE error code from ERR to XERR. ERR was already defined on
Solaris and created a compile error.
* guibuilder/src/.cxx:
Change comments according to the new $ROOTSYS/tutorials structure.
* physics/src/.cxx:
- Change comments according to the new $ROOTSYS/tutorials structure.
* gui/src/.cxx:
Change comments according to the new $ROOTSYS/tutorials structure.
* gui/src/.cxx:
Change comments according to the new $ROOTSYS/tutorials structure.
* physics/src/.cxx:
- Change comments according to the new $ROOTSYS/tutorials structure.
* proof/src/: .cxx, .cxx:
The PAR file PROOF-INF/SETUP.C now returns an . In case the return
value of SETUP() is & 0 the package SETUP will be considered to have
failed and the package is not enabled.
* gpad/src/.cxx:
- Change comments according to the new $ROOTSYS/tutorials structure.
* spectrumpainter/src/.cxx:
- Change comments according to the new $ROOTSYS/tutorials structure.
* table/src/.cxx:
- Change comments according to the new $ROOTSYS/tutorials structure.
* minuit/src/.cxx:
- Change comments according to the new $ROOTSYS/tutorials structure.
* graf/src/.cxx:
- Change comments according to the new $ROOTSYS/tutorials structure.
* geom/src/.cxx:
- Change comments according to the new $ROOTSYS/tutorials structure.
* base/src/.cxx:
- Change comments according to the new $ROOTSYS/tutorials structure.
* hist/src/.cxx:
- Change comments according to the new $ROOTSYS/tutorials structure.
* hist/src/.cxx:
- Change comments according to the new $ROOTSYS/tutorials structure.
* hist/src/.cxx:
- Change comments according to the new $ROOTSYS/tutorials structure.
* histpainter/src/.cxx:
- Change comments according to the new $ROOTSYS/tutorials structure.
* graf/src/.cxx:
- Change comments according to the new $ROOTSYS/tutorials structure
* graf/src/.cxx:
- Change comments according to the new $ROOTSYS/tutorials structure
* build/unix/
From Axel:
run dos2unix in case we run on cygwin.
* mathmore/src/GSLIntegrator.cxx:
fix coding convention
* cint7/src/Apiif.cxx, cint7/src/Apiif.h,
mysql/src/.cxx, odbc/src/.cxx,
Remove dos
* proof/: inc/LinkDef.h, inc/.h, inc/.h,
src/.cxx, src/.cxx:
From Jan Iwaszkiewicz:
A prototype for a new packetizer is added - .
This packetizer is based on
but uses different
load-balancing algorithms and data structures. Two main improvements in
the load-balancing strategy:
- First one was to change the order in which the files are assigned
to the computing nodes in such a way that network transfers are
evenly distributed in the query time. Transfer of the remote files
was often becoming a bottleneck at the end of a query.
- The other improvement is the use of time-based packet size. We
measure the processing rate of all the nodes and calculate the
packet size, so that it takes certain amount of time. In this way
packetizer prevents the situation where the query can't finish
because of one slow node.
The data structures: TFileStat, TFileNode and TSlaveStat are
enriched + changed and TFileNode::Compare method is changed.
* Makefile, build/unix/
handle new tutorials directory structure.
* tree/src/.cxx:
In :: replace "new TFile" by "Tfile::Open" such that
a friend file can be accessed via rootd, xrootd, etc.
* pyroot/src/Pythonize.cxx:
o) fix typo affecting indexing with non- based operator[]
* tutorials/: MyTasks.cxx, tasks.C:
Add missing file and make macro tasks.C executable from anywhere.
* tutorials/geom/geodemo.C:
This script can now be executed from any directory
* pyroot/src/: Adapters.cxx, Adapters.h, TRflxCallback.cxx,
Remove EOL
* tutorials/image/earth.dat:
Add missing data file
* tutorials/image/: WorldMap.C, earth.C, galaxy_image.C,
hist2image.C, hsumanim.C, img2pad.C, imgconv.C, pad2png.C,
Thse scripts were forgotten in the big check-in
* tutorials/: hist/logscales.C, physics/PhaseSpace.C, tree/tree.C:
Change to named macros
* tutorials/io/dirs.C:
Remove on obsolete comment
* tutorials/geom/xtruDraw.C:
Change to named macro
* tutorials/fit/fitslicesy.C:
Change to named macro
* tutorials/graphs/: gerrors2.C, zones.C:
These two macros are now named macros
: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* tree/inc/.h:
add 'virtual' keyword to InitInfo so that the Atlas test for Data Model Evolution can move forward
* tutorials/README:
Update comments
* tutorials/fft/ffttest2.C:
Remove file introduced by mistake
* tutorials/geom/shapes.C:
Fix a typo
* tutorials/: fft/FFT.C, fft/ffttest2.C, fit/FittingDemo.C,
fit/Ifit.C, fit/RoofitDemo.C, fit/TwoHistoFit2D.C, fit/fit1.C,
fit/fit1_C.C, fit/fit2.C, fit/fit2a.C, fit/fit2d.C,
fit/fit2dHist.C, fit/fitCircle.C, fit/fitExclude.C,
fit/fitLinear.C, fit/fitLinear2.C, fit/fitLinearRobust.C,
fit/fitMultiGraph.C, fit/fitcont.C, fit/fithist.C,
fit/fitslicesy.C, fit/graph2dfit.C, fit/langaus.C,
fit/minuit2FitBench.C, fit/minuit2FitBench2D.C,
fit/minuit2GausFit.C, fit/multidimfit.C, fit/multifit.C,
fit/myfit.C, foam/README, foam/foam_demo.C, foam/foam_demopers.C,
foam/foam_kanwa.C, geom/RadioNuclides.C, geom/assembly.C,
geom/csgdemo.C, geom/geodemo.C, geom/geomAlice.C,
geom/geomAlice_itsv.C, geom/geomAtlas.C, geom/geomBrahms.C,
geom/geometry.C, geom/na49.C, geom/na49geomfile.C, geom/na49view.C,
geom/rootgeom.C, geom/shapes.C, geom/shapesAnim.C, geom/xtruDraw.C,
geom/xtruSamples.C, gl/glViewerExercise.C, gl/glViewerLOD.C,
gl/glbox.C, gl/gldemos.C, gl/glrose.C, gl/glsurfaces.C, gl/gltf3.C,
gl/nucleus.C, gl/viewer3DLocal.C, gl/viewer3DMaster.C,
graphics/analyze.C, graphics/anim.C, graphics/archi.C,
