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《PES 2012 Pro Evolution Soccer 》实况主球2012
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在线时间564 小时 UID
金苹果, 积分 2259, 距离下一级还需 741 积分
PES 2012 Pro Evolution Soccer -实况主球2012 下载列表 文件数: 1 总大小: 182.15MB
PES 2012 Pro Evolution Soccer 文件名文件大小上传者182.15MByangqingquan软件信息APP分类:足球竞技游戏软件发布时间:版本Version:1.0.5语言:英语、法语等开发商:Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH相关介绍
Konami 出品的实况足球,只要是热爱足球的朋友,无不对它熟悉并且热爱着。游戏可以通过蓝牙或者 WIFI 进行对战。
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<p id="rate_0274" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="感谢分享^_^&人气 + 1
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<p id="rate_7876" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="只有200m不到么?&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_8234" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="感谢分享^_^&人气 + 7
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_2956" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="威锋有你更精彩:)&人气 + 5
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_5033" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="感谢分享^_^&人气 + 2
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_3868" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="感谢分享^_^&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_6828" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="威锋有你更精彩:)&人气 + 7
" class="mtn mbn">
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帖子 精华6
对yangqingquan于 18:39在楼主发表的主题评分:人气:+7;
PES 2012 Pro Evolution Soccer -实况主球2012 文件数: 1 文件大小:182&#46;15MB发布时间:
文件类型:支持类型:iPhone iOS 3
iPad HD IOS 3
下载列表 文件数: 1 总大小: 182&#46;15MB
PES 2012 Pro Evolution Soccer 文件名文件大小上传者PES 2012 Pro Evolution Soccer v1&#46;0&#46;5 os3&#46;0&#46;ipa182&#46;15MByangqingquan软件信息APP分类:足球竞技游戏软件发布时间:版本Version:1&#46;0&#46;5语言:英语、法语等开发商:Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH相关介绍
Konami 出品的实况足球,只要是热爱足球的朋友,无不对它熟悉并且热爱着。游戏可以通过蓝牙或者 WIFI 进行对战。
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在线时间1732 小时 UID
对yangqingquan于 19:02在楼主发表的主题评分:人气:+1;
PES 2012 Pro Evolution Soccer -实况主球2012 文件数: 1 文件大小:182&#46;15MB发布时间:
文件类型:支持类型:iPhone iOS 3
iPad HD IOS 3
下载列表 文件数: 1 总大小: 182&#46;15MB
PES 2012 Pro Evolution Soccer 文件名文件大小上传者PES 2012 Pro Evolution Soccer v1&#46;0&#46;5 os3&#46;0&#46;ipa182&#46;15MByangqingquan软件信息APP分类:足球竞技游戏软件发布时间:版本Version:1&#46;0&#46;5语言:英语、法语等开发商:Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH相关介绍
Konami 出品的实况足球,只要是热爱足球的朋友,无不对它熟悉并且热爱着。游戏可以通过蓝牙或者 WIFI 进行对战。
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间65 小时 UID
光下RES 2012 已經用光了所有的WE卷啦,杯具中&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;但是都未能下到啊!!!!
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间65 小时 UID
光下RES 2012 已經用光了所有的WE卷啦,杯具中&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;
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在线时间54 小时 UID
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在线时间2953 小时 UID
沪ICP备号-1 丨 深公安网监备案号 5
Powered by Discuz!中文名称: 实况足球:职业进化足球2012英文名称: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012别名: PES 2012游戏类型: SPG 体育运动游戏资源格式: 光盘镜像版本: 破解版发行时间: 日制作发行: Konami地区: 美国语言: 英文简介: PES 2012新的动画,增强的视觉表现和控制机制所带来的各个方面的改变。公司的东京团队正在努力保证PES 2012拥有更佳的流畅性和可玩性,即便游戏仍采用去年游戏中即已使用过的系统,不过系统现在已经得到了增强以便更好的支持身体动作和物理反应。此外近距离控制和团队AI也进行了重现编写,来为玩家提供更加接近真实足球的游戏体验。同时,PES 2012中玩家可以控制所有的动作,这样带球动作可以更加的优美,而且在过人和配合时的AI也得到了增强,以保证队友能使用足球做假动作并完成相互之间的配合。《实况2012》确实会在动作方面有所改进,而且在球员碰撞方面也有所加强,这是玩家喜闻乐见的,尤其是可以带来更流动性的游戏体验。还有更鼓舞人心的是,盘带以及近距离控球将会更精细,因为在《实况2011》中的盘带机制在理论上是很完美的,但表现出来时却在一致性和反应性差强人意。在第一次触球和接空中传球时缺少了近距离控球动作。如果在这些方面得到改进的话,将会与前作产生很大的进步。代码
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Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (c) Konami
10/2011 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Serial / Securom
1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Sports
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PES 2012 continues KONAMI's determination to listen to its fanbase and make
key improvements to the aspects the audience demands. Thus, the focus for
PES 2012 is to ensure the highest level of playability, challenge and
realism for the game, whilst also improving the level of control offered to
users. Fundamental changes to all areas of its AI have been made following
user feedback. Similarly, teamwork is central to how the game moves and
feels, enabling fans to replicate anything they would see in a real match.
Active AI: PES 2012 strives to recreate the movement and team ethic of real
football, and Active AI plays a vital role in this. Players will no longer
flock to a ball, but will make intelligent runs to create space and draw
markers, while others will make themselves available, instigate runs, and
visibly call for the ball. In the box, support players will make diagonal
decoy runs, full backs will overlap on the wings and midfielders will
provide support from behind the ball. The new Active AI routines ensure the
flow of a match is more natural, with specific routines for both attack and
defence. Hold-up play implemented last year has been improved for easier
control with more effectiveness. Defending as a unit plays a key role, and
players now hold a tight line, check on the distance between each other,
track back as a unit, and fill in for each other. As individuals they also
make better decisions to close space, block and tackle.
Jostling: Physicality is a key component in PES 2012, with player strength
one of their key individual attributes, and having a vital effect on how
they can use their strength to win the ball in a one-on-one situation.
Players now fall depending on how they are challenged, with more realistic
animations used to show the challenges between two jostling players.
Graphics: Several aspects of the game have enjoyed a huge overhaul. Player
facial expression is now much richer and the lighting effects are more
natural, while new cameras show off the huge variety of pitch-side
movement, with more detail on and around the game than ever before.
Off The Ball Control: Equally key to opening up PES 2012 is the ability to
highlight any player at any time. A new system has been implemented,
allowing users to switch players with ease. In defence, the right stick is
now used to select any outfield player, while set pieces are also enhanced
through its use. Goal kicks, corners, free kicks and throw-ins now let the
user quickly take control of any player off the ball, enabling clever runs
which create space for an attack.
Referee AI: Referees are also crucial to general game flow and their AI has
been greatly enhanced to ensure fewer interruptions to play. Decisions are
improved, and advantage is played much more regularly in offside and free
kick scenarios. As such, refs will only intervene when truly necessary, but
they will show cards if necessary once play has broken down.
Pass Support: Accessed through the new personal player settings, Pass
Support allows users to determine the level of AI assistance when passing
the ball. Players can opt for one of five settings from full support, right
up to full veteran setting which switches off all assistance so that the
direction, weight and speed of every pass is at their disposal
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2. Burn or mount the image.
3. Install the game. When prompted for a serial use one of the following:
4. Copy over the cracked content from the Crack dir on the disc to your
dir. We've also included patch 1.01 and a crack for that.
5. Play the game. Don't allow it to go online, use the firewall if need be.
6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!
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▄ ▓? ▄ ???█ ?????????????}


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