
极品飞车17c:\windows\system32\D3DCOMPILER_43.all 没有被指定在WINDOWS 上运行。。。。_百度知道
极品飞车17c:\windows\system32\D3DCOMPILER_43.all 没有被指定在WINDOWS 上运行。。。。
试了很多种办法 是在解决不了,请大哥帮帮忙 最好说详细点
  你好  .  建议下载运行DirectX修复工具 v2.1 增强版(推荐)或者下载运行DirectX_web_setup.exe.rar.  解压缩后,先联网,再运行它,就能自动把你的DirectX等运行时组件库文件都补全了,可解决很多游戏不能正常运行问题.  这要比你去下载安装完整的DirectX最新版简单多了,而且有时就算你安装完整的DirectX最新版也不见得就能解决问题.  PS: 你以&&DirectX_Repair_v2.1&或以&DirectX_web_setup.exe.rar&&为搜索关键词&点&百度一下&第1个&点进去下载.  祝顺利,如有帮助,还望及时采纳.
下个32位的d3dcompiler 43.dll,放到c:/windoww/syswow64下就解决了,不要问我关于64位和32位的兼容问题,这样确实解决了。兼容性是一个重要的事情。当然,也是一个很有意思的事情。如果你在Windows 7中运行&winver&,你就会发现,Windows 7原来是Windows 6.1。为什么呢?事情是这样的,Windows XP是Windows 5.2,Windows Vista开始变成了6.0,结果,很多应用程序只是检查操作系统版本号的头一位,发现不是5,于是就提示用户说:“我们不支持Windows XP以前的系统”。这也是从Windows Vista的不成功中,学习到的一课。也许,以后永远都没有Windows 7.0也未可知啊。
在这些网卡当中多了一个叫“Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter”的东西,按名字来看似乎是微软的虚拟Wifi网卡.
主要是用来解决一块无线网卡只能连接到一个无线网络,因此如果通过无线网卡连接到 Internet,就不能再使用这个无线网卡建立临时网络,共享 Internet 了.
而Windows7 中的虚拟Wifi 功能可以在一块真实无线网卡基础上再虚拟出一块网卡,实现无线路由器的 AP功能,解决了临时网络的所有问题。
       效果图如下..机身网卡 连接了CMCC  然后开启虚拟网卡共享给其他用户使用..使得一个账号可以多个终端连接.
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=breeze key=breezebreeze
以上三个参数其实可以单独使用,例如只使用 mode=disallow 可以直接禁用虚拟Wifi网卡。
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
需要多说一点的是,“虚拟Wifi网卡”,需要真实网卡的驱动程序专门针对Windows7设计开发。所幸只要通过“Windows7 徽标认证”的无线网卡驱动程序都支持该模式,我们在选购无线网卡时直接寻找是否带有该标志即可。如果在运行mode=allow命令后,网络连接中没有出现虚拟无线网卡,就说明真实网卡不支持该功能。大家可以将网卡驱动升级到最新的Windows7版本试试看。
PS:  netsh  不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序或批处理文件
说明执行路径找不到.  我们到
32位系统  到 C:\Windows\System32 下看看有没有netsh.exe.没有的话.直接去找同学要一个 放进去就可以了
64为系统  到 C:\Windows\System32 下看看有没有netsh.exe 没有的话到C:\Windows\SysWOW64下去复制netsh.exe到system32下 或者到环境变量添加PATH..推荐前者…方便快捷..
转载请注明来自:[]Quick access
GPSVC.dll missing from C:\Windows\SysWOW64 in windows 7 64 bit
Does anyone know why GPSVC.dll is missing from C:\Windows\SysWOW64 in windows 7 64 bit. All the other 32 bit dll's are available only this one is missing.
32 bit apps trying to run need the 32 bit version of this. The only one available is on c:\Windows\System32\gpsvc.dll and is 64 bit and is incompatible with the 32 bit apps.
ninja kungfu:
I would assume that there is only a 64 bit version on 64 bit Windows because that is all that is needed. As Sheng mentioned, it should only be used by Windows itself. Also, because one of the COM objects it contains is calld Group Policy Service User Profile
Notification, (got that from a simple registry search) it is easy to see that it would facilitate the communication between the Group Policy Service (64 bit) and user profiles (64 bit) so what is the need for a 32 bit version. Also, if you look at registry
entries then you will notice that there are no entries for Wow64, so it is easy to see that it was left out on purpose.
