
小木虫 --- 500万硕博科研人员喜爱的学术科研平台
Figure captions
& & Ensure that each illustration has a caption. Supply captions and illustrations separately from the manuscript text, captions should not be attached to the figure. A caption should comprise a brief title (not on the figure itself) and a description of the illustration. Keep text in the illustrations themselves to a minimum but explain all symbols and abbreviations used.
还有这句“Please supply figures imported into the text and also separately as original graphics files. ”是说图既要在文中放,也要单独传吗?
扫描下载送金币最后登录13-1-31在线时间33 小时赞0 注册时间11-1-10积分152帖子精华0UID199634
注册日期: 11-1-10
帖子: 63|积分: 152
warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /var/www/joomla/libraries/joomla/html/parameter.php on line 83
在 parameter.php 文件如下,红色的部分是line83,帮忙看看,急啊!
&br /&
&?php&br /&
/**&br /&
* @version& && &&&$id: parameter.php -01-26 14:10:00z louis $&br /&
* @package& && &&&joomla.framework&br /&
* @subpackage& & parameter&br /&
* @copyright& & copyright (c) 2005 - 2010 open source matters. all rights reserved.&br /&
* @license& && &&&gnu/gpl, see license.php&br /&
* joomla! is free software. this version may have been modified pursuant&br /&
* to the gnu general public license, and as distributed it includes or&br /&
* is derivative of works licensed under the gnu general public license or&br /&
* other free or open source software licenses.&br /&
* see copyright.php for copyright notices and details.&br /&
*/&br /&
&br /&
// check to ensure this file is within the rest of the framework&br /&
defined('jpath_base') or die();&br /&
&br /&
jimport( 'joomla.registry.registry' );&br /&
&br /&
//register the element class with the loader&br /&
jloader::register('jelement', dirname(__file__).ds.'parameter'.ds.'element.php');&br /&
&br /&
/**&br /&
* parameter handler&br /&
* @package& &&&joomla.framework&br /&
* @subpackage& && &&&parameter&br /&
* @since& && &&&1.5&br /&
*/&br /&
class jparameter extends jregistry&br /&
{&br /&
& & /**&br /&
& &&&* the raw params string&br /&
& &&&*&br /&
& &&&* @access& & private&br /&
& &&&* @var& && &&&string&br /&
& &&&* @since& & 1.5&br /&
& &&&*/&br /&
& & var $_raw =&br /&
&br /&
& & /**&br /&
& &&&* the xml params element&br /&
& &&&*&br /&
& &&&* @access& & private&br /&
& &&&* @var& && &&&object&br /&
& &&&* @since& & 1.5&br /&
& &&&*/&br /&
& & var $_xml =&br /&
&br /&
& & /**&br /&
& & * loaded elements&br /&
& & *&br /&
& & * @access& & private&br /&
& & * @var& && &&&array&br /&
& & * @since& & 1.5&br /&
& & */&br /&
& & var $_elements = array();&br /&
&br /&
& & /**&br /&
& & * directories, where element types can be stored&br /&
& & *&br /&
& & * @access& & private&br /&
& & * @var& && &&&array&br /&
& & * @since& & 1.5&br /&
& & */&br /&
& & var $_elementpath = array();&br /&
&br /&
& & /**&br /&
& &&&* constructor&br /&
& &&&*&br /&
& &&&* @access& & protected&br /&
& &&&* @param& & string the raw parms text&br /&
& &&&* @param& & string path to the xml setup file&br /&
& &&&* @since& & 1.5&br /&
& &&&*/&br /&
& & function __construct($data, $path = '')&br /&
& & {&br /&
& && &&&parent::__construct('_default');&br /&
&br /&
& && & // set base path&br /&
& && &&&$this-&_elementpath[] = dirname( __file__ ).ds.'parameter'.ds.'element';&br /&
&br /&
& && & if (trim( $data )) {&br /&
& && && && &$this-&loadini($data);&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&if ($path) {&br /&
& && && && &$this-&loadsetupfile($path);&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&$this-&_raw = $&br /&
& & }&br /&
&br /&
& & /**&br /&
& &&&* set a value&br /&
& &&&*&br /&
& &&&* @access& & public&br /&
& &&&* @param& & string the name of the param&br /&
