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Japanese H Anime Game Save Files Win G-L
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Japanese H Anime Game
The Save Game Files
Windows G-L
NOTE: No Actual Games Here!
This page contains description and save game for Japanese H Anime Games
that run in Windows.
Go to which Windows H Game? (if you don't want to scroll down)
On a man made island near Japan is four or so schools. A descendant
from the creator of that island want to blow them up and build one school.
Since he is a rich wimp, he needs the first girl he met and felt in love
with plus some conquered enemies for fire power. They must get a paper
from each school that has a code to blow the school up. Pretty complex
when you add a controling group and some underground people. This game
reminds me of Rance(none of the main girls are virgin at the end).
A guy found out that he has a brain tumor and has about one year
to live. His best friend made a bet with him to see who can catch some girls
first. Will he live out his last year happy? You get to pick static or anime
H scenes sometimes.
Our guy proposed to a girl, but she rejected him because she already
has someone in her heart. He won't give up and will try to win her. He has
a bunch of girls that will help him. Will he be strong enough and last long
enough to remember?
Legend has it that there is a silver string that can grant any wish.
For a guy and a girl, all they had through lives were a moment of happiness.
It turned out that the wish require a life. How are they going to find
lasting happiness? This game even has a English mode, first of such I seen.
After a drunken party, our guy lost his virginity to a older girl in
his photo club and became afraid of girls. Now it's 4 weeks till Christmas,
can you help him cure his fear and get one of 4 girls?
Eight girls went on a beach trip. Our guy, as one girl's classmate,
tag along to take some pictures. To get their topless picture, he has to
do something interesting. To get their nude picture, they have to love him
a bit at least. Will he be able to find a girlfriend after their 3 day trip?
Our guy and his friend got an invitation to be tutor for the daughters
of a wealthy family. When he got there, he found the house mistress, her
daughter and 4 adopted daughters, plus a maid. He can only pick one of two
girls to tutor. There will to be a test to determine how he does later too.
Well, teach and see if he can fall in love, while finding out that blood
sure bonds.
Our guy wakes up in a hospital without remembering anything. It
seems he fell from a pedestrian overpass to the street. He is now in
a hospital ward with 3 nurses and a female doctor. Can he remember his
past and does he even want to?
Our guy dreams of being an action star some day. While filming at
a remote location, he got hit by lightning that sent him to a different
world. There, he happen on a girl chase by some ninja. If he decide to fight
and stay, he can help out some girls. Otherwise if he run back to the
present, he will bring back a surprise or two.
Our guy lives with his step sister since their parents are away
on business trips. He got a call from his mother that she is remarrying.
He will have to move to be with her unless he can present her with a girlfriend
by the end of third school term, in two months or so. That should be no
problem since there are 11 girls around him, including his maybe sister.
After working almost the whole summer to make money for a seaside trip
with his girlfriend, she left him because she longer love him the way she used
to. While depressed and roasting in end of summer heat, he got a call from his
childhood girl. It seems their local fun park is going to close in 7 days and
they need him to help out there. Since he can never refuse her, he starts working
as a cleaner in the park. While cleaning, he can chase one of 7 girls. They are
his childhood girl, park manager, girl who lost her brother, English girl, horror
house doll, alien girl and guardian angel. Will he be able to find lasting love?
After our girls graduate, they want to work in the Grand Hotel. During
their interview, they are told there is a test before they get hired. They have
to collect over due money from some people. They are going to have hard and
fun times doing that. Maybe working for this hotel is not so grand.
Our guy's film making club is completing with their school's cinema
club. They have to make an orginal amature film for the upcoming school cultral
festival. The winner gets to keep their club and goes to inter-school contest.
For our guy's club, they are not doing too well, having bad equipment and
loosing their actress to the other club. Now our guy has to find an actress
to star in his film since his club leader seems to have given up. Can he
do it with girl and other interference? This game has animation for his movie
and fun stuff.
A girl is happy to finally able to go to the school of the guy she loves.
She moved into school dorm and met her room mate. Next day, she bump into our
guy in her hurry to school. Thus they meet, and our guy can chase her, his
classmate/swim team girl or the swim team female captain. The first girl is easy
to get and he can even share her if he really want to, thus enabling him to
go after her room mate. You get to see some of the first girl's events, which
show how much she love our guy.
