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Exertional collapse in the runner: evaluation and management in fieldside and office-based settings.
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):459-76. doi: 10.1016/j.csm..Exertional collapse in the runner: evaluation and management in fieldside and office-based settings.1, , .1Department of Family and Sports Medicine, DeWitt Army Community Hospital, Fort Belvoir, VA, USA. collapse is a commonly encountered phenomenon among runners, particularly in the setting of long distances and extreme environments. Although exertional collapse is generally a benign event occurring in an exhausted finisher at race completion, the multifactorial nature of this disorder creates a broad differential diagnosis. The ability of the sports provider to appropriately recognize and treat these various potential concerns is critical, because collapse may represent several life-threatening conditions. It is especially challenging to determine the appropriate course of evaluation and management of collapse in the context of a mass participation event. This article presents a discussion of the etiology and pathophysiology of collapse as well as strategies for the effective assessment and treatment of collapsed runners, whether in the fieldside setting or in an outpatient office-based environment.Published by Elsevier Inc.PMID:
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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External link. Please review our .In the , we looked at the basics of Scala syntax and provided some simple conceptual explanations.& Obviously there’s a lot more to this language than what I was able to present in a single (albeit very long) article.& In this post we’re going to examine Scala’s object oriented constructs (classes, objects, methods, etc) and how they compare to Java.
A More Complex Example
package com.codecommit.examples
import java.awt.{Color, Graphics}
abstract class Shape {
var fillColor:Color = null
def draw(g:Graphics):Unit
def area:Double
class Circle(var radius:Int) extends Shape {
def draw(g:Graphics):Unit = {
if (fillColor == null) {
g.drawOval(0, 0, radius / 2, radius / 2)
} else {
g.fillOval(0, 0, radius / 2, radius / 2)
def area:Double = {
var back = Math.Pi * radius
back * radius
class Square(var width:Int) extends Shape {
def draw(g:Graphics):Unit = {
if (fillColor == null) {
g.drawRect(0, 0, width, width)
} else {
g.fillRect(0, 0, width, width)
def area:Double = width * width
Remember that Scala does not require every public class to be declared in a file of the same name.& In fact, it doesn’t even require every class to be declared in a separate file.& Organizationally, it makes sense for all of these trivial classes to be contained within the same file.& With that in mind, we can copy/paste the entire code snippet above into a new file called “shapes.scala”.
The first thing you should notice about this snippet is the package declaration.& All of these classes are declared to be within the “com.codecommit.examples” package.& If this were Java, we’d have to create a new directory hierarchy to match (com/codecommit/examples/).& Fortunately, Scala saves us work here as well.& We can just store this file right in the root of our project and compile it in place, no hassle necessary.
With that said, it’s still best-practice to separate your packages off into their own directories.& This organization makes things easier to find and eases the burden on you (the developer) in the long run.& And after all, isn’t that what we’re trying to do by looking at Scala in the first place?
To compile this class, we’re going to use the fsc command (short for Fast Scala Compiler).& FSC is one of those brilliant and obvious Scala innovations which allows repeated compilation of Scala files with almost no latency.& FSC almost completely eliminates the compiler startup time incurred by the fact that the Scala compiler runs on the JVM.& It does this by “warm starting” the compiler each time, keeping the process persistent behind the scenes.& Effectively, it’s a compiler daemon, sitting in the background and using almost no resources until called upon.& The command syntax is identical to the scalac command:
fsc -d bin src/com/codecommit/examples/*.scala
This command will compile all of the .scala files within the src/com/codecommit/examples/ directory and place the resultant .class files into bin/.& Experienced Java developers will know the value of this convention, especially on a larger project.& Once again, Scala doesn’t intend to upset all best-practices and conventions established over decades.& Rather, its purpose is to make it easier to do your job by staying out of the way.
