restricted fund balance是缩减资产负债表还是负债

发表时间:日10:0 来源:互联网
A deferred outflow of resources is a consumption of net assets that is
applicable to a future reporting period.Deferred outflows of resources have a positive effect on net position and are
reported following assets but before liabilities.A deferred inflow of resources is an acquisition of net assets that is
applicable to a future reporting period.Deferred inflow of resources have a negative effect on net position and are
reported following liabilities but before equity.Presentation of statements of financial positionGovernmental fund balance:(Assets+Deferred outflows of
resources=Liabilities+Deferred inflows of resources+Fund BalanceGovernment-wide /proprietary fund/Fiduciary fund:(Assets+Deferred outflows of
resources)-(Liabilities+Deferred inflows of resources)=Net PositionTypes of transactions classified as deferred outflows of resources and
deferred inflows of resources(4 types)A.Service Concession Arrangements(SCA)政府资产的发包经营Upfront or installment payments are displayed as an asset at their present
value along with a deferred inflow of resourcesDeferred inflows should be recognized in a systematic and rational mannerSCA的会计处理Show the managed facility as a capital assetDisplays a liability for significant contractual obligationUpfront or installment payments are displayed as an asset at their present
value along with a deferred inflow of resourcesDeferred inflows should be recognized in a systematic and rational mannerB.Derivative instruments and hedge accountingDerivatives are reported at fair valueChanges in value of derivatives used as investments are displayed within the
investment revenue classificationChanges in value of derivatives used for hedging activities are reported as
either deferred outflows or deferred inflows of resources.C.Other deferred outflows / inflows of resources(GASB 65)Imposed Nonexchange revenue transactionsRefunding of DebtSales and intra-entity transfers of future revenueSale and leasebackAssets associated with unavailable revenueOthersD.Accounting and financial reporting for pensionsPension liability change is caused by pension cost(SIR AGE)“SIR” expensed“AGE”,deferred outflows and deferred inflowsFAR F8-4 Governmental Funds“DRIP CEG,PIPpA”The general fund is created at the beginning of the governmental unit,and it
exists throughout the life of that unit.The general fund accounts for the general activities of a government that are
not accounted for by any other fund.Revenue sources=Taxes+Fees & Fines+intergovernmental+Charges for
services+Other revenues.Expenditure types=General government+Public safety+Culture and recreationAdopt modified accrual and budgetary accountingGeneral fund unique accounting issuesModified accrual and budgetary accountingOnly one general fundMust be major fundOnly exist current asset & current liabilityNo fixed assets & no Long-term debtF/S–Required Supplementary Information (RSI)–Budgetary Comparison
Schedule“DRIP CEG,PIPpA”Special revenue funds account for revenues and expenditures that are legally
restricted or committed for specific purposes other than debt service or capital
projects.E.g.Special fees(to operate school programs)中国的教育附加费Revenue sources=Intergovernmental revenue+FeesExpenditure types=character expenditures(特定目的支出)+Functional
expenditures(功能性支出)Special revenue fund unique accounting issuesExpendable trust activity should be accounted for in a special revenue
fund.Expendable trust activities represent funding whose principal and income may
be expended in the course of their designated operations so that they are
depleted by the end of their designated lives.Special revenue fund unique accounting issuesWhen a grant is received and the recipient government monitoring it,it is
special revenue fund.When a grant is received and the recipient government not-monitoring it,it is
agency trust fund.“DRIP CEG,PIPpA”The debt service fund is created to account for the accumulation of resources
and the payment of currently due interest and principal on “long-term general
obligation debt” by setting aside cash and cash equivalents.The debt service fund ONLY pays off the debt of governmental funds.The debt service fund‘s resources for new debt are frequently derived from
allocated portions of property taxes,transfers from other funds,and investment
interestExpenditure=Legally due interest+legally due principlePrincipal and interest expenditures should be recorded when they are legally
payable per the bond agreement.There is no accrual of interest expenditures or interest payable.No allocation between inboth are expendituresThere is no amortization of a premium or a discount.Premiums and discounts are treated as a component of bond proceeds.Debt service fund are required only when legally mandated.The operations of debt service fund are similar to a commercial
accounting“sinking fund”“DRIP CEG,PIPpA”
共3页,当前第1页&&&&&&However, development of small and medium-sized enterprises in China is seriously restricted by fund scarcity along with financing difficulty.
Based on the character of open style power network, the least operation expense function of reactive compensation mode is constituted by restricted fund.
But, the development of the characteristic economy and the superiority industry actually are restricted by the fund, talented person, technology and information.
The lag of the capital market restricted the pension fund enlarging its investment channel and achieving high return.
But for some reason, the close fund restricted by the original condition has not keep up with the times and brought about a series of serious questions.
The investment of insurance fund is restricted with various economic and social conditions. Generally, we hardly achieve the balance point between security and proceeds.
Developing rural economic in these areas is at present restricted by three factors of fund, technique and market.
According to the story, a hedge fund called Lancer would buy restricted stock in a worthless shell company, as well as a few shares on the open market at a higher price in order to show a gain.
Fund deficiency has seriously restricted the construction of foreign bibliographic resources in university libraries.
The problem of education fund shortage has been restricted the development of Chinese education undertakings for many years.
Major gifts are at least US$10,000 and can be made either to the Annual Programs Fund, Permanent Fund, or a restricted TRF program.
巨额捐献是指金额至少 10,000 美元,且系捐给年度计划基金或永久基金之捐献,或者是指定扶轮基金计划。
Do restricted contributions count toward the district Annual Programs Fund (APF) goal?
The Permanent Fund has been classified as permanently restricted.
Q: Do restricted contributions count toward the district Annual Programs Fund (APF) goal?
The PolioPlus Fund has been classified as temporarily restricted.
The PolioPlus Fund has been classified as temporarily restricted.
Until now, limited fund-raising options in China have restricted foreign banks' ability to expand their lending in the country.
