
Er, Neil? Can we do this later? We’ve only got six minutes.
Ok, Catherine. Welcome to a mindful edition of 6 Minute English, where we’re exploring the rise of mindfulness – particularly in schools.
And we’ll be teaching six items of vocabulary along the way. So I think we should start with mindfulness itself.
Being mindful, as an adjective, means ’being calmly aware of everything in your body and mind’. You only focus on ’now’.
People practise mindfulness, the noun, by focusing only on their breath, and not allowing themselves to be distracted by passing thoughts.
Indeed. It’s traditionally associated with Buddhism, and has become incredibly popular in the secular world – in workplaces, in private classes and even in schools.
Secular means ’non-religious’ by the way.
OK, I just mentioned schools: how many teachers in the UK are trained to teach mindfulness? Is it…
a) 500,b) 5,000 orc) 50,000?
Let me focus really hard – I think it’s 5,000.
A very mindful answer, Catherine. But I’ll reveal the real answer later.
Now let’s hear from one teacher who’s been practising mindfulness with students for many years.
Alison Mayo, Head of Early Years at Dharma Primary School, thinks it’s particularly suited to young children. Why?
That’s very natural for children - to be in the present.
And we really kind of celebrate that because that is a place where they are learning.
So, if they feel grounded, then they can really develop their concentration and their focus, and relax.
Learning happens so much more easily if you’re relaxed and happy.
Alison said it was natural for children to be in the present.
The present – means ’now’. You’ll know it from the ’present tense’ in grammar.
And people who practise mindfulness use this phrase a lot – to be in the present, or in the present moment.
It sounds simple, but actually it’s very hard to achieve.
Well, Neil, it might be for an old chap like you, but for young people, Miss Mayo thinks it’s very natural.
Fair enough. Being grounded, as she says, helps students concentrate and learn in a relaxed way.
Grounded is another good adjective there – it means ’rational, sensible, clear thinking’.
So, she’s a fan of mindfulness. And there’s growing evidence behind its benefits.
Yes. The UK’s national health advisory body has recommended it to help treat conditions like depression and anxiety.
Studies have shown it reduces levels of the stress hormone, cortisol.
And a new study has claimed that eating mindfully can actually help people to lose weight.
You mean eating slowly?
Yeah, slowly and really experiencing and tasting the food. Not being distracted and not eating too much too fast!
Anyway, Neil, is mindfulness taking over the world?
Well, not quite yet. There still aren’t many detailed studies on it – and some critics say the studies we have show a publication bias.
In other words, only the positive results are published.
A bias is when you support something or someone in an unfair way, because of your preferences or beliefs.
What seems certain is that mindfulness has entered into many aspects of modern life, at least here in the UK.
Now, let’s look back at our question. I asked how many teachers in the UK have been trained in mindfulness.
And I said 5,000.
Well, it was actually 5,000. Well done! According to the Mindfulness Initiative. And it keeps on growing.
So before we finish up, here’s another question that might be useful for our listeners – what’s the difference between mindfulness and meditation?
Aha – that’s not so easy to define.
Meditation is the broader term. When you meditate you spend time quietly – focusing your mind - often for relaxation or spiritual purposes.
Mindfulness is a particular a kind of meditation – when you try to empty your mind of thought. Does that make sense?
Yeah, more or less. So we’ll let our listeners meditate on that answer.
And before we empty our minds, let’s look back at today’s words.
We had mindfulness, mindful and mindfully – they all relate to the particular practice of being only focused of what’s happening now.
What’s happening now, or we could say – what’s happening in the present.
People often focus on the past – thinking back about mistakes or happy memories…
Or on the future – which can be full of worries.
But by being in the present – you overcome these thoughts and fears.
Next we had secular. It contrasts with ’religious’. So, while a church is a religious building, we also have secular buildings – like factories and shops and hospitals…
ll non-religious buildings, in other words!
Exactly. Now, tell me Neil, are you feeling grounded right now?