& &&&* @param& & string the value of the parameter&br /&
& &&&* @return& & string the set value&br /&
& &&&* @since& & 1.5&br /&
& &&&*/&br /&
& & function set($key, $value = '', $group = '_default')&br /&
& & {&br /&
& && &&&return $this-&setvalue($group.'.'.$key, (string) $value);&br /&
& & }&br /&
&br /&
& & /**&br /&
& &&&* get a value&br /&
& &&&*&br /&
& &&&* @access& & public&br /&
& &&&* @param& & string the name of the param&br /&
& &&&* @param& & mixed the default value if not found&br /&
& &&&* @return& & string&br /&
& &&&* @since& & 1.5&br /&
& &&&*/&br /&
& & function get($key, $default = '', $group = '_default')&br /&
& & {&br /&
& && &&&$value = $this-&getvalue($group.'.'.$key);&br /&
& && &&&$result = (empty($value) && ($value !== 0) && ($value !== '0')) ? $default : $&br /&
& && &&&return $&br /&
& & }&br /&
&br /&
& & /**&br /&
& &&&* sets a default value if not alreay assigned&br /&
& &&&*&br /&
& &&&* @access& & public&br /&
& &&&* @param& & string& & the name of the param&br /&
& &&&* @param& & string& & the value of the parameter&br /&
& &&&* @param& & string& & the parameter group to modify&br /&
& &&&* @return& & string& & the set value&br /&
& &&&* @since& & 1.5&br /&
& &&&*/&br /&
& & function def($key, $default = '', $group = '_default') {&br /&
& && &&&$value = $this-&get($key, (string) $default, $group);&br /&
& && &&&return $this-&set($key, $value);&br /&
& & }&br /&
&br /&
& & /**&br /&
& &&&* sets the xml object from custom xml files&br /&
& &&&*&br /&
& &&&* @access& & public&br /&
& &&&* @param& & object& & an xml object&br /&
& &&&* @since& & 1.5&br /&
& &&&*/&br /&
& & function setxml( &$xml )&br /&
& & {&br /&
& && &&&if (is_object( $xml ))&br /&
& && &&&{&br /&
& && && && &if ($group = $xml-&attributes( 'group' )) {&br /&
& && && && && & $this-&_xml[$group] = $&br /&
& && && && &} else {&br /&
& && && && && & $this-&_xml['_default'] = $&br /&
& && && && &}&br /&
& && && && &if ($dir = $xml-&attributes( 'addpath' )) {&br /&
& && && && && & $this-&addelementpath( jpath_root . str_replace('/', ds, $dir) );&br /&
& && && && &}&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
& & }&br /&
&br /&
& & /**&br /&
& &&&* bind data to the parameter&br /&
& &&&*&br /&
& &&&* @param& & mixed& & $data array or object&br /&
& &&&* @return& & boolean& & true if the data was successfully bound&br /&
& &&&* @access& & public&br /&
& &&&* @since& & 1.5&br /&
& &&&*/&br /&
& & function bind($data, $group = '_default')&br /&
& & {&br /&
& && &&&if ( is_array($data) ) {&br /&
& && && && &return $this-&loadarray($data, $group);&br /&
& && &&&} elseif ( is_object($data) ) {&br /&
& && && && &return $this-&loadobject($data, $group);&br /&
& && &&&} else {&br /&
& && && && &return $this-&loadini($data, $group);&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
& & }&br /&
&br /&
& & /**&br /&
& &&&* render&br /&
& &&&*&br /&
& &&&* @access& & public&br /&
& &&&* @param& & string& & the name of the control, or the default text area if a setup file is not found&br /&
& &&&* @return& & string& & html&br /&
& &&&* @since& & 1.5&br /&
& &&&*/&br /&
& & function render($name = 'params', $group = '_default')&br /&
& & {&br /&
& && &&&if (!isset($this-&_xml[$group])) {&br /&
& && && && &&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&$params = $this-&getparams($name, $group);&br /&
& && &&&$html = array ();&br /&
& && &&&$html[] = '&table width=&100%& class=&paramlist admintable& cellspacing=&1&&';&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&if ($description = $this-&_xml[$group]-&attributes('description')) {&br /&
& && && && &// add the params description to the display&br /&
& && && && &$desc& & = jtext::_($description);&br /&