The constitution of a limitation fund for maritime claims liability shall not be restricted by an agreement between the parties on litigation jurisdiction or arbitration.
Article 103 The constitution of a limitation fund for maritime claims liability shall not be restricted by an agreement between the parties on litigation jurisdiction or arbitration.
To sum up the above arguments, it is impossible for us to get rid of the phenomenon on recreational activities with public fund. But we do sure that it can be restricted and reduced by the new law.
The establishment of housing accumulation fund system of non-public ownership economic organization is restricted by many factors.
This fund receives revenue from voluntary contributions and government grants that are restricted to program awards.
There are the matters existing: high costs channel, fund flowing slowly, the fierceness of channel conflicts and network channel restricted by a great deal of factors seriously.
There are a lot of essays on the fund - raising models of enterprises in China. Yet, they are restricted in one aspect.
During his tenure, the special situations fund successfully invested in Chinese companies, including some "A shares" - Chinese-listed and largely restricted to local investors.
Restricted by policy of our country, Sinon Chemical Company is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise, it can not be listed on our country fund-raising, the direct financing channel is obstructed.
Restricted by policy of our country, Sinon Chemical Company is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise, it can not be listed on our country fund-raising, the direct financing channel is obstructed.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!您的位置:&&&&&&&&&&&& > 正文
中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业会计制度(附英文) 14:29
发文单位:财政部 中华人民共和国财政部发布日期:执行日期:
第一章 总 则
第一条 为了加强中外合资经营企业的会计工作,根据《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》、《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业所得税法》等有关、的规定,制定本制度。
第二条 本制度适用于在中华人民共和国境内设立的所有中外合资经营企业(以下简称合营企业)。
第三条 各省、自治区、直辖市财政厅、局和国务院各主管部门,在符合本制度规定的前提下,可以结合本地区、本部门的具体情况,对本制度作必要的补充,并报财政部备案。
第四条 合营企业应根据本制度和省、自治区、直辖市财政厅、局和国务院主管部门的补充规定,结合企业的具体情况,制定本企业的会计制度,并报企业主管部门和当地财政部门、税务机关备案。
第二章 会计机构和会计人员
第五条 合营企业要设置独立的会计机构,配备必要的会计人员,办理企业的财务会计工作。
第六条 大中型合营企业要设置总会计师,协助总经理负责领导企业的财务会计工作。必要时,可设置副总会计师。
第七条 合营企业的会计机构和会计人员要计真履行职责,正确核算、如实反映和严格监督各项经济业务,维护合营各方的正当权益。
第八条 会计人员调动工作或因故离职时,要办好交接手续,不得中断会计工作。
第三章 会计核算的一般原则
第九条 合营企业的会计核算工作必须遵守中华人民共和国法律、法规的有关规定。
第十条 合营企业的会计年度自公历每年1月1日起至12月31日止。
第十一条 合营企业采用借贷复式记帐法。
第十二条 合营企业的会计凭证、会计帐簿、会计报表等各种会计记录,都必须根据实际发生的经济业务进行登记,做到手续齐备、内容完整、准确及时。
第十三条 合营企业的一切自制凭证、帐簿、报表,都必须用中写,也可以同时用合营各方商定的一种外文书写。
第十四条 合营企业原则上采用人民币为记帐本位币。经过合营各方商定,也可采用某一种外国货币作为记帐本位币。
第十五条 合营企业应根据权责发生制的原则记帐。凡是本期已经实现的收益和已经发生的费用,不论款项是否收付,都应作为本期的收益与费用入帐。凡是不属于本期的收益与费用,即使款项已在本期收付,都不应作为本期的收益与费用处理。
第十六条 合营企业收益与费用的计算,应当相互配合。一个时期内的各项收入与其相关联的成本、费用,都必须在同一时期内登记入帐,不应脱节,不应提前或延后。
第十七条 合营企业的各项财产应按实际成本核算,不论市价是否变动,一般不调整帐面价值。
第十八条 合营企业应划清资本的支出与收益的支出的界限。凡是用于增加固定资产和无形资产而发生的各项支出,都是资本的支出。凡是为了取得本期收益而发生的各项支出,都是收益的支出。
第十九条 合营企业所采用的会计处理方法,前后各期必须一致,不得任意改变。如有改变的,应经董事会同意和报送当地税务机关备查,并在会计报告中加以说明。
第四章 投入资本的核算
第二十条 合营各方应按合同规定的资本总额、出资比例、出资方式,在规定期限内投入资本。合营企业应根据合营各方实际投入的资本进行核算。
第二十一条 合营各方缴付的出资额,应由中华人民共和国政府批准的注册会计师验证,出具验资报告后,由合营企业据以发给出资证明书。
