I don\'t nodon是什么意思思

'No I don't!' cried the boy.
Oh, wait, no I don’t!” I’ve seen this before so many times, both first-hand and with other people.
No I don't worry about being typecast, umm it already happens to a certain degree.
我不担心,一定程度上其实已经有点被定型为Sheldon了。 我能做的只是继续工作,继续试戏,继续。
It means to be without sin (no I don’t mean not committing adultery or coveting your neighbor’s bmw).
But no I don't think so.
No I don't hate it, but I hate beingaway from you.
Well no I don't believe so, said Bourne.
Prince: No I don’t think… I live happily.
Prince: No I don’t think… I live happily.
No I don’t mean getting dressed up in the big red suit, although that could be fun too!
Oh no I don't, I've been to China many times and never had to have one of those.
FRIEDMAN No, no I don't want to be made dictator.
And I would just like to point out one fallacy at the top-Um no I don't have my glasses on.
No I don't, mass third world immigration shows the contempt our government has for the British public.
No I don't. I think they're all idiots.
No I don't want to take that away as it 's something we will keep in our memories forever. Right now, though, we are just thinking about May23 and the final .
No I don't like duck !
Shop assistant: No I don't think so. But we've got some overcoats over here Come this way.
No I don't see nothing different change.
What are you thanking, no I don't thank judas for what he did!
No I don't have plans for that right now, no.
No I don't think that education has changed much at all.
EDWARD GREEN: No I don' t like those letters.
The shop keeper says 'no i don't serve blonds .
Jason: No I don't think so Mike; old aunt Harried bled him pretty good, in a very just settlement.
He then commented on Costacurta's idea that a coach won't be listened to by his players after five years: 'No I don' think so, because first and foremost the coach has a really calm approach.
EDWARD GREEN: No I don' t like those letters.
EDWARD GREEN: No I don' t like those letters.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!i don&t no是什么意思
i don&t no是什么意思
I don't know
也许是& i don't know “我不知道”
也许是 i don't say no “我不说no”
要根据前后文~ 才好判断
这个现在在中国叫火星文,就是用一些简写和发音相同的词来代替比较长,比较难拼写的词 ,国外也很流行
tks 就是thanks
wtf 就是 what the fuck 表示惊讶
就是cause, because
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{if defined('wl')}
{list wl as x}{/list}有一首韩国歌曲里面有“ i don't wanna say goodbye”这么一句,是男歌手唱的,请问叫什么名字?
- 第一专业IT门户网站
有一首韩国歌曲里面有“ i don't wanna say goodbye”这么一句,是男歌手唱的,请问叫什么名字?
有一首韩国歌曲里面有“ i don't wanna say goodbye”这么一句,是男歌手唱的,请问叫什么名字?
Just Can't Say Goodbye 歌手:Stephen Gately 专辑:New Beginning Just Can't Say Goodbye Here I’m standing like an open book In front of you - my page is turning Pick a chapter babe, and take a look What do you see Maybe now you’re learning My heart’s breaking only you can stop The pain I feel, I can’t give up I ask the question that I need to know (won’t you) listen to me Please don’t walk away - leave me behind With these crazy feelings No one is to blame - ain’t that a shame But I still believe in you, oh you You’re my every dream come true That is why I just can’t say goodbye Here I’m lying in my bed alone What do I feel - another page is turning Once again another chapter’s closed And in my mind I see our bridge is burning I am falling and I can’t get up Seems so far to reach the top The way I feel for you will never stop (won’t you) Listen to me Please don’t walk away - leave me behind With these crazy feelings No one is to blame - ain’t that a shame But I still believe in you, oh you You’re my every dream come true That is why I just can’t say goodbye Don’t wanna walk away Don’t wanna let you down Don’t wanna see you crying Just wanna see you smile I’ll never walk away I’ll never let you down I’ll never leave you crying I just can’t say goodbye oh Please don’t walk away - leave me behind With these crazy feelings No one is to blame - ain’t that a shame But I still believe in you, oh you You’re my every dream come true And that is why I just can’t say goodbye Oh babe you oh you You’re my every dream come true And that is why I just can’t say goodbye And that is why I just can’t say goodbye
该问题来自:太平洋电脑网是首家以专业电脑市场联盟为基础的IT资讯网站,为IT企业与终端用户提供全面、权威、专业的IT资讯服务。音乐领域专家初级口语教程Lesson22 If I Don't Do Anything Else
Lesson 22 Text A If I Don't Do Anything Else
Yesterday morning Paul said to himself. I've got to write that economics paper today. If I don't do anything else, I've got to write that paper.