So if you insist on still using this, you are going to be forced to provide a 64 bit version of the application for 64 bit Windows. Sometimes you can't be lazy and actually have to provide a 64 bit version.Any samples given are not meant to have error checking or show best practices. They are meant to just illustrate a point. I may also give inefficient code or introduce some problems to discourage copy/paste coding. This is because the major point of my
posts is to aid in the learning process.
Visit my (not very good) blog at
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Why your app want the file? There is documented API from the DLL in the Windows SDK and should only used by the operating system.
By the way, it is not on my 32bit XP either. Does your 32bit app run on 32bit XP?
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Visual C++ MVP
ninja kungfu:
I would assume that there is only a 64 bit version on 64 bit Windows because that is all that is needed. As Sheng mentioned, it should only be used by Windows itself. Also, because one of the COM objects it contains is calld Group Policy Service User Profile
Notification, (got that from a simple registry search) it is easy to see that it would facilitate the communication between the Group Policy Service (64 bit) and user profiles (64 bit) so what is the need for a 32 bit version. Also, if you look at registry
entries then you will notice that there are no entries for Wow64, so it is easy to see that it was left out on purpose.
So if you insist on still using this, you are going to be forced to provide a 64 bit version of the application for 64 bit Windows. Sometimes you can't be lazy and actually have to provide a 64 bit version.Any samples given are not meant to have error checking or show best practices. They are meant to just illustrate a point. I may also give inefficient code or introduce some problems to discourage copy/paste coding. This is because the major point of my
posts is to aid in the learning process.
Visit my (not very good) blog at
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Hi ninja kungfu,
The possible reason is that your system got infected by malware (adware, worms, viruses, Trojan, spyware and rogue security software) and your antivirus software removed the infected files, including gpsvc.dll. Thus you got different error messages like&gpsvc.dll
is missing,&gpsvc.dll not found, can't find&gpsvc.dll, etc.
Another reason is that you may have use
to clean your system. As far as I know, most of the registry cleaners are promoted as system optimization tools by their author. They display false system errors and then trick PC users into purchasing to clean the so-called errors. Once
cleaned or repaired, you system will display errors.
Once you got gpsvc.dll is missing error, you can download&gpsvc.dll a new one and then save it to your system to fix&gpsvc.dll error.
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Had this question
Error 1904.Module C&#58;&#92;Windows&#92;SysWOW64&#92;rapi.dll failed to register. HRESULT -. Contact your support personnel.
I am getting the above error while installing WMDC 6.1 in Windows 7 professinal 64-bit system. I have sucessfully installed the above on 32-bit windows 7 professional system. but error on 64-bit windows 7 home premium.
Hi vmkolla,
Register the File Manually
To register a specific file again in the registry, while you are working in Microsoft Windows, follow these steps:
Click Start and then type cmd
in the start search bar. Right click on the result and select Run as Administrator.
In the Open window, type the following command, and then hit Enter.
RegSvr32 &filename&
Where &filename& is the name of the file specified in Error 1904
You should receive a message that the file is now correctly registered. If you receive a message that the file is not registered, try the other workarounds.
Clean-Start the Computer
This might be happening if any of the background programs is confliction with the installation process. You may try to install the program in a clean boot state and check if the installation process goes well. You can start Windows 7 by
using a minimal set of drivers and startup programs. This kind of startup is known as a "clean boot." A clean boot helps eliminate software conflicts.
The steps to be performed in clean boot are given below:
1. Log on to the computer by using an account that has administrator rights
2. Click Start, type msconfig.exe in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER to start the System Configuration Utility.
If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type your password, or click Continue
3. On the General tab, click Selective Startup, and then click to clear the Load startup items check box. (The Use Original Boot.ini check box is unavailable.)
4. On the Services tab, click to select the Hide all Microsoft services check box, and then click Disable all
Note: Following this step lets Microsoft services continue to run. These services include Networking, Plug and Play, Event Logging, Error Reporting, and other services. If you disable these services, you may permanently delete all restore
points. Do not do this if you want to use the System Restore utility together with existing restore points
Once you boot to the desktop try installing the software and check if the issue persists.
For further information on clean boot please follow the below given link:
How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista or in Windows 7
After you finish installing the software, follow these steps to reset the computer to start as usual:
1. Click start, type msconfig.exe in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER.
If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type your password, or click Continue.
2. On the General tab, click the Normal Startup option, and then click OK.
3. When you are prompted to restart the computer, click Restart
Hope this information is helpful.
Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
and let us know what you think.X360木马扫描到一个叫C:&#92;Windows&#92;SysWOW64&#92;mstask.dll的文件就再也不动了,怎么办?_百度知道
这么繁琐 不如直接重新装机外面的光盘 5块钱一盘...


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