Our guy woke up in a dungeon without his memory. What will you have him
do? Live life unknown, or go to town and find out who he is? This may sound like
a role playing game, but it is a pick your choice adventure game with 90 different
Since our guy is the 3rd son of a poor family, he decided to set out for
the Guild of Emerald Tower to be like his hero Master Oz. With him are 7 beast
girls that fight for him. As he does work for the guild to go up rank from C to A
then S, he will enjoy each of his girls.
Our guy belong to a group call Guren that fight demons and evil spirits.
While on their way to meet with some Guren members, his partner has to sacrifice
herself so he can escape. He is found and saved by a girl that he later recuited.
Together, they met with 3 Guren members and recuited a demon hunter(all female).
As they do jobs and go through chapters, he can comfort his girls and help other
girls. Eventually, they will find out some secrets that need to be taken care of.
Our guy is asked by his sister to find a partner to test her two person
virtual H(ecchi, Japanese word for male-female fun) machine. First girl is
his neighbour/childhood friend, but a 2nd girl, his sister's boss' daughter
joins the fun later. Anyway, this machine connects two person and let them
play in one of four scenarios. How far she will go in a scenario will depend
on her Love and Willingness, which increase after a successful completion.
Well, virtual love is easy, but will he be able to win a girl in the real
In a strange world, you have to help someone in a battle suit chase
some female ninja. If you defeat a sub boss, you get to question her. Pretty
short game, but the ending surprised me some.
Belive it or not, our guy's actually bored of his over fun loving
girlfriend. A new transfer student seems just what he needs, new love.
She turned out to be a poor rich girl raised in her home not knowing
anything about the real world. He can take advantage of that or try
to help her, either way, this game doesn't have anything other than
Our guy wants to move out of his home town into the big city. Before
he can do that, he has to do a five day husband and wife ceremony with his
childhood girl on new years day. This ceremony comes from the tragic legend
of two sisters, their childhood guy and another nasty guy. Can he successfully
complete this event, free some spirits and find love at the same time?
Our guy is the prosecutor in a serial rape case involving a new drug.
He has to convince 3 victims to testify. While doing that, he can chase
after the previous persecutor's sister.
It's almost winter break. Our guy's best friend planned a ski trip and
wanted him to find some girls to go along. There are 4 girls and a teacher in
his class that loves him. How much, he will have to find out in the few weeks
before the ski trip. Whoever he ends up with, hope they will be happy.
When they were young, our guy's younger brother was a wimp. After their
father died, his bother went out and became a hero. Our guy just lazy around
their hometown and chase girls. Now, his brother is back after saving 9 countries
and being in 5 wars. His brother wants to marry their childhood girl, who
suddently went poof. They think a monster took her so both went out to find her.
While looking, our guy can help some girls he meet. He has very strange
ways of gaining levels once he gets enough experience points.
Our guy left his childhood girl and went to war against a monster
after his father got killed in it. When he came back a year later, he was
just in time to see his childhood girl taken away by the monster's army. He
joined the resistance and started to find her. Within 30 days, he can help
girls who will join him in the fight. This game is much better than the
DOS like Harlem Blade 1.
The long title means time that is not in Spring, Autum and Winter,
which is Summer. Anyway, it's another year of no girlfriend for our guy.
While thinking about why, which is that his first love met badly with a car
when he was 8 years old, he got hit by a car and woke up near a weird mansion.
Girls and people that he can't remember know him. It turns out that he
is 10 years back in the past. Since this game messes with time, things are
a bit confusing. He can chase after 4 girls(or so), some in the past and some in
the present. If he can save his first love, things are even more confusing.
This is another strip majong game. In the story mode, you can pick
one of 6 girls to fight for a banshee tear, which can grant one wish.
After a year of forced training in America, our guy returned to Japan.
He found out that he is going to be head of their house(father, him, sword and
tree), plus a fiance. He is not too happy about this but crumbles to the tears
of his rich girl fiance. Adding to his trouble is a girl that chase him from America
and a cousin that hate his father for the death of his mother. Anyway, why does
his family has to protect their sacred tree and what secrets does it hold?