First Impressions
Of course, compiling an example doesn’t do us much good if we don’t understand what it means.& Starting from the top, we declare the package for all of the classes within the same file.& Immediately following is a single statement which imports the java.awt.Color and java.awt.Graphics classes.& Notice Scala’s powerful import syntax which allows for greater control over individual imports.& If we wanted to import the entire java.awt package, the statement would look like this:
import java.awt._
In Scala, the _ character is a wildcard.& In the case of an import it means precisely the same thing as the * character in Java:
import java.awt.*;
Scala is more consistent than Java however in that the _ character also serves as a wildcard in other areas, such as type parameters and pattern matching.& But I digress…
Looking further into the code sample, the first declaration is an abstract class, Shape.& It’s worth noting here that the order of declarations in a file does not hold any significance.& Thus, Shape could just as easily have been declared below Circle and Rectangle without changing the meaning of the code.& This stands in sharp contrast to Ruby’s syntax, which can lead to odd scenarios such as errors due to classes referencing other classes which haven’t been declared yet.& Order is also insignificant for method declarations.& As in Java, a method can call to another method even if it is declared above the delegate.
class Person {
def name() = firstName() + ' ' + lastName()
def firstName() = &Daniel&
def lastName() = &Spiewak&
Returning to our primary example, the first thing we see when we look at class Shape is the color variable.& This is a public variable (remember, Scala elements are public by default) of type Color with a default value of null.& Now if you’re a Java developer with any experience at all, warning sirens are probably clanging like mad at the sight of a public variable.& In Java (as in other object-oriented languages), best practice says to make all fields private and provide accessors and mutators.& This is to promote encapsulation, a concept critical to object oriented design.
Scala supports such encapsulation as well, but its syntax is considerably less verbose than Java’s.& Effectively, all public variables become instance properties.& You can imagine it as if there were mutator and accessor methods being auto-generated for the variable.& It’s as if these two Java snippets were equivalent (the analog is not precise, it just gives the rough idea):
public class Person {
public class Person {
public String getName() {
public void setName(String name) { =
It’s not quite like that, but you get the point of the example.& What’s really happening is we’re taking advantage of the fact that in Scala, variables are actually functions.& It’s a bit of an odd concept to wrap your head around coming from an imperative background, so it’s probably easier just to keep thinking of variables as variables.
Let’s imagine that we’ve got our Shape class and its public variable fillColor.& Down the road we decide that we need to add a check to the mutator to ensure that the color is never red (why, I’m really not sure, but we do).& In Java, this would be impossible because the variable is public and forcing the use of a mutator would change the public class signature.& Thankfully, Scala allows us to easily rewrite that portion of the class without affecting the class signature or any code which actually uses the class:
abstract class Shape {
private var theFillColor:Color = null
def fillColor = theFillColor
def fillColor_=(fillColor:Color) = {
if (!fillColor.equals(Color.RED)) {
theFillColor = fillColor
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(&Color cannot be red&)
var shape = ...
shape.fillColor = Color.BLUE
var color = shape.fillColor
shape.fillColor = Color.RED
// throws IllegalArgumentException
As you can see, the _= method suffix is a bit of magic syntax which allows us to redefine the assignment operator (effectively) for a variable.& Notice from the perspective of the code using Shape, it still looks like a public field.& The code snippet using Shape will work with both the previous and the modified versions of the class.& Think of it, no more get* and set*…& Now you can use public fields with impunity and without fear of design reprisal down the road.
Just to ensure this point is really clear, here’s the analog of the syntax in Ruby:
class Shape
def initialize
@fill_color = nil
def fill_color
def fill_color=(color)
raise &Color cannot be red& if color == Color::RED
@fill_color = color
This obvious difference being that the Scala example will be type-checked by the compiler, while the Ruby code will not.& This is one of the many areas where Scala demonstrates all the flexibility of Ruby’s syntax coupled with the power and security of Java.