第五章 货币资金及往来款项的核算
第二十二条 合营企业应在中国境内的中国银行或者经国家外汇管理局及分局批准的其他银行开立存款帐户。一切外汇收入,必须存入银行的外汇存款帐户;一切外汇支出,从其外汇存款帐户中支付。
第二十三条 合营企业的现金和银行存款应设置日记帐逐笔登记。有多种货币的,还应按不同的货币分别设帐。
第二十四条 合营企业的应收帐款、应付帐款和其他应收、应付款,应分别不同货币设帐登记。并及时催收、清偿,定期与对方核对清&。对不能收回的应收款项应查明原因,追究责任,确实无法收回的,经严格审查,按董事会规定报经批准后,作为坏帐损失。不提&坏帐准备&。
第二十五条 合营企业以人民币为记帐本位币的,对外币存款、外币借款和以外币结算的往来款项,除应登记实际收付的外币金额外,还应按照确定的汇率(根据国家外汇管理局公布的外汇牌价)折合为人民币记帐。
第二十六条 合营企业以外币为记帐本位币的,对人民币存款、人民币借款和以人民币结算的往来款项,除应登记实际收付的人民币金额外,还应按照企业确定的汇率折合为外币记帐。对于人民币折合为外币所发生的差额,也应比照第二十五条的办法作为汇兑损益处理。
第六章 存货的核算
第二十七条 合营企业的存货,是指库存的、加工中的和在途的各种商品、原材料、包装物、低值易耗品、在产品、自制半成品、产成品等。
第二十八条 合营企业的各种存货应按实际成本记帐。
第二十九条 合营企业的各种存货的收发领退,应根据实际数量及时办理会计手续,并应设置有数量有金额的明细帐,逐项逐笔登记,加强管理。对于各种在途材料、商品要进行明细核算,并随时检查到货情况。对逾期未到的,要督促有关部门采取措施。对已经到达尚未验收入库的,要及时办理验收入库手续。
第三十条 合营企业发出或领用各种存货的实际成本或进货原价,可由企业在先进先出、移动平均、加权平均、分批实际等方法中选用一种进行计算。计算方法一经确定,不能随意变动。如需变更计算方法,应报经当地税务机关批准,并在会计报告中加以说明。
第三十一条 合营企业的各种原材料、产成品等平时采用计划成本核算的,月终应将发出的原材料、产成品等的计划成本调整为实际成本。
第三十二条 合营企业的各项存货应定期进行实地盘点,每年至少盘点一次。发现盘盈、盘亏、毁损、变质等情况,应由有关部门查明原因,写出书面报告,经严格审查,按董事会规定报经批准后及时处理,一般应在年度决算前处理完毕。
第三十三条 合营企业的各项存货,由于陈旧而需要降价处理的,按董事会规定报经批准处理后发生的净损失,作为销售损失。如果在年度决算时尚未处理的,应在年度会计报告中列出这些存货的帐面实际成本、可变现的净值和可能发生的损失。
第三十四条 合营企业的各项存货,如果由于市价下跌,可变现的净值低于帐面实际成本的,应在年度会计报告中列出这些存货的帐面实际成本、可变现的净值和可能发生的损失。
第七章 长期投资及长期负债的核算
第三十五条 合营企业向其他单位投出的资金,应按投出时支付或确定的金额记帐,在资产负债表上以&长期投资&项目单独反映。
第三十六条 合营企业在筹建期间进行基本建设或在开业以后扩大业务经营和进行更新改造,需要增加固定资产而向银行借入的款项,按实际收到借款的日期和金额设帐,在资产负债表上以&长期借款&项目单独反映。
第八章 固定资产的核算
第三十七条 合营企业应根据中外合资经营企业所得税法规定的固定资产标准,结合本企业的具体情况,制订固定资产目录,作为核算的依据。
第三十八条 合营企业的固定资产分为:房屋及建&物、机器设备、电子设备、运输工具(如有火车、轮船,应单设一类)和其他设备五大类。企业可以根据管理需要再进行明细分类。
第三十九条 合营企业的固定资产应按原价登记入帐。
第四十条 合营企业固定资产的折旧,一般应当采用直线法平均计算。
第四十一条 合营企业对固定资产的购入、出售、清理、报废和内部转移等,都要办理会计手续,并应设置固定资产明细帐进行核算,加强固定资产管理。
第四十二条 合营企业的固定资产至少每年实地盘点一次。对盘盈、盘亏、毁损的固定资产,应由有关部门查明原因,写出书面报告,经严格审查,按董事会规定报经批准后及时处理。一般应在年度决算前处理完毕。
第九章 无形资产及其他资产的核算
第四十三条 合营企业的无形资产及其他资产包括专有技术、专利权、商标权、版权、场地使用权、其他特许权和开办费等。
第四十四条 合营企业在筹办期间所发生的费用(不包括购建固定资产和无形资产的支出以及基建期内应计入工程成本的利息支出),按照合同规定并经合营各方协商同意,可作为开办费记帐。在开始生产经营后分期摊销,每年的摊销额不得超过20%。
第四十五条 合营企业对租入的固定资产进行大修理和改良工程所发生的支出,可在该项支出的受益期内分期摊销,但摊销期限不得超过固定资产的租赁期限。
第十章 成本和费用的核算
第四十六条 合营企业应健全原始记录,实行定额管理,严格计量检验和物资收发领退制度,加强成本、费用的管理和核算。
第四十七条 一切与生产经营有关的支出,都应计入合营企业的成本、费用。
第四十八条 合营企业应按规定的成本项目和费用项目,汇集企业在生产经营过程中所发生的各项费用。
第四十九条 合营企业必须分清本期成本、费用和下期成本、费用的界限,不得任意预提和摊销费用;必须分清企业内部各个部门之间成本、费用的界限,不得互相混淆。工业企业必须分清在产品成本和产成品成本的界限,分清各种产品成本的界限,不得任意压低或提高在产品和产成品的成本。
第五十条 合营企业应当根据本企业的生产经营特点、产品品种和业务对象,选择适合于本企业的成本计算方法和费用分配方法。
第五十一条 合营企业应加强对成本、费用的控制,建立责任成本制度,编制成本、费用计划,随时按计划掌握支出,定期考核计划执行情况,分析成本、费用的升降原因,采取必要措施,努力降低成本、费用,改善企业经营管理。
第十一章 销售和利润的核算
第五十二条 合营企业商品、产品和劳务的销售,应在商品、产品已经发出,劳务已经提供,并已将发票、帐单和运输机构的提货单等全部货运单据提交买方或通过银行办妥托收手续后,作为销售实现。
第五十三条 合营企业本月实现的销售收入,应全部记入本月帐内,并相应结转销售成本和费用。销售收入与销售成本和费用的口径必须一致,不能只记销售收入,不记销售成本和费用,也不能只记销售成本和费用,不记销售收入。
第五十四条 合营企业本月发生的销货退回,不论是属于本年度还是以前年度销售的,都应冲减本月的销售收入和销售成本。
第五十五条 合营企业应按月计算利润。农牧、水产养殖等不能按月计算利润的企业,至少在会计年度末计算一次利润。
第五十六条 合营企业利润总额的内容:
第五十七条 合营企业的利润总额减去应缴纳的所得税,再扣除合营企业按规定应提的储备基金、职工奖励及福利基金、企业发展基金后的差额,即为合营企业可供分配的利润,如董事会确定分配,应按合营各方出资的比例进行分配。
第五十八条 合营企业以前年度如有亏损,应先从本年利润中弥补。以前年度的亏损未弥补前,不得分配利润。
第五十九条 合营企业应在年度终了时,根据当年实现的利润或亏损和以前年度未分配的利润或未弥补的亏损,编制利润分配方案,提交董事会讨论决定后据以记帐,列入年度决算。
第十二章 会计科目和会计报表
第六十条 合营企业的会计科目和会计报表,由中华人民共和国财政部制定,或由有关主管部门制定,报财政部审核批准。
第六十一条 合营企业的会计科目按照经营管理的需要,一般分为资产、负债、资本和损益四大类,也可以将损益类科目分为收益类科目和费用类科目。工业企业还可以增加成本类科目。企业的会计科目,要根据科目的分类,分别编号。
第六十二条 合营企业的会计报表,包括:
第六十三条 有附属企业的合营企业,在将本身的会计报表与附属企业的会计报表合并汇编时,应将拨付附属企业的资金和相互之间的往来款项,与附属企业报表中的有关项目相互抵销。
第六十四条 合营企业在报送年度会计报表的同时,应报送财务情况说明书,主要说明:
第六十五条 合营企业的季度和年度会计报表,应分别报送合营各方、当地税务机关、合营企业主管部门和同级财政部门。年度会计报表还应抄报原审批机构。
第六十六条 合营企业的会计报表应由合营企业的总经理、总会计师审核签章,并加盖合营企业公章。
第十三章 会计凭证和会计帐簿
第六十七条 合营企业每发生一笔经济业务,应取得或者填写原始凭证。各种原始凭证必须内容真实、手续完备、数字准确。外来的原始凭证必须有填发单位的签章。原始凭证应由经办业务部门的负责人和经办人员签证。
第六十八条 合营企业的记帐凭证包括收款凭证、付款凭证和转帐凭证。各种记帐凭证,必须按照规定的内容填制,经过制单人、指定的审核人员和财会部门负责人签章后,据以记帐。收付款的记帐凭证还应由出纳人员签章。
第六十九条 合营企业对外开出的凭证都要依次编号,并应自留副本或存根。误写或收回作废的对外凭证的正本,应与原编号码的副本一并保存,短缺或不能收回的,应在副本或存根上注明理由。
第七十条 合营企业尚未使用的重要空白凭证,如支票簿、现金收据、发货单据等,都应由财会部门专设登记簿进行登记。领用时,应经过财会部门负责人或指定的人员批准并登记后,由领用人员签收。
第七十一条 合营企业应设置日记帐、总帐和明细帐三种主要帐簿和各种必要的辅助性的备查帐簿。
第七十二条 采用电子计算机记帐的合营企业,机器储存和输出的会计记录视同会计帐簿,应妥善保管。凡未打成书面记录的,其磁带、磁盘等必须继续保留,不得洗去。
第十四章 查 帐
第七十三条 合营企业应按照中外合资经营企业所得税法的规定,聘请中华人民共和国政府批准的注册会计师,对企业的年度会计报表和全年帐目进行审查,并出具查帐报告。
第七十四条 合营各方都可对合营企业的帐目进行检查,所需费用由查帐方自行负担。检查发现的问题需要企业处理的,应及时提交企业研究处理。
第七十五条 合营企业应对查帐人员提供所需要的凭证、帐簿和有关资料。查帐人员应负责保密。
第十五章 会计档案
第七十六条 合营企业的会计凭证、会计帐簿和会计报表等各种会计档案,必须在中华人民共和国境内妥善保管,不得丢失损坏。
第七十七条 合营企业的年度会计报表,以及与合营各方权益有关的重要会计档案,如合营协议、合营合同、合营章程、董事会决议、投资估价清单、验资证明、会计师查帐报告、签订的长期经济合同等,必须永久保存。一般会计凭证、会计帐簿和月份、季度会计报表至少保存十五年
第七十八条 会计档案保存期满需要销毁时,应抄具清单,报经董事会、主管部门和税务机关同意后,才能销毁。销毁会计档案的清单应永久保存。
第十六章 解散与清算
第七十九条 合营企业合同期满或提前终止合同宣布解散,进行清算时,由清算委员会对企业的财产、物资、债权、债务进行全面清查,编制资产负债表和财产目录,提出财产作价和计算依据,制订清算方案,报经董事会讨论通过后,处理财产物资,收回债权,缴纳应交税金,清偿债
第八十条 合营企业办理解散清算所发生的清算费用和清算委员会成员的酬劳,应从企业现存的财产中优先支付。
第八十一条 合营企业在清算过程中所发生的清算收益,除去清算费用和各项清算损失后的清算净收益,应视同利润处理。
第八十二条 合营企业的剩余财产,除合营企业的协议、合同、章程另有规定者外,应按合营各方的出资比例进行分配。
第八十三条 合营企业解散、清算的会计报表,应经中华人民共和国政府批准的注册会计师进行审查,并出具证明方为有效。
第八十四条 合营企业解散后,各项帐册及文件应交由原中国合营者保存。
第十七章 附 则
第八十五条 本制度由中华人民共和国财政部制定。本制度所根据的中华人民共和国法律、法规等有关规定,以后如有改变,应按新的规定办理;如果本制度需要作相应的变更时,由中华人民共和国财政部修订。
第八十六条 在经济特区设立的合营企业,如中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会、全国人民代表大会常务委员会和国务院通过的法律、法规另有规定的,从其规定。
第八十七条 本制度的解释权属中华人民共和国财政部。
第八十八条 本制度自一九八五年七月一日起施行。
【注】 (Promulgated on March 4, 1985 by the Ministry of Finance of thePeople's Republic of China)
Whole document
The Accounting Regulations of the People's Republic of China for
the Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
(Promulgated on March 4, 1985 by the Ministry of Finance of the
People's Republic of China)
Chapter I General Provisions
The present regulations are formulated to strengthen the accounting
work of the joint ventures using Chinese and foreign investment, in
accordance with the provisions laid down in &The Law of the People's
Republic of China on Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment&,
&The Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China Concerning Joint
Ventures With Chinese and Foreign Investment& and other relevant laws and
These regulations are applicable to all joint ventures using Chinese
and foreign investment (hereinafter referred to as joint ventures)
established within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
The public finance departments or bureaus of provinces, autonomous
regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government as well
as the business regulatory departments of the State Council shall be
permitted to make necessary supplements to these regulations on the basis
of complying with these regulations and in the light of specific
circumstances, and submit the supplements to the Ministry of Finance for
the record.
