efficient scale 意思在经济学中是什么意思

在微观经济中,efficient scale,economies of scale以及constant returns to scale分别是什么意思?scale,economies of scale以及constant returns to scale分别是什么意思?
Minimum efficient scale (MES) is a term used in industrial organization to denote the smallest output that a plant (or firm) can produce such that its long run average costs are minimized. This concept is useful in determining the likely market structure of a market. For instance, if the minimum efficient scale is small relative to the overall size of the market (demand for the good), there will be a large number of firms. The firms in this market will be likely to behave in a perfectly competitive manner due to the large number of competitors.Economies of scale, in microeconomics, are the cost advantages that a business obtains due to expansion. They are factors that cause a producer’s average cost per unit to fall as scale is increased. Economies of scale is a long run concept and refers to reductions in unit cost as the size of a facility, or scale, increases.[1] Diseconomies of scale are the opposite. Economies of scale may be utilized by any size firm expanding its scale of operation. The common ones are purchasing (bulk buying of materials through long-term contracts), managerial (increasing the specialization of managers), financial (obtaining lower-interest charges when borrowing from banks and having access to a greater range of financial instruments), and marketing (spreading the cost of advertising over a greater range of output in media markets). Each of these factors reduces the long run average costs (LRAC) of production by shifting the short-run average total cost (SRATC) curve down and to the right.Constant returns to scale is an attribute of a production function. A production function exhibits constant returns to scale if changing all inputs by a positive proportional factor has the effect of increasing outputs by that factor. This may be true only over some range, in which case one might say that the production function has constant returns over that range.(Econterms)
经济指标是什么意思 经济指标在线翻译 经济指标什么意思 经济指标的意思 经济指标的翻译 经济指标的解释 经济指标的发音
经济指标 双语例句1. 在封闭母线的设计过程中,需要考虑到经济指标即生产和运行成本,而影响它的因素却又很多,比如导体和外壳的直径与厚度等,这就需要考察这些因素对总的经济指标的影响程度。&&&&In the design process of the enclosed bus-bar, to take into account economic indicators named the production and operation costs, yet a lot of factors that influence it, such as conductors and the shell diameter and thickness, which need to look at these factors on the overall economic indicators the degree of influence.2. 2. 第三,总金额进出口贸易,实际利用的外国直接投资,外汇储备,粮食总产量等主要经济指标良好的城市新增就业超过900万人,城乡居民收入的增长。&&&&Third, the total amount of import and export trade, the actual utilization of foreign direct investment, foreign exchange reserves, total grain output, and other major economic indicators of good urban Added employed more than nine million people, the urban-rural income growth.3. 经济指标3. 简述了年产4万t饲级磷酸氢钙干法工艺、主要工艺技术经济指标、生产设备和产品质量。&&&&This paper introduces dry process of 40000t/a feed grade calium hydrophosphate, and describes its-major techical economic analysis, production equipment and product quality.4. 首先,以阐述房地产与投资性房地产的基本理论为研究出发点;然后,在全面认识投资性房地产财务风险的基础上,使用经济指标空置率、引入期权理论的财务指标NPV和财务预警指标共同构建投资性房地产财务风险的度量框架;最后,根据度量系统的指示,从租金、营业费用、筹资结构三个根源方面有针对性地采取控制投资性房地产财务风险的措施,以获取风险报酬,避免财务危机。&&&&The thesis stands for real estate owners and research on risk management of investment property from financial a...5. 经济指标的翻译5. 中国国家统计局副局长许宪春日前撰文,以出人意料坦率的口吻解释了中国常用经济指标存在的一些不同。&&&&A new essay by one of China's top statisticians provides a surprisingly frank accounting of some of the gaps in the nation's regular economic indicators.6. 