graphics/arrow.C, graphics/basic3d.C, graphics/canvas.C,
graphics/compile.C, graphics/ellipse.C, graphics/eval.C,
graphics/event.C, graphics/feynman.C, graphics/first.C,
graphics/formula1.C, graphics/framework.C, graphics/gaxis.C,
graphics/gtime.C, graphics/latex.C, graphics/latex2.C,
graphics/latex3.C, graphics/latex4.C, graphics/latex5.C,
graphics/manyaxis.C, graphics/markerwarning.C, graphics/piechart.C,
graphics/pstable.C, graphics/psview.C, graphics/tornado.C,
graphics/triangles.C, graphs/approx.C, graphs/bent.C,
graphs/exclusiongraph.C, graphs/exclusiongraph2.C,
graphs/gerrors.C, graphs/gerrors2.C, graphs/graph.C,
graphs/graph2derrorsfit.C, graphs/graphApply.C,
graphs/graphpolar.C, graphs/labels1.C, graphs/labels2.C,
graphs/motorcycle.C, graphs/multigraph.C, graphs/seism.C,
graphs/splines.C, graphs/surfaces.C, graphs/timeonaxis.C,
graphs/timeonaxis2.C, graphs/waves.C, graphs/zdemo.C,
graphs/zones.C, gui/CPUMeter.C, gui/QtFileDialog.C,
gui/QtMultiFileDialog.C, gui/Slider3Demo.C,
gui/buttonChangelabel.C, gui/buttonsLayout.C, gui/c1.png,
gui/customContextMenu.C, gui/customTH1Fmenu.C, gui/exec3.C,
gui/fore.xpm, gui/games.C, gui/guilabels.C, gui/guitest.C,
gui/listBox.C, gui/mditest.C, gui/mditestbg.xpm, gui/numberEntry.C,
gui/splitterHorizontal.C, gui/splitterVertical.C, gui/statusBar.C,
hist/ContourList.C, hist/DynamicSlice.C, hist/FirstContour.C,
hist/draw2dopt.C, hist/exec1.C, hist/exec2.C, hist/fillrandom.C,
hist/greyscale.C, hist/h1draw.C, hist/hbars.C, hist/hksimple.C,
hist/hlabels1.C, hist/hlabels2.C, hist/hstack.C, hist/hsum.C,
hist/hsumTimer.C, hist/logscales.C, hist/multicolor.C,
hist/transpad.C, hist/twoscales.C, image/rose512.jpg,
image/worldmap.jpg, io/copyFiles.C, io/dirs.C, io/double32.C,
io/fildir.C, io/file.C, io/hadd.C, io/importCode.C, io/loopdir.C,
io/readCode.C, math/ConfidenceIntervals.C, math/FeldmanCousins.C,
math/Rolke.C, math/binomial.C, math/chi2test.C, math/limit.C,
math/mathBeta.C, math/mathGammaNormal.C, math/mathLaplace.C,
math/mathStudent.C, math/mathcoreCDF.C, math/mathcoreGenVector.C,
math/mathcoreSpecFunc.C, math/mathcoreStatFunc.C,
math/mathcoreVectorCollection.C, math/mathcoreVectorFloatIO.C,
math/mathcoreVectorIO.C, math/permute.C, math/principal.C,
math/quantiles.C, math/testrandom.C, math/vavilov.C,
matrix/invertMatrix.C, matrix/solveLinear.C, mlp/mlpHiggs.C,
mlp/mlpHiggs.root, mlp/mlpRegression.C, net/LDAPExample.C,
net/TestAuth.C, net/alien.C, net/authclient.C, net/authserv.C,
net/hclient.C, net/hcons.C, net/hprod.C, net/hserv.C, net/hserv2.C,
net/pclient.C, net/pserv.C, net/spy.C, net/spyserv.C,
physics/PhaseSpace.C, pyroot/, pyroot/,
pyroot/, pyroot/, pyroot/,
pyroot/, pyroot/, pyroot/,
pyroot/, pyroot/, pyroot/,
pyroot/, pyroot/, pyroot/,
pyroot/, pyroot/, pyroot/, pyroot/,
pyroot/, pyroot/, pyroot/,
pyroot/, pyroot/, pyroot/,
pyroot/, pyroot/, pyroot/,
pyroot/, pyroot/, pyroot/, pyroot/,
pythia/pythiaExample.C, quadp/Quad.cxx, quadp/Quad.h,
quadp/portfolio.C, quadp/stock.root, ruby/canvas.rb, ruby/demo.rb,
ruby/demoshelp.rb, ruby/fillrandom.rb, ruby/framework.rb,
ruby/hksimple.rb, ruby/hsimple.rb, ruby/hstack.rb, ruby/hsum.rb,
ruby/latex.rb, ruby/multigraph.rb, ruby/ntuple1.rb,
ruby/surfaces.rb, spectrum/peaks.C, spectrum/peaks2.C,
spectrum/spectrumpainter.C, splot/TestSPlot.C,
splot/TestSPlot_toyMC.dat, sql/runcatalog.sql, sql/sqlcanvas.C,
sql/sqlcreatedb.C, sql/sqlfilldb.C, sql/sqlselect.C,
sql/sqltables.C, thread/threads.C, thread/threadsh1.C,
tree/JetEvent.cxx, tree/JetEvent.h, tree/basic.C, tree/basic.dat,
tree/basic2.C, tree/bill.C, tree/cernbuild.C, tree/cernstaff.C,
tree/cernstaff.dat, tree/clonesA_Event.C, tree/clonesA_Event.cxx,
tree/clonesA_Event.h, tree/copytree.C, tree/copytree2.C,
tree/copytree3.C, tree/h1analysis.C, tree/h1analysis.h,
tree/h1analysisProxy.C, tree/h1analysisProxy.h,
tree/h1analysisProxyCut.C, tree/h1chain.C, tree/hsimpleProxy.C,
tree/htest.C, tree/jets.C, tree/ntuple1.C, tree/staff.C,
tree/tcl.C, tree/tree.C, tree/tree0.C, tree/tree1.C, tree/tree2.C,
tree/tree2a.C, tree/tree3.C, tree/tree4.C, tree/treefriend.C,
tree/tv3.C, tree/tvdemo.C, unuran/unuranDemo.C,
xml/DOMParsePerson.C, xml/DOMRecursive.C, xml/SAXHandler.C,
xml/person.dtd, xml/person.xml, xml/saxexample.xml,
xml/xmlnewfile.C, xml/xmlreadfile.C:
The $ROOTSYS/tutorials directory include several sub-directories
Fast Fourier Transform with the fftw package
Several examples illustrating minimization/fitting
Random generator in multi-dimensional space
Examples of use of the geometry package (TGeo classes)
Visualisation with OpenGL
-graphics: Basic graphics
Use of , , etc
Scripts to create Graphics User Interface
Image Processing
Maths and Statistics functions
Matrices () examples
Neural networks with
Network classes (client/server examples)
LorentzVectors, phase space
python tutorials
Example with pythia6
Quadratic Programming
ruby tutorials
Matrices with a templated package
-spectrum: Peak finder, background, deconvolutions
Example of the TSplot class (signal/background estimator)
Interfaces to SQL (mysql, oracle, etc)
Using Threads
Examples of the MultiVariate Analysis classes
Creating Trees, Playing with Trees
Interface with the unuram random generator library
Writing/Reading xml files
* tutorials/: README, benchmarks.C, demos.C, demoshelp.C,
geant3tasks.C, hsimple.C, htmlex.C, regexp.C, rootalias.C,
rootenv.C, rootlogoff.C, rootlogon.C, rootmarks.C, tasks.C:
Introduce new tutorials structure. Instead of a flat directory with all tutorials, introduce a second level of directories. See file README.