He sat down at his desk and put a sheet. of paper into his typewriter. He looked out of the window, ate a piece of candy, got up to get a drink of water, brushed his teeth, and sat down at his desk again. I haven't written my family since Thanksgiving, he said to himself. I'll write them a letter first.
Paul wrote his family a long letter. My typewriter needs a new ribbon. I've got to change this ribbon before I write my
economics paper.
The ink from the typewriter ribbon got his hands very dirty, so he washed them and washed them. While he was washing his hands, he noticed that his fingernails were much too long. He cut them very carefully and then went back to his desk. He put a sheet of paper into his typewriter . looked out of the wiudow, and looked at his watch. It was noon.
I'll get some lunch now,.he said to himself. After lunch I'll write that paper, if I don't do anything else.
Text B I'll Find My Way The day of Uncle George's arrival is here. Everything is ready, but Uncle George and his family haven't arrived. Uncle George can't find his way to the Miller home. Mrs Miller gives him specific directions on the telephone. MRS MILI.ER: Please answer the telephone, Mary.
MARY: Hello. Uncle George? Where are you? Wait a minute, please. I'll call Mother.
Mother,it's Uncle George.
MRs MII.I.ER: George, dear. Where are you? At the corner of Pine and State 5treet? Wait
there. Michael can come and get you.
UNCLE GEORGE: No. It's not necessary. We drove the car. Give me the directions. I'll find my
MRS MILLER: Go north on State Street to Main Street. There's a large statue there. Turn
left. Continue to Grove Avenue. Turn right. Continue on Grove Avenue to
Seventh Street.Turn left. We're in the middle of the block. Can you repeat
the directions, George?
UNCLE GEORGE: I think so. I have to go north on State Street to Main Street. I turn left to
Grove Avenue. I continue on Grove Avenue. I turn right. I continue on Grove
Avenue to Seventh Street. I turn left and go to the middle of the block.
MRs MILLER: That's it. I'll see you soon, George. Mary, is the table set?
MARY: Yes, Mother. Come and look.
MRs MILLER: It looks very pretty. Thank you, Mary.  
Questions on Text B 7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading
and retell the story to your partner. A Break in the Routine
Jonathan Rivers lived alone in a neat, two-storey, semi-detached house
in Compton Street. Like many bachelors approaching middle age, be was getting rather set in his ways. He caught the same train to London every morning, ate his lunch in the same crowded restaurant near the office where he worked and always came home on the 6. 00 train. People were so used to seeing Jonathan set off at a quarter past eight, dressed in a. sjmple dark suit. wearing a black bowler hat and carrying a rolled umbrella on his arm, that they said you didn't need to wear a watch if you lived in Compton Street.
Ever since Jonathan had set up house in Compton Street, he had looked after it very carefully. He worked hard in the garden every Sunday and set out to impress the neighbours with his flower beds and lawn. Before he left the house in the mornings, he carefully closed all the doors downstairs, opened some windows to let the air in and locked the front door. Everything Jonathan did was tidy and systematic.
One summer evening Jonathan returned home as usual at five minutes to seven precisely.When he opened the front gate he immediately noticed something strange. There was a heavy footprint in the earth in one of the ftower beds. Jonathan was just going to blame the milkman or the postman when he noticed that one of the white lace curtains in the front room downstairs was out of place. Jonathan never left anything out of place.
He walked up to the front door and opened it quietly. He listened carefully for a few moments but could hear nothing. The front-room door was halt-open. Jonathan studied it thoughtfully, wondering if he had forgotten to close it that morning. He had never forgotten before. He stepped silently across the hall to the door and looked inside the room. The shadow of a man was clearly reflected on the far wall in the evening sunlight. He had obvioasly been standing behind the door since Jonathan's return. ]onathan grabbed the door-handle,nmed' the door and turned the key. Then he calmly picked up the telephone in the hall and set about calling the police.
The burglar, a tall, thick-set, bearded fellow, tried to climb through a window to get out but )onathan had expected'that. He set about him with his umbrella, using it like a swoid. Three minutes later the police arrived on the scene. Jonathan was a little annoyed that he had to have dinner laterthan usual but on the whole he felt quite pleased with himself.
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