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Overlord II, Overlord&: Raising Hell, Overlord(TM)
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"Excellent game, with a lot of dark humor. If you want to play the bad guy for once, and have a good time doing it, this is the game for you."
About This Game
Overlord II, sequel to the critically acclaimed cult hit, sees the return of the chaotic Minions and their new Dark Master. Bigger, badder and more beautifully destructive, Overlord 2 has a Glorious Empire to smash, a massive Netherworld to revive, Minion mounts to mobilize, a trio of mistresses to woo, War Machines to crush opposition and lots of cute creatures to, err... murder (and a mini-map)
What sort of stuff will I get to kill? Your main source of victims will come from the brave and highly flammable ranks of the Glorious Empire, a sinister regime that gained power after the fall of the previous Overlord. You'll be hacking your way through entire battalions at a time, but to keep the blood on your sword varied we've also thrown a few Yetis, Elves, villagers and annoyingly cute indigenous species into the mix, just to name but a few. Don't say we never do anything for you.
I've always wanted to enslave the human race, is this the game for me? You've come to the right place! With the Domination style Overlord humanity, can become your plaything. Village by village, you'll reap the benefits of an unwilling workforce as you drive the Glorious Empire from your lands.
I'm more of a &watch the world burn& kind of guy, can I still get my rocks off? We've got your pleasure, sir. With the Destruction style Overlord you can ravage the land like a moody T razing cities, forests and Imperial camps to the ground just because they looked at you funny.
What can my minions do? Minions are angry little Swiss army knives of pain: They can ride into battle on wolves and other magical creatures, loot the best weapons from stomped enemies, pillage houses for treasure, operate fearsome war machines, infiltrate enemy camps and polish your armour so thoroughly you'll blind passing wildlife.
What types of Minions can I rule? This new batch of minions is smarter, faster, deadlier and wittier than the sorry sacks of skin you used to rule. Minions now come in four fantastic flavours: Browns are brutal brawlers that solve their problems with teeth and fists. Reds are the surly artillery who love to play catch, as long as it's with fireballs. Greens are the stealthy assassins. Silent and deadly, like a fart on legs. Blues are no use in a fight but can resurrect fellow Minions who've tried to stop a sword with their face.
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP SP2+
Processor: Pentium 4 3.0Ghz/Athlon 64bit 3000+
Memory: 1GB
Graphics: GeForce 6800+/ATI X1600+ with 256MB
DirectX(R): DirectX 9.0c
Hard Drive: 5GB
Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
(C) 2009 The Codemasters Software Company Limited (&Codemasters&). All rights reserved. &Codemasters&(R), &Overlord&(R) and the Codemasters logo are registered trademarks owned by Codemasters.
All other copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are being used under license. (C) 2005 - 2009 Triumph Studios B.V. (&Triumph&).
All rights reserved. Original Overlord Game Concept by Lennart Sas, Arno Van Wingerden and Triumph Studios. All rights reserved. Unauthorised copying, adaptation, rental, lending, re-sale, arcade use, charging for use, broadcast, cable transmission, public performance, distribution or extraction of this product or any trademark or copyright work that forms part of this product is prohibited. Developed by Triumph. Published by Codemasters.
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1 person found this review funny
14.8 hrs on record
Boy I love this game, played it on the Xbox 360 since I was a kid and one of the only games on the Xbox 360 I liked. It just likes pikmin for the GameCube/Wii-U but better imo. Also this is probably one of the only games you actually be the bad guys and win and prove that even evil have their victory.
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16.4 hrs on record
I may be a bit bias with the Overlord franchise because I remember playing them when I was younger, but now, I feel they are better, I mean, they are so amazing, they are fun, innovative, and almost never repetitive, which is what so many suffer from, maybe it would be better in this context.Pros-FunInnovativeChallengingNever boringRPG elementsNice watching your &EEEEEEVVVVVVILLLLLL EMPIRE SIRE& grow into this gigantic, well empire.ConsCan be too difficultSometimes unfair.I hope you enjoyed my review, and my conclusion is, buy it, buy any of the Overlords, especially Overlord 2. :)
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21.1 hrs on record
This game is an absolute classic and even though online multiplayer is dead, local co-op still works via Split Screen with a variety of modes, so if you want to plug a couple of controllers in and sit on the couch this is a great game for it.The jist of the game is that you're a dark child of destiny who can use magic and control imps, so you set out to get revenge on a town that cast you out, club baby seals to harvest their life force, rain firey death on innocent fairies, and build your netherworld dark tower. As you explore and get new minions and powers you can unlock things you previously couldn't access. Also if you decide you have a favorite minion, with enough life force you can bring them back.The game has an alignment system split between domination and destruction, so if you go around killing everyone and everything you meet you get destruction points and your armor changes and you become more destructive in combat. If you enslave everyone you meet, you get domination powers and your armor changes and you get better at enslaving and dominating things. You can also choose to walk the middle path and keep your default overlord armor and abilities, it's not a bad thing if you do.