* tutorials/foam_README:
Remove one forgotten file
* tutorials/: CPUMeter.C, ConfidenceIntervals.C, ContourList.C,
DOMParsePerson.C, DOMRecursive.C, DynamicSlice.C,,
EditorBar.C, FFT.C, FeldmanCousins.C, FileDialog.png,
FirstContour.C, FittingDemo.C, Ifit.C, JetEvent.cxx, JetEvent.h,
LDAPExample.C, MyTasks.cxx, PhaseSpace.C, QtFileDialog.C,
QtMultiFileDialog.C, Quad.cxx, Quad.h, RadioNuclides.C, Rolke.C,
RoofitDemo.C, SAXHandler.C, Slider3Demo.C, TestAuth.C, TestSPlot.C,
WorldMap.C, alien.C, analyze.C, anim.C, approx.C, archi.C, arrow.C,
assembly.C, authclient.C, authserv.C, basic.C, basic.dat, basic2.C,
basic3d.C, benchmarks.C,, bent.C, bill.C, binomial.C,
canvas.C, canvas.rb, cernbuild.C, cernstaff.C, cernstaff.dat,
chi2test.C, classcat.C, cleanup.C, clonesA_Event.C,
clonesA_Event.cxx, clonesA_Event.h, compile.C, copyFiles.C,
copytree.C, copytree2.C, copytree3.C, csgdemo.C,
customContextMenu.C, customTH1Fmenu.C,, demo.rb, demos.C,
demoshelp.C,, demoshelp.rb, dirs.C, double32.C,
draw2dopt.C, earth.C, earth.dat, ellipse.C, eval.C, event.C,
exclusiongraph.C, exclusiongraph2.C, exec1.C, exec2.C, exec3.C,
feynman.C, fildir.C,, file.C,, fillrandom.C,, fillrandom.rb, first.C,, fit1.C,,
fit1_C.C, fit2.C, fit2a.C, fit2d.C, fit2dHist.C, fitCircle.C,
fitExclude.C, fitLinear.C, fitLinear2.C, fitLinearRobust.C,
fitMultiGraph.C, fitcont.C, fithist.C, fitslicesy.C, foam_demo.C,
foam_demopers.C, foam_kanwa.C, fore.xpm, formula1.C,,
framework.C,, framework.rb, galaxy.root,
galaxy_image.C, games.C, gaxis.C, geant3tasks.C, geodemo.C,
geomAlice.C, geomAlice_itsv.C, geomAtlas.C, geomBrahms.C,
geometry.C,, gerrors.C,, gerrors2.C,
glViewerExercise.C, glViewerLOD.C, glbox.C, gldemos.C, glrose.C,
glsurfaces.C, gltf3.C, graph.C,, graph2derrorsfit.C,
graph2dfit.C, graphApply.C, graphpolar.C, greyscale.C, gtime.C,
guitest.C, h1analysis.C, h1analysis.h, h1analysisProxy.C,
h1analysisProxy.h, h1analysisProxyCut.C, h1chain.C, h1draw.C,, hadd.C, hadd_old.C, hbars.C, hclient.C, hcons.C,
hist2image.C, hksimple.C, hksimple.rb, hlabels1.C, hlabels2.C,
hprod.C, hserv.C, hserv2.C, hsimple.C,, hsimple.rb,
hsimpleProxy.C, hstack.C, hstack.rb, hsum.C,, hsum.rb,
hsumTimer.C, hsumanim.C, htest.C, htmlex.C, img2pad.C, imgconv.C,
importCode.C, invertMatrix.C, io.C, jets.C, labels1.C, labels2.C,
langaus.C, latex.C, latex.rb, latex2.C, latex3.C, latex4.C,
latex5.C, limit.C, logscales.C, loopdir.C, manyaxis.C,
markerwarning.C, mathBeta.C, mathGammaNormal.C, mathLaplace.C,
mathStudent.C, mathcoreCDF.C, mathcoreGenVector.C,
mathcoreSpecFunc.C, mathcoreStatFunc.C, mathcoreVectorCollection.C,
mathcoreVectorFloatIO.C, mathcoreVectorIO.C, mditest.C,
mditestbg.xpm, minuit2FitBench.C, minuit2FitBench2D.C,
minuit2GausFit.C, mlpHiggs.C, mlpHiggs.root, mlpRegression.C,
motorcycle.C, motorcycle.dat,, multicolor.C, multidimfit.C,
multifit.C,, multigraph.C, multigraph.rb, myfit.C,
na49.C, na49geomfile.C,, na49view.C,,
na49visible.C,, ntuple1.C,, ntuple1.rb,
nucleus.C, oldbenchmarks.C, pad2png.C, pclient.C, peaks.C,
peaks2.C, permute.C, person.dtd, person.xml, piechart.C,
portfolio.C, principal.C, pserv.C, psexam.C, pstable.C, psview.C,
pythiaExample.C, quantiles.C, quarks.C, readCode.C, regexp.C,
rootalias.C, rootenv.C, rootgeom.C, rootlogoff.C, rootlogon.C,
rootmarks.C,, rose512.jpg, rose_image.C,
runcatalog.sql, runzdemo.C, saxexample.xml, second.C, seism.C,
shapes.C,, shapesAnim.C, shared.C, solveLinear.C,
spectrumpainter.C, spheres.C, splines.C, spy.C, spyserv.C,
sqlcanvas.C, sqlcreatedb.C, sqlfilldb.C, sqlselect.C, sqltables.C,
staff.C,, stock.root, surfaces.C,,
surfaces.rb, tasks.C, tcl.C, testrandom.C, threads.C, threadsh1.C,
thumbnail.C, timeonaxis.C, timeonaxis2.C, tornado.C,,
transpad.C, tree.C,, tree0.C, tree1.C, tree2.C, tree2a.C,
tree3.C, tree4.C, treefriend.C, triangles.C, tv3.C, tvdemo.C,
two.C, twoscales.C, unuranDemo.C, vavilov.C, waves.C, work.C,
worldmap.jpg, xmlnewfile.C, xmlreadfile.C, xtruDraw.C,
xtruSamples.C, xyslider.C, xysliderAction.C, zdemo.C,,
Remove old tutorials
* mathmore/: build/, build/,
build/, build/, build/,
doc/, doc/main.html, inc/Math/GSLRootFinder.h,
inc/Math/PdfFuncMathMore.h, inc/Math/ProbFuncInv.h,
inc/Math/ProbFuncMathMore.h, src/GSLDerivator.cxx,
test/testDerivation.cxx, test/testIntegration.cxx,
test/testRandom.cxx, test/testSpecFunc.cxx:
- update doc and configuration for stand-alone builds
- fix tests to be run in the standalone mode
* mathcore/: build/, build/,
build/, build/,
doc/Transformation.html, doc/, doc/main.html,
inc/Math/PdfFuncMathCore.h, inc/Math/ProbFuncMathCore.h:
update the documentation and configuration for the stand-alone build system
* cint7/main/.cvsignore:
add cint7_tmp.