Rushing to catch a train, our guy bumped into someone and picked up
the wrong bag. When he got home, he opened the bag to find a gun, some money
and a video tape. What he does with those will end in 19 different ways.
Most ends doesn't go too well since this gun has a history of making
the person who own it go on a killing spree.
A guy manages a mansion/rental house while his uncle is away. After
getting to know the 5 girls that live there, he soon got to know them
much better. Soon after, he learned why this place is call the pleasure
house. Hope he can keep the harem happy.
There have been some changes since part 1. The six rooms are now -
the same guy, 2 original girls, 2 new girls, and his friend. Now the guy
works as a toy designer and his friend manages the building. He still gets
all the girls(well, except one), including some girls at work. This time,
he might get a girl to love, if they don't make part 3.
Well, they made #3. His girlfriend from #1 came back. Now what is he
going to do since he already has a girlfriend from #2. He will have to decide
which one he wants, but in the mean time, he still enjoys the girls around him.
This time, he can pick one of two girlfriends or stay the same as before.
Our guy transfered to a new school. He is just in time to save the school
theater club from being canceled. He gets to pick his heroine out of 3 girls for
their next play. He also has to set schedual for set building, customs making,
and practicing. Well, no matter, he still has time to chase the 5 club girls and
2 others. Oh, the only time our guy talks is when he is selecting choices.
Our guy's family moved back to his father's hometown. He has to leave
all his friends and enter a new high school. Not to worry, he soon made some
friends and got along well with them. School life goes on as usual, if your
usual means H around every other corner. He can even choose a girlfriend
among 3 girls.
Our guy became blind after getting hit by a car while saving his
step sister's umbrella. His "view" of the world and girls in it are mostly
from his imagination. Will he be able to find a girl to love him and thus
give him light? Other than the blind part, this game is sort of like
After a guy recovered from an accident, girls seem to be attracted
to him. It turned out that he can influence their feelings. Can he resist
this power and stay true to the girl he loves?
A guy woke up to a wet dream by his step mother(divorced and lonely).
This is the usual start of his school day. From then on, it's H here,
H there, and H everywhere. He sure lives in a warped world, but he will die
happy! This game might give someone a H scene overload.
It's bad luck that our guy got hit by his student/fan's car. This
put him in her father's hospital, without memory of his past. Will she or
her two sisters be able to help him regain his memory? Or will he regain
some memory that has been long buried?
This is a board game, basically. The setting is that 6 hunters search
for 5 girls on an island. A game is played with only 4 hunters. Each hunter
does something different when they capture a girl, all except one
H related.
Our guy and his friend went on a mystery tour. Their destination
turned out to be his friend's home island that was abandoned 10 years ago.
It seems most people on that tour is from that island and they are invited
there for one day visit. While exploring that deserted island with his
friends, they found some stories written by someone, where there are a total
of 15 stories. If you can help them find all the stories, you will get to
see some history of that island and maybe even find love. This is a nice
Elf story game that is full voice(including our guy) and has a game tree
that you can use to go back to any point you been to before.
Our guy thinks that he is the strongest fighter around his school,
until he got totally trashed by a new rival. If that wasn't bad enough,
his sister got murdered and him left dead in his burning house. He got saved
and found out that he has the potential to become the strongest person on
earth. Will his girlfriend and other friends be able to keep him from
the revenge driven dark side of his power?
Our guy and his childhood girl left their village to search for their
dream, which include four fairy stones that can grant a wish. On their way,
they help people and pick up companions. If he can have one wish, will it
be power, world health, or love?
Our guy(?) and his maid arrived at a new town. He is there to search
for a missing princess. As for the guy(?), he has the soul of a goddess in
his body and they are fighting for control, so a few of his body parts are
femalish. He is also called God Killer, which you will find out why on his
adventure to find the princess and regain lost power from willing females.
This multi-ending game stars the guy(rich and sick), his assistant(male),
his wife, his sister, his nurse, his phantom(male/female), two maids, an
assistant cook(male) and two other girls. They all live in his mansion.
How he lives his soon to end(?) life is what makes this game multi-ending.
There are 42 endings to this game and the endings you already seen will
affect how the next game is played.
Our guy works at an Image Club, a place where girls dress up in costumes
to fulfill customer fantasies. Their manager ran away with 10 million yen, which
he will have to earn, with just four girls' help in 30 days. Well, other than
making the club nice to get more customers, he gets to train the girls personally.
