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马来西亚犯罪率高攀 被指“处处有糟糕故事”
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Are the Chinese as guilty as made out to be? It has become a trend among pro-government Malaysians to blame the Chinese for every conceivable ill infesting the country currently.
By TK Chua
As a Chinese Malaysian, it is rather difficult for me to write this piece. I want to do it anyway because I care for the future of this country and I think the race bait is getting out of hand.
To me, even if there were one or two individuals who committed such indiscretions as claimed, I think Ali Rustam and others must differentiate between the exception and the general rule. The action by one or two individuals does not accurately reflect the general sentiments of the community. The most important aspect to consider is whether Bersih and Chinese leaders from political parties at that rally made such incendiary calls.
Similarly, did the Chinese ever seek to overthrow the government unconstitutionally? Asking Prime Minister Najib Razak to resign was the call made by many Malaysians, including prominent and towering Malays and ordinary Malays at the rally. I think it is grossly unfair to dump everything on the Chinese. This is intentionally trying to incite and inflame racial sentiments.
Please do not blame the Chinese for every ill that is infesting the country today. On the contrary, Chinese Malaysians have been loyal citizens contributing much to the vitality of the economy. The whole wide world knows the Chinese alone are incapable of changing this country. However can we ever fault them for their resolve in wanting to see the nation inflicted with less baloney and abuse?
I think that as a nation, we have never been serious in wanting to find real solutions to our problems. Every day we are happy to indulge in race and religious polemics and damn the rest.
T if Chinese are more successful in business and commerce, why not learn more from them? Why continue to rely on Mara, government agencies and half-baked universities to produce even more unemployable apprentices and graduates only fit for employment in the public sector? Why not ask Chinese small businesses to take up some of the training responsibility? Divert some of the allocations from Mara, government agencies and universities to Chinese firms and I am sure they will be willing and able to do a better job.
To me, there is no harm trying this out. After all, we do not have many success stories to shout about to begin with. Another failure would probably not make much of a difference.
Jamal Yunos (Umno leader) thinks it is a breeze to run a store in Petaling Street. I say it is time for him to recognise his ignorance.
TK Chua is an FMT reader.
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Sharky Foo & SMK Perimbun 2011
There is a saying &if you can't beat them, join them&. Maybe this is beneath the Malays' pride to join the Chinese and learn from them, so ridicule and hatred seem to be the easier answer. With the wrong impression of Malays being threatened, suppressed or even bullied by the successful Chinese, Malays will never grow. So stop being self-pity, learn from the best and always strived to be successful and better, then you will GROW.
Rufus JH Tan
I believe that the Malays can learn from the Chinese on their survival instinct. Even the Hadith and Koran exhorted the Muslims to acquire knowledge to as far as China. But unfortunately, these UMNO Malay-Muslims refuse to learn. Now they blame their failures to the minorities including the Chinese, the Christians and if not, the Jews.
Kanimoli Ramaiah & 副总统 at Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation
It is no longer the Chinese or the Indians that the `Malay Dignity Fighters' must now worry about, it is time they take a hard, long look at what is going on around them. Remember the millions of Banglas etc who were given free NRIC to vote in the last elections? Yes, now they are slowy taking over the economy. They secure contracts, and then hand it over to Chinese. They are running transport business - where else in this world you can see Hindi or Urdu words written behind a lorry but in India or Bangladesh? It is happening in Malaysia now. So, who is slowly taking over the economy. Soon, even the Malay race may not exist as these Banglas, in their effort to remain here, marry Malay girls. There you go!
GS Guang Trading & Technical College
If they need a tongkat as facilities. They will never move forward. All Chinese business was from own strategy not gain any help from government agencies. Jamal yunus was a shallow racist minded idiots who unable to succeed without BN tongkat. No Chinese will and would like to join him as business partner.