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34.6 hrs on record
really nice RPG game... and the minion really have funny quote and response... very amusing... cant wait for the next overlord III if possible
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14.0 hrs on record
So i get to be a supreme evil ruler, sleep with hot nordic women and command an army of funny sounding goblins, sounds like heaven... well hell but you get my point
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Title: Overlord II
Release Date: 23 Jun, 2009
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防御能力:0-[Zerg Flyer Carapace]
俗称:宿主, 房子
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地区(语言):&美国(英文) 发行时间:&2009年
游戏类型:&ACT 动作游戏
通关存档下载 . 简体中文汉化效果截图
游戏简介 《Trine》(占星魔法使)是一款基于物理特色的卷轴动作游戏,游戏包含3种职业:骑士,盗贼,魔法师。游...
收藏人数: 2568
游戏类型:&RPG 角色扮演游戏制作发行:&语言:&,
中文名称:&霸王2英文名称:&Overlord II别名:&Overlord 2游戏类型:&RPG 角色扮演游戏资源格式:&压缩包版本:&完整硬盘版/ 3DM简体中文汉化补丁制作发行:&地区:&语言:&,简介:&
游戏名称:霸王 2游戏别名:唤灵师 2英文名称:Overlord II游戏制作:Triumph Studios游戏发行:Codemasters游戏语种:英文游戏类型:Fantasy Action Adventure 游戏平台:PC游戏容量:1DVD发行日期:日官方网址:/games/?gameid=2806讨论专区: 引用【版本说明】英文版、完整无损引用【安装步骤】1、解压缩,需5G剩余空间2、双击setup.bat开始安装3、桌面快捷进游戏4、硬盘版安装后,文件夹内有“注册表恢复工具”,先运行一下,再安装汉化进入游戏菜单,找到字幕开关选项,打开,就有中文字幕了引用【配置要求】Minimum System Requirements::
* English version of Microsoft& Windows& 2000/WinNT/XP/Vista
* Pentium& 4 2.0 GHz or Athlon&#153; XP 2000+ processor
* 1 GB RAM
* 100% DirectX& 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers
* 100% Windows& 2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers
* DirectX& 9.0c (included)
* 3D hardware Accelerator Card Required - 100% DirectX& 9.0c compatible Hardware Accelerated video card and latest drivers【游戏简介】
Codemaster又一经典大作,续Codemaster上次为玩家带来了不错口碑的《霸王》之后推出的第一步续作,Codemaster当然也马虎不得,正在倾尽全力的打造制作这款游戏,据称,《霸王2(Overlord 2)》将在要需前作的基础之上将拥有比前作更为庞大的战斗场面,另外服从玩家的喽罗种类更多、画面也更加美丽。【游戏截图】(前3张为硬盘版实测图)
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  英国Codemasters公司表示,他们在去年推出颇受好评的动作策略游戏《霸王2》会继续开发新作品,其中 PS3 X360 会有正宗第二代,Wii与NDS会有各自的外传游戏,多方出击要玩家继续当坏人。&   《霸王2》这款作品最有趣的地方是让玩家不当正义的一方,而是扮演邪恶的魔王率领一群小恶魔到处烧杀掳掠,坏事干得越多就越痛快,而随著等及提升玩家身边的小恶魔数量就越多也越聪明,当然游戏玩起来也越有趣。而在这次《霸王2II》玩家依旧扮演著率领恶魔继续搞破坏的大魔王,只不过因为破坏过头了,竟然引起整个罗马帝国的反抗,所以这次玩家要面对的不再只是零星的村庄或游击队,而是面对一个帝国的庞大军事力量,这个...玩家的魔王军能抗衡得了吗?&   当然这次《霸王2II》玩家不但要率领恶魔势力对抗更庞大的人类军团,所以也必须强化本身力量,因此玩家这次不能率领恶魔军团之外,还能控制大自然的猛兽,让游戏玩起来更多变化。《霸王2II》预计2009年第一季推出 PC PS3 X360 版本。另外针对Wii方面会有外传作品《霸王2 黑暗传奇》,这是一代为基础制作并导入Wiimote遥控器操作的外传游戏。针对NDS掌机则有《霸王2:小恶魔》,则是把重心放在被魔王操纵的小恶魔身上的动作益智游戏。
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