He even has time to chase one girl, who will be his love if he manage to earn
the 10 million yen in one month.
From #1, our doctor has collected a bunch of pets, including the hospital
manager's daughter. To gain control of the hospital, he still has to deal with
the assistant manager and a rival doctor. To do that, he needs to collect more
pets. Strange that some of the girls actually love him.
Our guy got a no name game in the mail. When he played it, he end up in
a mansion where 3 maids(big, middle, small) work for him. Now, waking up in the
morning by his real world childhood girl, he attend class and can chase her or
another school girl. Back home after school, he plays his maid game. If he
manage to win a maid, she will be with him one way or another.
This game is same as the DOS/V .
Read the desc there but get the save game here.
While returing home from his crappy job, our guy found a girl at
the end of a bolt of lightning. It seems she has chased a mad scientist
from her planet to earth. She needs his help to stop the mad scientist
from collecting earth female energy. How does he do that? Well, a little
mad scientist drug does wonders.
For the sake of his girlfriend, our guy become a challenger to be the
eternal hero. He has to find and get 7 seals and 4 elements. To activate each
seal, he needs to have fun with a princess. Well, to make things short, he
will end up with 10 wives by the time he is done. Be sure to train him well,
so he will be strong enough to keep his wives happy.
While picking fruit and herb in a forest with his maid, our guy
got hit on the head and tied under a sacred tree. When his secretary/bodyguard/wife
found him, he had lost some of past two months memory. His first assassin
suspects are his secretary and three maids. Later on, he found that either
there is an assassin hiding in the forest or something strange is going on.
Can he find out what in 10 days while loving one of the girls?
A guy got a part time job with a very strange family. During the
daytime, he can explore the house or sort documents. During the evenings,
he gets to play rope tricks with the mother and two daughters. If he can
survive and find out what's going on, he might end up happy with one of
the girls.
In a far kingdom, two princes set out to find a rare item to decide
who would be king. The younger brother, being nice and trusting, drank a
potion from an old man and got turned into a cute rabbit like creature.
Even like that, he saved seven girls(in Alicesoft, there's a monster that
can't be harm by females). Anyway, the girls decided to help him get home.
Easier said then done since his weird form attracts monsters like mad.
This game should be called
3 instead of
Kakyusei(Lower Class Mates). This time, our guy has 13 girls to chase.
The girls are 3 older, 5 same age, 4 younger and 1 alien. He has one year
to catch one. You might think this is a long time, but he has school and
work monday to friday, so only has saturday afternoons and sundays to do
the chasing. Since this game comes in 2 CDs by Elf, it has impressive
graphic, music, and voice.
When our guy was young, he was jealous of his sister for taking
their parents' attention, but a mountain hiking trip changed that. There
was also his first love, where love turned to hate after an incident with
his love letter. His love and protection of his sickly sister is a bit
more than brotherly, but is all the joy she has. Will they manage to find
After finishing university, a girl went out to look for a job. It's hard
for a girl to get a job out there, but after two personal interviews, she got
a job at the ladies underwear company. Due to the personal nature of the
interviews, she gets to decide what position she gets. After work, it's more
work to please the bosses. Being a female in that company is hard/easy, but
she still manages to find love, of sorts.
After 7 years, our guy returned to his home town and stay with his
cousin and her mother while going to school there. While he has been away,
some girls have been very lonely. Can he remember them and the good times
they had? He can concentrate on one of five girls, slowly remembering good
times and bad as he try to win her heart for good. This game reminds me of
Our girl is a maid for hire. Since her motto is "I will do anything",
most of her jobs go a bit out of hand. Which of 6 clients(4 male and 2 female)
will she work for? This game is full voice and you see text only during
choice selections.
Our guy and his sister(girl he met) got brought to a mansion by a
catgirl. The mansion lady let him stay, but he has to work as a doll trainer.
He trains created females in virtual worlds. His own world doesn't seem
all that real either, with all those maids, the lady and weird mansion owner.
Can he regain his lost memory and figure out what's going on?
What a lucky guy, he gets to pick one of four sisters to be his
girlfriend. The trouble is that he has been spotted by a famous photographer
in New York and might have to move there in one month. So, will he go for
love or his dream of becoming a photographer? Is he lucky enough to get both?