Jamal Yunos can apply for a stall for all I care! DBKL should give him a stall! See if his business will thrive, let alone flourish! Jamal, with your UMNO connections, I'm sure you can get the licence to run your stall at Petaling Street, easily! Go ahead, and give it a try! I must warn you, though, Jamal, that running the business there won't be as easy as receiving &allocations& from Najib! What I say to Jamal, I say to all the jealous and envious Malaysians who think running businesses is as easy as reciting A,B,C....
Charlieq Charlieq & Kluang High School
EXACTLY.......running a business is NOT everyones CUP OF TEA.....
Nellson Joshua & Dragon School
谢谢TK CHUA写了这篇文章.....
John Lim & Bentong Town, Pahang, Malaysia
The 'Enlightened Mind ' observes:
The Majority of Chinese are no more rich.
But the malority of theChinese are hard working because they have dignity.
The few filthy rich Chinese are cronies.
Therefore, it is illogical to balme theChinese of robbing the country's wealth.
If in a family of 3 children,
2 work like mad and 1 spend like mad
Sam Ng & 八打灵再也
While some us are well aware of the development in the country, there are still a lot of them who haven't got a clue of what's going on in the country. Is this a norm? Yes. It happens to other countries too, especially the rural folks. Knowledge is power. A person who has more knowledge can easily fool an ignorant or less informed person. That's reality. This is why the rural folks will always be exploited by the evil Politicians. The red shirt rally is one classic example. After the rally, reality sinks in. They still have to pay GST. Cost of living is still high. Corruption, leakage and wastages are still going to be there. All these have nothing to do with LKS, DAP or the Chinese community. Wake up please.
YuenSheng Bai
If 200 chinese companies can donate 500k each, we would have 100m to organise pressure groups like those umno funded and supported terrorists pekida, tiga barisan, pesaka, etc who on notice can send out thousands to create amok. The only way to counter this is, with the likes. Fund that could be mobilised for resources and one more good thing is, the groups could get better resources from outside as well - like US, Israel, etc. I think we should do it before it is too late when your families are hurt by extremists and racists.
Cheong Seng Keong & 吉隆坡
100 million no match for the 2.6 billion donation.
Kcngcti Kcngcti & 圣约翰国中&
i think you have a mental problem.
Jim Yow & 吉隆坡
So who are those Chinese with a mentality not brainwashed by DAP? Did you mean those pigs who will vote for BN? lol
Sharky Foo & SMK Perimbun 2011
There is a saying &if you can't beat them, join them&. Maybe this is beneath the Malays' pride to join the Chinese and learn from them, so ridicule and hatred seem to be the easier answer. With the wrong impression of Malays being threatened, suppressed or even bullied by the successful Chinese, Malays will never grow. So stop being self-pity, learn from the best and always strived to be successful and better, then you will GROW.
Rufus JH Tan
I believe that the Malays can learn from the Chinese on their survival instinct. Even the Hadith and Koran exhorted the Muslims to acquire knowledge to as far as China. But unfortunately, these UMNO Malay-Muslims refuse to learn. Now they blame their failures to the minorities including the Chinese, the Christians and if not, the Jews.
Kanimoli Ramaiah & 副总统 at Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation
It is no longer the Chinese or the Indians that the `Malay Dignity Fighters' must now worry about, it is time they take a hard, long look at what is going on around them. Remember the millions of Banglas etc who were given free NRIC to vote in the last elections? Yes, now they are slowy taking over the economy. They secure contracts, and then hand it over to Chinese. They are running transport business - where else in this world you can see Hindi or Urdu words written behind a lorry but in India or Bangladesh? It is happening in Malaysia now. So, who is slowly taking over the economy. Soon, even the Malay race may not exist as these Banglas, in their effort to remain here, marry Malay girls. There you go!
GS Guang Trading & Technical College
If they need a tongkat as facilities. They will never move forward. All Chinese business was from own strategy not gain any help from government agencies. Jamal yunus was a shallow racist minded idiots who unable to succeed without BN tongkat. No Chinese will and would like to join him as business partner.
