哪位大神知道苹果macpromacbook pro 工作站站怎么样

不得不说生物识别这一块真的是 iPhone 8 身上最让人纠结的问题了。Touch ID 苹果怎么...
在被苹果“抛弃”之后,Imagination Technologies 公司的股价暴跌了 70%。
《导弹卡(Missile Cards)》是一款像素风格的卡牌策略手游,整个游戏的过程围绕着敌方...
曾经开发过多款趣味益智小游戏的独立游戏开发者 Adem KAYIRCI 最近又在自己擅长的领域...
Shedworks Digital 推出的新作《旋风大圣》是一款十分有意思的冒险闯关作品,在游戏中...
这款钥匙扣大小的 Apple Watch 磁性充电器已经通过了苹果 MFi 认证。
与以往一样,两款 Metropolis 系列 iPad Pro 保护壳符合 MIL-SPEC 810G 美国军用防护...
苹果的Smart Keyboard?其他厂商带智能连接器的?还是蓝牙键盘?
从命名的方式来看,这 3 款保护壳应该是主打保护性能。
该设备可直接绕过智能手机及设备上的配套 App 便可进行对智能家居设备的操控。
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红苹果, 积分 345, 距离下一级还需 155 积分
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在线时间2225 小时 UID
想当年,一台拓普康,一台清华同方笔记本(双核,256内存,独显,价值8000RMB呢)陪伴我撸过了多少山头,多 ...
沪公网安备 29号 | 沪ICP备号-1
Powered by Discuz!&主题:颤抖吧,山寨PC工作站们,让你们见识下什么是恐怖的性能怪兽!mac pro跑分来啦
泡网分: 8.255
主题: 1080
帖子: 7292
注册: 2012年12月
11 月 7 日消息,继早前 8 核以及 6 核全新 Mac Pro 的 CPU 跑分公布之后,现在评测实验室 Primate Labs 又公布了最新的跑分数据,如今 4 核、6 核、8 核、12 核全新 Mac Pro 都已经全部出炉。我们可以从 Primate Labs 提供的截图中看到,12 核全新 Mac Pro 毫无疑问成为最大亮点,经过 Geekbench 3 测试之后的 CPU 跑分达到 29475。
&浏览:1761&&回帖:38 &&
泡网分: 36.284
帖子: 7205
注册: 2005年02月
禾禾 发表于
不好意思,看错了,我的分数是148xx,还是有差距额已经不错了 比Mac Pro 2013款的E5 1620V2 还要高一些了
泡网分: 40.72
精华: 1帖子: 2513
注册: 2000年04月
瞬间的震撼 发表于
为何你的Xeon 1230V2 四核和首页图的E5 1650V2 六核 分数差不多? 搞不懂不好意思,看错了,我的分数是148xx,还是有差距额
泡网分: 36.284
帖子: 7205
注册: 2005年02月
禾禾 发表于
我的E31230v2、技嘉B75m、16g ram、256g SSD在10.9跑下来,分数18xxx,也不差啊。为何你的Xeon 1230V2 四核和首页图的E5 1650V2 六核 分数差不多? 搞不懂
泡网分: 22.134
帖子: 1548
注册: 2006年05月
心若浮云 发表于
泡网分: 25.038
帖子: 9116
注册: 2006年08月
我在哪里 发表于
说到点上了:)这样不但能够轻易升级性能,也能够使外观小巧,模块化。这举动有如当年去年软驱,前段时间macbook pro去年光驱一样
可以想像将来网络带宽上去了,有可能从Mac Pro计算单元直接通过网络连接云盘,达到和本地存储类似的功能。这玩意不新鲜,互联网古老形态就是这
泡网分: 22.134
帖子: 1548
注册: 2006年05月
sharemax 发表于