& && && && &$html[]& & = '&tr&&td class=&paramlist_description& colspan=&2&&'.$desc.'&/td&&/tr&';&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&foreach ($params as $param)&br /&
& && &&&{&br /&
& && && && &$html[] = '&tr&';&br /&
&br /&
& && && && &if ($param[0]) {&br /&
& && && && && & $html[] = '&td width=&40%& class=&paramlist_key&&&span class=&editlinktip&&'.$param[0].'&/span&&/td&';&br /&
& && && && && & $html[] = '&td class=&paramlist_value&&'.$param[1].'&/td&';&br /&
& && && && &} else {&br /&
& && && && && & $html[] = '&td class=&paramlist_value& colspan=&2&&'.$param[1].'&/td&';&br /&
& && && && &}&br /&
&br /&
& && && && &$html[] = '&/tr&';&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&if (count($params) & 1) {&br /&
& && && && &$html[] = &&tr&&td colspan=\&2\&&&i&&.jtext::_('there are no parameters for this item').&&/i&&/td&&/tr&&;&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&$html[] = '&/table&';&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&return implode(&\n&, $html);&br /&
& & }&br /&
&br /&
& & /**&br /&
& &&&* render all parameters to an array&br /&
& &&&*&br /&
& &&&* @access& & public&br /&
& &&&* @param& & string& & the name of the control, or the default text area if a setup file is not found&br /&
& &&&* @return& & array& & array of all parameters, each as array any array of the label, the form element and the tooltip&br /&
& &&&* @since& & 1.5&br /&
& &&&*/&br /&
& & function rendertoarray($name = 'params', $group = '_default')&br /&
& & {&br /&
& && &&&if (!isset($this-&_xml[$group])) {&br /&
& && && && &&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
& && &&&$results = array();&br /&
& && &&&foreach ($this-&_xml[$group]-&children() as $param)&&{&br /&
& && && && &$result = $this-&getparam($param, $name);&br /&
& && && && &$results[$result[5]] = $&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
& && &&&return $&br /&
& & }&br /&
&br /&
& & /**&br /&
& &&&* return number of params to render&br /&
& &&&*&br /&
& &&&* @access& & public&br /&
& &&&* @return& & mixed& & boolean falst if no params exist or integer number of params that exist&br /&
& &&&* @since& & 1.5&br /&
& &&&*/&br /&
& & function getnumparams($group = '_default')&br /&
& & {&br /&
& && &&&if (!isset($this-&_xml[$group]) || !count($this-&_xml[$group]-&children())) {&br /&
& && && && &&br /&
& && &&&} else {&br /&
& && && && &return count($this-&_xml[$group]-&children());&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
& & }&br /&
&br /&
& & /**&br /&
& &&&* get the number of params in each group&br /&
& &&&*&br /&
& &&&* @access& & public&br /&
& &&&* @return& & array& & array of all group names as key and param count as value&br /&
& &&&* @since& & 1.5&br /&
& &&&*/&br /&
& & function getgroups()&br /&
& & {&br /&
& && &&&if (!is_array($this-&_xml)) {&br /&
& && && && &&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
& && &&&$results = array();&br /&
& && &&&foreach ($this-&_xml as $name =& $group)&&{&br /&
& && && && &$results[$name] = $this-&getnumparams($name);&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
& && &&&return $&br /&
& & }&br /&
&br /&
& & /**&br /&
& &&&* render all parameters&br /&
& &&&*&br /&
& &&&* @access& & public&br /&
& &&&* @param& & string& & the name of the control, or the default text area if a setup file is not found&br /&
& &&&* @return& & array& & aarray of all parameters, each as array any array of the label, the form element and the tooltip&br /&
& &&&* @since& & 1.5&br /&
& &&&*/&br /&
& & function getparams($name = 'params', $group = '_default')&br /&
& & {&br /&
& && &&&if (!isset($this-&_xml[$group])) {&br /&
& && && && &&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