Abstract Methods
One of the important features of the Shape class in the example is that it’s declared to be abstract.& Abstract classes are very important in object oriented design, and Scala wouldn’t be much of an object oriented language if it didn’t support them.& However, looking through the definition of the class, there do not seem to be any abstract methods declared.& Of course, as in Java this is perfectly legal (declaring an abstract class without abstract members), it just doesn’t seem all that useful.
Actually, there are two abstract methods in the Shape class.& You’ll notice that neither the draw nor the area methods are actually defined (there is no method body).& Scala detects this and implicitly makes the method abstract.& This is very similar to the C++ syntax for declaring abstract methods:
class Shape {
virtual void draw(Graphics *g2) = 0;
virtual double area() const = 0;
Color *fillC
Thankfully, this is the end of Scala’s similarity to C++ in the area of abstract types.& In C++, if a class inherits from an abstract base class and fails to implement all of the inherited abstract methods, the derived class implicitly becomes abstract.& If such a situation occurs in Scala, a compiler error will be raised informing the developer (as in Java).& The only exception to this rule are case classes, which are weird enough to begin with and will require further explanation down the road.
Despite the best efforts of Josh Bloch, the constructor lives on in the modern object-oriented architecture.& I personally can’t imagine writing a non-trivial class which lacked this virtually essential element.& Now, it may not have been immediately obvious, but all of the Scala classes shown in this post have a constructor.& In fact, every class (and object) has at least one constructor.& Not just a compiler-generated default mind you, but an actually declared in-your-code constructor.& Scala constructors are a bit different than those in Java, which are really just special methods named after the enclosing class:
public class Person {
public Person(int age) {
if (age & 21) {
System.out.println(&Over drinking age in the US&);
public void dance() { ... }
Person p = new Person(26);
// prints notice that person is overage
In Scala, things are done a bit differently.& The constructor isn’t a special method syntactically, it is the body of the class itself.& The above sample is equivalent to the following bit of Scala code:
class Person(age:Int) {
if (age & 21) {
println(&Over drinking age in the US&)
def dance() = { ... }
var p = new Person(26)
// prints notice that person is over-age
Remember the first Scala example I listed in this series?& (the three line HelloWorld)& In this code, the body of the “main method” is implemented as a constructor in the HelloWorld object.& Thusly:
object HelloWorld extends Application {
println(&Hello, World!&)
The println statement isn’t contained within a main method of any sort, it’s actually part of the constructor for the HelloWorld object (more on objects in a later post).& Any statement declared at the class level is considered to be part of the default constructor.& The exceptions to this are method declarations, which are part of the class itself.& This is to allow forward-referencing method calls:
class ChiefCallingMethod {
private var i = 1
if (i & 5) {
def lessFive(value:Int) = println(value + & is less than 5&)
var chief = new ChiefCallingMethod()
This code will run and successfully determine that 1 is indeed less than 5, once again proving the trustworthiness of mathematics.
This constructor syntax seems very strange to those of us accustomed to Java.& If you’re like me, the first thought which comes into your head is: how do I overload constructors?& Well, Scala does allow this, with a few caveats:
class Person(age:Int) {
if (age & 21) {
println(&Over drinking age in the US&)
def this() = {
println(&Created an 18 year old by default&)
def dance() = { ... }
This revised Person now has two constructors, one which takes an Int and one which takes no parameters at all.& The major caveat here is that all overloaded constructors must delegate to the default constructor (the one declared as part of the class name).& Thus it is not possible to overload a constructor to perform entirely different operations than the default constructor.& This makes sense from a design standpoint (when was the last time you declared such constructors anyway?) but it’s still a little constraining.
