
苹果手机拍出天才作品!惊悚片《失心病狂》揭露精神病院内幕!苹果手机拍出天才作品!惊悚片《失心病狂》揭露精神病院内幕!浪潮电影百家号陈可辛用iPhoneX拍出的关于春运的短片《三分钟》惊艳世界,让电影爱好者们也忍不住想要尝试一下去拍摄属于自己的电影。今天为大家介绍的《失心病狂》相比《三分钟》有过之而无不及。《失心病狂》是用iPhone 7拍摄完成,非但没有想象中的粗糙感,甚至因为拍摄器材的原因,给电影营造出了一种神秘的恐怖氛围。《失心病狂》讲述的是一个备受异性跟踪困扰的女生,为了逃离这种困扰而背井离乡。但是他到了另一个城市之后,跟踪者也尾随而至,而她因为精神备受煎熬而不得不去精神病院接受治疗。但是令她没想到的是,看似正规的精神病院背地里却做着挂羊头卖狗肉的买卖,不仅将正常人困在医院,甚至买通了警察,让他们免受社会的问责。而女主也被软禁在了医院,每天吃着精神药物。令女主更崩溃的是,追踪他的变态男竟然跑到医院做起了医生。每天都要见到自己讨厌的人,并且受到对方的精神刺激,女主在一点点的走向崩溃。她能否逃出虎口呢?大家可以去影片中一探究竟。影片前半段可能会让大家觉得有些平淡,但是后半段突如其来的重口味,绝对会让你们大声尖叫。影片中有些片段和配乐像是精神病患者的精神世界的具象化,让人拍案叫绝。如果大家想要观看这部用手机拍摄成的《失心病狂》,请关注我之后,转发本篇文章,最后私信我电影名称即可。电影中的精神病院究竟埋藏了那些不可告人的秘密?快来一睹为快吧!本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。浪潮电影百家号最近更新:简介:重温经典,试毒新片,冷门推荐。作者最新文章相关文章Sina Visitor SystemVOA慢速英语附字幕:好莱坞惊悚片《失心病狂》由iPhone 7 Plus拍摄而成_2018年VOA慢速英语_VOA英语网
VOA慢速英语附字幕:好莱坞惊悚片《失心病狂》由iPhone 7 Plus拍摄而成
Hollywood Thriller &Unsane& Filmed Totally on iPhone
For many people, smartphones have replaced cameras as the main way to capture personal pictures and video.
The quality of the devices has greatly improved.
Even some Hollywood filmmakers have decided to stop using big, costly equipment and instead shoot movies on smartphones. One of the latest to do this is director and producer Steven Soderbergh.
Soderbergh has made both independent and big-budget films. He won an Academy Award for Best Director of the movie &Traffic& in 2001. He was also nominated that year for Best Director for &Erin Brockovich.& His earliest full length movie, Sex, Lies and Videotape, came out in 1989. Ocean&s Eleven came about four years later. Among other Soderbergh films are 2012&s Magic Mike and &Logan Lucky& released last year.
Soderbergh has also worked on several television series.
He desbes his latest directorial effort, &Unsane,& as a psychological thriller. The film was recently released in the U.S. and several other countries. The whole film was shot on an iPhone 7 Plus.
Actress Claire Foy plays a woman who moves to a new city to escape a man who has been stalking her. After experiencing mental health difficulties, she agrees to go to a hospital.
The woman quickly decides she should not be in the mental hospital and tries to leave. But she is not permitted to go. She protests her detention. Her mother also works to get her out.
While trapped there, the woman fears her stalker now works at the hospital. It is not clear to the moviegoers if the man is really there, or if the character just imagines that.
In several interviews, the director praised his results of iPhone filming.
&I&m very happy the way the movie looks,& Soderbergh told a news conference for the film&s premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival in Germany. He said he knows some people will want to see the movie just because it was shot on an iPhone. But, he says, moviegoers will not notice anything unusual.
&Anybody going to see this movie who has no idea of the backstory to the production will have no idea this was shot on the phone,& the filmmaker told IndieWire.