& && &&&$results = array();&br /&
& && &&&foreach ($this-&_xml[$group]-&children() as $param)&&{&br /&
& && && && &$results[] = $this-&getparam($param, $name);&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
& && &&&return $&br /&
& & }&br /&
&br /&
& & /**&br /&
& &&&* render a parameter type&br /&
& &&&*&br /&
& &&&* @param& & object& & a param tag node&br /&
& &&&* @param& & string& & the control name&br /&
& &&&* @return& & array& & any array of the label, the form element and the tooltip&br /&
& &&&* @since& & 1.5&br /&
& &&&*/&br /&
& & function getparam(&$node, $control_name = 'params', $group = '_default')&br /&
& & {&br /&
& && &&&//get the type of the parameter&br /&
& && &&&$type = $node-&attributes('type');&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&//remove any occurance of a mos_ prefix&br /&
& && &&&$type = str_replace('mos_', '', $type);&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&$element =& $this-&loadelement($type);&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&// error happened&br /&
& && &&&if ($element === false)&br /&
& && &&&{&br /&
& && && && &$result = array();&br /&
& && && && &$result[0] = $node-&attributes('name');&br /&
& && && && &$result[1] = jtext::_('element not defined for type').' = '.$&br /&
& && && && &$result[5] = $result[0];&br /&
& && && && &return $&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&//get value&br /&
& && &&&$value = $this-&get($node-&attributes('name'), $node-&attributes('default'), $group);&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&return $element-&render($node, $value, $control_name);&br /&
& & }&br /&
&br /&
& & /**&br /&
& &&&* loads an xml setup file and parses it&br /&
& &&&*&br /&
& &&&* @access& & public&br /&
& &&&* @param& & string& & path to xml setup file&br /&
& &&&* @return& & object&br /&
& &&&* @since& & 1.5&br /&
& &&&*/&br /&
& & function loadsetupfile($path)&br /&
& & {&br /&
& && &&&$result =&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&if ($path)&br /&
& && &&&{&br /&
& && && && &$xml = & jfactory::getxmlparser('simple');&br /&
&br /&
& && && && &if ($xml-&loadfile($path))&br /&
& && && && &{&br /&
& && && && && & if ($params = & $xml-&document-&params) {&br /&
& && && && && && &&&foreach ($params as $param)&br /&
& && && && && && &&&{&br /&
& && && && && && && && &$this-&setxml( $param );&br /&
& && && && && && && && &$result =&br /&
& && && && && && &&&}&br /&
& && && && && & }&br /&
& && && && &}&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
& && &&&else&br /&
& && &&&{&br /&
& && && && &$result =&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&return $&br /&
& & }&br /&
&br /&
& & /**&br /&
& &&&* loads a element type&br /&
& &&&*&br /&
& &&&* @access& & public&br /&
& &&&* @param& & string& & elementtype&br /&
& &&&* @return& & object&br /&
& &&&* @since& & 1.5&br /&
& &&&*/&br /&
& & function &loadelement( $type, $new = false )&br /&
& & {&br /&
& && &&&$false =&br /&
& && &&&$signature = md5( $type&&);&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&if( (isset( $this-&_elements[$signature] ) && !is_a($this-&_elements[$signature], '__php_incomplete_class'))&&&& $new === false ) {&br /&
& && && && &return& & $this-&_elements[$signature];&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&$elementclass& & =& & 'jelement'.$&br /&
& && &&&if( !class_exists( $elementclass ) )&br /&
& && &&&{&br /&
& && && && &if( isset( $this-&_elementpath ) ) {&br /&
& && && && && & $dirs = $this-&_&br /&
& && && && &} else {&br /&
& && && && && & $dirs = array();&br /&
& && && && &}&br /&
&br /&
& && && && &$file = jfilterinput::clean(str_replace('_', ds, $type).'.php', 'path');&br /&
