
大耳朵英语Spending quality time together with another person doesn’t need to cost that much, after all love doesn’t cost anything. Sometimes the most fun you’ll ever experience costs little to nothing. If you’re low on money or just tired of the same kind of dates over and over again, then try these ideas for a fun inexpensive change of pace.和你的那个她待在一起不需要花费太多,毕竟爱是不计价的。有时候你们一起经历了最有趣的时光,但花费并不高。如果你经济并不怎么宽裕或者厌倦了相同的约会方式,那么就试试一下这些经济而又有趣的约会方式吧。1.Stargaze while laying on a blanket outside.躺在毯子上看天上的星星Grab a blanket and go outside in your yard, snuggle up together with some hot chocolate and watch for shooting stars. This is an especially great idea whenever there’s a meteor shower to watch.在院子的空地上放个毯子,依偎在一起,吃巧克力,看星星。尤其是在有流星雨的时候这是一个很不错的主意。2.Grab some water guns at your local dollar store and have a water gun fight.买水枪,打水仗Or you could always opt for water balloons and pelt each other with them. This is a fun outdoor activity in which you can play hide and seek, run around like kids.你也可以选择互扔水气球,这是一种很有趣的户外游戏,一种可以一个躲一个找,像孩子一样奔跑的游戏。3.Picnic at a local park.在当地的某个公园野餐Pack a lunch for the two of you and be sure to bring some bread to feed the ducks if there’s a pond. Enjoy a nice day outside walking around the park and pick a spot to sit down and share lunch.打包足够你们俩吃的食物,如果有池塘的话,还可以带上面包去喂鸭子。在公园四处走走,找个能坐的地方坐坐,一起共进午餐,好好享受这样美好的一天。4.Do something together outdoors like walking, running, hiking, biking, or swimming.一起做些户外活动,像散散步,跑跑步、远足、骑自行车或是游泳Get outside and get some sunshine and fresh air together. Exercising together can help both of you.走出去,一起接收阳光,呼吸新鲜空气。可以一起锻炼,这样对你们俩都有好处。5.Watch the sunrise and/or sunset (even better from the beach). Pack a blanket and some snacks to share.一起看日出/日落(共用一张毯子,分享食物)Pack a picnic breakfast, dinner, or snack, and cuddle with your partner while watching the sunrise or sunset.打包好早餐、晚餐或是小吃,一起看日出或是日落的时候拥抱着你的另一半。6.Take a free class and learn something together.参加一个免费的培训班,一起学习Take a free class, either locally or online. Learn something new together, maybe a new language, a new skill, cook something new together or read a book together.参加免费的培训班,实体课程或是网上课程都可以。一起学习一些新东西,也许是一门新的语言,一项新的技能,一起学习新的菜式或者只是一起阅读。7.Watch airplanes take off and land.在飞机场看飞机的起起落落Go to your local airport. Make sure you’re in a good area that you’re allowed to be in and watch the planes take off and land.去当地的飞机场。在一个视野开阔,机场许可的地方看飞机的起飞和降落。8.Watch a local sporting event (football, baseball, basketball).一起看当地的运动赛事Take in a local football game on a Friday night.在周五的晚上一起看当地的足球比赛。9.Dance together.一起跳舞You can slow dance or learn how to do a specific kind of dance with your partner. Put on a slow song and get romantic.你们可以慢舞,也可以学者跳某一种舞,放那种节奏很慢的歌曲,寻找浪漫的感觉。10.Go to a local museum that’s free or cheap. Science and art museums are awesome choices.去当地那种免费的或是门票很便宜的博物馆。科技馆、艺术博物馆也是不错的选择Museums give you a chance to get out, walk around, learn some new things, and enjoy spending time together.去博物馆也是一个让你们走出去的机会,四处走走,学习一些新的东西,一起享受时光。
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