苹果ActivationLock 有可能破解吗?具体问题具体分析原理原理是怎样

Apple iCloud Check in 2018 without iCloud Activation Lock Status Page
How to check and disable Find My iPhone with Apple iCloud Check Tool alternatives
How to check and disable Find My iPhone with Apple iCloud Check Tool alternatives
written by
June 20, 2018
There is nothing worse than buying an iCloud Locked iPhone. Until 2017 there is used to be a free Apple iCloud Check Tool on iCloud.com but for unknown reasons, Apple decided to stop it.
Read this article and find out:
Is there a way to check if an iPhone is iCloud Locked for free?
What is the best way to determine if FMI is ON or OFF before buying a refurbished iPhone
Is Find My iPhone the only issue an iCloud Locked iPhone might have?
Can I disable iCloud Activation Lock?
The problems with iCloud Activation Lock
is the best anti-theft security software ever made.
was introduced to Apple community with the release of iOS 4.2 and continue getting better with every firmware update.
Get a full iPhone SIM-Lock, Network, Blacklist, iCloud, Financial & Contract status IMEI Check report instantly to Unlock your iPhone Legally & Permanently.
When iCloud Activation Lock is enabled, you can’t activate the iPhone without original owner’s Apple ID and Password. Until you find them, you will just be able to see the iCloud Activation Lock Screen
Moreover, FMI Lock gives the opportunity to the original owner to locate the lost or stolen iPhone on a map.
So, the iPhone thief won’t be able to activate a stolen iPhone but it doesn’t stop him from selling the iPhone. Those of you who already bought an iCloud locked iPhone know exactly what I say.
How to check Activation Lock Status before buying a second-hand iPhone
It is extremely important to check a used iPhone for Find My iPhone Status because you won’t be able to use it at all. Of course, there are ways to disable FMI (and I will tell you about them) but it would be better to avoid purchasing an iCloud locked used iPhone from the beginning.
1. Free Apple iCloud Check with Apple iCloud Activation Lock Status site
Until 2017 you could visit iCloud.com/activationlock, enter the IMEI number of the iPhone you want to test and instantly find out if Find My iPhone Lock is ON.
On January 24, 2017, without any warning, Apple decided to pull icloud.com/activationlock from service and deleted all web page’s references from
Apple Support documentation. (source: )
So, free iCloud Check through Apple is not an option anymore.
2. Free Apple iCloud Status Check using via Apple Support pages
I found another loophole to free iCloud check an iPhone on .
Select iPhone
Choose any search hardware category (Battery, Repairs & Physical Damage, etc.)
Select a specific issue
Press on Send in for Repair.
Enter the iPhone’s IMEI
If the iPhone is iCloud locked you will get the following message:
“Sorry but we can’t create a repair while Find my iPhone is active”
Unfortunately, I tested this just a few moments ago and it doesn’t work anymore. If you know any other way to work around this Apple IMEI Check Method, share it with us.
3. Third-party Apple iCloud Check Services
Sadly, there is no way to check if Find My iPhone is deactivated or not without using an iCloud IMEI Check 3rd-party tool and it is not free of charge.
You may found Free iCloud Lock Checkers online but none of them works because, in order to provide an accurate iCloud Activation Lock Status result, the IMEI Check company must have access to . And of course, Apple doesn’t provide access to their databases for free either.
Anyway, you can use an
from a verified iPhone Check company and learn the true Find my iPhone Lock status of any iDevice.
The only thing required is the .
Consider spending a few bucks more before you buy a second-hand iPhone and iCloud Check it in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.
Is Apple iCloud Check enough to fully test an iPhone?
iCloud Activation Lock is only one of the issues an iPhone might have. Before you buy or unlock any iPhone you must have a clear picture of all the issues below:
SIM Lock Status & which Wireless Network is locking the iPhone
Blacklist Status
iCloud Activation Lock Status
Contract Status and pending bills
Apple Warranty Status
Replacement Status
Instead of using the IMEI number and determine if an iPhone is iCloud Locked or not, use it and get a .
This data is necessary to unlock your iPhone successfully
Don’t forget that an iCloud Locked iPhone will be also blacklisted and simlocked most of the times.
How to iCloud Unlock an iPhone after the Apple iCloud Check
Buying an iCloud Locked is a huge mistake but it can happen to anyone. I already show you how to avoid iCloud Locked iPhones.
Trying to disable Find my iPhone Lock with an iCloud Remover Software will be an even bigger mistake. These iCloud Hacks are totally useless. Most of them cost between 20 and 60 USD and you won’t get your money back when they fail because a refund is not an option.
Some iCloud Activation Lock Bypass Tools are free but these ones are more dangerous because they may contain Malware or Spyware in order to access your personal data.
For example, I don’t know if this free iCloud Unlocking Software is just a click bait or contains Adware but I strongly advise you not to fall for any of these scams.
I hope you found this article helpful. Leave a comment below with your thoughts and questions. Until next time, take care!Related articles from iPhone Unlock category:
Chemical Engineer, MetalHead and of course, iPhone Follower!
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苹果发布激活锁查询工具Activation Lock Status
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自iOS 7发布后,苹果就加入了继Find my iPhone后的有一强力手机防盗功能:Activation Lock(激活锁),在iCloud查找我的iPhone中将其激活,你的Apple ID将会和手机绑定,在解锁的时候需要你的ID验证。
那么该功能可远程锁住iPhone,Activation Lock(激活锁)到底有啥特点呢:即便对方关闭网络连接、关机、刷机,也要输入正确的Apple ID才能正常使用,否则会一直被锁上。也就是说,一旦机主激活Activation Lock,小偷就没啥偷的价值了。
当然,这也给二手iPhone的交易带来一定风险,在购买之前,一定要检查是卖家否启用了激活锁,并要求其关闭。尤其是在iOS 8中,该功能已默认开启。
现在,苹果发布了Activation Lock Status查询工具,用户输入设备的 IMEI 或者机身序列号, 就可以查看设备的激活锁状态了。(查询地址:https://www.icloud.com/activationlock/)
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你好,可以用序列号或者IMEI去苹果的查询网站查询下。  如何查找手机序列号&#47;IMEI:设置-&通用-&关于本机-&序列号&#47;IMEI  查询网址:&#47;activationlock&#47;
一定要在app store里选择一个免费的软件下载,然后进入输入用户名和密码的界面,从那里面进行注册,然后在填写信用卡的页面中就会多出一个“无”的选项了。


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