计算处理与存储分开是趋势,苹果是勇敢的先行者说到点上了:)这样不但能够轻易升级性能,也能够使外观小巧,模块化。这举动有如当年去年软驱,前段时间macbook pro去年光驱一样
可以想像将来网络带宽上去了,有可能从Mac Pro计算单元直接通过网络连接云盘,达到和本地存储类似的功能。 本帖最后由 我在哪里 于
14:43 编辑
泡网分: 0.11
注册: 2013年10月
本帖由 V2.5.0 iPad 客户端发布
泡网分: 15.662
帖子: 5354
注册: 2009年03月
心若浮云 发表于
本帖由Windows Phone客户端发布
泡网分: 40.72
精华: 1帖子: 2513
注册: 2000年04月
我的E31230v2、技嘉B75m、16g ram、256g SSD在10.9跑下来,分数18xxx,也不差啊。
以下内容由 禾禾 于
08:08 补充
不好意思,看错了,我的bench分数是148XX,和Mac Pro还是有差距的
泡网分: 16.851
帖子: 1524
注册: 2007年10月
心若浮云 发表于
水果出问题第一反应就是硬件问题,条件反射,我感觉水果不抗造。从抚摸键盘能用来看,我也怀疑键盘这块有问题,09年的机器换个键盘估计要花上不少钱了,按一般国人消费心理,买水果装Win,花钱修这个问题的键盘,可能性不大。反正Win能用,交差,算是用了一回MACBOOK,以前没用过恩, 这点是见仁见智了. 我个人经验而言的话, 苹果的东西质量相对算好的, 用起来也很舒心. 尤其是Mac OS X, 简直是为我量身打造的系统.
泡网分: 25.038
帖子: 9116
注册: 2006年08月
dhhd 发表于
刚刚看到你这个回帖. 其实我觉得这是键盘这个硬件出现了问题. 想检测的话也很简单, 用我前面叙述的方法unload机上键盘这个内核扩展, 然后看看问题还存不存在就行了. 发生这种情况应该去Apple Store或者自己检查进水的sensor有没有变红(貌似变红是代表机器进水了)水果出问题第一反应就是硬件问题,条件反射,我感觉水果不抗造。从抚摸键盘能用来看,我也怀疑键盘这块有问题,09年的机器换个键盘估计要花上不少钱了,按一般国人消费心理,买水果装Win,花钱修这个问题的键盘,可能性不大。反正Win能用,交差,算是用了一回MACBOOK,以前没用过
以下内容由 心若浮云 于
10:54 补充
泡网分: 16.851
帖子: 1524
注册: 2007年10月
心若浮云 发表于
怀疑键盘,但我这智商理解不了“电源键永远处于被按下”这个说法的。不过,MAC怎么定义的这个故障模式,比如键盘有问题,PC在开机自检的时候就显示KEYBORAD ERROR,MAC无任何提示直接关机,有问题直接换机这就是MACBOOK正确的使用方式?因为,它就不让你继续用了,”MACBOOK开机自动关机“——网上相似的问题太多刚刚看到你这个回帖. 其实我觉得这是键盘这个硬件出现了问题. 想检测的话也很简单, 用我前面叙述的方法unload机上键盘这个内核扩展, 然后看看问题还存不存在就行了. 发生这种情况应该去Apple Store或者自己检查进水的sensor有没有变红(貌似变红是代表机器进水了)
泡网分: 16.851
帖子: 1524
注册: 2007年10月
心若浮云 发表于
用FN是因为这个键和其他快捷键不冲突,比如OPTION是选择启动项,C键是从光盘启动,如果设置WIN为默认系统,空格键会弹出启动菜单……等等,Fn键最顺手,反正现在能用了——最最关键的是,那个人只会用Windows!,开机的时候按住键以后就当PC机用。是的, 因为只是因为主板进水或者其他可能的原因, 电源键的电平被置为一个恒定值了. 一旦你给另一个键, 系统就会认为你在操作某些事情而不是按下电源键这个动作. FN这个键最合适, 原因如你所说.
Windows我不了解, 不过这倒不是Mac OS X娇嫩, 只是和Windows系统对开机键的电平的对待方式不同罢了, 这次恰好使得你这个问题在Windows系统下不严重, 在Mac下面严重.