You’re asking if I’m thinking clearly and feeling connected to the world?
Do you even have to ask, Catherine – I’m a very grounded person.
You are, most of the time. Most of the time you’re naturally grounded, every now and again you get a bit panicked,
but … some of us need to remember to slow down, chill out and meditate once in a while.
Yes, that would be meditate meaning to take quiet time to focus deeply on something.
Exactly. Now for more ways to improve your English I suggest you mindfully visit our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube pages.
Yes, focus only on our pages. Don’t be distracted by anything else!
OK, I want you to close your eyes. Focus… on your breathing.
Er, Neil? Can we do this later? We’ve only got six minutes.
Ok, Catherine. Welcome to a mindful edition of 6 Minute English, where we’re exploring the rise of mindfulness – particularly in schools.
And we’ll be teaching six items of vocabulary along the way. So I think we should start with mindfulness itself.
Being mindful, as an adjective, means ’being calmly aware of everything in your body and mind’. You only focus on ’now’.
People practise mindfulness, the noun, by focusing only on their breath, and not allowing themselves to be distracted by passing thoughts.
Indeed. It’s traditionally associated with Buddhism, and has become incredibly popular in the secular world – in workplaces, in private classes and even in schools.
Secular means ’non-religious’ by the way.
OK, I just mentioned schools: how many teachers in the UK are trained to teach mindfulness? Is it…a) 500,b) 5,000 orc) 50,000?
对,我刚刚提到学校,英国有多少老师在接受培训以便教授正念?a) 500,b) 5000,还是c) 50000?
Let me focus really hard – I think it’s 5,000.
A very mindful answer, Catherine. But I’ll reveal the real answer later.Now let’s hear from one teacher who’s been practising mindfulness with students for many years.Alison Mayo, Head of Early Years at Dharma Primary School, thinks it’s particularly suited to young children. Why?
That’s very natural for children - to be in the present.And we really kind of celebrate that because that is a place where they are learning.So, if they feel grounded, then they can really develop their concentration and their focus, and relax.Learning happens so much more easily if you’re relaxed and happy.
Alison said it was natural for children to be in the present.
The present – means ’now’. You’ll know it from the ’present tense’ in grammar.And people who practise mindfulness use this phrase a lot – to be in the present, or in the present moment.
It sounds simple, but actually it’s very hard to achieve.
Well, Neil, it might be for an old chap like you, but for young people, Miss Mayo thinks it’s very natural.
Fair enough. Being grounded, as she says, helps students concentrate and learn in a relaxed way.
有道理。 正如她所说,清楚地认识自己可以帮助孩子们用一种轻松的方式集中精力学习。
Grounded is another good adjective there – it means ’rational, sensible, clear thinking’.
So, she’s a fan of mindfulness. And there’s growing evidence behind its benefits.
Yes. The UK’s national health advisory body has recommended it to help treat conditions like depression and anxiety.
Studies have shown it reduces levels of the stress hormone, cortisol.
And a new study has claimed that eating mindfully can actually help people to lose weight.
You mean eating slowly?
Yeah, slowly and really experiencing and tasting the food. Not being distracted and not eating too much too fast!Anyway, Neil, is mindfulness taking over the world?
Well, not quite yet. There still aren’t many detailed studies on it – and some critics say the studies we have show a publication bias.In other words, only the positive results are published.
A bias is when you support something or someone in an unfair way, because of your preferences or beliefs.
What seems certain is that mindfulness has entered into many aspects of modern life, at least here in the UK.Now, let’s look back at our question. I asked how many teachers in the UK have been trained in mindfulness.
And I said 5,000.
Well, it was actually 5,000. Well done! According to the Mindfulness Initiative. And it keeps on growing.
对的,的确是5000。非常好!这个数据是由英国Mindfulness Initiative提供的,它还在不断增长。
So before we finish up, here’s another question that might be useful for our listeners – what’s the difference between mindfulness and meditation?