火电机组经济运行管理系统主要是对锅炉、汽轮机和辅助设备等部分的主要经济指标进行计算和实时监测,并根据当前的运行参数对机组的运行情况进行分析诊断,提出运行参数偏差的可能原因和操作决策供运行人员参考。&&&&The PPESS is mainly used to calculate and show the main economy index of boiler, steam turbine and auxiliary equipment in real time.7. 摘要应用渗流力学、地质学以及技术经济等理论,计算水平井泄油面积、控制储量、水平井开发所需的经济极限总产油量及单井经济极限日产油量,分别对影响水平井产能和开发利润的主要因素(油井特性因素、油藏类型因素、地层损害程度因素)和经济指标进行了敏感性分析,并制定了敏感性分析图版。&&&&The theory of fluid mechanics in porous medium, geology and technical economics theory was applied to calculating the drainage area, controlled reserve, the economic limit total rate and economic limit daily oil production of the horizontal wells. Main factors(oil well characteristics, oil reservoir type and formation damage degree) and economic indicators of affecting productivity and development benefit of the horizontal wells were analyzed.8. 论文首先阐述了存货计价的内容,接着以存货计价对各项经济指标的重要影响为起点,论述了不同的计价方法对企业纳税ⅱ资产负债表和利润等方面的影响,证明了存货计价的重要性以及选择合适的计价方法的必要性;然后详细叙述了有关发出存货的计价方法,包括:计价方法选择的标准、所需考虑的因素、在不同目的下的方法的选择和计价方法的矛盾与协调。&&&&Paper first described the contents of inventory valuation, inventory valuation and then on the important impact of the economic indicators as a starting point, discusses the different valuation methods to the business tax, balance sheet and profit and other implications, proves the importance of stock valuation and the selection of appropriate va then elaborate on the method of valuation of inventories, including: valuation method selection criteria, the necessary factors for different purposes under the method in the selection and valuation methods of conflict and coordination.9. 论文首先阐述了存货计价的内容,然后以存货计价对各项经济指标的重要影响为起点,论述了不同的计价方法对企业纳税、资产负债表和利润等方面的影响,证明了存货计价方法的重要性以及选择合适的计价方法的必要性;接着详细叙述了关于发出存货的计价方法,包括:计价方法选择的标准、所需考虑的因素、在不同目的下的方法的选择和计价方法的矛盾与协调。&&&&Of pricing method, have proved the necessity of the pricing method pricing method with suitable importance
Then has narrated it about the pricing method of sending out the stock in detail, has included: Standard, factor, choice and contradiction and coordination of the pricing method of method under different purpose that consider needed that pricing method choose.10. 论文以存货计价对各项经济指标的重要影响为起点,论述了不同的计价方法对企业纳税、资产负债表和利润等方面的影响,证明了存货计价方法的重要性以及选择合适的计价方法的必要性;然后详细叙述了关于发出存货的计价方法,包括:计价方法选择的标准、所需考虑的因素、在不同目的下的方法的选择和计价方法的矛盾与协调。&&&&Thesis with inventory pricing to the important influence of various economic index signs for point of departure, discussed to account the price method to pay tax to the business enterprise differently, balance sheet with the influence of profits etc., proof the importance of the inventory pricing method and choices account the necessity of th Then detailed description concerning send out the stock account the price method, including:Standard, that account the factor that price method choice need consideration, under the different purpose of the choice of the method with antinomy that account the price method and moderate.11. 重点分析了FM矿渣风选预粉磨对矿渣磨产量的提高幅度,以及对矿渣磨入磨水分、温度的影响。详细介绍了FM矿渣风选预粉磨使用情况,和矿渣磨前后的技术经济指标。&&&&&&Based on the easy-crushing and hard-grinding feature of slag as well as its current pre-grinding technology, this paper also tells about the working principle and main structure of FM wind selection pre-grinding slag mill, and focuses on the introduction and analysis about the infl12. 经济指标的近义词12. 结果表明,动力头钻机不仅在搬迁和运移性方面要优于立轴式钻机,而且在钻进施工的技术经济指标方面也优于立轴式钻机。&&&&&&The result shows that hydraulic top-drive core drill is superior over spindle core drill not only in its light weight and portability, but also in its excellent drilling performance.13. 13. 由于新技术应用少,生产衔接不紧密,配套工艺不完善,川西深井钻井技术经济指标普遍偏低,钻井周期长、机械钻速慢、停待时间长是目前面临最突出的问题。