不过既然那个人只会用Windows, 那自然装个Windows就完事了. 我所说的解决方法可以让人在Mac系统下也正常使用电脑---当然你要外界键盘. 可能会对某些用Mac系统的朋友有帮助
泡网分: 25.038
帖子: 9116
注册: 2006年08月
dhhd 发表于
用FN是因为这个键和其他快捷键不冲突,比如OPTION是选择启动项,C键是从光盘启动,如果设置WIN为默认系统,空格键会弹出启动菜单……等等,Fn键最顺手,反正现在能用了——最最关键的是,那个人只会用Windows!,开机的时候按住键以后就当PC机用。 本帖最后由 心若浮云 于
08:58 编辑
泡网分: 16.851
帖子: 1524
注册: 2007年10月
zhoutiger 发表于
泡网分: 16.851
帖子: 1524
注册: 2007年10月
今天就行动三代 发表于
泡网分: 0.222
帖子: 1487
注册: 2012年04月
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽,只有管理员和版主可见
泡网分: 15.403
帖子: 2304
注册: 2007年12月
dhhd 发表于
本帖由 Nexus 7 客户端发布
泡网分: 22.46
帖子: 2437
注册: 2007年07月
心若浮云 发表于
怀疑键盘,但我这智商理解不了“电源键永远处于被按下”这个说法的。不过,MAC怎么定义的这个故障模式,比如键盘有问题,PC在开机自检的时候就显示KEYBORAD ERROR,MAC无任何提示直接关机,有问题直接换机这就是MACBOOK正确的使用方式?因为,它就不让你继续用了,”MACBOOK开机自动关机“——网上相似的问题太多你试试看pc机键盘粘连启动回报keyboar error么?keyboard error绝大多数情况都是木有键盘的时候报这个错好不好。。。谁让你有问题直接换机了?换个键盘不会啊?
泡网分: 22.46
帖子: 2437
注册: 2007年07月
心若浮云 发表于
泡网分: 25.038
帖子: 9116
注册: 2006年08月
13-11-8 下午08:54:27& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
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13-11-8 下午08:55:24& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
13-11-8 下午08:55:27& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.smb.sharepoints[24]) Exited with exit code: 71
13-11-8 下午08:55:29& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 5 seconds
13-11-8 下午08:55:29& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 5 seconds
13-11-8 下午08:55:42& & & & com.apple.service_helper[68]& & & & launchctl: Error unloading: com.apple.backupd-auto
13-11-8 下午08:55:42& & & & com.apple.service_helper[68]& & & & launchctl: Error unloading: com.apple.backupd-wake
13-11-8 下午08:55:42& & & & com.apple.service_helper[68]& & & & launchctl: Error unloading: com.apple.backupd-attach
13-11-8 下午08:55:43& & & & com.apple.fontd[61]& & & & FODBCheck: foRec-&annexNumber != kInvalidAnnexNumber (0)
13-11-8 下午08:55:43& & & & com.apple.fontd[61]& & & & FODBCheck: foRec-&annexNumber != kInvalidAnnexNumber (0)
13-11-8 下午08:55:53& & & & com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[83]& & & & dontAutoLoad = EMPTY!
13-11-8 下午08:55:53& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
13-11-8 下午08:56:42& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
13-11-8 下午08:56:48& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 5 seconds
13-11-8 下午08:56:48& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 5 seconds
13-11-8 下午08:57:11& & & & com.apple.service_helper[110]& & & & org.ntp.ntpd: Already loaded
13-11-8 下午08:57:11& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
13-11-8 下午08:57:58& & & & com.apple.coreservicesd[47]& & & & ThrottleProcessIO: throttling disk i/o
13-11-8 下午08:59:11& & & & com.apple.coreservicesd[47]& & & & ThrottleProcessIO: throttling disk i/o
13-11-8 下午08:59:51& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
13-11-8 下午08:59:53& & & & [0x0-0x5005].com.apple.IncompatibleAppDisplay[167]& & & & Fri Nov&&8 20:59:53 bogon IncompatibleAppDisplay[167] &Error&: kCGErrorFailure: CGSColorProfileCreateWithColorProfileID: Cannot initialize color profile client
13-11-8 下午08:59:53& & & & [0x0-0x5005].com.apple.IncompatibleAppDisplay[167]& & & & Fri Nov&&8 20:59:53 bogon IncompatibleAppDisplay[167] &Error&: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
13-11-8 下午08:59:53& & & & [0x0-0x5005].com.apple.IncompatibleAppDisplay[167]& & & & Fri Nov&&8 20:59:53 bogon IncompatibleAppDisplay[167] &Warning&: 3891612: (connectAndCheck) Untrusted apps are not allowed to connect to or launch Window Server before login.