* hist/src/.cxx:
From Anna,
Fix in the FFT interface
* mathmore/: inc/Math/Derivator.h, inc/Math/GSLRootFinder.h,
inc/Math/GSLRootFinderDeriv.h, inc/Math/Integrator.h,
inc/Math/Minimizer1D.h, src/GSLDerivator.cxx,
src/GSLFunctionWrapper.h, src/GSLIntegrator.cxx,
src/GSLIntegrator.h, src/GSLRndmEngines.cxx, src/GSLRootFinder.cxx,
src/GSLRootFinderDeriv.cxx, src/Integrator.cxx,
test/testIntegration.cxx, test/testRandomDist.cxx,
test/testSpecFunc.cxx, test/testStatFunc.cxx:
- clean up and add some safety check in case function is not defined
- add default constructors for numerical integration
- implement Gauss random number using the fast
Ziggurat algorithm available from GSL 1.8
* proof/: inc/.h, src/.cxx, src/.cxx:
Two new features:
- ::() has now a
argument notOnClient which when
does not build and enable the package on the client. The default
- Package building now keeps track of which PROOF version has been used
to build a package. In case the version has changed the system will
first call "PROOF-INF/ clean" and then "PROOF-INF/".
The user has to provide in the code to handle the "clean"
argument to call e.g. "make clean" or whatever is needed to clean
the package and force a rebuild.
* graf/: inc/.h, src/.cxx:
- From Guido Volpi:
1. some temporary variables used only during pie movements now are in the .cxx
2. corrected the bug in the Paint() method that cause some problem in the
opaque movements under some circumstance
3. now all movements scale well in pseudo 3d visualiziation
4. added the property fHeight and its method to change the thickness of the
5. Corrected few thing in DrawGhost().
6. added the "NOL" (No Out-Line) option to prevent the draw of the
the chart: this feature have a better result in the pseudo-3d mode.
7. added '// *MENU*' in the SetRadius method definition
* pyroot/src/FunctionHolder.cxx:
Fix another problem with gcc4.1
* base/src/: .cxx, .cxx:
From Lorenzo:
Replace declarations like
This makes a huge performance improvement with most compilers (factor 20 !!).
With the const qualifier, the compiler allocates the array at each call !!
* histpainter/src/.cxx:
- In PaintBarH axis are now painted after the histogram drawing.
* pyroot/src/Converters.cxx:
o) do not allow integer arguments passed through std::string&
* pyroot/src/: ConstructorHolder.cxx, Converters.cxx, Converters.h,
MethodHolder.cxx, MethodHolder.h, Utility.h:
Fixes to compile with gcc4.1
Fixes for coding conventions violations.
* graf/inc/.h:
Make assignment operator public instead of protected.CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* fitpanel/inc/.h:
Fix coding conventions
* gdml/src/.cxx:
Fix coding conventions
* meta/src/.cxx:
Fix coding conventions
* gl/: inc/.h, src/.cxx:
From Alja:
Added new widgets to control camera markup.
* gl/: inc/.h, src/.cxx:
From Alja:
Provide get/set interface to fScene.fCameraMarkup.
* gl/: inc/.h, src/.cxx:
From Alja:
Added member fCameraM in DoDraw() call ::() when
not in selection mode.
* gl/: inc/.h, src/.cxx:
From Alja:
Implement virtual method Markup(): display a ruler showing extents
of the viewport.
* gl/inc/.h:
From Alja:
and virtual ::() to draw
viewport/camera information in the GL window. Only implemented for
orthographic projection. Make getter CurrentCamera() public.
* gl/inc/LinkDef.h:
From Alja:
Register new class .
* gl/src/.cxx:
From Matevz:
Properly handle pixel-sized marker-types 6 and 7.
* gl/: inc/.h, src/.cxx,
From Matevz:
Limit numbr of warnings about display list cache being full.
* base/: inc/.h, src/.cxx:
From Matevz: Add method AssertBBoxExtents( epsilon).
* configure:
From Lorenzo:
need gsl &= 1.8 now.
* roofit/
apply some fixes that got lost in last checkin.
* roofit/:, roofit_2.09.src.tgz, roofit_2.10.src.tgz:
From Wouter Verkerke:
New version 2.10 of Roofit introduced.
**** Fri Oct 6 11:51:26 2006 UTC by wverkerke
o Change conditional inclusion macro from
forward declaration
as current version of rootcint appears to choke on ROOT_VERSION macro
o Follow change in
o Modify class to support concept of 'study modules' that can modify
behaviour of
at various points in fit/generation cycle
and that can write additional information to the fitParDataSet()
summary dataset
o Abstract base class for
add-on modules that defines
functions to be called at initialization, before each run,
before each generation step, between each generation and fit step,
after each fit step and at the end of each run. This class provides
protected accessor functions to various internal configuration details
object to which it is attached.