&I&ve seen it 40 feet tall,& Soderbergh said of Unsane. &It looks like velvet.&
He added that he thinks shooting movies on an iPhone or similar device is a &game changer& for filmmaking. He said it was a good experience and he would find it hard to return to the use of usual movie cameras.
Soderbergh said one of the best things about using an iPhone is that it greatly speeds up shooting. The camera can be moved anywhere &in a matter of seconds.& Unsane was completely shot in just two weeks. The director said it was also helpful not to have to make big holes in walls to fit large cameras or attach equipment to the ceiling.
He added that one of the only issues he had was that the iPhone was sometimes affected by strong vibrations.
Joshua Leonard was an actor in the movie. He said being filmed with an iPhone provided fewer distractions during filming. This permitted him to, in his words, &stay in the world of the film and in the world of our characters.&
He added: &There&s nothing more fun as an actor than just being in the thick of the creative process when you&re actually on set. And not having to wait for the machine of filmmaking to catch up with the creative impulse.&
Leonard said it also helped his performance because he is already used to so many people putting phones close to his face to take pictures.
Soderbergh thinks this same idea will help many people develop a deeper connection to the movie. He says this is because people are already completely used to seeing camera phone imagery.
In his words, &I think without even knowing it, there&s an intimacy between the viewer and the screen in this case, because of that familiarity.&
Soderbergh is currently working on another iPhone-filmed movie. That basketball-related film, &High Flying Bird,& is to be released next year.
I&m Caty Weaver. And I&m Bryan Lynn.
Bryan Lynn wrote this story for VOA , based on reports from the Associated Press, Reuters and other sources. Caty Weaver was the editor.
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Words in This Story
thriller & n. a novel, movie, etc., that is very exciting : a story full of exciting action, mystery, adventure, or suspense
stalk & v. to follow, watch, and bother (someone) constantly in a way that is frightening, dangerous, etc.
velvet & n. a soft, rich piece of cloth
vibration & n. a continuous slight shaking movement : a series of small, fast movements back and forth or from side to side
distraction & n. something that turns your attention to something else
character & n. a person who appears in a story, book, play, movie, or television show
impulse & n. desire to do something
intimacy & n. emotional warmth and closeness
familiarity & n. the state of knowing about something
来自: 文章地址:《失心病狂》电影迅雷下载 - BT种子下载 - LOL电影天堂
剧情电影 &
主 演 : 乔舒华?莱纳德 克莱尔?芙伊 莎拉?斯蒂尔斯
◎译  名 失心病狂/疯人院(台)/疯?魔(港)/荒诞/表演者 ◎片  名 Unsane ◎年  代 2018 ◎产  地 美国 ◎类  别 剧情/惊悚/恐怖 ◎语  言 英语 ◎字  幕 中英双字幕 ◎上映日期 (柏林电影节)/(美国) ◎IMDb评分 6.7/10 from 7,027 users ◎豆瓣评分 6.7/10 from 319 users ◎文件格式 x264 + aac ◎视频尺寸 1280 x 816 ◎文件大小 1CD ◎片  长 98分钟 ◎导  演 史蒂文?索德伯格 Steven Soderbergh ◎主  演 乔舒华?莱纳德 Joshua Leonard       克莱尔?芙伊 Claire Foy       莎拉?斯蒂尔斯 Sarah Stiles       马克?库迪奇 Marc Kudisch       艾米?欧文 Amy Irving       科林?伍德尔 Colin Woodell       迈拉?卢克利希亚?泰勒 Myra Lucretia Taylor       琳达?茂泽 Lynda Mauze       扎克?切利 Zach Cherry ◎简  介   《失心病狂》讲述了一个年轻女孩,一个年轻女人为了摆脱混乱的过去离开了家乡,无意中被送进了精神病院。在面对如何“逃出去”的自我命题之下,对她而言,似乎还潜藏着更大的恐惧 ― 她似乎正在失去判断这一切到底是真实的存在还是自己的臆想的能力……影片以一种扭曲的视角和惊人的故事向我们问出了关于我们对于现实的认知,我们的生存本能以及本该保护我们的系统的问题。
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