A joint venture shall work out its own enterprise accounting system in
accordance with these regulations and the supplementary provisions made by
the public finance department or bureau of the province, autonomous
region or municipality, or by the relevant business regulatory departments
of the State Council, and in the light of the specific circumstances and
submit its own system to the enterprise regulatory department, local
public finance department and tax authority for the record.
Chapter II Accounting Office and Accounting Staff
A joint venture shall set up a separate accounting office with
necessary accounting staff to handle its financial and accounting work.
A joint venture of large or medium size shall have a controller to
assist the president and take the responsibility in leading its financial
and accounting work. A deputy controller may also be appointed when
A joint venture of relatively large size shall have an auditor
responsible for review and examination of its financial receipts and
disbursements, accounting documents, accounting books, accounting
statements and other relevant data and those of its subordinate branches.
The accounting office and accounting staff of a joint venture shall
fulfill their duties and responsibilities with due care, make accurate
calculation, reflect faithfully the actual conditions, and supervise
strictly over all economic transactions, protect the legitimate rights
and interests of all the participants of the joint venture.
Accounting staff who are transferred or leaving their posts shall
clear their responsibility transfer procedures with those who are assuming
their positions, and shall not interrupt the accounting work.
Chapter III General Principles for Accounting
The accounting work of a joint venture must comply with the laws and
regulations of the People's Republic of China.
Article 10
The fiscal year of a joint venture shall run from January 1 to
December 31 under the Gregorian calendar.
Article 11
A joint venture shall adopt the debit and credit double entry
Article 12
The accounting documents, accounting books, accounting statements and
the other accounting records of a joint venture shall be prepared
accurately and promptly according to the transactions actually taken
place, with all required routines done and contents complete.
Article 13
All the accounting documents, accounting books and accounting
statements prepared by a joint venture must be written in Chinese. A
foreign language mutually agreed by the participants of the joint venture
may be used concurrently.
Article 14
In principle, a joint venture shall adopt Renminbi as its bookkeeping
base currency. However, a foreign currency may be used as the bookkeeping
base currency upon mutual agreement of the participants of a joint
If actual receipts or disbursements of cash, bank deposits, other cash
holdings, claims, debts, income and expenses, etc., are made in currencies
other than the bookkeeping base currency, record shall also be made in the
currencies of actual receipts or disbursements.
Article 15
A joint venture shall adopt the accrual basis in its accounting. All
revenues realized and expenses incurred during the current period shall be
recognized in the current period, regardless of whether the receipts or
disbursements are made. The revenues or expenses not attributable to the
current period shall not be recognized as current revenue or expenses,
even if they are currently received or disbursed.
Article 16
The revenues and expenses of a joint venture must be matched in its
accounting. All the revenues and relevant cost and expenses of a period
shall be recognized in the period and shall not be dislocated, advanced
or deferred.
Article 17
All the assets of a joint venture shall be stated at their original
costs and the recorded amounts are generally not adjusted whether there is
any fluctuation in their prices.
Article 18
A joint venture shall draw clear distinction between capital
expenditures and revenue expenditures. All expenditures incurred for the
increase of fixed assets and intangible assets are capital expenditures.
All expenditures incurred to obtain current revenue are revenue
Article 19
Accounting methods adopted by a joint venture shall be consistent from
one period to the other and shall not be arbitrarily changed. Changes, if
any, shall be approved by the board of directors and submitted to the
local tax authority for examination. Disclosure of the changes shall be
made in the accounting report.
Chapter IV Accounting for Paid-in Capital
Article 20
The participants of a joint venture shall contribute their share
capital in the amount, ratio and mode of capital contribution within the
stipulated time limit as provided in the joint venture contract. The
accounting for paid-in capital by a joint venture shall be based on the
actual amount contributed by each of its participants.
(1) For investment made in cash, the amount and date as received or as
deposited into the Bank of China or other banks where the joint venture
has opened its bank account shall be the basis for recording the capital
The foreign currency contributed by a foreign participant shall be
converted into Renminbi or further converted into a predetermined foreign
currency at the exchange rates quoted on the day of the cash payment by
the State Administration of Foreign Exchange Control of the People's
Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the State Administration of
Foreign Exchange Control). Should the cash Renminbi contributed by a
Chinese participant be converted into foreign currency, it shall be
converted at the exchange rate quoted by the State Administration of
Foreign Exchange Control on the day of the cash payment.
(2) For investment in the form of buildings, machinery, equipment,
materials and supplies, the amount shown on the examined and verified
itemization list of the assets as agreed upon by each participant
according to the joint venture contract and the date of the receipt of the
assets shall be the basis of accounting.
(3) For investment in the form of intangible assets, i.e.,
proprietary technology, patents, trademarks, copyrights and other
franchises, etc., the amount and date as provided in the agreement or
contract shall be the basis of accounting.
(4) For investment in the form of the right to use sites, the amount
and date as provided in the agreement or contract shall be the basis of
The capital contributed by each participant shall be recorded into the
accounts of the joint venture as soon as received.
Article 21
The capital amount contributed by the participants of a joint venture
shall be verified by Certified Public Accountants registered with the
government of the People's Republic of China, who shall render a
certificate on capital verification, which shall then be taken by the
joint venture as the basis to issue capital contribution certificates to
the participants.
