索尼rx10 iiii有没有静音快门

4K大底长焦相机 索尼黑卡RX10II评测
日 00:10&&&出处:&& 作者:方家俊&& 编辑:方家俊 分享
   与兄弟机型RX100IV相比,索尼黑卡RX10II还搭载了高倍率变焦的蔡司Vario-Sonnar T* 24-200mm F2.8镜头,让黑卡实现“一机走天下”也不无可能。索尼黑卡RX10II还有更多亮点,就让我们跟着这篇评测一探究竟吧。   索尼黑卡RX10II从外形上看很接近单反或微单,其总重量为813克,拿在手上颇具质感。不过RX10II的重量主要集中在机身前部的24-200mm的蔡司镜头上,虽然813克的数值不轻,但是与携带同焦段镜头的单反或者微单相机组合相比,RX10II还算是体现了便携性。外形接近单反的索尼黑卡RX10II   RX10II的机身仍然延续了前代的材质使用风格,在机身顶部、前部与镜头部分,使用轻质的镁铝合金包覆,将相机最重要的几个部分进行加固,在RX10II的机身其余部分选择使用了工程塑料。如此一来,这台相机同时保持了机身的轻重量与相对高的强度。索尼黑卡RX10II还具备了目前主流的防尘防水滴设计,面对风沙雨水都能轻松应对。索尼黑卡RX10II搭载的蔡司Vario-Sonnar T* 24-200mm F2.8镜头   索尼黑卡RX10II搭载了一枚等效焦距为24-200mm的大光变蔡司镜头,打开相机时RX10II的镜头会自动向前伸出一部分。因为该镜头采用恒定最大光圈,所以可以调整镜头上的光圈环以改变光圈数值。镜头具备的11组14片结构,将7片非球面镜片(其中含AA镜片)涵盖在其中,让RX10II具备更加优秀的成像能力。索尼黑卡RX10II的镜筒   索尼黑卡RX10II可达200mm端的镜筒上还标注了数值刻度, 可以让操作时更加直观方便,体现了人性化的设计理念。索尼黑卡RX10II的镜头镀膜   索尼黑卡RX10II的镜头有着源自蔡司的T*镀层,这个大量使用在索尼蔡司镜头上的镀膜技术,可以带来更加优秀的防炫光能力。索尼黑卡RX10II的可翻折液晶显示屏   索尼黑卡RX10II的机身背面具备一个可翻折的3英寸Xtra Fine液晶显示屏,在过高或者过低的角度时可进行方便的取景,可惜的是这块屏幕并不具备触摸功能,在操控上只能通过屏幕侧面的十字按键等物理按键进行跳帧和操控。索尼黑卡RX10II侧面   索尼黑卡RX10II的侧面有着蔡司小蓝标、4K和Wi-Fi的标识,也能反映它的专业性能与丰富功能。索尼黑卡RX10II的顶部主要有两个功能拨轮及肩屏索尼黑卡RX10II的肩屏设计   与索尼RX10一样,RX10II也搭载了一般只存在于中高端单反的肩屏,肩屏可以显示光圈与快门速度的具体数值,还能限制点亮、拍摄张数等常用参数,同时还具备背光的功能,在暗光夜拍的情况下也可以轻松更改参数。这也是索尼黑卡RX10II向着专业级相机靠拢的体现。索尼黑卡RX10II的电子取景器   索尼黑卡RX10II搭载了XGA O电子取景器,用户可以轻松的依靠眼传感器,进行更加自由的取景和方便的构图,使得操作更加专业。索尼黑卡RX10II的底面是三脚架接口与电池仓索尼黑卡RX10II的电池仓   对于索尼黑卡RX10II的续航力,RX10II使用了型号为NP-FW50的可充电锂电池,容量同样为1020mAh,支持约为400张的静态图像的拍摄,以及130分钟的视频拍摄。同时,RX10II也具备了USB直接充电的功能,无须将电池取出也能进行充电。索尼黑卡RX10II的外接插口   在机身的右侧,索尼黑卡RX10II提供了一系列常规的外接插口,包括外界MIC监听耳机,Micro-USB以及HDMI等,基本与专业的与DV保持了高度的一致。
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相机类型:消费,卡片,长焦,广角 有效像素:2020万 影像处理器:BIONZ X 影像处理器 传感器尺寸:1英寸(13.2×8.8mm) 重量:813g 尺寸:129.0×88.1×102.2mm
109万人浏览 15.8万人浏览 2.8万人浏览 2.6万人浏览
每日精选20513 科技真人秀节目《数码课代表》4452玩客 最好玩的活动与试用平台 254编辑部的故事 118泡美美 分享最美科技 4185科技生活·整体外观&外形圆润具有肩屏&&&&首先我们先来看一下RX10II的外观设计。对于RX10II来说,外形设计上基本与RX10一致,机身设计上几乎没有什么变化。RX10II的外观采用类单反设计,并且具有很大的EVF取景器和完整的肩屏设计,加上重达800余克的重量,使得这台相机真的看上去像一台单反。索尼RX10II正面外观&索尼RX10II侧面外观&&&&RX10II的手柄延续了一代的设计,比较宽大,而且手指部分比较深,握持手感与单反相同。虽然相机重量较大,但是整体上手重量分配很合理,因此上手感觉并不沉,长时间使用也不会感到很累。在机身材质上,机身为半金属机身,具有很好的防尘防水性能,而镜头材料为塑料,可以减轻一部分机身重量。索尼RX10II机身背部&&&&在机身背部设计上,索尼RX10II与上一代基本相同。由于机身较大,因此可以放置按键的地方很充裕,所有在拇指指槽的右侧终于没有按键了,这一点笔者非常欣慰。机身具有双波轮,一个位于拇指处,一个为机背混合转盘上。索尼RX10II机身顶部&&&&在机身的顶部设计上,索尼RX10II和一代一样,比较简单。肩屏很宽大,占据了很大一块,而模式拨盘位于右侧。在快门按钮处,集成了开关和电动变焦拨杆。与前代一样,RX10II具有翻转屏和大号的EVF取景器&&&&和上一代一样,RX10II具有一块可以90度翻转的屏幕,不过这块屏幕依然没有触控功能,这一点比较遗憾。在取景器方面,RX10II具有235万像素的取景器,放大倍率0.7,视觉感受很棒。索尼RX10II镜头等效焦距24-200mm&恒定光圈F2.8&索尼RX10II镜头长度展示&&&&在镜头上,索尼RX10II的变焦范围为24-200mm,具有F2.8的恒定大光圈,因此镜头看上去比较粗大。在长度上,镜头伸出后,长度大概为原来的一倍多。不过镜头大部分材质为塑料,并不是机身的金属材质。总体来说,索尼RX10II的做工是非常出色的,足以体现索尼在这台相机上的态度是非常严谨认真的。下面我们来看一下这台相机的细节设计。
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第2页:索尼RX10 II,RX10 II,索尼RX10
扫一扫 订阅万维家电网官方微信/ Sony RX10 II
Our Score:
Versatile, high-quality lens
Good image quality
Good manual control
Excellent speed and slo-mo video skills
Expensive, especially against RX10
Limited display tilt usefulness
Key Features
20.2-megapixel 1-inch sensor
14fps shooting speed
Manufacturer: Sony
Review Price: ?1,199.00