It's time for our guy to find a girlfriend. That should be no
problem since he has a childhood nextdoor girl and 8 others to chase
after. He has to get to know the girls then date them, while getting
closer to them. Can he find a girlfriend or three when Christmas comes?
Our girl's father is a sex therapist and I guess so is she. Her father
has to leave the clinic for 5 days so she has to take over. Most of the
patients are female with problems, which she will help if she can. She will
have fun, work or no work.
Reading about the death of his brother(Syuusaku?) in the newspaper,
Kisaku vow to do better. He started by getting a janitor job in a medical
company. You will have to help him take pictures of girls' embrassing
monuments so he can blackmail them for fun times. You also have to help
him study and find clients so he can go up the corporate ladder and
not get fired. Can you help him get 8 girls and maybe save his soul
afterward? This Elf game is the 3rd in the series of Isaku, Syuusaku
and now Kisaku.
Our guy is visiting his 4 cousins' home. He starts to have weird
nightmares. Soon, he found out that their family has non-human gene and
the beasts in them want to hunt, the males' anyway. Will his cousins be
able to help him with their love? This game has replay value, when I thought
that THIS is the end, a game char pop up to hint me on how to get another
ending! Wow, what a game, nastiness and tenderness combined!
This is the windows version of
It has full voice, improved graphics and interface plus the same great, fun story.
Our guy is a bit messed up by his family. How he deals with his pass
experiences and the girls/guy around him gives this game 24 endings.
Our guy's father is leaving on a trip for two weeks and he has to
take care of the house maids. That means he can chase after the 5 maids
and 1 girlfriend. If he manage to catch a girl, his father won't be too
happy but he will be extremely happy.
While our king was visiting his dying teacher, he found and released
a girl sealed in a tree. It seems his teacher had sealed her beacause she
came from the underworld. What he released was just her spirit. To get her
body back, he has to find medals that his teacher gave to other kings.
Well, he has four commanders to help him do that. He can also get some
princesses too, if he want to.
This is a pool ball puzzle game. In this game, a guy or girl will go
through different stages, using pool balls to knock out people and creatures
in each area. For reward, there are nasty girls to knock out as well.
This Exchange Diary has two games. In Diary 1, 3 girls fell Love at
First Sight with a guy. Through their friends, they found the guy and started
to go after him. You play the guy, but most of the game is on auto. You get
to make a few choices that will determine if the 3 main girls and their
8 friends will say YES to him at the end of one month. In Diary 2, our guy
lives in a new town. It is now December and he has to work to buy a heater.
He met 9 girls, who all fell for him. Who will he be with on Christmas Eve,
you decide. This game has very nice stories, especially Diary 2. The girls
are nice too, they make me want to clone the guy and give them one each.
I guess even rich twins can't marry the same guy.
During Christmas Eve, a guy will get trapped in an elevator with
a girl. The girl will be different according to situations, but all are
girls that he know. How he react to the girl and the situation will determine
if he wins her or not.
After completing 10 years training in 3 months, our guy head down
the mountain for some fun. He bump into a girl, who just fought off some
thieves, including him. They got to know each other, with the girl taking
him home to fix his shirt. She turned out to be one of the protectors of
magic stones sealing a fire witch. Another gang wants to release the witch.
Our guy decided to help out and stayed with the girl and her sisters. While
trying to find the other gang, they do odd jobs and he try to catch
some girls.
Our guy's parents are away and he is lonely at home. He decided to
cook himself dinner. Things happened. Which of 4 girls will he give his
ring to? The childhood next door girl, her friend, school's girl or
teacher's pet?
It's a new school year for our guy. He is feeling a bit down since
he doesn't have a girlfriend. He met a guy(main guy from #1?) who soon became
his friend. He has to invite a girl to their new lunch club. Which of 5 girls
will he pick? After that, there is summer and winter loving to enjoy.
A guy got lost and ran out of gas. He ended up at a mansion where a girl
and her maid lives. He is invited to stay until their guardian's monthly visit.
When she arrived, he found out that this girl is the one that his brother died
to save from a car accident. Thinking that she likes him only as his brother,
he decided to make them into pets. Will he live happy or master?
