
《ITV:神秘地中海》(ITV: The Secret Mediterranean with Trevor McDonald)全四集/更新MVGroup版本[PDTV]类别:-状态:精华资源发布: 18:53:07更新: 15:02:54更多电驴资源用户共享的电驴资源列表&&&&&&&& 全选
|4.16 GB电驴资源简介简介: 【类型】: 纪录【影片长度】: 平均40分钟【集数】:共4集【字幕】: 暂无【服务器】: 随机【分享时间】:全天【内容介绍】:地中海横跨三个大洲,沿海涉及二十一个国家,富饶的地中海赋予了一批批最为灿烂的古老文化。如今,这里不仅有令人瞠目的风景,更有比地球上任何地方都丰富的文化。(文:life_is_good@YDY)Spanning three continents and 21 countries, the Mediterranean has nurtured some of the most dazzling civilizations of antiquity. Today, amid the stunning landscapes, more cultures live side by side here than anywhere else on earth.
联系信箱:中文名: BBC 海底深渊英文名: BBC The Abyss资源格式: DVDRip版本: mvgroup版本,英文字幕发行时间: 2002年地区: 英国语言: 英语简介: 【供源情况】自己供源【服 务 器】Big Bang 9 or Big Bang 10【字幕语言】英文【对白语言】英语【原 片 名】The Abyss【中 文 名】海底深渊【出品公司】BBC【出品年代】2002【国  家】英国【类  别】记录片/专题片【文件格式】DivX521 + MP3【文件大小】1CD 698MB【视频尺寸】640 x 480【影片长度】52 Mins【内容简介】由【蓝色星球】节目制作群忠实呈现前所未见、丰沛多样的深海生态本片将深入地球上最罕为人知的大海深渊,绝对是一趟值回票价的惊异奇航!一架遥控推进器加上两艘载人潜水艇潜入海中的幽冥世界里,他们不但遇上六鳃鲛,还碰到了双髻鲨,甚至还发现一艘沉船,而它的位置深到无法被打捞起来。这一场海底深渊的探险让我们看到一个与众不同、不需要靠阳光生长的自然生态,在海底深处也有高热水柱,其中富含金属与硫化物在深海里漫延开来,一如浓密的黑云;而此地的生物长相怪异,却又丰富多姿,就和科幻小说般的奇幻。中文名: 苦战科科达英文名: Kokoda资源格式: HDTV版本: 全2集/更新MVGroup版DVDRIP发行时间: 日制作发行: ABC1地区: 澳大利亚语言: 英语简介: 在这部两集纪录片讲述了第二次世界大战期间,澳大利亚和日本在巴布亚新几内亚发生的激烈战斗。(文:life_is_good@YDY)This two-part documentary tells the story of the brutal World War II campaign fought between Australia and Japan in the green hell of the mountains of Papua New Guinea.Told from both the Japanese and Australian perspectives the series also explores the impact of the decisions of high command on the soldiers at the front line.代码Release: Kokoda.Part1.The.Invasion.HDTV.XViD-NANORls date: Source:Size: 440MBResolution: 624x352Format: XviDAudio: 128~ kbps VBR MP31. 新增扫二维码功能,可直接扫 VeryCD 网站影片页面的二维码,便能在应用上打开;
2. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
1. 新增支持 B 站视频(哔哩哔哩),满屏的弹幕更欢乐;
2. 在影片封面上展示在线视频的清晰度;
片名“The Seven Ages Of Britain”翻成“英国艺术史”似乎不甚妥当。片子的内容可能是通过对艺术品和珍宝的介绍来回顾英国历史。从已经有的两集资源的片名来看,第一集讲的是罗马入侵到诺曼征服这一阶段的历史,第二集讲的是英国中世纪历史。
thanks a lot
引用(BertrandRussell @ -13, 03:50 PM) 片名“The Seven Ages Of Britain”翻成“英国艺术史”似乎不甚妥当。片子的内容可能是通过对艺术品和珍宝的介绍来回顾英国历史。从已经有的两集资源的片名来看,第一集讲的是罗马入侵到诺曼征服这一阶段的历史,第二集讲的是英国中世纪历史。小的没有看过。这个Seven Ages可能指其艺术在历史发展过程中的七个时期,每一个都有其有别与其它时代的鲜明特征。希望猜中。谢谢老大慷慨分享
引用(wcusa123 @ -08, 12:44 PM) 英国的艺术史就这么短短的几百年中国印度这些古国何时能自拍自己几千年经典的艺术史英國歷史可沒有這麽短哈。。。=。=只是沒有輝煌的大文明不等於就沒有文明
引用(hkenneth @ -07, 05:03 AM) 引用(wcusa123 @ -08, 12:44 PM) 英国的艺术史就这么短短的几百年中国印度这些古国何时能自拍自己几千年经典的艺术史英國歷史可沒有這麽短哈。。。=。=只是沒有輝煌的大文明不等於就沒有文明同意,貌似好像不是一回事吧。。。
英国的七个纪元InformationSeven Ages of BritainDavid Dimbleby charts a landmark history of Britain’s greatest art and artefacts over 2000 years in Seven Ages of Britain.Produced in partnership with The Open University, Seven Ages of Britain looks at our extraordinary past through the Arts - both as treasures that have often played a decisive part in events and as marvels of their age. From painted images and monuments of stone and gold to religious relics, weapons of war, instruments of scie often they are artefacts of great beauty and craftsmanship, but sometimes they are simple, everyday things which have a powerful story to tell.Over the seven one hour programmes, David roams far and wide - including Italy, Germany, Turkey, India and America - tracking down astonishing artefacts that both encapsulate events or originate from the UK, and yet ended up leaving our shores. Jay Hunt Controller of BBC One said: &The Seven Ages of Britain is a hugely ambitious arts series for BBC One. David brings the subject matter alive with journalistic endeavour and a twinkle in his eye.