What is the Sony RX10 II?The Sony RX10 II is a dream camera for many. It combines great general image quality with incredible video skills, super-rapid shooting speed and a lens that offers both a wide zoom range and constant max aperture of f/2.8 throughout.This is an amazing combo. It’s no wonder the Sony RX10 II costs ?1199, which may seem incredibly expensive for what is still effectively a bridge camera. You don't want to be bridging your way to anywhere after spending that much.If you’re after an all-purpose camera you’ll never have to upgrade with lenses, and don’t mind that it's not far off an entry-level DSLR in size, the RX10 II is simply excellent.SEE ALSO: Sony RX10 II: Design and HandlingThe Sony RX10 II looks and feels much like its predecessor, the original . It has a high-quality magnesium alloy shell, and it’s chunky enough to be able to fit in a full DSLR-style handgrip.In typical large camera style, the outer part has a faux-leather texture to give you a grippier surface to hold onto. It’s a typical bridge camera shape, and that has both pros and cons.On the positive side, the Sony RX10 II has plenty to hold onto, getting you both an easy grip and a camera that feels that bit more serious than its compact cousin the . However, it’s obviously less convenient as a result. While there are no extra lenses to consider, as a bridge camera the lens is totally fixed. And it is far too big to fit in any sort of pocket.Switching back to the positive side once more, being larger makes it easier for the Sony RX10 II to fit in a good number of manual controls. There’s a wide selection of buttons and dials across its body.Addressing the most important ones, there’s a dedicated exposure dial on the top plate, alongside a secondary LCD display that gives you a quick-fire read off of the core settings, battery level and card space. There’s also a manual dial on the rear and two control rings around the lens, one for focusing, one for aperture. You can have click feedback on the aperture ring, or choose to disable it — particularly useful for video.The Sony RX10 II is the real deal, getting you as much control as you want. Casual shooters aren’t left out in the cold, though. The familiar mode dial on the left side of the top plate has an Auto setting, as well PASM modes. Shooting with it is comparable to using a DSLR.Sony RX10 II: Screen, EVF Of course, this is not a DSLR, so needs to use an electronic viewfinder (EVF) rather than an optical one. It’s an excellent EVF, though, among the best available at present.It offers 2.36-million-dot resolution, equivalent to XGA (1024 x 768), offering clarity somewhat-similar to that of an entry-level DSLR's optical viewfinder.The Sony RX10 II screen is handy too. It’s a 3-inch 1.23-million dot display that tilts up and down, helping you shoot higher and lower than head height. However, thanks to the viewfinder eyepiece bulge it can't flip around to let you see yourself for selfies. Maybe it's time for the RX10 series to embrace a proper articulated screen, which would let it flip out to the side.Sony RX10 II: FeaturesTypical of a higher-end Sony camera, the Sony RX10 II offers both Wi-Fi and NFC, letting you transfer images to a mobile device quickly. NFC is there to speed up the pairing process, done by simply pressing the two devices together rather than having to fiddle around in menus.
