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Copy the elo driver files from the binary folder to the default elo folder. Change the permissions for all the elo driver files. These broad permissions are provided to suit most systems. Please change them to tailor it to your access control policy and for specific groups or users.
a.) Copy the driver files to /etc/opt/elo-usb folder location.
# cp -r ./bin-usb/
b.) Use the chmod command to set full permissions for all the
users for the /etc/opt/elo-usb folder.(read/write/execute).
These broad permissions are provided to suit most systems.
Please change them to tailor it to your access control
policy and for specific groups or users.
# cd /etc/opt/elo-usb
# chmod 777 *
# chmod 444 *.txt
c.) Copy the udev rules file to /etc/udev/rules.d/ folder location.
Please edit touchscreen device permissions to tailor it to your
access control policy and for specific groups or users.
# cp /etc/opt/elo-usb/99-elotouch.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
Configure a script to invoke Elo service at system startup.
Debian, Ubuntu (prior to 6.10) systems:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Copy the elorc script file present in the /etc/opt/elo-usb directory to the /etc/init.d directory.
# cp /etc/opt/elo-usb/elorc /etc/init.d
A symbolic link for the elorc script has to be created in the desired runlevel directory (example: rc2.d,rc3.d,....rc5.d). This will allow the elorc script to run at system startup. Ubuntu and Debian systems use runlevel 2 (rc2.d directory) as default.
This directory has startup files (symbolic links) of the form SDDxxxx where DD is the sequence number. Pick a sequence number XX which is larger than the sequence number of the display manager script (xdm, gdm, etc.) found in this directory.
Use the maintainer script update-rc.d to create the elorc symbolic link with selected sequence number XX.
# cd /etc/rc2.d
# update-rc.d elorc start XX 2 .
- Only use the update-rc.d maintainer script to modify these
symbolic links. The elorc script will not be run at startup
if these symbolic links are
manually created.
- Notice that the update-rc.d command syntax has a space and
period after the run-level parameter.
- The above example is for runlevel 2. Pick the appropriate folder
for the desired runlevel. The default runlevel can be found in
the /etc/inittab file.
The path of the runlevel directories might vary from distribution to distribution. The path for runlevel 5 in Redhat is "/etc/rc.d/rc5.d" while the path for Debian and Ubuntu is "/etc/rc2.d" for runlevel 2.
Locate the corresponding runlevel directory in the system and create the symbolic link for elorc script file in that directory using the update-rc.d maintainer script.
Redhat, Fedora, Mandrake, Slackware and Ubuntu (6.10 or later) systems:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
On the above distributions, there are some restrictions for running the elorc script from /etc/rc.d/rc*.d directory. Hence, add the following line at the end of daemon configuration script in "/etc/rc.local" file.
[ rc.local file might also be at location /etc/rc.d/rc.local. Use the
"# find /etc -name rc.local" command to locate the rc.local file.]
SUSE Systems:
- - - - - - -
Add the following line at the end of the configuration script in "/etc/init.d/boot.local" file.
Plug in the USB touchscreen and reboot the system to complete the driver installation process.
# shutdown -r now
4. Calibrating the Touchscreen
Users must have read and write access to "/dev/elo-usb" directory to perform the touchscreen calibration. The previous calibration command line parameters -u and -s are now obsolete. All long command line options in elova calibration utility have been modified to use "--" format instead of "-" format. (example: "--help" instead of "-help")
Type "# /etc/opt/elo-usb/elova --help" for available command line parameters and usage.
Run the calibration utility from a command window in X Windows from the /etc/opt/elo-usb directory for a single or multiple video setup (supports Xorg Xinerama, Xorg non-Xinerama and Nvidia Twinview options).
# cd /etc/opt/elo-usb
In a multiple video setup, the calibration target(s) will be shown on the first video screen and switch to the next video screen after a 30 second default timeout for each target or screen. Once the touchscreen is calibrated the data is stored in a configuration file on the hard disk. To display the calibration targets on just one specific video screen(example:videoscreen[1]) use the command shown below.
# cd /etc/opt/elo-usb
# ./elova --videoscreen=1
To change or disable the default calibration timeout for each target or screen, use the command shown below. [Timeout Range: Min=0 (no timeout), Max=300 secs, Default=30 secs]
# cd /etc/opt/elo-usb
# ./elova --caltargettimeout=0
[Disable the calibration timeout for all targets and videoscreens]
# ./elova --caltargettimeout=45
[Modify the calibration timeout to 45 seconds]
To view a list of video and USB touch devices available for calibration, use the command shown below.
# cd /etc/opt/elo-usb
# ./elova --viewdevices
To view all the available options and specific usage for elova calibration program, use the command shown below.