&Part 1: ConquestDavid Dimbleby tells the story of Britain through its art and treasure. The first part of the chronicle begins with the Roman invasion and ends with the Norman Conquest. David travels throughout Britain in search of the greatest works of art from the time: the mosaics of Bignor Roman Villa, the burial treasure of Sutton Hoo, Anglo-Saxon poetry and Alfred the Great's Jewel. He also goes abroad, throughout Europe, to find objects either made in Britain, or which tell us something about our past. In Aphrodisias, Turkey, he finds the oldest image of B in Florence, a beautiful illuminated Bible made by Northumbrian monks in the 8 in Normandy, the Bayeux Tapestry, now believed to have been made by English nuns. He ends at the Tower of London, now seen as a symbol of Britishness but originally built by William the Conqueror to subdue the people of England.Part 2: WorshipThe story of British art in the Middle Ages, spanning from the murder of Thomas Becket in 1170 to the death of Richard II in 1400. It was an age defined by worship - whether worship of God, the king, or one's lady love. David Dimbleby looks at the finest creations of the medieval Church, like the stained glass of Canterbury Cathedral and the colourful Bury Bible, and is winched 40 feet off the ground to see a rare surviving church Doom - a painting of the Last Judgement - close up. David Dimbleby looks at the finest creations of the medieval Church, like the stained glass of Canterbury Cathedral and the colourful Bury Bible, and is winched 40 feet off the ground to see a rare surviving church Doom - a painting of the Last Judgement - close up. During the reign of Edward I a new fad, chivalry, gripped the nation, resulting in fabulous creations like the Eleanor Cross of Geddington, Edward III's vast ceremonial sword at Windsor, and the tomb of the Black Prince. The artistic high point of the Middle Ages came with the reign of Richard II, whose patronage inspired three masterpieces: the famous timber roof of Westminster Hall, Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and the Wilton Diptych altarpiece. David travels to Munich to see the only surviving English medieval crown, which belonged to Richard's wife, Anne of Bohemia.Part 3: PowerThis episode looks at the Tudors and spans from Henry VIII's accession in 1509 to the first performance of Shakespeare's Henry VIII exactly 100 years later. David Dimbleby shows how the Tudors used art as an instrument of power and propaganda. Featuring a look at Henry VIII and the lavish, gilded tomb in Westminster Abbey he commiss the epic Field of Cloth of Gold painting in Hampton Court made to celebrate his diplomatic triumph over the F and the extraordinary patron-artist relationship he cultivated with Hans Holbein. Henry favoured blunt statements of power, but his daughter Elizabeth was more subtle. Dimbleby's journey also takes in the Reformation, the wreck of the Mary Rose, John White's extraordinary watercolours of the New World, the mouthwatering Cheapside Hoard, the Spanish Armada, Henry VIII's armour and Drake's Drum.Part 4: RevolutionIn the 17th century, when the people of Britain learned to question everything. The result was Civil War, in which everyone, including artists, had to take sides. But out of it came a re-invented monarchy, a scientific revolution and, ultimately, the great Cathedral of St Paul's. Highlights include the courtly portraits of Rubens, Van Dyck and Peter Lely, and the fabulous creations of the Royal Society. The programme includes: Charles I's execution shirt and painting of Charles with his head sewn back on (Museum of London); Rubens' Apotheosis of James I (Banqueting House); Van Dyck portraits (Tate Britain); P Civil War re- Verney family tomb (Claydon House); Thomason Collection (British Library); portraits of Cromwell (National Portrait Gallery); Grinling Gibbons' golden statue of Charles I (Royal Hospital Chelsea); Peter Lely's Windsor Beauties (Hampton Court); Royal Observatory (Greenwich); Hooke's microscope and Micrographia (Science Museum); Wren's plan for L St Paul's Cathedral.Part 5: MoneyIn the 18th century, the