Constructor Properties
So you understand Scala constructors and you’re getting the feel for public instance properties, now it’s time to merge the two concepts in constructor properties.& What are constructor properties?& The answer has to do with a (seemingly) odd bit of Scala syntax trivia, which says that all constructor parameters become private instance vals (constants).& Thus you can access constructor parameter values from within methods:
class Person(age:Int) {
def isOverAge = age & 21
This code compiles and runs exactly as expected.& It’s important to remember that age isn’t really a variable (it’s a value) and so it cannot be reassigned anywhere in the class.& However, it might make sense to change a person’s age.& After all, people do (unfortunately) grow older.& Supporting this is surprisingly easy:
class Person(var age:Int) {
// notice the &var& modifier
def isOverAge = age & 21
def grow() = {
In this code, age is no longer just a private value, it is now a public variable (just like fillColor in Shape).& You can see how this can be an extremely powerful bit of syntax when dealing with simple bean classes:
class Complex(var a:Int, var b:Int)
val number = new Complex(1, 0)
number.b = 12
Omission of the curly braces is valid syntax in Scala for classes which do not require a body.& This is similar to how Java allows the omission of braces for single line if statements and so on.& The roughly equivalent Java code would be as follows:
public class Complex {
private int a,
public Complex(int a, int b) {
public int getA() {
public void setA(int a) {
public int getB() {
public void setB(int b) {
final Complex number = new Complex(1, 0);
Much more verbose, much less intuitive, and far less maintainable.& With the Scala example, adding another property is as simple as adding a parameter to the constructor.& In Java, we have to add a private field, add the getter, the setter and then finally add the extra parameter to the constructor with the corresponding code to intialize the field value.& Starting to see how much code this could save you?
In our code sample way up at the top of the page, Circle declares a property, radius (which is a variable, and so subject to change by code which uses the class).& Likewise Square has a property, width.& These are constructor properties, and they’re about the most cruft-saving device in the entire Scala language.& It’s really amazing just how useful these things are.
We’ve really just scratched the surface of all that Scala is able to accomplish in the object-oriented arena.& The power of its constructs and the elegance of its terse syntax allows for far greater productivity, especially when dealing with a larger project.& Moreover, Scala’s object oriented capabilities prove that it’s not just an interesting functional language for pasty academics but a powerful, expressive and practical language well suited to almost any real-world application.
Coming up:
(including overriding) and a rundown on static members.
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This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.Blockade Runner Windows game - Mod DB
Blockade Runner Windows game
Blockade Runner
Inspired by
and 's voxel engine, Blockade Runner is the beginning of a Multiplayer First Person Adventure Space Sim that will feature fully destructible, operational, crewable 'living' starships in a procedurally generated galaxy
Thanks to the voxel system that allows for a massively destructible environment, and the low-memory
liquid/solid/gas algorithm we've researched and developed (), our intention is to provide a game where "everything matters".
Constantly Evolving
Latest Public Build: Week 71c
Private Internal Build: Week 156
Blockade Runner is currently over going an overhauling to the engine, with the old 2012 editor version of the game still . The editor allows you to build ships using tools such as symmetry, angles, and more!
For more information on what's coming with the engine overhaul, check the .
2012 XNA Early Prototype
on Mar 24th, 2014
January in Review
January represented the implementation of our new dynamic slope system, a
new Founder's Club for our original supporters, and the release of the
first build of the game since W71!
Tidbits from January Week 1
In Brief: Nathan's hard drive goes kaput, so we decide it's time we upgrade his
dev PC (loads BR in a split second now!), Zack upgrades our version of
SharpDX to latest dev committing, Gabe progresses through textfields
despite a nasty cold, the "Founders Club" is
accessible to those who purchased Blockade Runner before January 1st
Zack and Nathan resolve an issue with entities disappearing due
to 16-bit indexes on the GPU causing 3D surfaces to not draw, and Nathan
gets his new slopes to render using our new moddable slope files.
Tidbits from January Week 2
In Brief: Nathan's next step on the slopes is straightening the tangents on the
dynamic slopes,
and otherwise continues fine tuning the process of
making slopes.
Gabe discontinued work towards IME keyboard support, and
gets the visual portion of textfields for debugging. Michigan freezes
Zack reduces loading time for BR significantly, fixed SharpDX
having switched to right-hand coordinates borked our collisions, and
among numerous physics and graphical issues also solves a problem where
only single chunks would draw.