Aha – that’s not so easy to define.Meditation is the broader term. When you meditate you spend time quietly – focusing your mind - often for relaxation or spiritual purposes.Mindfulness is a particular a kind of meditation – when you try to empty your mind of thought. Does that make sense?
Yeah, more or less. So we’ll let our listeners meditate on that answer.And before we empty our minds, let’s look back at today’s words.We had mindfulness, mindful and mindfully – they all relate to the particular practice of being only focused of what’s happening now.
What’s happening now, or we could say – what’s happening in the present. People often focus on the past – thinking back about mistakes or happy memories…
Or on the future – which can be full of worries.But by being in the present – you overcome these thoughts and fears.Next we had secular. It contrasts with ’religious’. So, while a church is a religious building, we also have secular buildings – like factories and shops and hospitals…
ll non-religious buildings, in other words!
Exactly. Now, tell me Neil, are you feeling grounded right now?
You’re asking if I’m thinking clearly and feeling connected to the world?Do you even have to ask, Catherine – I’m a very grounded person.
You are, most of the time. Most of the time you’re naturally grounded, every now and again you get a bit panicked,but … some of us need to remember to slow down, chill out and meditate once in a while.
Yes, that would be meditate meaning to take quiet time to focus deeply on something.
Exactly. Now for more ways to improve your English I suggest you mindfully visit our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube pages.
Yes, focus only on our pages. Don’t be distracted by anything else!
是的,专注于我们的网页, 不要被任何事情分心!
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How many teachers in the UK are now trained to teach mindfulness?违法和不良信息举报电话:183-
Copyright(C)2017 大不六文章网6.6【上海】顾歌“正念与生命的情绪节奏”复旦讲座 - 滚动_【北京联盟】
/ 作者:小易
下一篇: 。(点击图片可看高清大图) ◆ ◆ ◆ 沙龙信息 时 间:日(周一) 14:30-16:00 地 点:复旦大学邯郸校区理科图书馆报告厅 主办方:复旦大学图书馆 两江读书沙龙 ◆ ◆ ◆ 沙龙内容 何为正念?作为一种被追求的理想状态,正念是达到身心最佳平衡的