- RooDLLSignificancMCSModule
add-on module that calculates the delta(-log(L)) between
the nominal fit performed in the
and a refit with a parameter
set to a null hypothesis (eg. nsig set to zero). The null-hypotesis
likelihood, the difference between the nominal and null-hypo likelihood
and the significance associated with that difference are added to the
fitParDataSet() of the . NB: The significance is calculated
using (possible naive) Gaussian assumptions of the sampling distributions
(i.e. signif=sqrt(2*Delta(LL)))
add-on module that allows to scan some of the generator
parameters during the run. A generator parameter can be sampled from
uniform distribution in a given range, or from a gaussian distribution
with given mean and sigma. For every generator parameter that is varied
a variable is added to the fitParDataSet() of
that indicated
the actual generator value for each toy experiment. Additionally you
can choose to vary the sum of a set of parameters uniformly or in a
Gaussian way. In this mode a common scaling factor is applied to each
specified parameter so that the sum of these parameters will add up
to the target value sampled from either uniform or Gaussian distribution.
- RooFitCore_Linkdef
o Add nested utility classes of
*** Thu Dec 7 21:21:33 2006 UTC by wverkerke
- Do not instantiate shared properties until the're actually needed
- Add method to delete shared properties (used in )
- Add static null property to be written for RRVs without properties
- Add ctor with uuid string
- Remove all shared properties of RRVs inside object to facilitate
easy handling of large number of RFRs (e.g. in trees). Not doing
so leaves them all connected through the shared properties list
and will slow down operations
*** Fri Dec 8 15:50:40 2006 UTC by wverkerke
o RooAbsHist
- Fix mistake in documentation of Binning()
- Fix bug in handling of Z ranges
- Import fix from Fons
- Protect possible occurence of division by zero in makeResidHist
- Import fixes from
o RooBanner
- Increment version tag to v2.10
*** Fri Dec 8 17:52:17 2006 UTC by wverkerke ***
- Updated generateEvent() method from Gerhard
* pyroot/src/: ClassMethodHolder.cxx, ConstructorHolder.cxx,
FunctionHolder.cxx, TSetItemHolder.cxx:
Fix compilation errors with gcc3.4.x
* rint/src/.cxx:
avoid executing ~/.rootlogon.C twice in case root is started in the home
* hist/src/.cxx:
From Anna:
a patch, that, I hope, fixes the problem in phase computation reported by Fabian Wenger.
* table/src/.cxx:
From Valeri Fine:
Remove a confusing message
* tree/: inc/.h, src/.cxx:
From Scott Snyder:
To facilitate the developement of support for 'data model' evolution,
make more method protected (instead of private) and make InitializeOffsets
and InitInfo virtual.
* tree/src/.cxx:
From Stefan Otto:
that has friend TChains is cloned via ::(), the TFriendElements of the cloned TTrees create unowned files that are not closed by deleting the cloned . Please see attached macro and proposed fix for details.
* meta/src/.cxx:
From Scott Snyder:
Add protection needed in the case where a fundamental type changes to a class type.
* mathcore/test/testVectorIO.cxx:
clean up test- remove some debug info
* mathmore/test/: testSpecFunc.cxx, testStatFunc.cxx:
fix a problem on Windows
* mathmore/test/testSpecFunc.cxx:
fix compilation problem on Solaris
* reflex/python/genreflex/
* mathmore/inc/Math/PdfFuncMathMore.h:
add missing file
* mathcore/inc/Math/PdfFuncMathCore.h:
add missing file
* mathmore/: inc/Math/DistFuncMathMore.h, inc/Math/ProbFuncInv.h,
inc/Math/ProbFuncMathMore.h, src/PdfFuncMathMore.cxx,
src/ProbFuncInv.cxx, src/ProbFuncMathMore.cxx, test/Makefile,
test/testSpecFunc.cxx, test/testStatFunc.cxx:
- add Landau and Beta pdf
- add cdf for Poisson and Binomial , beta
- add beta quantiles
- add test for special and statistical functions
* mathcore/: inc/Math/DistFunc.h, inc/Math/DistFuncMathCore.h,
inc/Math/PdfFunc.h, inc/Math/SpecFuncMathCore.h, src/PdfFunc.cxx,
- distinguish pdf functions in Mathcore and MathMore
* cintex/src/ROOTClassEnhancer.cxx:
fix bug #22213: Dictionaries generated implicitly for Root::Math classes don't always work
* gdml/: inc/.h, src/.cxx:
From Ben Lloyd:
Added Support for the GDML 'file' tag. Allows Modular GDML files to be
* fitpanel/src/.cxx:
- fit panel mapped on the right side of the canvas window (if there is enough space)
- if an object was fitted, we copy the function and its parameters from the previous fit
- when performing linear fit 'best errors' , 'improve results' and 'set parameters' are disabled
* fitpanel/: inc/.h,
- additional parameter in
for passing information about the bounded parameters
- setting default values for GUI elements if no fit performed
* cint7/
silence the clean targets.
* cint7/src/v6_opr.cxx:
allow unary ! on arithmetic
* cint/src/v6_opr.cxx:
allow unary ! on arithmetic
* spectrumpainter/src/.cxx:
- Change the location and names of the Spectrum Painter pictures provided
* histpainter/src/.cxx:
Replace the following declarations
*gCurrentH //these 3 globals should be replaced by class members
R__EXTERN Hoption_t H
R__EXTERN Hparam_t
*gCurrentH //these 3 globals should be replaced by class members
extern Hoption_t H
extern Hparam_t
* gl/inc/: LinkDef.h, .h:
From Axel:
Disable some functions when parsing with CINT.
* cintex/src/: CINTClassBuilder.cxx, CINTEnumBuilder.cxx,
CINTTypedefBuilder.cxx, CINTVariableBuilder.cxx, Cintex.cxx,
prepend debug msgs with package name
* mathcore/test/: coordinates3D.cxx, coordinates4D.cxx,
fix a compilation problem on solaris
* pyroot/:, .py, src/Adapters.cxx, src/Adapters.h,
src/ClassMethodHolder.cxx, src/ClassMethodHolder.h,
src/ConstructorHolder.cxx, src/ConstructorHolder.h,
src/Converters.cxx, src/Converters.h, src/FunctionHolder.cxx,
src/FunctionHolder.h, src/MethodHolder.cxx, src/MethodHolder.h,
src/PropertyProxy.cxx, src/PropertyProxy.h, src/PyRootType.cxx,
src/Pythonize.cxx, src/RootModule.cxx, src/RootWrapper.cxx,
src/RootWrapper.h, src/TRflxCallback.cxx, src/TRflxCallback.h,
src/TSetItemHolder.cxx, src/TSetItemHolder.h, src/Utility.h:
Major new version that starts to understand Reflex
* cint7/
cint7 depends on libReflex
libCint7 is called libCint7, not libCint
* configure:
From Axel:
cint7 needs reflex so enable reflex when cint7 is enabled.