13-11-8 下午08:59:55& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 6 seconds
13-11-8 下午08:59:55& & & & com.apple.notifyd[11]& & & & EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 23
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13-11-8 下午08:59:55& & & & com.apple.notifyd[11]& & & & EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 18
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13-11-8 下午08:59:56& & & & com.apple.notifyd[11]& & & & EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 22
13-11-8 下午08:59:56& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 5 seconds
13-11-8 下午08:59:56& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 5 seconds
13-11-8 下午08:59:56& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 5 seconds
13-11-8 下午08:59:56& & & & com.apple.notifyd[11]& & & & EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 43
13-11-8 下午08:59:56& & & & com.apple.notifyd[11]& & & & EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 40
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13-11-8 下午08:59:56& & & & com.apple.notifyd[11]& & & & EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 39
13-11-8 下午08:59:56& & & & com.apple.notifyd[11]& & & & EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 38
13-11-8 下午08:59:56& & & & com.apple.notifyd[11]& & & & EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 36
13-11-8 下午08:59:56& & & & com.apple.notifyd[11]& & & & EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 37
13-11-8 下午08:59:56& & & & com.apple.notifyd[11]& & & & EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 42
13-11-8 下午08:59:57& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[190]& & & & (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
13-11-8 下午08:59:57& & & & migCacheCleanup[197]& & & & Flushing Cache Locations...
13-11-8 下午08:59:57& & & & com.apple.loginwindow[171]& & & &
20:59:57.756 migCacheCleanup[197:903] Flushing Cache Locations...
13-11-8 下午08:59:59& & & & SoftwareUpdateCheck[206]& & & & Checking for updates
13-11-8 下午09:00:00& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 2 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:00:00& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 2 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:00:00& & & & com.apple.fontd[204]& & & & FODBCheck: foRec-&annexNumber != kInvalidAnnexNumber (0)
13-11-8 下午09:00:00& & & & com.apple.fontd[204]& & & & FODBCheck: foRec-&annexNumber != kInvalidAnnexNumber (0)
13-11-8 下午09:00:04& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[190]& & & & (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[226]) Exited with exit code: 1
13-11-8 下午09:00:21& & & & com.apple.WindowServer[64]& & & & Fri Nov&&8 21:00:21 bogon WindowServer[64] &Error&: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
13-11-8 下午09:01:57& & & & SoftwareUpdateCheck[206]& & & & PackageKit: Missing bundle path, skipping: &bundle id=&com.apple.NetworkUtility&&&/bundle&
13-11-8 下午09:02:46& & & & SoftwareUpdateCheck[206]& & & & Downloading &iTunes&
13-11-8 下午09:04:32& & & & [0x0-0x16016].com.apple.Safari[285]& & & & Fri Nov&&8 21:04:32 bogon Safari[285] &Error&: doClip: empty path.
13-11-8 下午09:08:33& & & & com.apple.WebKit.PluginAgent[321]& & & & Debugger() was called!
13-11-8 下午09:08:43& & & & com.apple.WebKit.PluginAgent[321]& & & & Debugger() was called!
13-11-8 下午09:08:50& & & & com.apple.WebKit.PluginAgent[321]& & & & Debugger() was called!
13-11-8 下午09:09:34& & & & Safari[285]& & & & *** -[NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]: index () beyond bounds (1)
13-11-8 下午09:09:44& & & & com.apple.WebKit.PluginAgent[321]& & & & Debugger() was called!