Our guy's father want him to find a girlfriend within 3 years. To start
him off, his father build a new school and fill it with strong people, plus sealing
off his fighting skills so he has to start new. Since our guy has been training
all his life, he doesn't show much emotion. Can you help him get one of 4 girls
within 3 years?
A guy is given a card that allow him access to the Last Child club where
he can have SM fun with four girls. The girls are a bit strange, which he will
find out why in 50 days.
Our guy became a doctor inorder to try to find a cure for his girlfriend's
diease. Now that he is a doctor, he found out that she only has seven days to live.
Will he try to find a cure with some nurses' help, spend time with her at a
seaside hotel, or resort to drastic measures?
Our girl dreams of marrying a hero someday. When she heard that demons
are invading, she went out to find a hero. She doesn't have much luck finding
a hero, but did collect some companions, which she will need when she meets
up with the demons.
Our guy likes a girl working in his uncle's cafe. Once he got ownership
of the cafe from his uncle, he found out the this cafe is special and the girls
do extra work. He put a stop to that and now 5 girls only serve him at night.
Can he go from H to love?
A little girl is asked by her parents to deliver a bottle of wine to her
grandmother. She has to pass a forest of dangers. Can her magical power or wit
get her through?
Our guy is one of those detective that doesn't get many jobs. His helper
girl is her school's detective club president. At first, she asked his help in
a case where someone is stealing sports girl's clothing in her school. Soon, they
got mixed up in some people's revenge driven terrorism. Can they manage to get out
of it without too much scar?
If you say the game title fast, you will have a small idea of what this
game is about. While thinking about his lost girlfriend because he couldn't pass
the university entrance exam, our guy found a maid being pick on by some guys.
Help her or not, he will get invited to the mansion where she works. There, he
met the lady owner and 3 other maids. He is invited to stay and given free use
of the 5 girls. Will he be able to find a new love?
Our guy received an invitation to enter a contest to win a very rich
man's inheritance. The contest consist of quizs and games. Other contestants
will compete with him. He can either do it alone or with someone's help.
Our guy lives with his older sister. Since he doesn't have much to do
while going to university, she found him a part time job at her best friend's
company. It turns out there are 6 girls in that place, including his sister's
best friend, the owner of that H game company(London Star). During two months work,
he can chase a girl by helping her, if his personality matches the girl's. His
personality is determined by some questions during game start, and affect by some
in game choices. His older sister is one like none I have seen before in a H game.
She plays the role usually a childhood girl would play, waking him up in the
morning with real wrestling moves, especially if it is his turn to cook breakfast.
Most unusual is that she is just there for support and can't be chased, unless you
count the bad ending comfort part.
After our guy's best friend confess to him that he love a girl in their
school, our guy found out that he also loves her. Good thing for this triangle
is that the girl and our guy were friends from before and still loves him. Bad
thing is that he has to hide this relationship from his best friend. What will
he do? Date this girl, another two for variety, or save his friendship?
When our guy ask a girl to be his steady, he found out that she loves
someone else. While drunk from depression, he made a mess of helping his new
neighbour. It turned out that his new neighbour is his new homeroom teacher.
What fun, now he can chase after his teacher or the girl that rejected him.
A guy and his priestess assistant works as spiritual experts.
In story 1, they are hired to exorcize an infamous french woman's spirit
from a girl after another group failed. Things got out of hand and an orgy
is just the thing to do the job. In story 2, two school girls ate candy
from a stranger. They started to eat lots of sweets and require fun
afterward. Our guy is there to help, especially if he can have fun at it.
Our guy's sister/cousin asked him to be a director for her small adult
video company. He has two weeks to learn while training a new star, who happens
to be a girl from his home town. Lucky, he will go from virgin to director pretty
quickly at the rate he is going. There are also three other H girls that he can
go after if you perfer.
Our guy is a secret agent that specialize in information and assassination.
He has a robot girl for assistant. So far, they have 100% success rate, but
their new target doesn't seem to want to stay dead. While finding out what's
going on, they have to deal with a world network stopping virus and a strange
new drug. Can he remember and how much does she love him? This game is cyberpunk
style with lots of voice acting.
of this page.
Go to the H Game Save Files ,
to Li's Fun House.}


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