(点击图片可看高清大图)◆ ◆ ◆沙龙信息时
间:日(周一) 14:30-16:00地
点:复旦大学邯郸校区理科图书馆报告厅主办方:复旦大学图书馆 两江读书沙龙◆ ◆ ◆沙龙内容何为正念?作为一种被追求的理想状态,正念是达到身心最佳平衡的表现。当代著名的禅宗僧侣一行禅师认为,真正幸福和知足的人对于像“吃一个橘子”这样简单的事情也能完全享受其中。珍视当下、不轻下判断、管理负面情绪、善于反思……做到了这些,便可在日常的小事中保持一颗平常心,从而体会到生命的快乐,而这也是禅修中“正念”的核心内容。在这个夏日午后,咨询师顾歌和你分享他的正念之旅。◆ ◆ ◆嘉宾介绍顾 歌(著名心理咨询师,中国心理治疗与催眠学会副会长)顾歌是《正念治疗法》(漓江出版社,2016年)的译者,著名心理咨询师,现任中国心理治疗与催眠学会副会长、上海外服心理援助中心主任,任上海交通大学、复旦大学、华东师范大学特约、客座教授等。著有《一个抑郁男孩的30小时》等心理学作品。◆ ◆ ◆相关图书《正念治疗法》作者:[澳]派德玛西里·德·席尔瓦译者:顾歌定价:35.00元出版时间:2016.3当代著名的禅宗僧侣一行禅师认为,真正幸福和知足的人对于像“吃一个橘子”这样简单的事情也能完全享受其中。珍视当下、不轻下判断、管理负面情绪、善于反思……做到了这些,便可在日常的小事中保持一颗平常心,从而体会到生命的快乐,而这也是禅修中“正念”的核心内容。在这部系统性地介绍“正念”概念的心理学作品中,派德玛西里·德·席尔瓦从一名心理咨询师的角度,以清晰的架构分析了古往今来与“正念”相关的心理学流派及思想,并将其出色地应用于针对现代人的心理治疗之中。通过深刻体察“生命的情绪节奏”,挖掘并发展人心中本就具有的“正念之心”,人对自我及世界的理解会发生良性的改变,从而能够更好地接纳中的悲伤与快乐、不幸与挫折。《一个抑郁男孩的30小时》作者: 顾歌定价:36.00元出版时间:2014.7如果长期抑郁,甚至有自杀倾向,该怎么办?抑郁症患者的内心世界究竟是怎样的?导致抑郁的根源是什么?心理咨询确实能治愈抑郁吗?心理咨询师都有哪些“神通”? ……著名心理咨询师顾歌,全程记录抑郁症男孩G的治愈过程。G优越的生活条件,无法消除因为不良的家庭关系带来的痛苦。而咨询师循循善诱的对谈技术,深刻理解了抑郁症患者,以及其他因心理问题而寻求咨询的来访者,他们各自带着问题成长的合理之处。抑郁症来访者的敏感和脆弱之中,其实饱含了智慧和善良。他们对这个世界充满了沟通的渴望,只是一时没有找到好的途径。心理咨询可以为他们指明前方的道路,让他们更合理地看待世界,看待自己,于是对自己的接纳便救赎了自己,对他人的接纳便救赎了世界。“百分百心理学”系列出版时间:2015年11月《百分百荣格》(法)魏维安·蒂鲍迪著;严和来译《百分百温尼科特》(法)安妮·拉弗尔著;王剑译《百分百多尔多》(法)劳伦斯·达科特著;姜余译本套丛书均由法国著名心理学家攥写,用精辟而富于逻辑性的语言和生动而多元的案例分析,向读者介绍了荣格、温尼科特和多尔多这三位西方20世纪的著名心理学大师,深度剖析了其含义丰富又极具现实意义的理论。《百分百荣格》这本由荣格思想研究专家撰写的作品,介绍了心理学大师思想的精华之处,展现了当代荣格研究的成果。结合深入的案例分析和富于逻辑性的分析,荣格派精神分析的核心和操作要点都在本书中得到了完整的展现。《百分百温尼科特》温尼科特的理论在发展心理学史中代表着一个转折。本书通过精彩的理论分析和生动的案例,准确介绍了温尼科特心理学思想的关键性内容,而其中大量的有关幼儿及青少年案例的剖析,也为相关年龄段孩子的照料和提供了极具现实意义的方案。《百分百多尔多》弗朗索瓦兹·多尔多——把弗洛伊德理论全面推向儿童的法国精神分析之母,儿童权利彻底捍卫者,预防性教育模式的首创者,用全新的视角来看待儿童行为,用无意识形象等理论来解开他们并不为我们所知的痛苦背后的原因。本书对多尔多的经典理论作出了精当的提炼和概括,配以丰富的心理学研究案例,带领读者轻松打开多尔多的儿童心理学的奥秘之门。沪杭宁长三角讲座和活动(hnhjzhd)
一行禅师:修习正念的二十个练习 一 正念观身 练习6 对身体的动作了了分明
来源:&& 作者:一行禅师人关注&&&&&&
一行禅师:修习正念的二十个练习 一 正念观身 练习6 对身体的动作了了分明
  把呼吸与诗偈结合起来修行,可以帮助我们更容易地安住于正念中。正念会使我们身体的每一个动作变得更安祥,并使我们成为自己身心的主宰。正念滋养着我们心中的定力。《毗尼日用切要》(Gathas for Everyday Use)是中国法师&&读体的著作,这本书中的很多诗偈都取自《华严经》。作者(一行禅师)以同样的精神也写了一本书,其中包括将近五十个偈子,书名叫《当下一刻,美妙一刻》。这些偈子运用起来都很容易,并且也可以与有意识的呼吸配合起来。
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