13-11-8 下午09:10:05& & & & com.apple.WebKit.PluginAgent[321]& & & & Debugger() was called!
13-11-8 下午09:10:21& & & & SoftwareUpdateCheck[206]& & & & Auto-download of &iTunes& SUCCESSFUL.
13-11-8 下午09:10:21& & & & SoftwareUpdateCheck[206]& & & & Downloading &iLife Support&
13-11-8 下午09:10:23& & & & com.apple.WebKit.PluginAgent[321]& & & & Debugger() was called!
13-11-8 下午09:10:39& & & & SoftwareUpdateCheck[206]& & & & Auto-download of &iLife Support& SUCCESSFUL.
13-11-8 下午09:10:39& & & & SoftwareUpdateCheck[206]& & & & Downloading &Remote Desktop Client Update&
13-11-8 下午09:11:02& & & & SoftwareUpdateCheck[206]& & & & Auto-download of &Remote Desktop Client Update& SUCCESSFUL.
13-11-8 下午09:11:02& & & & SoftwareUpdateCheck[206]& & & & Downloading &Mac OS X Update Combined&
13-11-8 下午09:17:00& & & & com.apple.coreservices.uiagent[361]& & & & Fri Nov&&8 21:17:00 bogon CoreServicesUIAgent[361] &Notice&: Application failed to launch (id = com.tencent.qq, version = 3.0 reason = kLSIncompatibleSystemVersionErr)
13-11-8 下午09:17:43& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[190]& & & & ([0x0-0x1a01a].com.apple.Console[312]) Exited: Killed
13-11-8 下午09:17:43& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[190]& & & & ([0x0-0x18018].com.apple.inputmethod.SCIM[295]) Exited: Killed
13-11-8 下午09:17:43& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:17:43& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:17:43& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:17:43& & & & com.apple.notifyd[11]& & & & EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 63
13-11-8 下午09:17:43& & & & com.apple.notifyd[11]& & & & EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 59
13-11-8 下午09:17:43& & & & com.apple.notifyd[11]& & & & EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 58
13-11-8 下午09:17:43& & & & com.apple.notifyd[11]& & & & EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 57
13-11-8 下午09:17:43& & & & com.apple.notifyd[11]& & & & EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 62
13-11-8 下午09:17:43& & & & com.apple.notifyd[11]& & & & EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 56
13-11-8 下午09:17:43& & & & com.apple.notifyd[11]& & & & EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 55
13-11-8 下午09:17:43& & & & com.apple.notifyd[11]& & & & EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 61
13-11-8 下午09:18:01& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
13-11-8 下午09:18:14& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 5 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:18:17& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:18:17& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:18:19& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[76]& & & & (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
13-11-8 下午09:18:20& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:18:27& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[76]& & & & (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[99]) Exited with exit code: 1
13-11-8 下午09:19:57& & & & com.apple.WindowServer[54]& & & & Fri Nov&&8 21:19:57 bogon WindowServer[54] &Error&: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
13-11-8 下午09:21:34& & & & com.apple.WebKit.PluginAgent[132]& & & & Debugger() was called!
13-11-8 下午09:24:29& & & & com.apple.WebKit.PluginAgent[132]& & & & Debugger() was called!
