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关注微信公众号In this paper, is a very important Android is also the most complex media player (MediaPlayer) part of the structure. For a complete Android and relatively complex system, a function of the realization of MediaPlayer is not their specific function, b
Android MediaPlayer common method introduced Method: create (Context context, Uri uri) Explanation: The static method, by Uri creating a multimedia player. Method: create (Context context, int resid) Explanation: The static method, through the resour
Use android MediaPlayer to play audio files, sometimes prepareasync called in state 8 errors . The following method avoids this anomaly appears. / ** * Play Internet audio files * @ Param audioUri * / private void playAudio (String audioUri) { Uri ur
MediaPlayer's state transition diagram is also characterized its life cycle, understand this map can help us consider the case when using MediaPlayer more comprehensive, write the code more robust. This state transition diagram a clear description of
Written in front of fourteen articles on the interface of the entry, we all read and follow the exercises, the commonly used Layout and View will have a certain understanding, the next article describes the interface is no longer stressed, but rather
This example demonstrates the use MediaPlayer Play sdcard in the music, first in / sdcard / directory, adding music files (mp3), &?xml version=&1.0& encoding=&utf-8&?& &LinearLayout xmlns:android=&http://schemas.android.c
Android do today when a music player, when playing a song list, always reported an error: PVMFErrNotSupported Prepare failed.: Status = 0x1 Check for a long time did not but will file permissions or the file directory change the
本篇文章是对Android中MediaPlayer的使用方法进行了详细的分析介绍,需要的朋友参考下 1)如何获得MediaPlayer实例:可以使用直接new的方式: MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); 也可以使用create的方式,如: MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.test);//这时就不用调用setDataSource了 2) 如何设置要播放的文件:MediaPlayer要播放的文件主要包
MediaPlayer类可用于控制音频/视频文件或流的播放.关于如何使用这个类的方法还可以阅读VideoView类的文档. 1.状态图 对播放音频/视频文件和流的控制是通过一个状态机来管理的.下图显示一个MediaPlayer对象被支持的播放控制操作驱动的生命周期和状态.椭圆代表MediaPlayer对象可能驻留的状态.弧线表示驱动MediaPlayer在各个状态之间迁移的播放控制操作.这里有两种类型的弧线.由一个箭头开始的弧代表同步的方法调用,而以双箭头开头的代表的弧线代表异步方法调用. 通过
翻译Android Reference Manual的MediaPlayer的状态机 对播放音频/视频文件和流的控制是通过一个状态机来管理的.下图显示一个MediaPlayer对象被支持的播放控制操作驱动的生命周期和状态.椭圆代表MediaPlayer对象可能驻留的状态.弧线表示驱动MediaPlayer在各个状态之间迁移的播放控制操作.这里有两种类型的弧线.由一个箭头开始的弧代表同步的方法调用,而以双箭头开头的代表的弧线代表异步方法调用. 通过这张图,我们可以知道一个MediaPlayer对象
看Android ReferenceManual中MediaPlayer描述的状态机,那个状态图,看起来很复杂.笔者在初看到时也感觉一团乱麻,便试着按照状态转化的理解,先忽略一些不是特别重要的分支,自己绘制了一幅MediaPlayer的状态图.发现,跟AndroidSDK中的图呈现的内容是一致的,但是看起来却无比明晰,分享一下. 关于MediaPlayer状态的转换,Android SDK手册中已经有了明确的表述,这里笔者只是强调一些,SDK手册中明确表述的实际工作中遇到的问题点: 1. 异步P
1 主要是通过更改view 的大小来改变视频的大小. 2 在视频初始化时获得视频的高宽都为0 ,这个必须要注意,必须播放后延时 修改view 大小 3 sufaceview 的布局类是 android.widget.LinearLayout.LayoutParams 这个必须注意(在设置布局时一定要注意父对象的类型) 4 在 sufaceview surfaceChanged事件中加入 mediaPlayer.setDisplay(arg0) , setDisplay 方法在任意时刻都是可以调用
这张状态转换图清晰的描述了MediaPlayer的各个状态,也列举了主要的方法的调用时序,每种方法只能在一些特定的状态下使用,如果使用时MediaPlayer的状态不正确则会引发IllegalStateException异常. 1: Idle 状态:当使用new MediaPlayer()创建一个MediaPlayer对象或者调用了其reset()时,该MediaPlayer对象处于idle状态.这两种方法的一个重要差别就是:如果在这个状态下调用了getDuration()等方法(相当于调用时机
MediaPlayer 这个类主要是播放视频类. AudioManager 这个类管理在一个设备上的音频资源和音频输出流. Manifest声明 1.网络声明 &uses-permission android:name=&android.permission.INTERNET& /& 2.如果播放器应用需要将屏幕变暗或者停止处理器,或者需要调用 MediaPlayer.setScreenOnWhilePlaying() 或者 MediaPlayer.setWakeMode(
Because the nature of the operation of the audio data file or a database mainly for internal content, such cases can be used data from a file or database will be read out and saved as a file by specifying the file path and then the way to play. Try a
Copyright : Reprinted form of a hyperlink when you identify the original source and author information in the article and the statement /logs/.html HTML5 looked a little video in the embedded problems. Records
目前包括: Android开源项目第一篇--个性化控件(View)篇 包括ListView.ActionBar.Menu.ViewPager.Gallery.GridView.ImageView.ProgressBar.TextView.ScrollView.TimeView.TipView.FlipView.ColorPickView.GraphView.UI Style.其他 Android开源项目第二篇--工具库篇 包括依赖注入.图片缓存.网络相关.数据库ORM工具包.Android公共库
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在这里给出自己的一个测试DEMO,里面注释很详细.简单的视频录制功能. package com. import java.io.IOE import android.app.A import android.content.pm.ActivityI import android.graphics.PixelF import android.media.MediaR import android.os.B
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Android 5.0 brings Material design to Android and gives you an expanded UI toolkit for integrating the new design patterns easily in your apps. New 3D views let you set a z-level to raise elements off of the view hierarchy and cast realtime shadows,
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Of: Cao Zhongming, Embedded Training Center of China Qingyuan see instructor. mjpg-streamer is a good open-source project to make video servers, using the v4l2 interface. We said it in front of the transplant process, but in certain circumstances the