* cint7/
Fix dependency and link
for cint7_tmp
* cintex/test/: test_Cintex.C,,
more tests for compound const & params
* cintex/: src/CINTFunctional.cxx, test/dict/CintexTest.h:
fix [ bugs #22192] Call to functions accepting "const &bool" fail
* configure:
From Axel:
fix in G4 detection.
* unuran/test/: unuranDistr.cxx, unuranSimple.cxx:
update for new names of the distribution functions
* mathmore/:, inc/Math/DistFuncMathMore.h,
inc/Math/ProbFunc.h, inc/Math/SpecFunc.h:
- clean up of the header file for the Math functions
* mathcore/:, inc/Math/DistFunc.h,
inc/Math/DistFuncMathCore.h, inc/Math/PdfFunc.h,
inc/Math/ProbFunc.h, inc/Math/SpecFunc.h, src/DistFunc.cxx,
- clean up include file for the special and stat functions.
- The DistFunc.h now contains all the distributions (pdf, cdf and quantiles)
ProbFunc and SpecFunc are moved from mathmore
- The old DistFunc.h and DistFunc.cxx have been renamed PdfFunc
* graf/src/.cxx:
- To remove axis' labels 's users set the LabelOffset to a large value
(very often 99). This ended up with some text drawn at very "far away"
positions. Some low level text painting functions (like the
were "not happy" with such big values and produced a Seg-Fault. This
problem is visible since the text clipping is done directly in
and not any more in
( text clipping was wrong).
Now, if the label offset is set that way (ie "big"), the option "UnLab"
is automatically turned ON.
* cintex/src/ROOTClassEnhancer.cxx:
remove deprecation warnings
* gpad/src/.cxx:
Clipping removed in PaintTextNDC (like in PaintText)
* reflex/: inc/Reflex/Kernel.h, src/Kernel.cxx:
move template function into header
* mathmore/test/testFunctor.cxx:
fix a problem on Windows due to too large allocated stack memory
* Makefile:
fix typo in cint7 module.
* cint7/src/.cvsignore:
Don't ignore Apiif.{cxx,h} while we keep them in CVS
* cint7/src/: Apiif.cxx, Apiif.h:
Add cint7 version of the API dictionary
In the future, we might generate it as part of the build process
* cint7/
Fix lib link request for cint7_tmp
* mathmore/: inc/Math/LinkDef_StatFunc.h, inc/Math/ProbFuncInv.h,
inc/Math/ProbFuncMathMore.h, src/ProbFuncInv.cxx,
- rename the cumulative distributions and the quantiles (inverse of cdf)
to correct statistical names.
for example for the normal distributions we have:
- normal_cdf
for the cumulative dist.
- normal_cdf_c
for the complement of the cumulative dist.
- normal_quantile for the inverse of normal_cdf
- normal_quantile_c for the inverse of cdf_c
* mathcore/src/ProbFuncMathCore.cxx:
change names of cdf functions
* mathcore/inc/Math/: DistFunc.h, LinkDef_Func.h,
- rename the cumulative distributions to correct statistical names.
for exmaple for the normal distributions we have:
- normal_cdf
for the cumulative dist.
- normal_cdf_c
for the complement of the cumulative dist.
* cint7/:,
buildsystem files
* test/: stressGraphics.cxx, stressGraphics.ref:
- New version of stressGraphics.ref due to changes in .
- New option -k in stressGraphics.cxx to keep (not remove) the PS files
even for passed tests. By default PS files for passed tests are removed.
* gpad/src/.cxx:
- In PaintText the simple clipping technique for PS and PDF is now removed.
Text clipping is now handled by
* postscript/src/.cxx:
- Text is clipped using the W operator.
* postscript/src/.cxx:
- Text is now clipped the right way using the clip PS operator.
- The old :: method, which had its own text conventions
(equivalent of ), is now replaced by a much simpler method drawing
only basic text (like in ).
* reflex/python/genreflex/
Check for the gccxml version. If it is different from 0.6.0 print a warning. For future
versions check also for the patch level.
* reflex/
fix for solaris linking
* build/unix/
some more cleanups.
* Makefile:
correct importcint and importcint7 targets.
* mathmore/: inc/Math/Derivator.h, inc/Math/ParamFunction.h,
inc/Math/WrappedMultiTF1.h, inc/Math/WrappedTF1.h,
src/Derivator.cxx, src/GSLDerivator.cxx, src/GSLDerivator.h,
src/GSLFunctionWrapper.h, src/OneDimFunctionAdapter.h,
- improve Derivator class for numerical derivation using GSL
by adding static methods using the Function interfaces.
It Provides support now for normal derivative, partial derivative for
multi-dimensional functions and derivative with respect to parameters for
parameteric functions
* cint/: README.txt, RELNOTE.txt, inc/.cvsignore, inc/Class.h,
inc/G__ci.h, inc/Method.h, inc/Type.h, lib/dll_stl/suncc5_deque.h,
lib/dll_stl/suncc5_string.h, lib/posix/posix.h, src/Class.cxx,
src/HISTORY, src/Method.cxx, src/Type.cxx, src/common.h,
src/fproto.h, src/v6_decl.cxx, src/v6_init.cxx, src/v6_scrupto.cxx,
src/v6_tmplt.cxx, tool/makecint.cxx:
import v5-16-17
* cint/inc/.cvsignore:
Initial revision
* geom/: inc/.h, src/.cxx, src/.cxx:
From Andrei:
a patch that implements the method:
*::( *nodeorig,
The method allows replacing an existing daughter of a volume with another one. Providing only the node to be replaced will just create a new volume for the node but having exactly the same parameters as the old one. This helps in case of divisions for decoupling a node from the logical hierarchy so getting new content/properties.
For non divided volumes, one can change the shape and/or the position of the daughter.