# cd /etc/opt/elo-usb
# ./elova --help
Touch the target(s) from a position of normal use. The calibration data is written to the driver at the end of calibration. Accoustic Pulse Recognition(APR) smartset 7010 controller does not require a 3 point calibration like other smartset controllers. If a APR 7010 controller is detected a single touch alignment (only 1 target displayed) is performed instead of a full 3 point calibration.
5. Accessing the Control Panel
The control panel application allows the user to easily set the available driver configuration options. After the driver package is installed, change to the /etc/opt/elo-usb directory and run control panel application.
Users must have read and write access to "/dev/elo-usb" folder to run the control panel applications.
Run the control panel utility from a command window in X Windows from the /etc/opt/elo-usb directory. Motif version 3.0 (libXm.so.3) or 4.0 (libXm.so.4) is required to use the GUI based control panel (/etc/opt/elo-usb/cpl).
# cd /etc/opt/elo-usb
Navigate through the various tabs by clicking on them. Here is an overview of information related to each tab.
- Perform touchscreen calibration
- Change the touchscreen mode
- Change Beep on Touch Parameters (Enable/Disable Beep, Beep Tone, Beep Duration)
Touchscreen-0 - Display data related to the USB touchscreen 0.
- Information about the package. Click on the Readme button to open this Readme file.
If Motif is not installed, use the command line version of the application to access the control panel. Run the command line application from a command window in X Windows from the /etc/opt/elo-usb directory.
# cd /etc/opt/elo-usb
# ./cplcmd
6. Uninstalling the Elo Touchscreen USB Driver
Must have administrator access rights on the Linux machine to uninstall the Elo Touchscreen USB Driver.
Delete the script or commands that invoke Elo service at startup.
SUSE systems:
- - - - - - -
Remove the following entry created in Step II of Installation section from the configuration script in"/etc/init.d/boot.local" file.
Redhat, Fedora, Mandrake, Slackware and Ubuntu (6.10 or later) systems:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Remove the following entry created in Step II of Installation section from the configuration script in "/etc/rc.local" file. (or "/etc/rc.d/rc.local" file)
Debian, Ubuntu (prior to 6.10) systems:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
a.) Remove the symbolic link file created in Step II of Installation
section using the update-rc.d maintainer script.
# update-rc.d -f elorc remove
b.) Remove the elo script file "elorc" placed in the "/etc/init.d"
# rm /etc/init.d/elorc
Delete all the elo driver files from the system.
a.) Delete the main elo driver folder.
# rm -rf /etc/opt/elo-usb
b.) Delete the elo related device folder and files.
# rm -rf /dev/elo-usb
# rm -rf /etc/udev/rules.d/99-elotouch.rules
Reboot the system to complete the driver uninstallation process.
# shutdown -r now
7. Troubleshooting
A. Make sure libusb-1.0 library is installed on the target Linux
system. The driver will NOT work with the older libusb-0.1
library. Most Linux distributions come with the newer
libusb-1.0 library installed by default. It can also be
installed by downloading and compiling the library source
(requires gcc v4.0.0 or later) from the libusb-1.0 website.
B. If touch is not working, check if the elousbd driver is loaded
and currently available in memory. Some Xorg Xserver versions
terminate the touchscreen driver upon user logout. The current
workaround in this situation is to startup the driver from
Xwindows startup script or reboot the system.
# ps -e |grep elo
Check the driver log file for any errors that have been reported.
# gedit /etc/opt/elo-usb/EloUsbErrorLog.txt
If the driver is not present then load the driver again. Root access
is needed to load the driver manually. Normal users will have to
restart the system so that the elousbd daemon is loaded again during
system startup. Normal users may be able to load the driver manually
depending on access control and file permissions that are setup.
# /etc/opt/elo-usb/elousbd
C. If starting the Elo touchscreen driver from the normal startup
locations like rc.local or boot.local does not work, first test
if the touchscreen is working by manually launching the driver
from a terminal window within XWindows GUI.
# /etc/opt/elo-usb/loadEloTouchUSB.sh
If the touchscreen works when the driver is launched manually,
try to add the touchscreen driver startup line to the end of
one of the XWindows startup scripts. The Xwindows startup scripts
are located usually in the following path /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/.
Running the touchscreen driver from the Xwindows startup script
will provide touch input ONLY after the user has logged in
successfully at the GUI Login screen.
D. Beep-on-touch feature does not work in the GUI control panel sound tab
(Beep Test button) or if the driver is loaded manually from a non-root
user context. The driver has to be loaded from a system startup script
or root user account for beep-on-touch to function properly.
E. While trying to load the driver manually, if you get an error
"Error opening USB_ERROR_LOG_FILE", check the file permissions for
the /etc/opt/elo-usb/EloUsbErrorLog.txt file. The user needs to have
read and write access to this log file to launch the driver.
作者: liu1guo2qiang3&发布日期:
共有评论数 1/每页显示数 10
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