Micah meanwhile experiments with
"mothership" concepts.
Tidbits from January Week 3
In Brief: Over the weekend Gabe gets mouse selection for textfields done, remarks
on how awesome it is to work with UI in BR now, and progresses with the
Log-In screen. Nathan's on to the next stage of the dynamic slopes and
makes sure slopes and their edges work with each direction and interior
directions appropriately.
Zack & Nathan resolve a myriad of
rendering issues, including gradient shaders and backface culling
VengantMjolnir becomes our first "Bounty Hunter" and solves
an issue with our specular!
Tidbits from January Week 4
Zack sets BR up with SmartAssembly, Gabe and Zack clear the old W71 UI
code out entirely of MP since it'll need to be replaced, Gabriel
condenses the unneeded UI to only the necessaries, fixes issues with
clipping not functioning properly with scrollbars, fixes fonts, and
generally cleans up the UI.
Zack cleans up character physics to cut its
CPU usage in half, fixes issues with Lidgren (problems we'd had since
last year!), and re-factored W28 thruster code in the new engine, tracks
down huge lag spikes, among other bug fixes. Nathan continues debug
issues the dynamic slopes, correcting each direction one-at-a-time.
Micah experiments with "hangar" visualization concepts in 3dsmax.
Tidbits from January Week 5
Nathan uses a debug corner model to help finalize debug issues with the
slopes, Gabe and Aaron work on prettifying parts of the new Login
screen, Zack continues debugging issues with the physics in
We test the new SmartAssembly error reporter, makes
spotting user-submitted bugs much easier since it highlights where in
the code the error came from.
By the very end of January, the first
release in 78 weeks was made available to Founder members!
release is simply a test of the 2D pipeline, but represents a huge
development milestone on our end!
Bullet Points for January
+ The first raw development build is released to Founders!
+ Founder's Club introduced to Forums
+ New dynamic slope system integrated
+ Normals and tangents aligned for new slope system
- All pipelines needs to be debugged for several months before 'gameplay'
In the previous month...
In December we'd finished
off the voxel mesh / texture atlas upgrade and decided it'd be for the
best if we lumped the dynamic slopes into the schedule before releasing
to the Founders.
This unfortunately meant that if we were to reach our
deadline of "before the end of January 2014", it'd have to launch rough
and without the time for polish (/things to do)!
Dynamic slopes
dynamic slope system took Nathan most of the month to debug and correct
for all graphical issues, but by the end of January it was ready to go
and is now a powerful piece of BR's feature arsenal.
To put it simply,
the dynamic slopes allows us (and the community) to very easily add new
types of slopes to the game.
Need a chamfer edge?
No problem.
reverse-double-twist pyramid?
It can be done!
There was a lot of work
to make sure it'd operate 100% of the time and properly remove
unnecessary polygons (a staple of voxel games), and are very happy with
the results.
Founders Club
After being
recommended by some folks on the forums, we've introduced the "Founder's
Club" where we can keep the original community together, give back to
those who supported us since the beginning, and not lose sight of those
who helped us get where we are.
Anyone who'd purchased BR before January 1st 2014 is eligible, and you can access the Founder's Board on the forums:
The first build is released to Founders!
Squeezing its way in (and barely making our ),
we make our first release since W71 to the Founders in the Founders
The new engine is still in a bubbling primitive state however, so
our first build is just a (successful!) test of application
dependencies and the log-in screen to make sure everything's working on
other machines.
What's Next?
Now that we're able to release raw private builds to the Founder
members, next month is continued debugging by the Founders of the
engine' 2D, 3D, UI (command buttons, scroll bars, etc).
plan for the next few months is to hit each of the game's pipelines one
at a time until everything is running A-OK.
Stand by for February in Review!
To follow the daily development resource postings, , sign up for the , , or check out the !
We're also on the
from 9:00am-5:00pm (EST) almost every day, so if you've got a question or comment fire away!}


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