
Software categories:
Make Excel files read-only and hide all formulas and
ExcelLock is program that
locks down and secures your spreadsheet. The spreadsheet
becomes read-only, all formulas will be hidden and nothing can
be modified. Only the cells on the spreadsheet that you have marked can be modified. By default
all cells are read-only.
When you lock your spreadsheet
a copy of your file will be saved&with the extension&.lck.xls and
an unlock key will be generated. ExcelLock will apply strong encryption
so the binary .lck.xls file becomes scrambled.
The locked .lck.xls file
is password protected. It can only be opened by applying the unlock
key in the& ExcelLock viewer. It is not possible to open the
file directly in Excel. This ensures that while the file can
only be viewed, no formulas can be seen or modified, no
changes can be applied to the file.查看: 10142|回复: 3
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我有一些单元格,比如说从A2到M13这个范围内,我不希望别人修改我里面的公式什么的。我选中这些单元格(A2:M13),而后右键--&Format Cells--&Protection 而后选中Locked。这时候看到Excel下面有了提示了说:"Locking或者Hiding Cells的时候,只有在Worksheet is protected的时候才会生效。于是我按照它的提示去tools-&Protection-&Protect Sheet...后面我就傻眼了,我只希望我的Locked cells不被别人修改就行了,别人select它都无所谓的。可是我不知道哪些选项好。一选“Select Locked Cells”那个“Select Unlocked Cells”也会被自动选上。不知道如何是好。其实我的要求并不复杂,可是Excel把我搞晕了。
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19:10 上传
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(5.51 KB, 下载次数: 51)
19:27 上传
Unprotect Password is
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(4.27 KB, 下载次数: 36)
10:56 上传
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回复 2楼 SaxophoneGd 的帖子
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本活动是由微软(中国)有限公司发起,申请通过者可以得到Office 365企业级E3 试用账号,并享有全套Office 365客户端及云端高效、协作办公体验。 机会有限,先到先得!
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How to Lock Cells in Excel 2016
Melanie Pinola
October 31,
You've worked hard on your spreadsheet and now you want to make sure anyone you share it with doesn't inadvertently change cells that shouldn't be changed. Thankfully, Microsoft Excel 2016 and earlier versions let you lock cells to protect them from being modified. You can lock all the cells in a worksheet or specific cells, allowing some parts of the spreadsheet to be changed. Here's how.
How to Lock All the Cells in a Worksheet
By default, when you protect a sheet or workbook, all of the cells will be locked. This means they can't be reformatted or deleted, and the content in them can't be edited. By default, the locked cells can be selected, but you can change that in the protection options.
1. Navigate
to the Review tab.
2. Click Protect Sheet. In the Protect Sheet window, enter a password that's required to unprotect the sheet (optional) and any of the actions you want to allow users.
3. Click OK to protect the sheet.
When you or anyone else tries to edit any of the locked cells, this message will come up:
The cells can only be unlocked when the sheet is unprotected (by going to the Review tab again, choosing "Unprotect Sheet," and entering the password, if required).
How to Lock Specific Cells in a Worksheet
There might be times when you want to lock certain cells from being changed but still allow users to adjust other cells in a worksheet. In our example, in an inventory list you might allow unit prices and stock quantities to be updated, but not the item IDs, names, or descriptions. As mentioned above, all cells are locked by default when you protect the sheet. However, you can specify whether a cell should be locked or unlocked in the cell's format properties.
1. Select all the cells you don't want to be locked. These will be the cells that can be edited even after the sheet is protected.
2. Right-click on your selection, select Format Cells, and click on the Protection tab. (Alternatively, under the Home tab, click on the expansion icon next to Alignment, and in the Format Cells window go to the Protection tab.)
3. Uncheck "Locked" (which is checked by default) and click OK.
Go to Review & Protect Sheet and hit OK to protect the sheet. Any cells you didn't unlock under the Format Cells option (step 3 above) will be locked, while the unlocked cells will be editable:
Note that cell locking (or unlocking) won't take effect until you do step 4, protecting the sheet.
Protip: If you want to quickly lock or unlock cells that aren't next to each other, you can use a keyboard shortcut. After selecting a cell or group of cells, use the Format Cells dialog as above to lock or unlock it. Then select your next cell(s) and hit F4 to repeat your last action.
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关于scroll lock 键 -已解决
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本帖最后由 xma2011 于
15:17 编辑
不知道在excel里按了什么键,excel就被锁屏,方向键不再在单元格里移动。我的键盘有些特殊,没有Scroll Lock键。
看过帖子说按FN+Num Lock, 我同时按过也没有解开锁屏。 看哪位高手可以指导迷津。多谢哈
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十分感谢 楼主好人!
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搜索关键字:键盘没有Scroll Lock键,Excel滚动锁定
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本活动是由微软(中国)有限公司发起,申请通过者可以得到Office 365企业级E3 试用账号,并享有全套Office 365客户端及云端高效、协作办公体验。 机会有限,先到先得!
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