&&&&&&Because of few application of new technology, looseness among the link up of production, faultiness of match technique, the drilling technology economic indicator for deep wells in western Sichuan are very low at large.14. 14. 对昆钢而言,该技术的应用,首先可以经济有效地实现现有采选技术及高炉冶炼所不能完成的高磷铁矿石的利用,大幅度降低在钢铁生产中占绝大比例的原料成本,缓解国际国内生产原料紧张而造成的成本压力,为昆钢创造巨大的经济效益;其次可以促进昆钢产品的升级换代特别是高附加值超低磷、超低硫钢种的开发,增强昆钢的市场适应能力和效益创造能力;再次可促进高炉及转炉技术经济指标的改善,降低生产成本,且利于转炉生产实现高效吹炼和少渣冶炼;此外,该工艺能显著提高冶炼环节的平稳顺行及高温、高质量铸坯生产的可控程度,可实现高效连铸和连铸连轧生产,提高昆钢生产的集约化程度;最后,该工艺能实现冶炼功能的分工和生产流程的优化,可提高昆钢炼钢与连铸生产的计算机自动控制程度,有效促进炼钢—连铸—轧钢的工艺、设备、生产组织和管理、物流管理、生产操作等环节的一体化管理的实现。&&&&&&For KISC, the technology shall firstly use high-phosphorus ironstone efficiently which can not completed by the current picking technology or blast furnace process, to greatly reduce ironstone cost that occupies the most proportion of iron and steel production cost, easy cost pressure caused by international and domestic shortage of production materials, induce transportation risk, to assuringly supply KISC with a great deal of cheap raw materials and create g Secondly it shall promote KISC to update its products, especially high-added-value products of lowest phosphorus and lowest sulfur, to enhance its ability to adapt ma Thirdly it shall improve technical and economic indexes of blast furnace and converter, and be helpful for efficient blast smelting and less-slag melting
Furthermore the technology shall greatly promote the stable operation of melting process and the control of the production of high-temperature and high-quality casting blank, to realize efficient continuous casting and continuous casting and rolling to improve KISCs produc Finally the technology shall distribute melting functions and optimize production processes, to improve the auto-control of melting and continuous casting, to realize the integrated management of technology, equipment, production organization and management, logistic management, and production running of smelting, continuous casting and rolling.15. QH型电动葫芦在型谱、性能、产品结构和技术经济指标上均达到了国际上同类产品的先进水平。&&&&&&Type QH electric hoist has reached the international advanced level in characteristics, product structure and technical and economic data.16. danci.911cha.com16. 生产实践表明,该生产车间各项工艺技术及经济指标达到了设计要求。&&&&&&Results showed that all the crafts and techniques in the workshop achieved the designed standard.17. 经济指标的解释17. 由于制定的高炉烘炉、开炉方案合理,操作参数选择得当,高炉开炉后4 d达产,利用系数2.05 t/(m3·d),取得了良好的技术经济指标。&&&&&&Due to the reasonable schedule of furnace drying out and blow-in operating, as well as correct parameter choosing, the blast furnace reached designed capacity after blow-in 4 days and the productivity was 2.05 t/(m3·d) with good technical and economical indexes.18. 同时,给水流量也是经济指标中一项重要的考核内容,关系到经济性核算的准确性。&&&&&&At the same time, feed flow is also important factor of economic index.19. 电力网的线损率是一个综合性经济指标,它不但可以反映电网结构和运行方式的合理性,而且也可以反映电力企业的技术和管理水平。&&&&&&The ratio of power distribution network's energy loss is an integrated economic indicator. It not only reflects the rationality of the power network's structure and operation mode, but also reflects the level of the power units'technique and management.20. 20. 考察该工艺所能达到的技术经济指标,掌握放大规律,为万吨级工业装置和系统的设计提供基础数据。&&&&&&The basic technical and economic parameters for the design of large-scale industrial plants were ob- tained from the experimental results.经济指标是什么意思,经济指标在线翻译,经济指标什么意思,经济指标的意思,经济指标的翻译,经济指标的解释,经济指标的发音,经济指标的同义词,经济指标的反义词,经济指标的例句,经济指标的相关词组,经济指标意思是什么,经济指标怎么翻译,单词经济指标是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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