13-11-8 下午09:29:52& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
13-11-8 下午09:30:04& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 9 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:30:09& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 4 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:30:09& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 4 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:30:11& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 2 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:30:17& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 7 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:30:17& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[78]& & & & (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
13-11-8 下午09:30:19& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[78]& & & & (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[99]) Exited with exit code: 1
13-11-8 下午09:42:03& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 8 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:42:03& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[180]& & & & (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
13-11-8 下午09:42:11& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[180]& & & & (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[213]) Exited with exit code: 1
13-11-8 下午09:51:34& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
13-11-8 下午09:51:51& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:51:52& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 1 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:51:52& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 1 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:51:57& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 6 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:51:57& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[74]& & & & (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
13-11-8 下午09:51:59& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[74]& & & & (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[97]) Exited with exit code: 1
13-11-8 下午09:52:08& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[74]& & & & ([0x0-0xa00a].com.apple.inputmethod.SCIM[105]) Exited: Killed
13-11-8 下午09:52:08& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 6 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:53:05& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
13-11-8 下午09:53:24& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 1 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:53:25& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:53:31& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 4 seconds
13-11-8 下午09:53:31& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[77]& & & & (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
13-11-8 下午09:53:32& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[77]& & & & (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[98]) Exited with exit code: 1
13-11-8 下午09:56:39& & & & com.apple.WindowServer[55]& & & & Fri Nov&&8 21:56:39 bogon WindowServer[55] &Error&: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
13-11-8 下午10:00:30& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[77]& & & & ([0x0-0xa00a].com.apple.inputmethod.SCIM[106]) Exited: Killed
13-11-8 下午10:00:31& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
13-11-9 上午07:09:47& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
13-11-9 上午07:10:01& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 6 seconds
13-11-9 上午07:10:05& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 2 seconds
13-11-9 上午07:10:05& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 2 seconds
13-11-9 上午07:10:06& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 1 seconds
13-11-9 上午07:10:06& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 1 seconds
13-11-9 上午07:10:20& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[90]& & & & (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
13-11-9 上午07:10:20& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
13-11-9 上午07:10:21& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
13-11-9 上午07:10:21& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
13-11-9 上午07:10:21& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 9 seconds
13-11-9 上午07:10:21& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 9 seconds
13-11-9 上午07:10:22& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[90]& & & & (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[121]) Exited with exit code: 1
13-11-8 下午11:12:43& & & & makequeues[165]& & & & Could not load internal printer module cache.
13-11-8 下午11:12:43& & & & [0x0-0x13013].com.apple.print.add[164]& & & &
23:12:43.754 makequeues[165:903] Could not load internal printer module cache.
13-11-8 下午11:12:46& & & & com.apple.WindowServer[71]& & & & Fri Nov&&8 23:12:46 bogon WindowServer[71] &Error&: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
13-11-8 下午11:16:38& & & & com.apple.diskmanagementd[162]& & & & Could not interpret boot device as either network or disk
13-11-8 下午11:16:38& & & & com.apple.diskmanagementd[162]& & & & Can't interpet EFI boot device
13-11-8 下午11:16:38& & & & com.apple.diskmanagementd[162]& & & & Could not interpret boot device as either network or disk