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Burnz Eye View
This 2015 Sony line up is freaking awesome. Top of the class all around. Last year the Panasonic Lumix GH4 was the big dog. However now Sony's New RX10 II surpasses the GH4 in every respect including cost. RX10 II $1300 out the door with lens and body. GH4 $1500 for body plus equivalent lens a 14-140mm F2.8 (which they don't make) would easily exceed $1500. So for a 20.2 vs 16.1 MP stills, 120fps (lowest highspeed FHD)/soft 96 fps, ISO same, plus lens for Sony
RX10 II $1300 vs Lumix GH4+ $3000. More than half the price LESS. You get a lens that is not available in 4/3rds for $1300 and a 4K camera for free. The only benefit the GH4 has is a larger sensor. Baring a terrible side by side video comparison the Sony wins hands down. The Sony A7R Mark II, new this year, has a full frame sensor that can record up to Super 35 and 42.5 MP!
If you are looking for a camera to venture into 4k, the RX10 II looks like the best value and performance you can get under $1300. Hey Sony, I would love to field test one for you. :)
Matthias Malle?i?
August 12,
Well, it's not that easy...someone would probably buy GH4 for its option to use other lens they had collected over time. I see potential in RX10II mainly as good 4k and slowmotion shooter. My option in that case would be to buy G7 and RX10II - both of them...
John Russell
August 24,
To my understanding Sony does 11bit raw? Is that why the RX10 ii can shoot at 14FPS?What is the difference between 11bit, 12bit and 14bit raw files?This Sony is not even in the same class as super zoom. It only goes to the medium telephoto range of 200mm. A small yellow bird at 30 feet is nothing but a yellow clump of blur.
Now the Panasonic FZ1000 at 400mm gives you a good photo of the small yellow bird at 30 feet.
September 1,
remember the crop factor. It probably is 300-350mm effective.
John Russell
September 1,
There should be no crop factor involved as the cameras are stated to be 24mm-200mm
equivalent of a 35mm camera.The crop factor of these one inch sensors is 2.7X.FPS vs bits?Difference in raw files of 11bits 12bits and 14bits?
September 2,
OK, so you can nit-pick over who has the best feature list (both have + & -), but a Panasonic G7 + 14-140mm (28-280 equiv) lens comes in at just ?749.
The RX10 II looks great and has some unique features like slo-mo, but needs to drop a couple of hundred to be really competitive.
Manzoor E Elahi
September 3,
The RX10 II has a f/2.8 constant aperture, which puts it in a league completely apart from the G7.
September 3,
The G7 has a m43 sensor, which puts it in a league completely apart from the RX10 :-)Like I said, they both have +&-
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40倍超慢动作新视界 索尼黑卡RX10II评测
·产品细节:不逊于中端单反相机的操控  看过了这款产品的主要外观设计之后,接下来我们再来了解一下细节的部分。相信不少爱好者关注索尼RX10II机身的原因就是其配备的恒定F2.8光圈、等效35mm全画幅相机在24-200mm焦距下视角的变焦固定镜头了。这款镜头同样采用了蔡司的T*镀膜技术,并在镜筒表面设计有可以以1/3EV为步长调整的光圈环,以及可以自定义功能的镜头环。索尼RX10II相机镜头细节设计索尼RX10II相机镜头的口径达到了62mm  索尼RX10II相机机身正面右下角设计有对焦模式开关,用户可以快速调整对焦模式,这也与部分中端级别数码单反相机相同。而在机身左侧端口盖内我们可以看到耳机、麦克风、HDMI和USB端口,耳机和麦克风端口的配备便于用户拍摄视频,而USB充电功能则有效提升了续航能力,用户也可以一边拍摄一边充电。位于机身正面右下角的对焦模式选择拨杆机身左侧端口相机拍摄模式拨盘中的“HFR”为高帧速率视频拍摄功能背部按键基本集中在右侧  索尼RX10II相机配备了电子快门,最高快门速度达到了惊人的1/32000秒,如此高的快门速度可以捕捉到常规数码单反相机无法拍摄到的动感瞬间,而高速防畸变快门则能够校正电子快门拍摄高速物体时出现的果冻效应。电子快门最高可达1/32000秒索尼RX10II机身配备有独立的存储卡插槽  这款产品配备有独立的存储卡仓,存储卡插槽则位于机身右侧。需要说明的是,为了能够流畅拍摄4K视频或1000fps高帧速率视频,我们建议用户使用高写入速度的XC存储卡,存储卡最好能够支持UHS-I标准。
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