Chapter V Accounting for Cash and Current Accounts
Article 22
A joint venture shall open its deposit accounts in the Bank of China
within the territory of the People's Republic of China or the other banks
approved by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange Control or by one
of its branches. All foreign exchange receipts must be deposited with the
bank in the foreign currency deposit accounts and all foreign exchange
disbursements must be made from the accounts.
Article 23
A joint venture shall set up journals to itemize cash and bank
transactions in chronological order. A separate journal shall be set up
for each currency if there are several currencies.
Article 24
The accounts receivable, accounts payable and other receivable and
payable of a joint venture shall be recorded in separate accounts set up
for different currencies. Receivable shall be collected and payable shall
be paid in due time and shall be confirmed with the relevant parties
periodically. The causes of uncollectable items shall be investigated and
the responsibilities thereof shall be determined. Any item proved to be
definitely uncollectable through strict management review shall be written
off as bad debts after approval is obtained through reporting procedures
specified by the board of directors. No &reserve for bad debts& shall be
Article 25
In a joint venture using Renminbi as its bookkeeping base currency,
its foreign currency deposits, foreign currency loans and other accounts
denominated in any foreign currency shall be recorded not only in the
original foreign currency of the actual receipts and payments, but also in
Renminbi converted from foreign currency at an ascertained exchange rate
(as certain according to the exchange rate quoted by the State
Administration of Foreign Exchange Control).
All additions of foreign currency deposits, foreign currency loans and
other accounts denominated in foreign currencies shall be recorded in
Renminbi converted at their recording exchange rates. While deductions
shall be recorded in Renminbi converted at their book exchange rates.
Differences in the Renminbi amount resulting from the conversion at
different exchange rates shall be recognized as &foreign exchange gains or
losses& (hereinafter referred to as &exchange gains or losses&) and
included in the current income.
The recording exchange rate for the conversion of foreign currency to
Renminbi may be the rate prevailing on the day of the transaction or on
the first day of the month, etc. The book exchange rate may be calculated
by the first-in first-out method, or by the weighted average method, etc.
However, for the decrease of accounts denominated in a foreign currency,
the original recording rate may be used as the book rate. Whichever rate
is adopted, there shall be no arbitrary change once it is decided. If any
change is necessary, it must be approved by the board of directors and
disclosed in the accounting report.
The differences in Renminbi resulting from the exchange transactions
of different currencies shall also be recognized as exchange gains or
The exchange gains or losses recognized in the account shall be the
realized amounts. In case of exchange rate fluctuation, the Renminbi
balances of the foreign currency accounts shall not be adjusted.
Article 26
In a joint venture using a foreign currency as its bookkeeping base
currency, its Renminbi deposits, Renminbi loans and other accounts
denominated in Renminbi shall be recorded not only in Renminbi but also in
the foreign currency converted at the exchange rate adopted by the
enterprise. Differences in the foreign currency amount resulting from the
conversion shall also be recognized as exchange gains or losses as
stipulated in Article 25.
A joint venture using a foreign currency as its bookkeeping base
currency shall compile not only annual accounting statements in the
foreign currency but also separate accounting statements in Renminbi
translated from the foreign currency at the end of a year. However, the
joint venture's Renminbi bank deposits, Renminbi bank loans and the other
accounts denominated in Renminbi shall still be accounted for in their
original Renminbi amounts, and be combined with the other accounts
converted into Renminbi from the foreign currency. The differences between
the original Renminbi amounts of the Renminbi items and their Renminbi
amounts from currency translation shall not be recognized as foreign
exchange gains or losses, but shall be shown on the balance sheet with an
additional caption as &currency translation differences&.
Chapter VI Accounting for Inventories
Article 27
The inventories of a joint venture refer to merchandise, materials and
supplies, containers, low-value and perishable articles, work in process,
semi-finished goods, finished goods, etc., in stock, in processing or in
Article 28
All the inventories of a joint venture shall be recorded at the actual
(1) The actual cost of materials and supplies, containers and
low-value and perishable articles purchased from outside, shall include
the purchase price, transportation expenses, loading and unloading
charges, packaging expenses, insurance premium, reasonable loss during
transit, selecting and sorting expenses before taken into storage, etc.
The cost of imported goods shall further include the custom duties and
industrial and commercial consolidated tax, etc.
For merchandise purchased by a commercial or service type enterprise,
the original purchase price shall be taken as the actual cost for
(2) The actual cost of self manufactured materials and supplies,
containers, low-value and perishable articles, semi-finished goods and
finished goods shall include the materials and supplies consumed, wages
and relevant expenses incurred during the manufacture process.
(3) The actual cost of materials and supplies, containers, low-value
and perishable articles, semi-finished and finished goods completed
through outside processing shall include the original cost of the
materials and supplies or semi-finished goods consumed, the processing
expenses, inward and outward transportation expenses and sundry charges.
The merchandise of the commercial or service type enterprises
processed under contract with outside units shall be recorded at the
purchase price after processing, including the original purchase price of
the merchandise before processing, processing expenses and the industrial
and commercial consolidated tax attributable.
Article 29
The receipt, issuance, requisition and return of the inventories of a
joint venture shall be timely processed through accounting procedures
according to the actual quantity and shall be itemized in the subsidiary
ledger accounts with established columns for quantity and amount, so as to
strengthen the inventory control. The merchandise, materials, etc., in
transit, shall be accounted for through subsidiary ledgers and their
condition of arrival shall be inspected at all times. For those goods not
arrived in due time, the relevant department shall be urged to take
action. As to those goods that have arrived but not yet been checked or
taken into storage, their acceptance test and warehousing procedures shall
be carried out in a timely manner.