&br /&
& && && && &jimport('joomla.filesystem.path');&br /&
& && && && &if ($elementfile = jpath::find($dirs, $file)) {&br /&
& && && && && & include_once $&br /&
& && && && &} else {&br /&
& && && && && & return $&br /&
& && && && &}&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&if( !class_exists( $elementclass ) ) {&br /&
& && && && &return $&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&$this-&_elements[$signature] = new $elementclass($this);&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&return $this-&_elements[$signature];&br /&
& & }&br /&
&br /&
& & /**&br /&
& &&&* add a directory where jparameter should search for element types&br /&
& &&&*&br /&
& &&&* you may either pass a string or an array of directories.&br /&
& &&&*&br /&
& &&&* jparameter will be searching for a element type in the same&br /&
& &&&* order you added them. if the parameter type cannot be found in&br /&
& &&&* the custom folders, it will look in&br /&
& &&&* jparameter/types.&br /&
& &&&*&br /&
& &&&* @access& & public&br /&
& &&&* @param& & string|array& & directory or directories to search.&br /&
& &&&* @since& & 1.5&br /&
& &&&*/&br /&
& & function addelementpath( $path )&br /&
& & {&br /&
& && &&&// just force path to array&br /&
& && &&&settype( $path, 'array' );&br /&
&br /&
& && &&&// loop through the path directories&br /&
& && &&&foreach ( $path as $dir )&br /&
& && &&&{&br /&
& && && && &// no surrounding spaces allowed!&br /&
& && && && &$dir = trim( $dir );&br /&
&br /&
& && && && &// add trailing separators as needed&br /&
& && && && &if ( substr( $dir, -1 ) != directory_separator ) {&br /&
& && && && && & // directory&br /&
& && && && && & $dir .= directory_&br /&
& && && && &}&br /&
&br /&
& && && && &// add to the top of the search dirs&br /&
& && && && &array_unshift( $this-&_elementpath, $dir );&br /&
& && &&&}&br /&
&br /&
&br /&
& & }&br /&
}&br /&复制代码
最后登录15-12-18在线时间60 小时赞0 注册时间08-12-27积分124帖子精华0UID86792
分享于 11-5-8 09:59:00
最后登录13-1-31在线时间33 小时赞0 注册时间11-1-10积分152帖子精华0UID199634
分享于 11-5-8 10:03:00
最后登录13-6-5在线时间34 小时赞0 注册时间11-2-21积分44帖子精华0UID205604
分享于 11-5-13 09:35:00
82行&&$this->_elementpath[] = dirname( __file__ ).ds.'parameter'.ds.'element';
ds 是变量吗?
最后登录13-1-9在线时间910 小时赞0 注册时间10-4-25积分12409帖子精华0UID157404
分享于 11-6-15 23:09:00
clsServletAdmPatientPrint csapp = new clsServletAdmPatientP
public class clsServletAdmPatientPrint implements Printable {
private int PAGES = 0;
public int print(Graphics gp, PageFormat pf, int page) throws PrinterException {
&&&&&& Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)
&&&&&& g2.setPaint(Color.black); //黒色
&&&&&& if (page &= PAGES)
return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE;
Font font = new Font("MS明朝", Font.PLAIN, 7);
return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;
&& public void printContent(String strSyohousenNo) throws UnsupportedEncodingException{
&& strSyohousenNo = strSyohousenNo;
&&&&&&&&&& PAGES =1; //指定页数
&& DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PRINTABLE;
&& PrintService printService = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService();
&&&&&&&&&& DocPrintJob job = printService.createPrintJob();
&& PrintRequestAttributeSet pras = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
&&&&&&&&&& pras.add(MediaSizeName.ISO_A4);
&&&&&&&&&& DocAttributeSet das = new HashDocAttributeSet();
&& Doc doc = new SimpleDoc(this, flavor, das);
&&&&&&&&&& try {
&&&&&&&&&&&&&& job.print(doc, pras);
&&&&&&&&&& } catch (PrintException pe) {
&&&&&&&&&&&&&& pe.printStackTrace();
&&&&&&&&&& }
1。外面只有写调用printContent方法,那public int print是被自动调用的吗?
2。(page &= PAGES)这句话中,page什么时候被付值得?


更多关于 我不知道爱是什么 的文章