* mathcore/inc/Math/: IParamFunction.h, IParamFunctionfwd.h,
LinkDef_Func.h, WrappedFunction.h, WrappedParamFunction.h:
- add class to wrap a function with parameters like
* x, const
* p ) in the
parametric function interface
- clean up of the interfaces classes
* cint7/: .cvsignore, COPYING,, FAQ.txt, Makefile,
README.txt, RELNOTE.txt, configure,,,
demo/README.txt, demo/Win32App/TestApp/ReadMe.txt,
demo/Win32App/TestApp/StdAfx.cpp, demo/Win32App/TestApp/StdAfx.h,
demo/Win32App/TestApp/TestApp.dsw, demo/Win32App/TestApp/TestApp.h,
demo/Win32App/TestApp/TestApp.rc, demo/Win32App/TestApp/resource.h,
demo/Win32App/TestApp/script.cxx, demo/Win32App/TestApp/small.ico,
demo/Win32App/graph01/G__clink.c, demo/Win32App/graph01/G__clink.h,
demo/Win32App/graph01/Resource.rc, demo/Win32App/graph01/Script.c,
demo/Win32App/graph01/StdAfx.h, demo/Win32App/graph01/WinMain.c,
demo/Win32App/graph01/WndProc.c, demo/Win32App/graph01/WndProc.h,
demo/Win32App/graph01/app.ico, demo/Win32App/graph01/chapter24.dsp,
demo/Win32App/graph01/resource.h, demo/Win32App/graph01/small.ico,
demo/debug/README.txt, demo/debug/debug.c, demo/,
demo/debug/debug2.cxx, demo/errpipe/README.txt,
demo/errpipe/errpipe.cxx, demo/errpipe/errpipe.h,
demo/errpipe/setup, demo/exception/Makefile,
demo/exception/README.txt, demo/exception/ehdemo.cxx,
demo/exception/ehdemo.h, demo/exception/setup,
demo/exception/setup.bat, demo/exception/setupbc.bat,
demo/gl/README.txt, demo/gl/display0.h, demo/gl/display1.h,
demo/gl/display2.h, demo/gl/make0, demo/gl/test0.c,
demo/gl/test1.c, demo/gl/test2.c, demo/gl/testall,
demo/graphs/FFT.c, demo/graphs/README.txt, demo/graphs/datafile,
demo/graphs/dft.c, demo/graphs/eular.c, demo/graphs/fir.c,
demo/graphs/fir2.c, demo/graphs/jitter.c, demo/graphs/modulation.c,
demo/graphs/sin.c, demo/graphs/sin123.c, demo/graphs/skineffect.c,
demo/graphs/stripline.c, demo/graphs/testall,
demo/intprt_cint/CINT, demo/intprt_cint/CINT.bat,
demo/intprt_cint/README, demo/intprt_cint/,
demo/intprt_cint/simple.c, demo/intprt_cint/simple.cxx,
demo/intprt_cint/testmain.c, demo/ipc/README.txt,
demo/ipc/common.cxx, demo/ipc/keyfile, demo/ipc/proc1.cxx,
demo/ipc/proc2.cxx, demo/makecint/README.txt,
demo/makecint/testall, demo/makecint/testalldll,
demo/makecint/Array/Array.C, demo/makecint/Array/Array.h,
demo/makecint/Array/Fundament.C, demo/makecint/Array/Fundament.h,
demo/makecint/Array/Makefile, demo/makecint/Array/README.txt,
demo/makecint/Array/bcdll.bat, demo/makecint/Array/inherit.C,
demo/makecint/Array/loopcompile1.c, demo/makecint/Array/scdll.bat,
demo/makecint/Array/scsetup.bat, demo/makecint/Array/setup,
demo/makecint/Array/setup.bat, demo/makecint/Array/setupdll,
demo/makecint/Array/setupdll.bat, demo/makecint/Array/test.C,
demo/makecint/Complex/Complex.C, demo/makecint/Complex/Complex.h,
demo/makecint/Complex/Makefile, demo/makecint/Complex/README.txt,
demo/makecint/Complex/bcdll.bat, demo/makecint/Complex/scdll.bat,
demo/makecint/Complex/scsetup.bat, demo/makecint/Complex/setup,
demo/makecint/Complex/setup.bat, demo/makecint/Complex/setupdll,
demo/makecint/Complex/setupdll.bat, demo/makecint/Complex/temp.C,
demo/makecint/Complex/test.C, demo/makecint/Complex/vcdll.bat,
demo/makecint/Complex/vcsetup.bat, demo/makecint/DArray/DArray.C,
demo/makecint/DArray/DArray.h, demo/makecint/DArray/Makefile,
demo/makecint/DArray/README.txt, demo/makecint/DArray/bcdll.bat,
demo/makecint/DArray/scdll.bat, demo/makecint/DArray/scsetup.bat,
demo/makecint/DArray/setup, demo/makecint/DArray/setup.bat,
demo/makecint/DArray/setupdll, demo/makecint/DArray/setupdll.bat,
demo/makecint/DArray/test.C, demo/makecint/KRcc/Complex.c,
demo/makecint/KRcc/Complex.h, demo/makecint/KRcc/Makefile,
demo/makecint/KRcc/README.txt, demo/makecint/KRcc/scdll.bat,
demo/makecint/KRcc/scsetup.bat, demo/makecint/KRcc/setup,
demo/makecint/KRcc/setup.bat, demo/makecint/KRcc/setupdll,
demo/makecint/KRcc/setupdll.bat, demo/makecint/KRcc/stub.c,
demo/makecint/KRcc/stub.h, demo/makecint/KRcc/test.c,
demo/makecint/ReadFile/Common.h, demo/makecint/ReadFile/Makefile,
demo/makecint/ReadFile/scsetup.bat, demo/makecint/ReadFile/setup,
demo/makecint/ReadFile/setup.bat, demo/makecint/ReadFile/setupdll,
demo/makecint/ReadFile/setupdll.bat, demo/makecint/ReadFile/test.C,
demo/makecint/Stub/Makefile, demo/makecint/Stub/README.txt,
demo/makecint/Stub/Src.C, demo/makecint/Stub/Src.h,
demo/makecint/Stub/Stub.C, demo/makecint/Stub/Stub.h,
demo/makecint/Stub/scdll.bat, demo/makecint/Stub/scsetup.bat,
demo/makecint/Stub/setup, demo/makecint/Stub/setup.bat,
demo/makecint/Stub/setupdll, demo/makecint/Stub/setupdll.bat,
demo/makecint/Stub2/Make1, demo/makecint/Stub2/Make2,
demo/makecint/Stub2/README.txt, demo/makecint/Stub2/compiled.cxx,
demo/makecint/Stub2/compiled.h, demo/makecint/Stub2/dmy.h,
demo/makecint/Stub2/main.cxx, demo/makecint/Stub2/setup,
demo/makecint/Stub2/setup.bat, demo/makecint/Stub2/setupcygwin,
demo/makecint/Stub2/setuphp, demo/makecint/Stub2/stub.h,