triumph of commerce led to the emergence of a new 'middle' class, a group of people who craved pleasure and novelty, and developed its own tastes in art. The result was a golden age in painting, with Hogarth, Reynolds and Gainsborough re-inventing the British style. The story ends in 1805 with the burial of Horatio Nelson, a commoner, at the heart of St Paul's: the supremacy of the middle class assured.Part 6: EmpireThe story of the British Empire from 1750 to 1900, revealed through its art and treasures. David Dimbleby travels through Britain, America and India, tracing the descent from adventure and inspiration into moral bankruptcy as the Empire became a self-serving bureaucratic machine. In Britain, David looks at William Hodges' paintings of Captain Cook's famous voyages, Sir Hiram Maxim's original machine gun, the relics of General Gordon brought back from the Sudan, and some of the priceless trophies plundered in foreign campaigns: Tipu's mechanical Tiger and the Benin Bronzes. In Philadelphia, he explores William Penn's utopian Old Town, the Liberty Bell, and painter Benjamin West's pictorial white-washing of history in Penn's Treaty with the Indians. In India, David looks at the colonial architecture of Calcutta, and some fabulous frescoes in a Rajasthan village mocking British customs and personalities. The programme ends at the Victoria Memorial in front of Buckingham Palace, not so much a monument to the British Empire as its mausoleum.Part 7: AmbitionThe 20th century saw ordinary Britons upturning ancient power structures and class hierarchies. The catalyst was the First World War, which embroiled the whole nation and called traditional values into question. The result was an ever-growing democratisation of culture, with art coming off gallery walls, becoming an instrument of self-expression at the service of the individual. David Dimbleby looks at some of the great masterworks of modern British art, but also champions lesser appreciated art forms like broadcasting and domestic design.
bbc经典就是多 =========================可是有英文和中文字幕的节目却很少。
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引用(大蛇丸一一 @ -18, 01:47 PM) bbc经典就是多 =========================可是有英文和中文字幕的节目却很少。好好学英文吧
英国的七个纪元.BBC.Seven.Ages.of.Britain.HDTV.x264.AC3.MVGroup - 英文字幕BBC.Seven.Ages.of.Britain.1of7.Age.of.Conquest.HDTV.x264.AC3.MVGroup.orgBBC.Seven.Ages.of.Britain.2of7.Age.of.Worship.HDTV.x264.AC3.MVGroup.orgBBC.Seven.Ages.of.Britain.3of7.Age.of.Power.HDTV.x264.AC3.MVGroup.orgBBC.Seven.Ages.of.Britain
【BBC :俄罗斯的艺术】(BBC :The Art Of Russia)全3集/更新MVGroup版本[PDTV][TVRip]
中文名:BBC :俄罗斯的艺术英文名:BBC :The Art Of Russia资源格式:TVRip版本:全3集/更新MVGroup版本[PDTV]发行时间:日制作发行:BBC FOUR地区:英国语言:英语制作团队:香草花园
【频道】:BBC【剧名】:BBC 俄罗斯的艺术 - BBC The Art Of Russia【首播】:2009年【类型】:记录【片长】:每集约60分钟【服务器】: 随机【分享时间】: 全天 【简介】:艺术评论家Andrew Graham-Dixon带我们周游俄罗斯,一探究竟俄罗斯的艺术世界。The Art Of Russia is a documtary series presented by Andrew Graham-Dixon. Andrew travels around Russia taking a look at the world of art there.Series in which art critic Andrew Graham-Dixon tells the incredible story of Russian art - its mystery and magnificence - and until now a story untold on British television.He explores the origins of the Russian icon from its roots in Byzantium and the first great Russian icon, Our Lady of Vladimir to the masterpieces of the country's most famous icon painter, Andrei Rublev.Both epic and awe-inspiring, and producing brilliant art, nevertheless medieval Russia could be a terrifying place. Criss-crossing the epic landscape, Andrew visits the monastery founded by Ivan the Terrible, where his favourite forms of torture found inspiration in religious art.One man would shine a light into Russia's 'dark' ages - Peter the Great who, surprisingly, took as his inspiration Deptford in South London.


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