Article 30
The actual cost or original purchase price of inventories issued or
requisitioned from the store of a joint venture may be accounted for by it
under one of the following methods: first-in first-out, moving average,
weighted average, specific identification, etc. Once the accounting
method is adopted, no arbitrary change shall be allowed. In case a change
of accounting method is necessary, it shall be submitted to the local tax
authority for approval and disclosed in the accounting report.
Article 31
In the joint ventures using planned cost in daily accounting for
materials and supplies, finished goods, etc., the planned cost of those
issued from stock, shall be adjusted into actual cost at the end of each
For the commercial and service type enterprises using selling price in
daily accounting for merchandise, the cost of goods sold shall be
adjusted from selling price to original purchase price at the end of a
Article 32
A joint venture shall take physical inventory of its stock
periodically, at least once a year. If any overage, shortage, damage,
deterioration, etc., is found, the relevant department shall investigate
the cause and write out a report. Accounting treatment shall be made as
soon as the report is approved through strict management review and the
reporting procedures specified by the board of directors. The treatment
shall generally be completed before the annual closing of the final
(1) The inventory shortage (minus inventory overage) and damage (minus
salvage) of materials and supplies, work in process, semi-finished goods,
finished goods, and merchandise, etc., shall be charged to the current
expenses, except the amount, if any, that should be indemnified by the
persons in fault.
(2) The net loss resulting from natural disasters shall be charged to
non-operating expenses after deducting the salvage value recoverable and
insurance indemnity.
Article 33
If there is any inventory in a joint venture to be disposed of at a
reduced price due to obsolescence, it shall be reported for approval
according to the procedures specified by the board of directors, and the
net loss on disposal shall be recognized as loss on sales. If the disposal
is not yet done before the annual closing of the final accounts,
disclosure shall be made in the annual accounting report for the actual
cost per book, the net realizable value and the probable loss thereof.
Article 34
Disclosure shall be made in the annual accounting report of a joint
venture on the actual cost per book, net realizable value and probable
loss of its inventories of which the net realizable value is lower than
the actual cost per book due to the decline of the market price.
Chapter VII. Accounting for Long-term Investment and Long-term Liabilities
Article 35
The investment of a joint venture in other units shall be accounted
for at the amount paid or agreed upon at the time of the investment, and
shall be shown on the balance sheet with a separate caption as &long-term
Income and loss derived from long-term investments shall be recognized
as non-operating income or non-operating expense.
Article 36
The bank loans borrowed by a joint venture for capital construction
during its preparation period or for increasing fixed assets, expanding
its business, or making renovation and reform of its equipment after its
operation started, shall be accounted for at the amount and on the date of
the loan and shall be presented in the balance sheet with a separate
caption as &long-term bank loans&.
The interest expenses on the long-term bank loans incurred during the
construction period shall be charged to construction cost and capitalized
as a part of the original cost but interest expenses
incurred after the completion of the construction and the transfer of
fixed assets for operation purpose shall be charged to current expenses.
Chapter VIII Accounting for Fixed Assets
Article 37
A joint venture shall prepare a fixed assets catalogue as the basis of
accounting according to the criteria of fixed assets laid down in &The
Income Tax Law Concerning Joint Ventures With Chinese and Foreign
Investment& and in consideration of its specific circumstances.
Article 38
The fixed assets of a joint venture shall be grouped into five broad
categories as follows: bui mac
transport facilities (trains or ships, if any, shall
be grouped separately); and other equipment. The joint venture may further
group them into sub-categories according to the needs of its management.
Article 39
The fixed assets of a joint venture shall be recorded at their
original cost.
For fixed assets contributed as investment, the original cost shall be
the price of the assets agreed upon by all the participants of the joint
venture at the time of investment.
For fixed assets purchased, the original cost shall be the total of
the purchase price plus freight, loading and unloading charges, packaging
expenses and insurance premium, etc. The original cost of the fixed assets
that need installation work, shall include installation expenses. The
original cost of imported equipment shall further include the custom
duties, industrial and commercial consolidated tax, etc., paid as
For fixed assets manufactured or constructed by the joint venture
itself, the original cost shall be the actual expenditures incurred in the
course of manufacture or construction.
Expenditures of a joint venture on technical innovation and reform
that result in the increase of the fixed assets' value shall be recorded
as increments of the original cost of the fixed assets.
Article 40
Depreciation on the fixed assets of a joint venture shall generally be
accounted for on an average basis under the straight line method.
(1) Depreciation on fixed assets shall be accounted for on the basis
of the original cost and the group depreciation rate of the fixed assets.
Depreciation rate of the fixed assets shall be calculated and
determined on the basis of the original cost, estimated residual value
and the useful life of the fixed assets.
A joint venture shall determine the specific useful lives and
depreciation rates for different groups of fixed assets according to the
minimum depreciation period and the estimated residual value of the fixed
assets as provided in &The Income Tax Law Concerning Joint Ventures With
Chinese and Foreign Investment&.
(2) In case a joint venture needs accelerated depreciation or change
of depreciation method for special reasons, application shall be submitted
by the joint venture to the tax authority for examination and approval.
(3) Generally, depreciation of the fixed assets of a joint venture
shall be accounted for monthly according to the monthly depreciation rates
and the monthly beginning balances of the original cost per book of the
fixed assets in use. For fixed assets put in use during a month,
depreciation shall not be calculated for the month but shall be started
from the next month. For fixed assets reduced or stopped to be used during
the month, depreciation shall still be calculated for the month and be
stopped from the next month.
(4) For the fixed assets fully depreciated but still useful,
depreciation shall no longer be calculated. For the fixed assets discarded
in advance, no retroactive depreciation shall be made either.
For the fixed assets declared scrap in advance or transferred out, the
difference between the net proceeds obtained from disposal (less
liquidation expenses) and the net value of the fixed assets (original cost
less accumulated depreciation) shall be recognized as non-operating
income or non-operating expenses of a joint venture.
Article 41
For the purchase, sales, disposal, discarding and internal transfer,
etc., of the fixed assets, a joint venture must execute accounting
routines and set up fixed assets subsidiary ledger for the relevant
accounting so as to strengthen the control of fixed assets.
