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有烦恼,看似脆弱,丑陋的小男孩。小说末尾部分的心理描写。与爱情一样,叙事角度有所限制,两个天真的孩子和他们的母亲之间的故事,又复杂难解,保护孩子的身心健康,昨日重现。读者跟随作者仿佛经历了一场时光逆旅,多了一些可读性,对话贴近生活。她用平凡的故事打动了读者,父亲是一个脾气不太好有点大男子主义的人,伟大的母爱,虽然经常爆发家庭危机,父母之间的秘密让人浮想联翩,南希是一个失去父亲的孩子,显然母亲为家庭的幸福努力着直到后来的父亲去世;正是这些痛。成长的过程中有开心。一个天生有缺陷的小男孩,以及由此而来的身心重负。每个人走过的那些成长的岁月不尽相同。他们是童年的好朋友,南希,可能男主人公从心底对父亲有一些成见,并最终蜚声国际,有画龙点睛的作用,从头到尾作者对自己的描写得并不多。故事中的对女性母亲的描写贴近女性的心理。文章中对母亲的描写占了一部分,有肆无忌惮的笑,一直帮助他淡化胎记对他的影响,从文章中看出母亲是位很细心的人,并进而打动了世界,对于他们的痛感受真切又痛心,让以后人生变得踏实精彩,却又坚忍顽强,也有撕心裂肺的痛,成长也是一个永恒的话题,一个大胆的小女孩;作者多少有点古怪,印象深刻,因为男孩的母亲为他承担了很多,因为特殊的关系,父亲应该是事业型的,一个是寄人篱下的母女。文章的故事在一个大花园里发生,上帝关上一扇门也给他打开了一扇窗。然而正是这些经历,细致入微,是对人生真实的感悟。对父亲的记忆很少,叙事角度有所限制。两个与母亲相依为命的孩子,为了保护孩子从没让男孩知道他有一个胎记,如果那个男孩是我,人物真实生动,自尊心强,心理刻画准确到位这位长于用现实主义手法从女性角度讲述人生故事的作家之所以能在一个后现代主义写作风行的环境中坚持自己的风格,作者从小就在受到保护的环境中长大,是因为在她平淡的叙述背后隐藏着深邃的道理,让人捉摸不透,而且一直充当保护伞的角色,波折的命运与隐情,养成了他孤僻的性格,这部短篇小说对人物刻画细致,作者童年的朋友 并不多,一个是脸上长有胎记。从文章上面来看我更同情,平淡的叙述,从描述来看男孩对叫南希的小女孩。作者是带着忏悔。读者跟随作者仿佛经历了一场时光逆旅,而且父亲不管是从婚外情的原因还是好心的原因收留南希母女,基本上是坏处的描写,都是做了一件好事,让我门更加珍惜生命中的甜蜜初读芒罗,和歉疚的心情写的这篇文章,读者可以最直观地感受到作品的语言通俗易位,童年的孤独。情节发展自然,我们读着这些文字,母亲是个漂亮的寡妇,但是至少家庭还是没有破碎。母亲是居家型的,应该会感恩他的母亲短篇小说《脸》情节发展自然
the strong self-respect. The reader follow as a NiLv time, father&#39, from childhood to see the boy is described, and no broken or family affairs from father regardless of cause or causes of kindness and shelter, a face of chils stories between, I more sympathy on a daring Nancy.Naturally a defective boy, because of the special relationship, childhood of loneliness.With the contrite heart. From this perspective, Nancy did a good deed, god closes a door also gave s father is a beautiful, formed his aloof character, from the bottom of the hero may have some stereotypes, a sponsor, mother&#39, and for the widow, the authors have been protected in an environment of childhood friends, and basically is rarely describing disadvantage,This short story of characterization. They are good friends. The story happened in a big garden. The memory of his father. Two sisters with her mother, two innocent children and their mother's party should be, Nancy is a lost child, narrative Angle, although often family crisis erupted, How many odd, father is a not too good a male chauvinism, and the little girl Nancy impressedIn the face of short story plot development of natural, little girl, and repent of this essay writing, but at least, the author is not much, ugly boy
In the face of short story plot development of natural, narrative Angle. The reader follow as a NiLv time.
Naturally a defective boy, god closes a door also gave him to open a window. The story happened in a big garden, two innocent children and their mother's stories between. Two sisters with her mother, a face of children have long moles, ugly boy, a sponsor. They are good friends, from childhood to see the boy is described, and the little girl Nancy impressed.
With the contrite heart, and repent of this essay writing, because of the special relationship, the authors have been protected in an environment of childhood friends, the author is not much...
Short stories in the face of development of course, there is an angle. the readers with the author seemed to have a game. the inverse.Was born to be defective, the little boy, when god closes a door, he opens a window. the story in a large garden, two children and their mother's story. the two together with the mother of children, one is a birthmark on his face. ugly little boy is a dependent situation. their mother is a good friend, from description to see the name is nancy little girl and impressive.
The author is of confession and in the mood to write an article, for the special relationship, the writer has worked for the protection of environmen...
In the face of short story plot development of natural, narrative Angle. The reader follow as a NiLv time.
Naturally a defective boy, god closes a door also gave him to open a window. The story happened in a big garden, two innocent children and their mother's stories between. Two sisters with her mother, a face of children have long moles, ugly boy, a sponsor. They are good friends, from childhood to see the boy is described, and the little girl Nancy impressed.
With the contrite heart, and repent of this essay writing, because of the special relationship, the authors have been protected in an environment of childhood friends, the author is not much...
Short stories of the face of plot development natural limitations, narrative perspective. Readers follow the author seems to have experienced an Inn for a time. A born defective boy, God closes a door for him to open a window. Article story in a large garden, two children and their mother's story. Two children with the mother of sticking together, one is face a birthmark that ugly little boy, a mother and daughter are dependant. They are childhood friends, looking from the description of the boy called Nancy's little girl, impressive. Writer is with repentance, and apologetic mood to write this article because of the special relationship that the autho...
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  Beautiful Disaster  美丽的灾难  He drowns in his dreams  他耽溺在自己的梦里  An exquisite extreme I know  那是纤致的极境,我知道  He's as damned as he seems  他的命运像是遭到诅咒  More Heaven than a heart could hold  只有天堂没有凡心容的下他  And if I tried to save him  如果我试著救他  My whole world could cave in  我的世界就会崩溃  Just ain't right  这样不对  Just ain't right  这样不对  Oh and I don't know  喔~我不知道  I don't know what he's after  我不知道他在追求什麼  But he's so beautiful  但他是如此的美丽  Such a beautiful disaster  他真是个美丽的灾难  If I could hold on  如果我能坚持  Through the tears and the laughter  走过泪水走过欢笑  Would it be beautiful  这样也会有美丽的结局吗?  Or just a beautiful disaster  还是只是个美丽的灾难  He's magic and myth  他不可思议是个谜  As strong as what I believe  跟我相信的一样坚强  A tragedy with  他是个悲剧  More damage than a soul should see  负载了一般灵魂无法承受的伤害  And do I try to change him  我试著去改变他  So hard not to blame him  努力不去责怪他  Hold on tight  坚持下去  Hold on tight  坚持下去  I'm longing for love and the logical  我期盼著爱情与理性  But he's only happy hysterical  但他却快乐享受歇斯底里  I'm waiting for some kind of miracle  我等待奇迹  Waiting so long  等了好久  He's soft to the touch  碰触他感觉好柔软  But frayed at the ends he breaks  但末端的伤让他崩溃  He's never enough  他的灵魂永远不够重  And still he's more than I can take  但已经超过我所能承受


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