Study: Fan one route, Embedded Training Center of China Qingyuan see lecturer. In the bottom of the development of Android, when do occasionally visit the upper application of the code, but for many like me, even to the java programming language deve
Source: Chengdu, China Qingyuan see sub-centers of embedded training Participants Name: Wang Where the class: Chengdu 1011 classes Employment Unit: Chengdu Century Technology Job Title: Junior Engineer background Suddenly an idea, I would like to par
Study: U.S. Feng Li, China Qingyuan see embedded training center instructor. Queue is a special kind of linear form, it only allows to delete the header, and the end of the insert in the table is a FIFO data structure. Array queue can store, chain st
Source: Chengdu, China Qingyuan see sub-centers of embedded training Name of Participant: once training Where the class: Chengdu 1011 classes Employment Unit: Chengdu Century Technology thinking Job Title: Junior Engineer background Time is really of
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Source: Chengdu, China Qingyuan see embedded training sub-centers Participant's name: Wang Where the class: class Chengdu 1011 Employment Unit: Chengdu Century Technology Jobs: junior development engineer background Suddenly an idea, I want to partic
Author: Feng Li United States, China Qingyuan see embedded training center instructor. Queue is a special linear form, it only allows the header to delete, and insert the end of the table is a FIFO data structure. Queue can be used to store an array,
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Author: Julien Qing, China Qingyuan see embedded training center instructor. Linux systems are two major maintenance kernel version 2.4 and 2.6 in http://www.kernel.org/ available for download on the website to the latest 2.6 kernel linux-, a
Author: Zhao Xiaoqiang, China Qingyuan see embedded lecturer. Computer's RS-232 serial communication level: The positive and negative voltage to represent the logic state, logic 1 =-3V ~-15V, logic 0 = +3 ~ +15 V. CMOS single-chip serial communicatio
MediaPlayer class can be used to control audio / video files or streaming playback. On how to use the methods of this class can also read VideoView class documentation. 1. State diagram For playing audio / video files and streams is controlled by a s
In the android Sometimes you want to play some of the local or remote video, typically use the following code: mMediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); mMediaPlayer.setDataSource(path); mMediaPlayer.setDisplay(holder); mMediaPlayer.prepareAsync(); mMediaPla
Previously used VideoView video, this thing is inherited from SurfaceView, and use easily. So out of a number of articles on VideoView, which control the size of the bad practice, some people have modified the source code, and then customize a View t
--- android on the network show pictures and play video 1, the display image: ImageView layout: &?xml version=&1.0& encoding=&utf-8&?& &LinearLayout xmlns:android=&/apk/res/android&quo
Brief description of the first supported video format under the Android, as follows: Because different hardware, different mobile phone codec support somewhat different way, in the actual device T-Mobile G1 added to the WMA, WMV, H.264 AVC decoding s
写了个html5播放视频的video控件,只支持mp4和3gp(android和ios默认支持的格式就写了这个) ,需要的朋友可以参考下 &!DOCTYPE html& &html xmlns=&http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml&& &head& &meta http-equiv=&Content-Type& content=&text/ charset=utf-8& /
Android平台中关于音频播放有以下两种方式: 1. SoundPool -- 适合短促且对反应速度比较高的情况(游戏音效或按键声等) 2. MediaPlayer -- 适合比较长且对时间要求不高的情况 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SoundPool 1. 创建一个SoundPool public SoundPool(int maxStr
In the Gallery Zhezhi ap where we can see video of the video display, its source code is as follows: public static Bitmap createVideoThumbnail (String filePath) ( Bitmap bitmap = MediaMetadataRetriever retriever = new MediaMetadataRetriever ();
In Android do video recording, I use the resolution is 640 * 480, so that resolution, it frames how to set it, solving the ...
Android recorded his video, has not been prepared, some not so special in the state But the results were alright, to the beginner see next, hoping a little help Not record finished, follow-up will follow up. . 1: First Lesson: Course Introduction Add
This is before the Android version under JavaEye a simple Android application development, purely in practice very hand, if what novice like, please download the code for, not commercial, thank you! Video Conferencing Web Edition:
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1. 编写由两个主控进程构成的有限状态机。画出状态图,并给出其仿真测试波形;
module schk(DIN,CLK,CLR,AB);
input DIN,CLK,CLR;
reg [7:0] Q;
reg [3:0] AB;
idle = 8'b,
parameter data=8’b;
always @(posedge CLK or negedge CLR)
if(DIN==data[7]) Q&=a;
if(DIN== data[6]) Q&=b;
if(DIN== data[5]) Q&=c;
if(DIN== data[4]) Q&=d;
if(DIN== data[3]) Q&=e;
if(DIN== data[2]) Q&=f;
if(DIN== data[1]) Q&=g;
if(DIN== data[0]) Q&=h;
always @(Q)
if(Q==h) AB &= 4'b1010 ;
else AB &= 4'b1011 ;
module xulie(clk, din8, reset, din);
input[7:0] din8;
s0 = 3'b000


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