Article 42
Physical inventory must be taken of the fixed assets of a joint
venture at least once a year. If any overage, shortage or damage of the
fixed assets is found, the cause shall be investigated and a report be
written out by the relevant department. Accounting treatment shall be made
as soon as the report is approved through strict management review and the
reporting procedures specified by the board of directors. Generally, this
work shall be finished before the annual closing of the final accounts.
(1) For fixed assets overage, the replacement cost shall be taken as
the original cost, the accumulated depreciation shall be estimated and
recorded according to the existing usability and wear and tear of the
assets, and the difference between the original cost and the accumulated
depreciation shall be credited to non-operating income.
(2) For fixed assets shortage, the original cost and accumulated
depreciation shall be written off and the excess of original cost over
accumulated depreciation shall be charged as non-operating expenses.
(3) For damaged fixed assets, the net loss after the original cost
deducted by the accumulated depreciation, recoverable salvage value and
the indemnity receivable from the persons in fault or from the insurance
company, shall be charged as non-operating expenses.
Chapter IX Accounting for Intangible Assets and Other Assets
Article 43
The intangible assets and other assets of a joint venture include
proprietary technology, patents, trademarks, copyrights, right to use
sites, other franchises and organization expenses, etc.
For intangible assets contributed as investment by the participants of
a joint venture, the original cost shall be the value provided in the
agreement or contract. The original cost of purchased intangible assets
shall be the amount actually paid. Monthly amortization of an intangible
asset shall be made over its useful life from the year when it come into
use. The one without specified useful life may be amortized over ten
years. The amortization period shall not be longer than the duration of a
joint venture.
Article 44
The expenses incurred by a joint venture during its preparation period
(not including expenditures for acquiring fixed assets and intangible
assets and the interest incurred during the construction period to be
included in the construction cost) may be accounted for as organization
expenses according to the provisions of the agreement and with the consent
of all participants, and shall be amortized after the production or
operation starts. The annual amortization shall not exceed 20 percent of
the expenses.
Article 45
The expenditures incurred by a joint venture on major repair and
improvement of the fixed assets held under lease shall be amortized over
the period benefited from such expenditures. However, the amortization
period shall not be longer than the lease term of the fixed assets.
Chapter X Accounting for Cost and Expenses
Article 46
The joint ventures shall maintain complete original records, practise
norm control, adhere strictly to the procedures of measuring, checking,
receiving, issuing, requisitioning and returning of goods and materials,
strengthen the control of and accounting for cost and expenses.
Article 47
All expenditures of a joint venture related to production or operation
shall be recognized as its cost or expenses.
Materials consumed by a joint venture in the course of production or
operation shall be correctly calculated and charged to cost or expenses
according to the quantity actually consumed and the price per book.
Wages and salaries of the staff and workers shall be calculated
according to the provisions in the contract and the decisions of the board
of directors on the system of wage standard, wage form, bonus and
allowance, etc., as well as the attendance records, time cards and
production records, and charged to the cost or expenses. Payment as
required on labour insurance, health and welfare benefits and government
subsidies, etc., for the Chinese staff and workers, shall also be charged
to cost or expenses as the same item as wages and salaries.
All other expenses incurred by a joint venture in the course of
production or operation shall be charged to cost or expenses according to
the amount actually incurred. The expenses attributable to the current
period but not yet paid shall be recognized as accrued expenses and
charged to the cost or expenses o however, the
expenses paid but attributable to the current and future periods shall be
recognized as deferred charges and amortized to the cost or expenses of
the relevant periods.
Article 48
A joint venture shall summarize all the expenses incurred in the
course of production or operation according to the specified cost and
expense items.
(1) The production cost items of an industrial joint venture shall
generally be classified into: direct materials, direct labour, and
manufacturing overhead. A joint venture may set up additional items for
fuel and power, outside processing cost, special instruments, etc.,
according to its actual needs.
Manufacturing overhead refers to those expenses arising from
organizing and controlling production by workshops and factory
administrative departments, including expenses for salaries and wages,
depreciation, repairs and maintenance, materials consumed, labour
protection, water and electricity, office supplies, traveling,
transportation, insurance and so on.
Selling and general administrative expenses of an industrial joint
venture shall be accounted for separately and shall not be included in the
production cost of products.
Selling expenses refer to those expenses incurred in selling products
and attributable to the enterprise, including expenses for
transportation, loading and unloading, packaging, insurance, traveling,
commission and advertising, as well as salaries and wages and other
expenses of specially established sales organs, etc.
General and administrative expenses include company headquarters
expenses (salaries & wages, etc.), labour union dues, interest expense
(less interest income), exchange loss (less exchange gains), expenses of
board of directors' meetings, advisory fee, entertainment expenses, taxes
(including urban building and land tax, license tax for vehicles and
vessels, etc.), amortization of organization expenses, expenses for staff
and workers' training, research and development expenses, fee for the use
of site, fee for the transfer of technology, amortization of intangible
assets and other administrative expenses.
(2) Expenses of the commercial enterprises incurred in the course of
operation include purchasing expenses, selling expenses and administrative
Purchasing expenses include those expenses incurred in the process of
merchandise purchase, such as expenses for transportation, loading and
unloading, packaging, insurance, reasonable loss during transit,
selecting and sorting before warehousing.
Selling expenses include those expenses incurred in the course of
merchandise sales and attributable to the joint venture, such as expenses
for transportation, loading and unloading, packaging, insurance,
traveling, commission, advertising, and salaries and wages and other
expenses of sales organs, etc.
Administrative expenses include those expenses incurred in the course
of merchandise storage, and the expenses of the enterprise administrative
departments, such as expenses for salaries and wages, depreciation,
repairs and maintenance, materials consumed, labour protection, office
supplies, traveling, transportation, insurance, labour union dues,
interest expense (less interest income), exchange loss (less exchange
gains), expenses of board of directors' meetings, advisory fee,


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