demo/makecint/UserMain/script.cxx, demo/makecint/UserMain/setup,
demo/makecint/exception/README.txt, demo/makecint/exception/eh.cxx,
demo/makecint/exception/eh.h, demo/makecint/exception/setup,
demo/makecint/p2f/Makefile, demo/makecint/p2f/README.txt,
demo/makecint/p2f/p2f.C, demo/makecint/p2f/p2f.h,
demo/makecint/p2f/scsetup.bat, demo/makecint/p2f/setup,
demo/makecint/p2f/setup.bat, demo/makecint/p2f/test.C,
demo/makecint/stl/Makefile, demo/makecint/stl/sample.h,
demo/makecint/stl/setup, demo/makecint/stl/setup.bat,
demo/makecint/stl/setupbc.bat, demo/makecint/stl/test.cxx,
demo/mthread/README.txt, demo/mthread/fork.cxx,
demo/mthread/mtlib.h, demo/mthread/mtmain.cxx,
demo/mthread/ptlib.h, demo/mthread/ptmain.cxx,
demo/mthread/testall, demo/multilibcint/README.txt,
demo/multilibcint/main.cxx, demo/multilibcint/mt.c,
demo/multilibcint/mt.h, demo/multilibcint/setup,
demo/multilibcint/setup.bat, demo/multilibcint/test1.cxx,
demo/multilibcint/test2.cxx, demo/perlawk/README,
demo/perlawk/data, demo/perlawk/parseplot.c,
demo/posix/readdir.cxx, demo/qt/README.txt, demo/qt/cannon.cpp,
demo/qt/cannon.h, demo/qt/lcdrange.cpp, demo/qt/lcdrange.h,
demo/qt/moc_cannon.cpp, demo/qt/qcompactstyle.h,
demo/qt/qtstatic.cxx, demo/qt/test0.cxx, demo/qt/test1.cxx,
demo/qt/test2.cxx, demo/qt/test3.cxx, demo/qt/test4.cxx,
demo/qt/test5.cxx, demo/qt/test6.cxx, demo/qt/test7.bat,
demo/qt/test7.cxx, demo/qt/test7.h, demo/qt/test8.bat,
demo/qt/test8.cxx, demo/qt/test8.h, demo/qt/test9.bat,
demo/qt/test9.cxx, demo/simple/HelloWorld.c,
demo/simple/HelloWorld.cxx, demo/simple/NativeCalc.c,
demo/simple/README.txt, demo/simple/access0.c, demo/simple/array.c,
demo/simple/csum.c, demo/simple/inherit1.c, demo/simple/init.c,
demo/simple/oprovld.c, demo/simple/oprovld0.c,
demo/simple/scope0.c, demo/simple/staticmem0.c,
demo/simple/template0.c, demo/simple/template2.c,
demo/simple/text2tex.c, demo/simple/virtualfunc1.c,
demo/stl/README.txt, demo/stl/array2.cxx, demo/stl/array4.cxx,
demo/stl/deque0.cxx, demo/stl/deque1.cxx, demo/stl/deque1i.cxx,
demo/stl/list0.cxx, demo/stl/list1.cxx, demo/stl/list2.cxx,
demo/stl/list3.cxx, demo/stl/list4.cxx, demo/stl/map0.cxx,
demo/stl/stl0.cxx, demo/stl/stl1.cxx, demo/stl/stl2.cxx,
demo/stl/stl3.cxx, demo/stl/stl3x.cxx, demo/stl/stl4.cxx,
demo/stl/stl5.cxx, demo/stl/string0.cxx, demo/stl/testall,
demo/stl/vec0.cxx, demo/stl/vec1.cxx, demo/stl/vec1s.cxx,
demo/stl/vec1u.cxx, demo/stl/vec2.cxx, demo/stl/vec3.cxx,
demo/stl/vec3t.cxx, demo/stl/vec4.cxx, demo/tcpip/README.txt,
demo/tcpip/client.cxx, demo/tcpip/server.cxx, demo/xlib/README.txt,
demo/xlib/test.c, doc/bytecode.txt, doc/cint.txt, doc/cintapi.txt,
doc/extlib.txt, doc/ifdef.txt, doc/limitati.txt, doc/limitnum.txt,
doc/makecint.txt, doc/message.txt, doc/ref.txt, doc/man1/cint.1,
doc/man1/makecint.1, doc/man2/garbage.2, doc/man2/security.2,
doc/man2/unique.2, doc/man3/array.h.3, doc/man3/fft.h.3,
doc/man3/statistics.h.3, inc/.cvsignore, inc/Api.h, inc/BaseCls.h,
inc/CallFunc.h, inc/Class.h, inc/DataMbr.h, inc/G__ci.h,
inc/G__ci_fproto.h, inc/G__security.h, inc/Method.h,
inc/MethodAr.h, inc/Property.h, inc/Token.h, inc/Type.h,
inc/Typedf.h, include/.cvsignore, include/Common.h,
include/README.txt, include/ReadF.C, include/ReadF.cxx,
include/ReadF.h, include/RegE.C, include/RegE.cxx, include/RegE.h,
include/_complex, include/_complex.h, include/_exception,
include/_exception.h, include/_iostream, include/_stdexcept,
include/_stdexcept.h, include/api.h, include/array.c,
include/array.h, include/arrayiostream.h, include/assert.h,
include/, include/.h, include/boolean.h, include/carray.c,
include/carray.h, include/cassert, include/cctype, include/cerrno,
include/cfloat, include/ciso646, include/climits, include/clocale,
include/cmath, include/complex, include/complex.h,
include/constants.h, include/csetjmp, include/csignal,
include/cstdarg, include/cstddef, include/cstdio, include/cstdlib,
include/cstring, include/ctime, include/ctype.h, include/cwchar,
include/cwctype, include/darray.cxx, include/darray.h,
include/done, include/ertti.h, include/exception,
include/exception.h, include/fcntl.h, include/fft.c, include/fft.h,
include/, include/.h, include/graphbuf.h,
include/iomanip, include/iomanip.h, include/iosenum.cxx,
include/iosenum.win32, include/iosfwd, include/iosfwd.h,
include/iostream, include/iostream.h, include/,
include/limits, include/locale, include/lsm.c, include/lsm.h,
include/make.arc, include/makearc, include/makearcg,
include/makearcsun, include/makefile, include/makehpib,
include/makeit.bat, include/makeit.c, include/makemat,
include/matrix.cxx, include/matrix.h, include/matrixstream.h,
include/matrixstream.hi, include/mkincld.c, include/new,
include/new.h, include/, include/platform.h,
include/pthread.h, include/readfile.h, include/regex.h,
include/regexp.h, include/setjmp.h, include/socket.h,
include/spice.h, include/sstream, include/statistics.c,
include/statistics.h, include/stdarg.h, include/stdexcept,


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