13-11-8 下午11:16:38& & & & com.apple.diskmanagementd[162]& & & & Can't interpet EFI boot device
13-11-8 下午11:16:38& & & & com.apple.diskmanagementd[162]& & & & Could not interpret boot device as either network or disk
13-11-8 下午11:16:38& & & & com.apple.diskmanagementd[162]& & & & Can't interpet EFI boot device
13-11-8 下午11:16:38& & & & com.apple.diskmanagementd[162]& & & & Could not interpret boot device as either network or disk
13-11-8 下午11:16:38& & & & com.apple.diskmanagementd[162]& & & & Can't interpet EFI boot device
13-11-8 下午11:16:39& & & & com.apple.diskmanagementd[162]& & & & Could not interpret boot device as either network or disk
13-11-8 下午11:16:39& & & & com.apple.diskmanagementd[162]& & & & Can't interpet EFI boot device
13-11-8 下午11:20:22& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[90]& & & & ([0x0-0xf00f].com.apple.Preview[150]) Exited: Killed
13-11-8 下午11:20:22& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[90]& & & & ([0x0-0xa00a].com.apple.inputmethod.SCIM[129]) Exited: Killed
13-11-8 下午11:20:23& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
13-11-9 上午07:55:52& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
13-11-9 上午07:56:10& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 2 seconds
13-11-9 上午07:56:27& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
13-11-9 上午07:56:27& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[84]& & & & (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
13-11-8 下午11:56:30& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[84]& & & & (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[106]) Exited with exit code: 1
13-11-8 下午11:56:35& & & & com.apple.WindowServer[66]& & & & Fri Nov&&8 23:56:35 bogon WindowServer[66] &Error&: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
13-11-8 下午11:57:19& & & & KeyboardSetupAssistant[109]& & & & writeKeyboardType &2-
13-11-9 上午12:03:15& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[84]& & & & ([0x0-0xb00b].com.apple.inputmethod.SCIM[113]) Exited: Killed
13-11-9 下午10:10:14& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
13-11-9 下午10:10:33& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 1 seconds
13-11-9 下午10:10:36& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 9 seconds
13-11-9 下午10:10:37& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 8 seconds
13-11-9 下午10:10:37& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 8 seconds
13-11-9 下午10:10:37& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 7 seconds
13-11-9 下午10:10:37& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 7 seconds
13-11-9 下午10:10:50& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 5 seconds
13-11-9 下午10:10:50& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[84]& & & & (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
13-11-9 下午10:10:52& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[84]& & & & (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[105]) Exited with exit code: 1
13-11-9 下午02:12:47& & & & com.apple.WindowServer[66]& & & & Sat Nov&&9 14:12:47 bogon WindowServer[66] &Error&: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
13-11-11 上午07:31:50& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
13-11-11 上午07:32:10& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 9 seconds
13-11-11 上午07:32:13& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 6 seconds
13-11-11 上午07:32:13& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 6 seconds
13-11-11 上午07:32:17& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 2 seconds
13-11-10 下午11:32:26& & & & com.apple.launchd[1]& & & & (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 2 seconds
13-11-10 下午11:32:26& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[87]& & & & (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
13-11-10 下午11:32:29& & & & com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[87]& & & & (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[109]) Exited with exit code: 1
13-11-10 下午11:32:58& & & & [0x0-0xd00d].com.apple.Safari[127]& & & & Sun Nov 10 23:32:58 bogon Safari[127] &Error&: doClip: empty path.
13-11-10 下午11:33:27& & & & com.apple.WebKit.PluginAgent[135]& & & & Debugger() was called!
泡网分: 25.038
帖子: 9116
注册: 2006年08月
dhhd 发表于
在mac下面的解决方案:按住fn开机一直到进入桌面,然后unload AppleUSBTCkeyboard(记不得是不是这个名字)这个kernel extension,具体搜索kextunload命令,这样做会终止键盘的全部功能,但是用外置键盘,mac可以正常工作怀疑键盘,但我这智商理解不了“电源键永远处于被按下”这个说法的。不过,MAC怎么定义的这个故障模式,比如键盘有问题,PC在开机自检的时候就显示KEYBORAD ERROR,MAC无任何提示直接关机,有问题直接换机这就是MACBOOK正确的使用方式?因为,它就不让你继续用了,”MACBOOK开机自动关机“——网上相似的问题太多 本帖最后由 心若浮云 于
23:26 编辑
泡网分: 16.851
帖子: 1524
注册: 2007年10月
心若浮云 发表于
在mac下面的解决方案:按住fn开机一直到进入桌面,然后unload AppleUSBTCkeyboard(记不得是不是这个名字)这个kernel extension,具体搜索kextunload命令,这样做会终止键盘的全部功能,但是用外置键盘,mac可以正常工作
本帖由 Nexus 7 客户端发布
泡网分: 25.038
帖子: 9116
注册: 2006年08月
泡网分: 17.655
注册: 2006年05月
跑分不是Mac Pro的正确使用方式
本帖由 iPad3 客户端发布
泡网分: 46.411
帖子: 15893
注册: 2008年08月
泡网分: 21.674
帖子: 1627
注册: 2006年04月
马克布克 发表于
即使都是Intel CPU,在实际使用中,软件会得益于OSX,而变得更加快和更加稳定。intel V5
泡网分: 96.057
帖子: 28040
注册: 2006年03月
ChadYoung 发表于
泡网分: 225.342
主题: 1796
精华: 22帖子: 57604
注册: 2003年04月
泡网分: 15.662
帖子: 5354
注册: 2009年03月
马克布克 发表于
即使都是Intel CPU,在实际使用中,软件会得益于OSX,而变得更加快和更加稳定。...那跟被intel掐脖子有毛區別?
本帖由Windows Phone客户端发布


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