Jamal Yunos can apply for a stall for all I care! DBKL should give him a stall! See if his business will thrive, let alone flourish! Jamal, with your UMNO connections, I'm sure you can get the licence to run your stall at Petaling Street, easily! Go ahead, and give it a try! I must warn you, though, Jamal, that running the business there won't be as easy as receiving &allocations& from Najib! What I say to Jamal, I say to all the jealous and envious Malaysians who think running businesses is as easy as reciting A,B,C....
Charlieq Charlieq & Kluang High School
EXACTLY.......running a business is NOT everyones CUP OF TEA.....
Nellson Joshua & Dragon School
谢谢TK CHUA写了这篇文章.....
John Lim & Bentong Town, Pahang, Malaysia
The 'Enlightened Mind ' observes:
The Majority of Chinese are no more rich.
But the malority of theChinese are hard working because they have dignity.
The few filthy rich Chinese are cronies.
Therefore, it is illogical to balme theChinese of robbing the country's wealth.
If in a family of 3 children,
2 work like mad and 1 spend like mad
Sam Ng & 八打灵再也
While some us are well aware of the development in the country, there are still a lot of them who haven't got a clue of what's going on in the country. Is this a norm? Yes. It happens to other countries too, especially the rural folks. Knowledge is power. A person who has more knowledge can easily fool an ignorant or less informed person. That's reality. This is why the rural folks will always be exploited by the evil Politicians. The red shirt rally is one classic example. After the rally, reality sinks in. They still have to pay GST. Cost of living is still high. Corruption, leakage and wastages are still going to be there. All these have nothing to do with LKS, DAP or the Chinese community. Wake up please.
YuenSheng Bai
If 200 chinese companies can donate 500k each, we would have 100m to organise pressure groups like those umno funded and supported terrorists pekida, tiga barisan, pesaka, etc who on notice can send out thousands to create amok. The only way to counter this is, with the likes. Fund that could be mobilised for resources and one more good thing is, the groups could get better resources from outside as well - like US, Israel, etc. I think we should do it before it is too late when your families are hurt by extremists and racists.
Cheong Seng Keong & 吉隆坡
100 million no match for the 2.6 billion donation.
Kcngcti Kcngcti & 圣约翰国中&
i think you have a mental problem.
Jim Yow & 吉隆坡
So who are those Chinese with a mentality not brainwashed by DAP? Did you mean those pigs who will vote for BN? lol
谁知道这些有脑子的中国人没有被民主行动党给洗脑 ?难道你还认为这些猪会为国民阵线党投票?
Actually BUMNO brainwashing the Malays is the biggest problem and your own skewed mentality is a problem....to yourself. Go see a shrink.
Foo Wy Len & University of Malaya
Ali Rustam blamed the Chinese for his loss in the Bukit Katil (Malacca) parliamentary seat in GE 13( it was widely reported in all the media anyway), but the fact is Bukit Katil is a Malay-majority seat. The seat was won by Shamsul Iskandar (PKR) who I supposed is also a Malay.How did his loss become the Chinese &trampled& the rights of Malays is really beyond me.................
谁知道这些有脑子的中国人没有被民主行动党给洗脑 ?难道你还认为这些猪会为国民阵线党投票?
Actually BUMNO brainwashing the Malays is the biggest problem and your own skewed mentality is a problem....to yourself. Go see a shrink.
Foo Wy Len & University of Malaya
Ali Rustam blamed the Chinese for his loss in the Bukit Katil (Malacca) parliamentary seat in GE 13( it was widely reported in all the media anyway), but the fact is Bukit Katil is a Malay-majority seat. The seat was won by Shamsul Iskandar (PKR) who I supposed is also a Malay.How did his loss become the Chinese &trampled& the rights of Malays is really beyond me.................
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